Asign Indepth Interview EBBA 14.2 and 14.3

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National Economics University, Business School

EBBA and EBDB programme

Individual Assignment: Qualitative methods-Case study

Due: week 11 (11 Oct. 2023)

• Conduct in-depth interviews to learn more about critical incident that relate to
your topic or your interest or my interest on innovative work behavior (IWI),
(for my interest, I will give list of questions for in depth interview)
• Team of 4 or 5 students: will interview 2 person. Team of 6 students: will
interview 3 person;
• In group, student will write result of interview:
1. Case study (5 scores)- max 4 pages, essay format
2. description of the interview that you have conducted (5 scores)
a. (interviewer’s names, hand phone, email;
b. interviewee’s names, hand phone, email,
c. interview time (from … to ….; day, month, year)
d. List all questions for interviewing
e. Transcript: write each question and answer
f. Note if the content is confidential
g. Write in language that you conduct an interview

Format of your paper’s cover:

Name of file: lớp, group, case study on….
Example: EBBA14.2 group 1 case study on innovative behavior

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