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HR personnel consider themselves the conscience of the organization because they play a pivotal role
in upholding ethics, values, and fairness within the workplace. They advocate for employees, ensure
legal and ethical compliance, foster a positive culture, and help the organization navigate complex
ethical dilemmas, making them essential guardians of the organization's moral compass.

2. Organizational culture is the collective set of shared beliefs, values, norms, behaviors, symbols, and
communication styles that define the character and personality of an organization. It shapes how
employees perceive and interact within the workplace, influencing their decisions and actions.
Organizational culture has a profound impact on various aspects of an organization, including employee
satisfaction, performance, teamwork, communication effectiveness, decision-making, and overall
success. A strong, positive culture that aligns with the organization's goals can attract and retain talent,
enhance productivity, and foster a cohesive work environment.

3. the value chain is a framework that outlines the series of activities and processes involved in creating,
delivering, and supporting a product or service, with the goal of understanding how value is added at
each stage and how an organization can improve its overall performance and competitive position. The
value chain concept is crucial for businesses because it helps them analyze and identify areas where
they can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and create competitive advantages. By understanding how
each activity contributes to the overall value of the product or service, organizations can make informed
decisions to enhance their competitiveness, differentiate themselves in the market, and ultimately
provide greater value to customers.

4. HR's involvement in selecting leaders is crucial for promoting ethical business conduct because it
ensures that individuals in leadership positions are aligned with the organization's values, possess the
necessary ethical qualities, and are equipped to uphold ethical standards. Ethical leadership is vital for
maintaining a positive organizational culture, reducing the risk of misconduct, and building trust both
internally and externally.

1. Both businesses and trade organizations typically have some sort of code of ethics that their
employees or members are supposed to follow. Breaking the code of ethics can result in termination or
dismissal from the organization. A code of ethics is important because it clearly lays out the rules for
behavior and provides the groundwork for a preemptive warning.
While a code of ethics is often not required, many firms and organizations choose to adopt one, which
helps to identify and characterize a business to the stakeholders.
Code of ethics is also important as it provides a common set of rules or standards for all in the profession
to adhere to and defines best practices and legal standard for the profession. It also provides a basis to
meet compliance requirements and also provides a “seal of approval” that those outside the profession can
look for when using/selecting our services It helps as a watchdog for the profession .

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