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IELTS Speaking Part 1

1. Home/ accommodation ................................8 7. Drawing and Art galleries ............................14
2. Study ..............................................................9 8. Taking photos ..............................................15
3. Work .............................................................10 9. Daily Routine ...............................................16
4. Weekend .......................................................11 10. Dreams .......................................................17
5. Mirrors ..........................................................12 11. Websites .....................................................18
6. Email .............................................................13

IELTS Speaking Part 2, 3

1. Describe your favourite famous person ..........................................................................................................20
2. Describe a time when you felt proud of a family member ...............................................................................22
3. Describe a time when you gave some helpful advice to someone ................................................................24
4. Describe a historical event from your country .................................................................................................26
5. Describe a place in the countryside that you visited .......................................................................................28
6. Describe a situation when something in your house was broken or stopped working .................................30
7. Describe a time when you were preparing for a happy event .........................................................................33
8. Describe an interesting discussion that you had with friends ......................................................................35
9. Describe a lesson that you remember well .....................................................................................................37
10. Describe an item of clothing that someone gave you .................................................................................39
11. Describe a selfie which you took on your mobile phone on your favourite occasion .................................41
Speaking Part 1

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Home/ accommodation
1. What kind of housing/accommodation do you live
three-storey house (n) /θriː-ˈstɔːri/: nhà 3 tầng

1.1 in?
Ví dụ: There are not many three-storey houses in my
→ I’m living in a three-storey house(1) with my parents neighborhood.
in the heart of the city(2). There are two main bedrooms, in the heart of the city /ɪn ðə hɑːt ɒv ðə ˈsɪti/: nằm

a kitchen,and a large garden in the front. My house is trong trung tâm thành phố
quite large compared to others in the neighborhood. Ví dụ: My grandparents’ house is located in District 1,
which is in the heart of Ho Chi Minh city.

2. How long have you lived there?

→ We moved there 2 years ago, after I graduated from high school. Before, my parents and I used to live in an
apartment near my high school in District 3. We all decided it was time to move to a new place because the
old place was just too small for the three of us.

3. Do you plan to live there for a long time?

household appliance (n) /ˈhaʊshəʊld əˈplaɪəns/: thiết

→ Sure. This place is just newly-built and equipped bị gia dụng

with all the necessary household appliances(3) that I’ve Ví dụ: To prepare to move into our new house, we went to
ever wanted. Not to mention, the location is ideal so I the electrical store last week and bought many essential
have no intention of moving out any time soon. household appliances.

4. Which room does your family spend most of the

homey (adj) /ˈhoʊ.mi/: ấm cúng

time in?
Ví dụ: The best thing I like about this hotel is its homey
→ I would say it’s the kitchen. My mom loves cooking atmosphere.
and so does my dad. They spend lots of quality time
together cooking and cleaning up, which I think is so
romantic. We also eat there, so there’s no doubt that
the kitchen feels most homey(1) to all of us.

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1. What is your area of specialization?
megatrend (n) /ˈme.ɡətrend/: xu hướng nổi trội

1.2 → I major in Data Analytics, one of the megatrends(1) Ví dụ: Mixing ice cream with noodles is one of the
these days. I learn how to “read” data to understand megatrends on Tiktok these days.
current market trends and provide insights to
businesses so they can run more efficiently.
Sometimes, it is just overwhelming because the
market changes all the time !

2. Why did you choose to study that major? talk me out of (phr.v) /tɔːk miː aʊt ɒv/: thuyết phục tôi

không làm gì đó
→ Everyone is talking about the use of data in business
Ví dụ: There is no chance that you will talk her out of
so I chose this major thinking I would have great job
getting this job. She is very determined about this.
opportunities in the future. To be honest, my parents
brainy (adj) /ˈbreɪ.ni/: thông minh

tried to talk me out of(2) studying this subject because

Ví dụ: She is such a lucky woman. Her children are all
they believed I’m not the brainy(3) type. But they are very brainy.
now convinced by my excellent performance at school.

3. What was your favorite subject as a child? compliment (n) /ˈkɑːm.plə.mənt/: lời khen

→ I had a knack for art subjects, and my favorite was Ví dụ: Sometimes you should pay your students some
Literature. I received many compliments(4) from my compliments to encourage them.

middle school teachers and attended several national- jot down (phr.v) /ʤɒt daʊn/: ghi chú

Ví dụ: Since I’ve gone to college, I mostly use my iPad to

level essay writing competitions. I’ve always enjoyed
jot down my notes in my lessons.
jotting down(5) my thoughts and reading in my free

4. Do you think your country has an effective education system?

→ It’s hard to tell but it is, to some extent. What I mean is Vietnamese students are generally better at Math
because we get to learn a lot more advanced concepts than kids in the US or other western countries. But
most of us Vietnamese are worse at expressing ideas because we were taught to follow rather than raising

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Speaking Part 2, 3

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A famous person

IELTS Speaking Part 2

Describe your favourite famous person
You should say:
• Who this person is
• How you know about this person
• What this person is famous for
• Why you are interested in this person

Well, there is a celebrity that I’ve been dying to meet in person. 1. world-renowned /wɜːrld rɪˈnɑʊnd/
(adj): nổi tiếng, có danh tiếng
Her name is Taylor Swift - a world-renowned(1) American artist.
Ví dụ: My hometown is world-renowned
If I remember correctly, I got to know her when I was browsing(2)
for its historical attractions.
YouTube and came across one of her most well-known songs - Red.
2. browse /braʊz/ (v): lên mạng
I was immediately hooked on the catchy melody(3) and genuinely(4)
Ví dụ: When I have free time, I like
impressed by how gorgeous she looked in the music video. When
to browse the internet for the latest
I listened to it the second time, I became obsessed with the song fashion trends.
as I could totally relate to the story she delivered in the lyrics. The 3. catchy melody /ˈkæʧi ˈmɛlədi/: giai
more I get to know about her, the more I understand that she has điệu hấp dẫn
such a strong will. Taylor wasn’t born with a silver spoon in her Ví dụ: I love this song because of its
mouth, she had to work hard to achieve recognition from the music catchy melody.
industry as they already have so much prejudice against women in 4. genuinely /ˈdʒen.ju.ɪ (adv):
music. Another virtue that I’ve learned from Taylor is humbleness. chân thành
Even being a rank A pop star, she remains down-to-earth and is Ví dụ: He is genuinely sorry for his past
always sincere to her fans. I believe that she uses her journey and mistakes.

musical works to inspire young women to become successful and

independent and that’s also why I’ve been a die-hard fan of her.

5. become obsessed with someone/something /bɪˈkʌm əbˈsɛst wɪð ˈsʌmwʌn/ˈsʌmθɪŋ/(phr.v): bị ám ảnh bởi ai/cái gì đó
Ví dụ: He has become obsessed with material possessions and his reputation since he moved to the city.
6. relate to something /rɪˈleɪt tuː ˈsʌmθɪŋ/: liên hệ ai đó với một cái gì đó
Ví dụ: I cannot relate to her situation as I’ve never experienced such thing.
7. strong will /ˌstrɑːŋˈwɪld/ (n): ý chính mạnh mẽ
Ví dụ: She overcame all of the difficulties in her life with a strong will.
8. born with a silver spoon in someone’s mouth / bɔːn wɪð ə ˈsɪlvə spuːn ɪn ˈsʌmwʌn maʊθ / (idiom): giàu có và thành
công từ khi mới sinh ra
Ví dụ: Children who are born with a silver spoon in their mouth tend to lack of the ability to empathize with others.
9. prejudice /ˈpredʒ.ə.dɪs/ (n): định kiến
Ví dụ: Instead of having prejudice against homesexuals, people should accept them with an open mind.
10. virtue /ˈvɝː.tʃuː/ (n): đức hạnh
Ví dụ: There are a lot of virtues I can learn from him, such as patience and honesty.
11. humbleness /ˈhʌm.bəl.nəs/ (n): khiêm tốn
Ví dụ: His humbleness makes other people respect him.

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12. down-to-earth /ˌdaʊn.tuːˈɝːθ/ (adj): chân thành
Ví dụ: The main reason why I like my teacher is the fact that he is always so down-to-earth and honest with his students.
13. die-hard fan /ˈdaɪhɑːd fæn/ (n): fan cứng
Ví dụ: I’ve been a die-hard fan of Taylor Swift’s for almost 10 years.

IELTS Speaking Part 3

1. Would you like to be a famous person?

Frankly speaking, the idea has never crossed my mind. I’m

be under the spotlight: là trung tâm của sự

an introvert and freeze up when speaking in front of a crowd

chú ý
so I don’t think being a celebrity would really suit me. Not to spotlight /ˈspɑːtlaɪt/ (n): sự chú ý (từ báo đài,
mention, being under the spotlight(1) and being followed by truyền thông)
the paparazzi(2) all the time would be terrifying. Ví dụ: The issue will come under the spotlight
once again since it wasn’t solved properly the
previous time.
paparazzi /ˌpæpəˈrætsi/ (số
nhiều của
paparazzo) (n): tay săn ảnh
Ví dụ: Paparazzi are like enemies of celebrities.

2. What are the hardships of a celebrity?

One common thing is that they have no privacy and are

judgment /ˈdʒʌdʒmənt/ (n): sự đánh giá

followed by paparazzi all the time, or even stalkers. They

Ví dụ: It’s not something I can give you rules for;
also face constant judgment(3) from people and can attract you’ll have to use your judgment.
fake friends, you know, those who want to take advantage take advantage of: tận dụng

of(4) their fame. Although there are many privileges(5), the advantage /ədˈvæntɪdʒ/ (n): lợi thế
downsides are also significant. Ví dụ: We took full advantage of the hotel
privilege /ˈprɪvəlɪdʒ/ (n): đặc quyền

Ví dụ: Education should be a universal right and

not a privilege.

3. What should celebrities do to protect their privacy?

They should be clear about their boundaries(6) and be

boundary /ˈbaʊndri/ (n): biên giới, giới hạn

consistent in dealing with the media. It’s also advisable that

Ví dụ: It is up to the teacher to set the boundary
they reveal no personal information in order to avoid being between acceptable and unacceptable behavior.
harassed(7), and try to limit their exposure(8) to the public. harass /ˈhærəs/ (v): quấy rối

Ví dụ: She claims she has been sexually

harassed at work.
exposure /ɪkˈspəʊʒər/ (n): sự phơi bày, tiếp

Ví dụ: Her new movie has had a lot of exposure
in the media.

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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. How can parents help children to get organized?

Parents can make a to-do list or a checklist with their

set out: đề ra, đặt ra

children, setting out(1) what has to be done during the day or

Ví dụ: Parents should set out a list of rules for
the week. The list should include doing homework, cleaning their children to follow.
their personal space and helping with household chores(2). household /ˈhaʊshəʊld/ chore /tʃɔːr/: công

It is important to hang the list where it is visible(3), like in the việc nhà
kitchen or on the door of their bedroom to remind(4) them of Ví dụ: Husbands and wives should share
their duties. household chores.
visible (a) /ˈvɪz.ə.bəl/: dễ nhìn thấy

Ví dụ: The sign to the restaurant was visible.

remind (v) /rəˈmīnd/: nhắc nhở, gợi nhớ

Ví dụ: She would have forgotten about her debt if

you hadn’t reminded her.

2. On what occasions do people need to be organized?

I don’t think we need a special occasion to be organized.

discipline (n) /ˈdisəplən/: kỷ luật

Everyone should learn how to be organized at all times

Ví dụ: The discipline in the army is very strict.
because it will help us to have more discipline(5) and save leave a good impression: để lại ấn tượng tốt

a lot of time. Not to mention, an organized person always Ví dụ: She left a good impression on everyone
leaves a good impression(6) and is highly valued in any because of her positive attitude.

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A discussion

IELTS Speaking Part 2

Describe an interesting discussion that you had with friends
You should say:
• Who you spoke with
• Where you were
• What the conversation was about
• And explain why you think it was interesting

Well, there is a person that I always turn to for advice(1), her name 1. Turn to for advice: tin tưởng xin lời
is Janie - a close friend of mine. If my memory serves me right, the khuyên

incident(2) happened about two years ago, when I had a fight with my Ví dụ: My mom is the one who I can
always turn to for advice.
parents. We weren’t on the same page(3) in regards to what college
2. incident (n) /’insidənt /: sự việc
major I should choose. They wanted me to become a lawyer while
Ví dụ: There was an incident before the
my dream was to become an English teacher. I remembered that I
show so it was delayed.
was up in arms about(4) how my family wouldn’t support my dream,
3. on the same page (idiom): cùng
so as usual I immediately shared my problems with Janie. Then we suy nghĩ, ý tưởng
had a kind of serious discussion about future goals and family. I was Ví dụ: My best friend and I are always
amazed by her mature outlook, she calmed me down and explained on the same page.
everything clearly for me. She said it wasn’t that my parents weren’t 4. up in arms about (idiom): phản đối
supporting me, they just wanted me to have the best opportunities in mạnh mẽ
life. Her words were so touching, I think it even somehow touched(5) Ví dụ: My mother was up in arms about
my heart. She advised me to express my thoughts to my parents why my brother left without.
and try to reach a mutual understanding. Our talk lasted for about 5. touching (adj) /ˈtʌtʃ.ɪŋ/ : cảm động
3 hours and we both bursted into tears(6) in the end. This valuable Ví dụ: The play was so touching that

discussion gave me a whole new perspective on the relationship everyone was crying at the end.
6. burst into tears: bật khóc
between our family members. Since then, I always try to put myself
Ví dụ: The girl burst into tears when the
in my parents’ shoes(7) as well as control my anger to avoid making
boy tried to end their relationship.
anyone upset because of my impulsive actions.
7. put myself in sb’s shoe (idiom): đặt
mình vào vị trí người khác
Ví dụ: If I were in your shoes, I would
have done things differently.

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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. When do children normally form their own views?

Children begin to have their own thoughts as soon as

a sense of self: khái niệm về bản thân

they develop a sense of self(1), at around 18-months old or

Ví dụ: Each child begins to develop their own
slightly older. Although most of them still cannot convey sense of self at the age of 2.
their thoughts(2) clearly, they are forming their own views convey thoughts: biểu đạt ý kiến

about their surroundings and building ideas about the convey /kənˈveɪ/: truyền đạt
world. Therefore, parents should be more conscious(3) of Ví dụ: Students should learn to convey their
their words and behavior around their children from this thoughts clearly in class.
stage on. conscious (adj) /ˈkɒn.ʃəs/: có nhận thức

Ví dụ: Individuals should be conscious about the

effect of their actions on the environment.

2. Do children have strong opinions?

I believe they do, but it also depends on their personality and how they are raised. For some, they are taught
not to raise opinions and should obey adults without questioning. However, there are kids who are educated
in an environment where they are constantly challenged and must make decisions for themselves; those
children usually have strong opinions and know how to defend themselves.

3. Should parents request their kids to obey them?

Yes, to some extent. In certain circumstances(4), like an

circumstance (n) /ˈsɜː.kəm.stɑːns/: trường

emergency situation, parents should make their kids follow

instructions in order to protect them. However, in other Ví dụ: Only contact me in emergency
cases, parents should explain and guide their children to circumstances.
make the right decision rather than forcing them to obey.

4. In what industries do you think communication is a necessary skill?

Communication is key in every industry, from IT to social

cooperate (v) /kəʊˈɒp.ər.eɪt/: hợp tác

media. Communication skills are useful not only when

Ví dụ: Our group cooperates well because
responding to clients but also when cooperating(5) between everyone is a good listener.
team members. Basically, good communication skills allow precisely (adv) /prɪˈsaɪ chính xác

you and others to understand information more quickly and Ví dụ: The meeting starts at 7 o’clock precisely.

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