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SMEC 5-2 / 352400 / i Particular Specifications


Shuwaikh Port Devlopment Shuwaikh Ports


SMEC 5-2 / 352400 / 2 Particular Specifications

Shuwaikh Port Devlopment Shuwaikh Ports




This specification details the minimum requirements for dredging Works of the proposed NCT platform, the new
extension of Shuwaikh Port in Kuwait and the navigation channel.


1.2.1 Definitions
The following definitions are applicable in this document and associated field works:

Port Shuwaikh Port Authority

Contractor Procurement and Construction Contractor for NCT

Employer Kuwait Port Authority

Final Grade Level Final top level of the island platform as specified in the project layout and
Earth Fill Any filling placed using onshore hauling equipment, above water levels
and compacted using surface compaction methods
Reclamation Fill Any filling placed hydraulically to reclaim land from current seabed up to
the final grade level as specified in the Drawings.
NCT New Container Terminal at Shuwaikh Port

Surveys The execution of all required data gathering, site surveys, site
investigations etc. necessary to complete the NCT Design.

1.2.2 Abbreviations
BS British Standard

CD A chart datum is the level of water that charted depths displayed on a

nautical chart are measured from
CEMP Construction Environmental Management Plan

DGPS Differential Global Positioning System

DTM Digital Terrain Model

EIA Environmental Impact Assessment

HS Significant wave height also referred to as highest one-third wave

H1/3 one third of highest waves

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HSE Health, Safety and Environment

IALA International Association of Lighthouse Authorities Maritime Buoyage

MMDD Maximum Modified Dry Density

MOE Ministry of Environment

QA Quality Assurance

QC Quality Control

RTK Real Time Kinematic measurement technique used to enhance the

precision of position data derived from satellite-based positioning
TPE Total Propagated Errors

UTM Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system

VHF Very High Frequency

AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transport Officials

ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials

KLD Kuwait Land Datum


This specification details the minimum requirements for dredging works proposed for the navigation channel and
NCT platform in new extension of the Shuwaikh Port.

The dredging works shall include:

 The navigation channel.

 The excavation trench for the new quay wall.
 Dredging of the construction and preloading embankments/bunds located outside the SOP lines of the
NCT area; and
 Dredging of native unsatiable materials as shown on drawings.

1.3.1 Related Documents

The Project drawings and technical documents, including reports and specifications, in addition to the general
and particular conditions of contract shall be considered in conjunction with this specification.

SMEC 5-2 / 352400 / 2 Particular Specifications

Shuwaikh Port Devlopment Shuwaikh Ports



The following standards and codes of practice are referenced within the Specification. All materials,
workmanship, and testing shall conform to the requirements of the latest editions of the following standard and
codes of practice except as explicitly varied by this specification.

1.4.1 General Codes

ASTM D1557-12e1 Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of

Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-lbf/ft3 (2,700 kN-m/m3);
ASTM D1883-07e2 (2016) Standard Test Method for CBR (California Bearing Ratio) of Laboratory-
Compacted Soils;
ASTM D4253-00 (2016) Standard Test Methods for Maximum Index Density and Unit Weight of
Soils Using a Vibratory Table;
ASTM D5778 – 12 Standard Test Method for Electronic Friction Cone and Piezocone
Penetration Testing of Soils;
BS 1377 Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes;

BS 3882(2015) Specification for topsoil and requirements for use;

BS 5930 (2015) Code of practice for site investigations;

BS 6349 (2016) Part 5 - Maritime Structures – Code of Practice for Dredging and Land
BS EN 933-7:1998 Tests for Geometrical Properties of Aggregates, Part 7: Determination of
Shell Content, Percentage of Shells in Coarse Aggregates; and
FM 5-555: 2000 Florida Method of Test for Shell Content of Coarse Aggregate.

PORT’s Requirement Project Specifications
Rockworks Specification

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It shall be the CONTRACTOR'S responsibility to be, or to become, knowledgeable of the requirements of the
referenced Codes and Standards. The CONTRACTOR shall notify the EMPLOYER of any apparent conflict
between this specification, the related data sheets, the Codes and Standards and any other specifications noted
herein. Resolution and/or interpretation precedence shall be obtained from the EMPLOYER in writing before
proceeding with the design/manufacture. In the event of a conflict between documents, the following hierarchy
of adherence shall be followed:

- Kuwait Statutory Legislation and Regulations

- Purchase Order or Contract documents including Project Drawings and Specifications

- EMPLOYER General Specifications and Standards

- International Codes and Standards

In case of conflict between documents in the same level of hierarchy, the most stringent requirement shall apply.
Such interpretation of the most stringent requirement shall be subject to EMPLOYER’s approval utilizing a
technical query sheet. In all such cases of conflict, EMPLOYER’s decision shall be final.


1.6.1 Site Preparation

The CONTRACTOR shall provide and maintain all necessary arrangements, including offices and equipment, for
the PORT staff to access the PROJECT site and overview the prescribed WORK. All these arrangements must be
removed, and the site shall be reinstated to the satisfaction of the PORT upon completion of the WORK.

The CONTRACTOR shall make all necessary arrangements for supply of his own utilities and facilities, including
telephone line, VHF, water, electricity, sewage, and all other facilities and services he may need. He shall cover
the whole cost of installations, use, charges, and maintenance of these facilities and services to the completion
of the WORK.

The CONTRACTOR shall keep the area allocated to offices and facilities/services clean and tidy throughout the
duration of the WORK. The CONTRACTOR shall make his own arrangements for disposal of any kind of waste,
rubbish, debris, and sewage in an appropriate manner acceptable to the relevant authorities. Disposal in the sea
shall not be allowed under any circumstances.

The CONTRACTOR shall avoid spillage of dirt or any hazardous materials on roads and/or land areas during the
execution of the WORK and shall make all necessary arrangement for cleaning up such spillage, if occurs, to the
satisfaction of the PORT.

1.6.2 Notification of Marine Works

The CONTRACTOR shall allow sufficient time in his programme for issue of Notice to Mariners/Navigation by the
relevant local authorities, which will be required prior to the commencement of the WORK. The CONTRACTOR
shall provide the PORT with evidence that the relevant local authorities have been notified of the WORK.

The CONTRACTOR shall give notice to the relevant local authorities at least two weeks in advance of
commencement of any new activity involving either marine craft or reclamation over existing seabed. He shall
provide all information on working areas, types of craft and durations of marine-related activities and shall also
advise on completion of each and every separate activity. In particular, at least one-months’ notice shall be given

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to the relevant local authorities for removal and/or relocation of any navigation or mooring buoys affected by the

The Notice to Mariners should be reviewed on a daily basis and there should be daily communication with other
parties in the field through specific communication channels stated in the Notice to Mariners.

All correspondence between the CONTRACTOR and relevant Local Authorities, including all submissions, shall be
copied to the PORT.

1.6.3 Marking of Marine Works

Areas where marine works are to be carried out shall be marked with navigation buoys and marks in accordance
with the International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities as used in Kuwait
territorial waters. The locations and characteristics of navigation buoys and marks shall be proposed by the
CONTRACTOR and submitted to the relevant Local Authorities for approval. The PORT shall be responsible for
ensuring that the CONTRACTOR will install and maintain such navigation aids.

The CONTRACTOR shall provide information as to the proposed navigation buoys and marks to the PORT and
relevant Local Authorities at least one month before its installation. The proposed locations shall be in terms of
both the land-based grid and Latitude and Longitude. The CONTRACTOR shall confirm the locations of the
navigation buoys and marks after installation and shall take all necessary measures to maintain them in good
conditions and at the correct locations.

The CONTRACTOR shall mark all temporary underwater obstructions, which are a consequence of the WORK,
with buoys and lights in addition to any other measures necessary for the safety of navigation and shall remove
these obstructions at the earliest possible time.

The CONTRACTOR shall liaise with the relevant Local Authorities if any existing navigation aids need to be
removed or relocated during the WORK.

CONTRACTOR’s vessels should adhere to specific navigational routes approved by PORT. These navigational
routes will be informed by the recommendations of the HSEIA to allow for avoidance of highly sensitive areas.
Vessel movement outside of these specific navigational routes shall be strictly prohibited.

1.6.4 Marine Traffic and Waterfront Operations

Adjacent marine traffic shall not be disrupted by the WORK, and the CONTRACTOR shall make all arrangements
to obtain the necessary approvals from the relevant Local Authorities for marine traffic arrangements and

During site activities, items accidentally lost in water that can be considered a navigation obstacle shall be
reported to the relevant local authorities in the fastest possible way, with a copy to the PORT.

The CONTRACTOR shall proceed with recovery of lost items as soon as possible and shall report to the above-
mentioned parties when the recovery operation has been completed.

The CONTRACTOR shall comply with the requirements of the relevant Local Authorities with respect to marine
traffic related to the WORK. All vessels, including crafts and floating plants, shall be registered and certified and
shall have characteristics in line with the requirements of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions
at Sea 1972 (COLREGs), so that all marine crafts working/passing in the area proximity are aware of the nature of
their work.

Floating plants shall be maintained in a satisfactory condition and shall be provided with adequate ropes, lines
and moorings, sound, and lights in addition to adequate attendance by competent seamen at all times. The
CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible for the safety of all floating plants and personnel engaged by him at all
times. Where work is carried out from dumb lighters, pontoons or other non-self-propelled floating plant, a
suitably powered craft shall be in attendance at all times.

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Vessels used in transporting material shall be properly maintained so that losses of material on route between
various areas of the site are avoided. Leaking hopper barges shall be taken out of service and properly repaired
in order to allow them to re-operate on site.

If site investigation work is carried out over shallow or deep water, marine craft, pontoons, or platforms shall be
adequately braced, secured, and anchored and of such size and construction as to ensure a satisfactory
performance of the WORK. The marine craft shall also be fitted out to allow the types of investigation, sampling,
and in situ testing required to be carried out to the satisfaction of the PORT. The CONTRACTOR shall provide the
PORT with adequate assistance for gaining access to the marine craft, pontoons or platforms.

Areas of temporary anchorage of CONTRACTOR's marine craft shall be approved by the PORT and other
relevant Local Authorities. These areas shall generally be outside any permanent or temporary navigation
channels and shall be clearly marked with marker buoys or other system. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that
temporary anchorages are not located in sensitive locations. It is recommended to ensure there is a visual survey
before anchors are deployed, particularly in sensitive areas, to avoid anchoring on coral reefs, seagrass beds,

1.6.5 Work Boats

Work boats shall be motorised, equipped with a shelter, and capable of carrying at least six passengers.

Work boats shall be maintained in a good seaworthy condition.

Work boats shall be kept available for use by the PORT for supervision and inspection.

The CONTRACTOR shall restrict speed of vessels according to the requirements of PORT, HSEIA and CEMP (The
HAZID/ENVID report recommends a speed limit of 10 knots in Hail)

At least one Marine Mammal and Reptile Observers (MMROs) should be on all boats, boats, vessels and dredgers
within MPA zone. MMRO’s should be provided basic training (by the CONTRACTOR’ marine ecologist or by an
approved Environmental Consultant) in spotting marine mammals/reptiles.

1.6.6 Weather Downtime

The CONTRACTOR shall make his own interpretation of the local climate and its impact on sea and wave
conditions and their influence on WORK. No compensation shall be paid for loss of time or standby due to the
effect of adverse weather and/or sea conditions.

1.6.7 Working Hours

Dredging and reclamation works may be undertaken on defined shifts over 24 hours per day, seven days per
week. The hours per shift shall be proposed by the CONTRACTOR for the PORT approval.

1.6.8 Geodsy, Setting Out, and Tidal Levels

The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for all setting out of the WORK on the basis of existing benchmarks and
in accordance with the Chart Datum (CD).

Reference is made to the PROJECT Design Criteria about information on tides, etc.

The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for all setting out of the works on basis of existing benchmarks indicated
by the PORT, and he shall prepare all the plans, reports, etc. concerning grids and datum in the specified system
indicated in the CONTRACT.

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1.6.9 Temporary Tide Gauges

The CONTRACTOR shall provide and maintain for the duration of the WORK durable temporary automatic,
continuously recording tide gauges (only one would be required for the particular works) at locations agreed on
with the PORT. The equipment shall be fixed in readily visible locations and shall be arranged so that the tide
level is readable to an accuracy of ±20 mm with time accuracy of ±1 minute at any time. Should any tide gauge
have to be moved during the course of the WORK, a new location shall be proposed to the PORT for approval.
Where possible, tide gauges should be located in areas sheltered from wind waves and vessel bow waves.

The CONTRACTOR shall keep daily records of all measured tide levels in an agreed computer-readable
electronic format. Data points shall represent tide level at intervals not exceeding five minutes.

When instructed or on completion of the WORKS, whichever is the earlier, the CONTRACTOR shall remove and
dispose of the tide gauges and supporting structures (e.g. brackets) and reinstate the area occupied to the
satisfaction of the CONTRACTOR.

1.6.10 Disposal Areas

Prior to commencement of the WORK, the CONTRACTOR shall specify his proposed disposal areas (onshore and
offshore). The CONTRACTOR shall obtain all necessary licenses and consents, and pay all appropriate fees,
dues, royalties etc.

1.6.11 Health, Safety and Environment General
The CONTRACTOR shall always comply with all local rules and regulations, including the rules for health, safety
and environment (HSE), in addition to the requirements of the following sections. HSE Plan

The CONTRACTOR shall prepare "Plan for HSE" that outlines procedures and responsibilities in respect of
environment and occupational health and safety. The plan shall be forwarded to the PORT for approval, not later
than two weeks after award of the Contract. The PORT shall respond within two weeks from receiving it. Work
shall not commence until an approved HSE Plan is put in force.

The plan shall consist of working procedures that describes the measures taken to mitigate the environmental or
working environmental impact related to the specific activity. The procedures must include the name of the
person in the CONTRACTOR’s organization being responsible for implementation of the procedure. Procedures
must as a minimum cover the following:

• Documents/procedures related to HSE management system.

• Procedures for risk assessment

• Emergency response/rescue procedures

• Dredging, handling and disposal

• Work under water/ diving procedures

• Handling and use of oil, petrol, chemicals, and hazardous materials

• Waste management

• Marine navigational routes / marine traffic management

• Environmental management procedures – (water quality, marine mammal, and turtle management, etc.)

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The HSE plan shall include an emergency plan that describes how the CONTRACTOR, and his employees react in
case of accidents, fire or spillage of materials that can have environmental impact (oil, petrol, chemicals, etc.).

The CONTRACTOR shall comply with all the measures identified in approved Construction Environmental
Management Plan (CEMP) for marine works, i.e., scum booms, silt curtains, etc. HSE Officer

The CONTRACTOR shall appoint a HSE Officer to be responsible for all safety and potential hazardous or
dangerous activity issues. This person must have adequate knowledge and experience to deal safely with
hazards associated with the WORK. He shall ensure that the HSE plan is known and followed by every person on
the Site.

The CONTRACTOR shall present the HSE plan in a safety meeting for all site personnel when WORK commence
on site and arrange for relevant training as per the HSE Plan. A signed register shall confirm attendance of this
meeting by all site personnel, and signed certificates shall document the satisfactory completion of relevant

Follow-up meetings are to be held as necessary to ensure compliance and identify any needs for revisions of the
HSE plan. Up to five persons from the PORT site staff shall be given relevant briefing/training on site, free of
charge, to allow them to supervise the WORK on the dredging equipment in conformity with the HSE plan
procedures. Environmental Management

The CONTRACTOR shall prepare CEMP in line with the requirements of Health, Safety & Environmental Impact
Assessment (HSEIA). CONTRACTOR’s CEMP shall be submitted to the PORT for approval.

The CONTRACTOR shall comply with the approved HSEIA and CEMP requirements in terms of mitigation
measures, monitoring, and compliance to threshold limits. The CONTRACTOR shall carry out environmental
monitoring according to the requirements of the PORT. This shall include, but not limited to, seawater quality
monitoring (using fixed, continuous monitoring buoys and daily, in-situ measurements, weekly water sampling,
and laboratory testing), sediment sampling and testing, observation of marine mammals and reptiles, ambient
and underwater noise monitoring, generation of waste including solid/liquid and hazardous/non-hazardous
waste, emissions from vessels/plant/equipment, etc.

The CONTRACTOR shall take all due reasonable precautions to minimize nuisance arising from noise, dust, etc.
Diesel and petrol engines shall be fitted with efficient silencers, which are not necessarily those supplied by the
manufacturer. If noise levels exceed those stated in the CONTRACT or as required by Local Authorities, then,
where practicable, the equipment shall be screened with acoustic materials.


1.7.1 Method Statement

The CONTRACTOR shall submit a method statement for review and approval of the PORT at least one month
prior to commencement of field activities. The document shall include, but not limited to:

• Experience and qualifications of the CONTRACTOR’s PROJECT team

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• Methodology to be followed in all types of dredging works.

• Methodology for reclamation works to include necessary measures to eliminate accumulation of silt during

• Quality assurance and control procedures, including field and laboratory testing and criteria for
acceptance/approval of dredging works.

• Type of dredging proposed for each stage of the WORK, including details of performance and estimated

• Working method and sequence of all work detailed in accordance with the CONTRACT.

• Description of expected spill from dredging equipment and description of proposed mitigation measures
including spill monitoring.

1.7.2 HSE Plan

The CONTRACTOR shall submit an HSE Plan in accordance with Section 6.11.

1.7.3 Quality Control Manual for Dredging Operation

The CONTRACTOR shall submit for the PORT approval a Quality Control Manual for Dredging Operation in
accordance with Section 6.

1.7.4 Construction Environnemental Management plan (CEMP)

The CONTRACTOR shall submit CEMP in accordance with the requirement of the Ministry of Environment (MOE),
for the PORT approval.

The CONTRACTOR shall indicate in detail the method used to control any negative environmental impacts
associated with dredging works.

1.7.5 Bathymetric Survey

The CONTRACTOR shall carry out bathymetric survey prior to start dredging works and after completion of
dredging works in accordance with Sections 10.1.

1.7.6 Weekly Activity Report

The CONTRACTOR shall submit, for review and approval of the PORT, progress reports at the end of each
working week (Weekly Activity Report). The report shall include, but not limited to, the following:

• Description of construction activities in the subject week

• Details of the equipment and procedure used in dredging works.

• Results of quality assurance measures including field and laboratory tests (in both pdf and an agreed native
spreadsheet format)

• Any unforeseen conditions encountered during construction.

• Planned activities for the following week.

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1.7.7 Electronic Data

The CONTRACTOR shall submit three copies in accepted electronic (soft) media, in a form acceptable to the
PORT, the following:

• All as-built native and processed records of reclamation and earthworks.

• All raw and processed QA/WC tests and survey results

1.7.8 Completion Report

The CONTRACTOR shall submit a Project Completion Report at the end of the WORK, for review and approval of
the PORT. The report shall include, but not limited to, the following:

• Summary of weekly activity reports.

• Overall assessment of site conditions including conformity to ground improvement acceptance criteria.

• As-built native and processed records set forth in Section 7.7 in hard copies.

• As-built records of ground improvement works, including compaction point coordinates and level of treated
ground surface, etc.

• Mapping of compaction-induced ground surface across the site.

• Complete records of quality assurance work; and

• Any deviations from the requirements of this document.

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2,1 Dredging Works

2,1.1 Dredging Licenses

The CONTRACTOR shall obtain all necessary licenses and consents for dredging operations, including the
disposal of unsuitable materials.

2,1.2 Particular Requirements

Dredging works shall include:

• Sourcing reclamation fill material for the island construction from project designated borrow areas, that shall
conform the PROJECT Specifications

• Dredging harbour area, including the side slopes, that shall conform to the project drawings/documents and
is confirmed by the PORT during construction.

• Dredging the navigation/access channels to the islands and between the islands, including the side slopes,
that shall conform to the PROJECT drawings/documents and be confirmed by the PORT during construction.

• Dredging of any unsuitable material under the footprint of the artificial islands

2,1.3 Dredging Procedure

Based upon the nature of material to be dredged and the phasing requirements in the schedule, the
CONTRACTOR shall select dredging equipment of an appropriate capacity to perform the specified works.

The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all operations are performed in compliance with all local and international

No refueling of dredger or other vessels to take place on site.

2,1.4 Dredging Tolerances

The dredging works shall be carried out according to the following tolerances:

• Vertical tolerances in reference to the dredging levels shown in the PROJECT documents shall be +0.0 and -
500 mm.

• Dredging on the side slopes shall follow, as closely as practicable to the lines indicated or specified in the
project documents. The horizontal tolerances in reference to these side slope lines are 1.0 m to outside and
0.0 m to inside.

2,1.5 Dredging Material

All material arising from the dredging operations shall be removed from the site. It will be up to the decision of
the PORT to retain any of the material if needed for other works.

In case dredged material is deemed potentially suitable as a fill material, this material shall be tested once per
batch of 10,000 m3 or as instructed by the PORT. Testing shall be carried out by an accredited laboratory
approved by the PORT in order to verify compliance with material requirements specified in sections 8.2, 8.3,
and 9.3.

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The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible, at his expense, for the disposal of material deemed by the PORT to be
unsuitable at the PROJECT designated disposal site. A proposed disposal plan shall be submitted to the PORT
for approval.

2,1.6 Stockpiling
Material arising from the dredging operations is to be carefully handled and stockpiled in a manner that will
exclude foreign or undesirable material.

If deemed required, a temporary stockpile area shall be assigned by the CONTRACTOR subject to PORT

Stockpiles are to be neatly and compactly constructed in an approved manner adjacent to excavations or
elsewhere on site as directed.

Stockpiles placed adjacent to dredging operations shall be kept an adequate distance away from dredging edges
(setback distance) so as not to adversely affect the stability of dredged slopes. Calculations of setback
distances shall be submitted to the PORT for approval.

Separate and stockpile dredged topsoil required to carry out subsequent top soiling activities.

2,1.7 Sunken Objects and Wrecks

The CONTRACTOR is responsible for familiarizing himself with the site conditions. No special payment shall be
made for raising or disposal of sunken objects during the dredging operation. The CONTRACTOR shall not be
compensated in any manner for locating and mapping objects that cannot be raised, nor shall it be reason for
any other claim and or delay in completion of work.

2,1.8 Water Quality Monitoring

Water quality monitoring before, during, and after dredging shall be conducted under the dredging contract. In
situ measurements will be undertaken according to the requirements of PORT and local authorities’
guidelines/requirements in terms of frequency of sampling, locations of sampling, and parameters to be tested.

Similarly, sampling and laboratory testing shall be undertaken as per the requirements of PORT and local
authorities’ guidelines/requirements. Number of sampling locations and frequency of sampling/testing shall be as
per recommendations of the HSEIA and CEMP.

In-situ water quality monitoring during dredging shall consist of the measurement of the following parameters:

• pH

• Electrical conductivity

• Dissolved oxygen

• Turbidity

• Temperature

• Salinity

A daily log of in-situ water quality measurements shall be held on site.

Water samples shall be analyzed at an approved laboratory where the concentration of the following shall be

• Aluminium (Al);

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• Cadmium (Cd);

• Chromium (Cr);

• Copper (Cu);

• Nickel (Ni);

• Lead (Pb);

• Zinc (Zn);

• Mercury (Hg);

• Arsenic (As);

• Iron (Fe)

• Biological Oxygen Demand

• Chemical Oxygen Demand

• Oil and grease

• Total Suspended Solids

• Total Dissolved Solids

• Faecal Coliform

For all samples, logs should be provided, including a list of contaminants, date and time of sampling, and depth
of sampling, etc. All testing shall be carried out by an approved laboratory and in accordance with the MOE

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3.1 Dredging

3.1.1 Site features

Before starting WORK, CONTRACTOR shall verify with the PORT the existing site features, including reef passes
and coral colonies that are to be retained and protected. Site features directed to be retained are to be
protected from damage, preserved, and maintained by the CONTRACTOR in a manner approved by the PORT
and as specified in the Environmental Mitigation Measures.

3.1.2 Existing underground utilities

CONTRACTOR shall verify the locations of existing underground utilities, if any, in or adjacent to the Site.
CONTRATOR shall mark, protect, maintain, temporarily or permanently re-route, seal, abandon, or remove
existing utilities to the approval of and in cooperation with relevant authorities and the PORT.

3.1.3 Existing Underwater Structures

Before the start of the WORK, the CONTRACTOR shall undertake a detailed underwater survey to locate any
existing structures or remnants of such structures such as breakwaters, revetments, groins, etc.

3.1.4 Dredging Equipment and Methodology

The CONTRACTOR shall submit the dredging methodology and dredging plant for approval by the PORT.

All temporary bunds (if deemed required) must be removed, and the seabed returned to the original depth upon
completion of the dredging works.

The CONTRACTOR ‘s method and sequences of dredging and reclamation shall be such that localized
deterioration of water quality is kept to a minimum. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for undertaking—at his own
cost—all appropriate mitigation measures deemed necessary to protect the environment.

3.2 Site Preparation

3.2.1 Ground Surface to Receive Fill

Ground surfaces to receive fill shall be free of all vegetation, topsoil, and all other deleterious material. Smooth
surfaces are to be roughened before the filling is placed. Existing road surfaces and the like are to be broken up
and removed or used as part of the fill, subject to approval by the PORT.

3.2.2 Site Vegetation and Turfs

Before starting earthwork, the CONTRACTOR shall verify with the PORT which trees, shrubs, and areas of turf
and site vegetation, if any, are to be retained and protected.

Site vegetation and turf directed to be retained are to be protected from damage, preserved, and maintained by
the CONTACTOR in a manner approved by the PORT.

Site vegetation and turfs not required to be retained and protected may, at PORT's discretion, cost, and profit
considerations, be removed and sold, or left to be included with existing topsoil, where applicable.

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3.2,3 Diversion of Waterways

Where required, the CONTRACTOR shall temporarily divert ditches, drains and other waterways. Diverted
waterways must be cleared of all vegetable growth and soft deposits before backfilling.

Unless instructed otherwise, the CONTRACTOR shall reinstate all waterways upon completion of earthworks to
the satisfaction of the PORT.

3.3 Fine Content of Discharge Water

The CONTRACTOR shall comply with any relevant regulations and standards established by PORT, or as outlined
in the Project’s Scope of Work.

Where an approved Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is available, the specific recommendations relating
to allowable suspended solid limits given therein shall be strictly followed. Results shall be submitted in writing
daily to the PORT. Locations and timing/frequency of measurements shall be agreed with the PORT. In the event
of suspended solids exceeding the specified level the PORT may order the CONTRACTOR to change his
methods or cease dredging operations.


3.4.1 Survey Requirements

The CONTRACTOR shall submit a detailed method statement for the execution of the survey works (bathymetric
and topographic) for the approval of the PORT prior to the execution of the survey works.

Prior to the commencement of dredging and reclamation works, the CONTRACTOR shall perform the Joint Pre-
Survey of the work areas.

Joint post-surveys of the completed works, or completed parts as instructed by the PORT, shall be conducted

The pre- and post-surveys shall be conducted using established survey controls. The PORT may assign staff to
check the CONTRACTOR work and may arrange for independent checks as necessary. In case no agreement is
reached, PORT’s view shall prevail.

Joint Pre- and Post-Surveys shall be carried with multibeam echosounder operating the equipment in straight
lines with a resolution of 1m x 1m. Native files for the inner area shall be produced for the WORK with 1m x 1m
resolution; however, drawings shall be readable and preferably be produced with 10m x 10m resolution.
Multibeam survey lines will be run at appropriate spacing to provide 100% bathymetric coverage. The survey
lines shall be run at a spacing to obtain 20% overlap of the bathymetry data.

In areas where water depth does not allow accurate surveying by means of multibeam equipment, a single beam
echosounder shall be used. In the case of single-beam survey, the sounding lines shall not be more than 15 m
apart with soundings taken at 2.5 m intervals along each line.

Cross check lines must be at every 100 m. Reduced soundings from primary sounding lines shall agree with
reduced soundings from cross check lines within ±0.1 meters for 85% of all soundings or be rejected. In shallow
water areas, hand sounding methods may be used with soundings on a 10 m grid or at such other intervals as the
PORT may request. All soundings shall be referenced to the Chart Datum indicated on the PROJECT’s Drawings.

SMEC 5-2 / 352400 / 15 Particular Specifications

Shuwaikh Port Devlopment Shuwaikh Ports


The least depth over wrecks and obstructions of significant seabed features, if any, shall be determined by
closer examination survey.

For each Joint Post-Survey of the completed WORK, or sections or parts thereof, the final agreed survey results
shall be recorded on drawings scaled at 1:1,000. These drawings shall be the basis for the Taking-Over of the
works, or sections or parts thereof, and together with the Joint Pre-Survey drawings shall be the basis for the
final measurement of quantities under this Contract. Five copies of the drawings and digital files (AutoCAD latest
version and ASCII format) of the soundings shall be provided to the PORT.

3.4.2 Survey Equipment

The CONTRACTOR shall make his own arrangements to furnish the use of all necessary labor and equipment,
including boats that may be necessary for conducting the pre-, post- , and interim bathymetric surveys.

The surveying equipment shall be modern (less than five years old) and well maintained/calibrated. The
necessary certifications for the surveying equipment shall also be presented to the PORT. Site calibration and
testing shall be carried out at regular intervals as per the approved survey method statement and shall be
witnessed by the PORT.

To ensure the proper positioning of the survey launch and dredging equipment, the CONTRACTOR shall mobilize
and operate a Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) throughout the duration of the work. The type and
make of the DGPS must be approved by the PORT.

The accuracy of the electronic positioning system shall be ±20 mm on horizontal coordinate positions and shall
be calibrated at weekly intervals to the satisfaction of the PORT.

For work adjacent to existing or future structures, electronic positioning shall be augmented by more accurate
visual or laser methods of positioning.

The CONTRACTOR shall maintain an adequate stock of spare parts and exchange units on the site to avoid
disruption of the monitoring program.

Soundings shall be taken from a suitable launch fitted with an approved echo sounder and positioning system.
The frequency of the echosounder shall be between 200 and 500 kHz for all surveys to be conducted
throughout the duration of the Works project. The CONTRACTOR shall provide a survey launch for the full
duration of the reclamation work and shall be responsible for operating the launch with personnel trained in the
use of the equipment.

Sounding equipment shall operate with an accuracy of 1% of the indicated depth or 100mm whichever is greater,
and shall have the following facilities:

• Adjustment for tide and draught of vessel

• Compensation for water temperature and salinity

• Selectable recorder chart speeds

The echo sounding equipment shall be calibrated, by using a bar check, prior to the commencement of each
day’s sounding and checking on completion of each day’s work. The PORT may request additional calibration

The echo sounder shall be interfaced with the computer navigation and position fixing system in order that
logging of depth and position occurs instantaneously.

The CONTRACTOR shall provide the PORT, within three working days of survey completion, with two sets of
paper colour prints of the survey plots and contours accompanied by a CDs, appropriated indexed, with the
survey data. The drawings shall include the date, the scale, the type of equipment used and the Total
Propagated Errors (TPE).

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Where the electronic data is dependent on the CONTRACTOR own proprietary or specialist software, the
CONTRACTOR shall provide the PORT, free of charge, with a copy of the relevant software, including all licenses.
Alternatively, the CONTRACTOR may convert the data, without loss of detail, into a format that may be read,
copied, and edited by other appropriate software approved by the PORT.

3.4.3 Progress Monitoring

Progress meetings shall be held weekly or as directed by the PORT. The CONTRACTOR shall attend, with
adequate representation; these and all other meetings the PORT may call for (expected to be on a weekly basis).

The CONTRACTOR shall submit a progress report one day before each progress meeting in a format approved
by the PORT. Progress reports shall include, but not limited to, information on:

• Schedule of all activities indicating the programmed percentage completion and actual percentage
completion of each activity at the date of reporting.

• Plant, equipment, and work force for each working day from last progress report.

• Brief daily reports with photographs, work progress, manpower on site etc.

• Detailed monthly progress reports with the content and in the format approved by the PORT shall be
submitted at the end of each month.

3.4.4 Specifications for Survey General
The surveys specified in Sections 2.7, 6.1 and 6.2 shall provide adequate documentation for:

• Acceptance of the Work for taking-over, i.e., verification of compliance with levels and lines as specified
under the Contract.

• Final calculations of quantities for payment

• Requirements to surveys accuracy have been met at all times during survey.

• Requirements to survey coverage have been met all over the area to be surveyed. Scope
Surveys shall consist of the following:

• One pre-survey, which shall cover the entire dredging and reclamation areas. The survey shall include
physical landmark objects, as specified in Section

• A post-survey of the completed dredging work.

• A post-survey of the completed reclamation work Programming and Scheduling

The CONTRACTOR shall commence the Pre-survey within 21 days from the physical commencement of the
WORK and he shall complete it as a matter of highest priority. The survey shall be carried out in weather
conditions that permit the survey to be performed with the specified quality. Surveys must not be performed
during wave conditions where H1/3 > 0.5 m.

SMEC 5-2 / 352400 / 17 Particular Specifications

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Authority Geodetic Control

All data must be linked to the vertical and horizontal datum provided by the Local Authorities/PORT; however,
the CONTRACTOR shall check all parts of the Geodetic Control system prior to commencement of survey work.

If a dedicated project co-ordinate system is required by PORT/Local Authorities, then the system shall be
identified through at least 5 control stations established in and around the WORK areas. Of these, two will be
made available to the CONTRACTOR for setting up reference stations and the like. The local coordinate system
will be based on the following:

• Datum, consisting of an internationally recognized ellipsoid and a dedicated 7-parameter transformation.

• A Tranverse Mercator Projection uniformly identified through several parameters, such as Central meridian,
Scale at central meridian, False Easting, and False Northing.

3.4,4.5 Site Records

For the surveyor to spot relevant information during surveys, the survey software must be equipped with a large
variety of online QC tools. These tools must be designed to give a fast overview and to flag, if there are any
problematic areas.

During survey activities, the CONTRACTOR’s surveyor must keep a detailed daily log. This log must contain all
information relevant to the execution of the survey and for the post-processing. In addition, comprehensive logs
must be kept associated with all calibrations and with the survey lines.

A backup of all relevant data must be secured at the end of each survey day. A daily report must be prepared,
containing all logs and other information of relevance from the day.

3.4,4,6 Calibration of Equipment

Before and after each surveying day, a calibration of all relevant sensors must take place. Of these calibrations,
the following must be mentioned:

• Bar-check of center-beam of multi-beam echosounder

• Sound velocity determinations

• Calibration of Multi-beam echosounder. Patch-test through which the time-delay together with the yaw-,
roll- and the pitch C-O values must be determined. Test against the physical target (depth and position). If
the test at the end of the day fails all observed data of that day is rejected; and

• Position-test of RTK-system (both rovers).

In order for multi-beam survey to fulfil the accuracy requirements, the major error-contributors must be identified
and minimized by the CONTRACTOR’s surveyor. In addition to the calibrations mentioned in the foregoing, also
the uncertainties associated with the SV determination are major error-contributors. It is, therefore, important to
define and implement efficient methods for the avoidance of such contributions. For example, it may be
necessary to perform SV measurements at small intervals of two hours or less.

3.4,4,7 Approval and signing off for post-Surveys.

Before signing off the post-survey, the CONTRACTOR’s surveyor shall make an evaluation of the results to verify
that the specified levels have been achieved within the specified lines and limits. Reporting
The survey documentation shall be submitted on CD with two paper copies. Maps must be produced in 1:2,500
scale or as instructed by the PORT. The following must be presented on these maps:

SMEC 5-2 / 352400 / 18 Particular Specifications

Shuwaikh Port Devlopment Shuwaikh Ports


• Physical features such as quay walls, buoys, breakwaters. Quay walls and breakwaters shall be incorporated
from available digital drawings but coordinates to all quay wall and wharf corners and true position of the
breakwater heads—as well as buoy locations—shall be verified as part of the In-Survey so that these
features are shown true in the survey drawings.

• Area limits etc. as shown on Contract drawings.

• Depths relative to the vertical datum

• Co-ordinates in the local system

In addition to the bathymetric maps, coverage plots and difference plots must be made along similar guidelines.
Also, plots showing the number of observations per cell relative to the six observations per cell requirement are

The difference plots must visualize in colour the relation between in- and out-survey and between design and
as-built (out-survey). An x-y-z file shall be included on CD only, in a format that will facilitate checking of volume

The survey documentation shall consist of a report that include, but not limited to, the following:

• The purpose of the survey

• Personnel and responsibilities

• Description of the equipment used.

• Documentation of all calibrations and tests performed.

• Detailed description of equipment and methods used.

• Details of the survey as performed (headings, speed, overlap, etc.)

• Time and place of survey

• Information about weather conditions (waves, wind, currents, etc.)

• Information about water levels with time-series plots in which a comparison between the data originating
from the shore-based tide-gauge and those originating from the RTK-heights are depicted.

Volumes between pre-Survey levels and the lines and levels according to the drawings, subject to the tolerances
set out in this specification, shall be calculated by the CONTRACTOR and checked by the PORT. Requirements
for the volumes calculations shall include:
 The DTM models from which the volumes are generated must be averaged models.

 All models used in calculations and surveys must use identical grid shape, grid size, and
placing for similar areas.

 A minimum of six observations must be contained in all grid-cells.

3.5 Dredging Measurements

Dredging works monthly progress shall be measured based on computation of volume between Pre (in)-survey
and Post (out)-survey excluding tolerances.

Measurement shall be made against completed dredged ground within 30 days after notice of completion by the
CONTRACTOR and shall be confirmed within 30 days of submittal of the CONTRACTOR's measurements.

SMEC 5-2 / 352400 / 19 Particular Specifications

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