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the workbook

b Alana Beale
choose to see and be filled with the
radiant light that is pouring through
the cracks
We all experience circumstances that shake us, stir us up, and
make time feel as if it has stopped. Sometimes in this state I
find myself asking the question“is this even really
happening?” Amidst the chaos that follows a rocking event,
the most fundamental knowledge we have gathered can seem
to be invisible or fleeting in comparison to what is happening
in the moment. This workbook was created from my own
experience within this intensity. As I created and faced these
questions with myself, I experienced a return to my center and
a reclamation of my personal power. I was able to view my
vulnerability as a gift of being open enough to allow myself see
things with incredible clarity, and this delivered me into a
place of feeling grounded once again.
The prompts in this book were created to return you to
the inherent truth that you are an empowered being. Through
our free will of perception, we are able to liberate ourselves
and utilize our experiences to step more into fully into the
embodiment of the merging of all that we are. I hope this
workbook can be a potent addition to your toolbox, and will be
there for you to remind you of the peace within that is
fundamentally yours. These questions can be applied any time
you are in need of clarity. You can use them amongst big
moments and shifts in life, or with the little ones. You can
choose to write directly in the spaces provided within this
book, or you can use the questions as a journaling outline &
answer them in a separate space, allowing you to return to the
book again and again as needed.
with all my love,
take a couple of deep breaths.

feel into what is here with you now.

settle into being present as much as possible.

what emotions and feelings are arising for me in this

“Feelings are activated by giving yourself permission

to feel, then as you withhold judgement, owning the
fountain of feelings that appear. If you are afraid of
the flood of feelings getting out of control, let go of
this fear by acknowledging your emotions as serving a
significant purpose, and then release your

- Barbra Marciniak, Path to Empowerment

how is this experience influencing my thoughts? how is it affecting body? Do I feel pains, aches, pressure, or
tension in my physical being?
what patterns am able to clearly see being played out
through this experience?

“Watch your patterns. If you find yourself denying that you

created a portion of your experience, and you don’t want to
own it as your creation, simply look at it. Say: “Isn’t this
interesting— I do this all of the time. I don’t want to own
what I am creating. If I don’t like it, I blame someone else.”

- Barbra Marciniak, Bringers of the Dawn

what beliefs are these patterns pointing to? where do these beliefs come from? did I choose these beliefs
for myself or were they passed on to me, perhaps
what beliefs can I choose to empower and activate instead?

“Acknowledging your feelings can lead to deeper self-

realization because your feelings are always the key to
figuring out your beliefs. Remember, feelings take you
back to beliefs, so find the feeling and really feel it.
Once you have identified the belief behind the feeling,
acknowledge the role of the belief, then release it and
replace it with a more empowered outlook.”

-Barbra Marciniak, Bringers of the Dawn

can I accept that this experience is a part of my creation?
what feelings arise when I attempt to do this?

“Don’t judge yourself. Begin to say to yourself,

“I will accept responsibility for all that I am involved in. I will

accept responsibility for everything that happens to me. If I
don’t like what is happening to me, I will begin to ask myself
why I create things that I don’t like. Maybe it’s to get my
attention about something so that I can change what is really
not working for me that I cannot see.”

-Barbra Marciniak , Bringers of the Dawn

can I allow this situation to exist? if a friend were going though this situation, what advice or
loving words would I offer to them? am i able offer these
words to myself and receive them openly?
what is this situation teaching me? who do I choose to be in this situation?

(ex. “I choose to be someone who feels into these

feelings and uses these emotions to reclaim their
how do I begin to reclaim my power? what does the use the space below to brainstorm mantras, actions,
experience of being in my power feel like? and rituals that will support you being in your power
how can I use these teachings to upgrade and
enhance my life?

A powerful closing affirmation from Barbra Marciniak

that I encourage you to utilize often throughout your
expanding experience:

“I know there is something here for me to learn, and

something for me to change. I believe that I am
guided and that I am following a blueprint, so I will
check out what is in this for me by not judging it and
by going with the flow. I request that all my changes
come in joy and safety and harmony. That is my
decree. Everything in my evolution I am intending is
covered by that: I experience joy and safety and
harmony. So I will go with this energy and see what is
changing for me and what I need to give up.”

~ from Bringers of the Dawn

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