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Third week of development:

Trilaminar germ disc

Dr. Tan Azad Salih

• -define the terms: bilaminar disc, germ layer,
ectoderm,endoderm,dorsal and ventral surface.
• define the terms: mesoderm, primitive streak,
gastrulation, trilaminar embryonic disc.
• list the most important ectodermal, mesodermal
and endodermal derivatives.
• describe the migration of mesoderm through the
primitive streak.
• label a simple diagram showing the amnion, yolk
sac and chorion in relation to the embryo.
•Primitive streak
•Formation of the notochord
•Fate map and growth of the embryonic disc
•Development of the trophoblast.
•Clinical correlates.

The process that establishes all three germ layers (ectoderm,

mesoderm, and endoderm).
Gastrulation begins with formation of the primitive streak.
Primitive streak.

•In 15-16 day embryo appears as a narrow groove with

bulging sides.
•Cephalic end of the streak is called primitive node which
is elevation that surround the primitive pit.
•Cells from epiblast migrate toward the streak then
invaginate, some displace hypoblast forming endoderm,
others lie between epiblast and hypoblast forming
mesoderm, and cells remaining in the epiblast form
Notochord formation
• Prenotochordal cells invaginate in the primitive pit move cranially
untill they reach prechordal plate.
• Prenotochordal cells replace the hypoblast for short time and
form notochordal plate.
• Notochordal plate proliferate and detach from the endoderm
forming solid cord of cells (notochord).
• Neuroenteric canal?
Fate map and growth of the embryonic
•The embryonic disc initially flat and almost round, gradually
becomes elongated, with broad cephalic and narrow caudal end.
•The growth of the embryonic disc is cephalocaudally.
•Cells from :
1. Cranial region of the node————notochord
2. Lateral edges of node and cranial end of streak-------paraxial
3. Midstreak------intrmediate mesoderm.
4. More caudal part of the streak-------lateral plate mesoderm.
5. Caudal most part-------extraembryonic mesoderm.
Further development of the
•Primary villi------secondary villus---tertiary
•Cytotrophpblastic shell.
•Anchoring (stem) villi and free (tertiary
Clinical correlates

•Gastrulation is highly sensative to teratogenic

•Holoprocencephaly and hypotelorism.
•caudal dysgenesis (sirenomelia).
•situs solitus
•Situs inversus.
•situs ambigus(heterotaxy) laterality defect
•Kartagener syndrome.
•Sacrococcygeal teratoma.
Caudal dysgenesis (Sirenomelia)
Sacrococcygeal teratoma

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