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RROD AMAOAM Scanned by CamScanner LINEAR - ALGEBRA CON Unit 1. IIT-JAM MATHEMATICS-MA ENTS Matrices , Determinant & Rank of Matrix. ------++-+-+----+ 17 System of Linear Equations Eigen Values & Eigen Vectors Vectors Space: 32-34 Linear Independence & Dependence-----------+--=++ 35-37 Basis & Dimensions-- Linear Transformations: - Inner Product Spaces --y--+--++-+-++---+++-00-000+ 64-67 ee ana + ana nanaGAhGHNGGAATAAARFRUQQADT Scanned by CamScanner he te “ VPVYVVDVHYHEEHUUHKUUDEOUDIDHUHWYUU owe MATHEMATICS-MAW)) | ‘SECTION-A [Multiple Choice Questions] The tes pasiv inegeem such tha {€8%/4 S014)" ue idiy mates of order 2 is msinz/4 cosn/4 @4 os (12 wis IT-JAM 2008-MA| int of the matrix -3P is AO Let Pe ad % 4 matrix whose determinant is 10. The deten (@ -810 (0) 30.32 2927 (@) 30am 710 Hie wea « [WTJAM 2012-MA| ¢ sin a ee ‘ Thema 1 [28 Taaanymateena’s sina icos, x 7 © n+) =.nez @ Gar) Z,ne © Qn+HE,ned ©) Gur F.ned © (no) TneZ @ Gar) 5 nez in IIEE-JAM2016-MAl (1T-JAM 2017-Mal eee 7 = woul] Q _ rerwt ete seat invertbes x5 maiees with ens O and 1 Forgach eM, let (4) and 1n,(Mf) denote the number of I's and 0's in M, respectively. The * rTsAM 2017-M Al sighs (a2) (MO) = @)! (b)3 @5 (dis ‘ A fA and 9 are 3 +3 real matrices such that rank (4B) = 1, then rank (BA) cannot be @o wt (92 (3° TAM 2006-m4 (7, Ha Saral, Near ITT Hawa Kins, New Dellict6, Ph: O11-26881008, 26801009 33-35, Mall Road, GTB. Nagar (Opp. Metro Gate No, 3), Delhi, 27683355, 27654485 Scanned by CamScanner ig (ep) Matiices, Determinant & Ronk of Metrix 148 WM trerankofthematrix|2 10 22] is o4n : @3 2 wr (20 {IT-JAM 2007-MA] hot 3 is . "The value ofthe determinant ; a“ wedoterminant es ap ; (HCU-2010} et ot @ 0 1 2 @) hone ofthese Let Ae M,(Q). Consider the statements [HCU-2012] : Matrix Ais nilpotent Qa= . Pick up tue statements from the folowing : @ P=o © Q=>P and PHO (© PQ andsQ: “-eSgE(@)None of (2, (b), (6) true i to. tet =| [HCU-2012] =| cosbj sind, . (@) ,=0,4(2k+)n/2, "0 0,0, +kR, (6) 0)=0,42kr, = O12 4 (o,=0, +4n/2, 1 00 TK adele tra) new eera is, cu2013) o Was ce @ om ES (©) a non-zero rational number (©) an jrtational number less tan 1 ‘(@ an irrational number greater than L feterminant OTA whee) MAMTA! {Hcu-2017) (B treseomina Tae, ENDEIOLE SE (Oc Ome Ompinabs oo 08 a , 4=]0 0 0 ¢ SF ger at pws ye (a) aderw (b) aad(prw= 0) (©) ad be @o rad-t ai2if, a we rntss| tucu-20u) 4454 : @ + 2 . (3 @4 South Da THAT Ta Naval NewrolTT Hawe Riis, New Delli-16, Pi: O11-26851008, 26861009 ork Deh :35-3, Mall Rod, GTB. Nagar (Opp. Metro Gate No, 3, Deli-09, Phe OU-2TOSS335, 27654455 Scanned by CamScanner a RAAaNRAA @ a RAMAN HAR HARA 3 S > > het vwwrwvey Pe UVUUOUUEEEbWHbUHWHUWHUdoe ers © JO Tetate ( rank(AB) > min(rank(4).rank(B)) wie IHCU-2015) ‘mxn matrix and B be an nx m matrix, Then which of the following statements is rue? (6) rank( 4B) min(rank(4),rank( BY) (© rank( AB) $ max(rank(A),rank(B))~ min(rank( 4} ranke(B)) 278) rak( AB) > max(eank( 4), ranke(B))—min(rank(),rank(B)) p Let Abe an mxm matrix. Consider the following statements @ tHcU-2016) S, : Ifthe rank ofA is equal tn then the rank ofthe adjoint matrix ofA is also equal tom S, :]f the rank of A is equal to n—2 then the rank ofthe adjoint matrix of A is also equal 1o 2. Pick up a tue statement from the following (0) §; and Sore rue © (698, is tue but not S, (© S$; s true but not $, (Neither S, nor Sis true 6. IeAisasqaurematrixofondern, then fj) sequal d : ” @ |r? lat war" (B.H.U.-2011] 00 . 2 Forte mats A=|0 ris equal 1 @! ©-A @u 0 AT rortemars def? : @r (2 (aya [B.H.U-2012] 02 027 667 067 @|? ° w|? ©7) @|s25 |S 9 5) pau-20r4) 22.0 220 754 150 20, Letdand /Hbetwo.nnrealmatices. Consider thetwo statements [B.n.u.20161 “ (A)IE/= AB isinvertible, then /— BA invertible @)It/— AB isinierble, then ABisiiventble Then (0) Both(A)and (B)aretrue (b) Bouh (A) an (1) ane ise (6 (A)isuue and (is alse (a) (A)is false and (B) steve ‘South Delhi: 2H-A/I, Ha Sarat, Near-HIT Haws Khws, New Delhici6, Ph 011-26881008, 26861009 ‘North Delhi; 33-35, Mall oad, GTB. Nagar (Opp. Melrw Gate No, 3), Delhi-09, Ph: 011-27653385, 27684488 Scanned by CamScanner Matric bet boaet @)2 3 I"(a) ¥a) WCa)] Om Om RO) red ¥) yo) a) =0 £b) gb)” ila =0- fle) #le) yo fla) ga) wla)| re , boo. 23. Wa=|1 0 1 )then "is ~ O10 ‘ eo 24, Ifhenulity ofthe matix| 1 Agel (-1 )0 (a) rank(PQv=H (b) rank(Qry=m (©) rank(PQ +g raiorn-[ South Dell: 26-A/Uy ‘North Delt roo. ft wax i of @]25 1.0 Oe a Es oa] 1 2]esiece Let my NM , then show that'there is such a vector with rational entries. 22, - Let, Bhe ax matrices and ¢,d be x1 vectors such that the matix equations A Bre are consistent, ie, each equation admits a solution, Can we cinelude that (448)x=(e4d) + cpl if ot tae femarrsy-2015] is also consistent? Prove if tue or give a counter ex 33. Let beasingular NV ats wire nies and lb Ye x1 mile ie-agolumn vector) Let smo Nincarequalions in Vunknowns writen in A and b' betheirrespectivel system hasasolutin,ifand only matrix formas 4'x = b con INBHM-2005] 24. [NBHM-2007], Write downthe condition tobe sated by a, 4,2, fFihisspstem NOT have soaton TNearli Hawa Kas, New Dellict6, Ph: 011-26851008, 26N61009 Nagar (Opp. Metro Gate No, 3), Delhi09, Ps B1-27683385, 27654488 (ey South eit 25-0, Ta Sa North Deh: 35-36, Mall Road S 3 S 2 3S 3 3s > S > > 3 3 3 3 3 > 3 a i 9 3 3 3 4 2 ‘Scanned by CamScanner Bopanna UO SECTION-A [Multiple Choice Questions] Lo 2 © 3. © 40 5. 6 @ 7 @) 8. @) 9. 10.(a) 1 2.@ + BO 14.0) 15.) 16. (0) 17.00) 18.) 19.(8) 20.10) 2.0) 22.) 2B. 24. (a) SECTION-B [Multiple Select Questions] 8 Fea) tae” hed - SecTION-< thumericl Type Questions nay Gnte Ga I 1 SEETION-D [True oF False] we 1 16.0) 1.0 18. © SECTION-E [Subjective Type Questions] 19. {(a.5) eo} ai! i: {(a,4) St GB {(10,6),5 + 10} 22. (Not Consistant) 23.(Au=0) 24. (-a,+9ay +505 #0) ath Delhi 7 28-A/11, Jia Sarah, Near-IIT Hawz Khas, New Delhi-16, Ph : 011-26851008, 26861009 North Delhi 39-38, Mall Road, GT, Nagar (Opp. Metro Gate No, 3), Delicb, 55, 276544 y 355, 27654455 1-27 Scanned by CamScanner SECTION-A [Multiple Choice Questions] [Let d be a 3% 3 matrix with eigen Vatits 1-1 and 3. Then [TIT-JAM 2005-MAI (#44 is nonsingular (6) A? 5A is nonsingular (©) 4434 isnomsingulr © (@) 4234 isnonsinglar A Let ben 3 « 3 matt with trace (4) =3 an det (4) =2. 11 isan eigenvalue ofA, then the eigene values of the matrix «?~ 21 are, [IT-JAM 2011-MAL (@) 1,20-1,-2041) (by H1,20- 1.2041) ' (©) 1,2( #1),-20+1) © d) =120-1),-20+ 1) ald . “x ae de|0 7] bea itr with eles. the sum and be product fal he eigralues of 003 are 10 and 30 respectively, then a? +6? equals: Fi _ [IIT-JAM 2014-MA] @ 2 40 ss os eas tvedte dnt no sa el mambots wih e+ P= Then an einai oe ma FACE CMTEAVHLR & . CAREER ENDEAVOUR, Rea 4 ne [IITJAM 2015-MA] ward (a-b (Wwe-d i ons ‘Then [IEJAM 2015-MAL rvalueofBispurelyimaginary _(D)aneigenvalue of is2er0 (d)A hasanon-7er0realeigenvalue (Chall eigenvalues of are real 14 16 6 Thelargsteigemvalveofthematei] 4 '6 | Jis [WT-JAM2016-MAl, yY 1-4 @ 16 . oat © 48 (o 64 ia Sarah, Near ANT Haw Khas, New Del Th O11-26851008, 26861009 (eR South ett 38- A Jul, GTN Nagar (Opp. Metro GateNo, 3), Deis, Ps 127653855, 27654455 BS North neti: 33-35, Mal rec ‘Scanned by CamScanner @® Eigen Values & Figen Vectors we 4+ Ast, =0 then 2b Le 4=[2 ©] be amatrc with ieger entie such tat 80.16 4° {i Stee ric with iteger erie uch at 5016 (@ a@-a-tbe=1 (@at-a-bd=1 [HCU-2010] (©) a@ttatbe=-I (eta-be= ‘The number of diagonal 3» 3 complex matrices such ha A? = is (nicu-2010) @r* w3 @9 7 on 333 it p=]2 3 4] then Pis invertible and P+ is equal 10 {HCU-2010] ott . (0) (PP+P-J)/3 (@ (Perens (©) (P=P+DIS WP -P-DB Let Mg(R) be the space ofall 2» 2 ea mates be teeny mates ie (M,(R). Pick up the correct & ewe [aCU-2011) statement a5 s eM) Such that AB + BA = (a) 3 two different mtnices 4,2 (hy 3 vo diferent maiees A,B ¢ (BR) such that AB— BA =7 (© Basingular matrix Ae M(B) such het 4°47 |) 3deM,(R) such thar 4° #0 but A= 0 Consider the statements! |HCU-2011] £ 2 Tee 5) WPM inn 2 afi SAT aM ROS CT Ris oY then sy rina 3 HASHES rs (0)S, is true but S, is false (@)Both S, and S, ich ofthe Following statements i tue? (b) The determinant of Ais non-negative (all the eigenvalues of A? are non-negative (a) Both S, and 8 are tre r-n0cv= ee () S, is tue but S, is false LetA be a2 * 2 real matrix. Wh (a) Allthe entries of A® are non-negative © Let A be a2 *2 eval matrix, Lt de sum ofthe cris in wach ow of Abe qual 0 2, Which ofthe following [HCU-2013] (6)0 and 2 are always eigenvalues of A ncuaoi he wage of A? is non-negative statements is tue? (a) Os always an eigen value of A (©) 2isalwaysan eigenvalues of A (@)None of the above 1 (where Fis the identity matrix), then (HCU-2014) (0) a=sr* (@) Aisa diagonal matic Let Ae M, (le) 10 (a) niseven ) all the eigen values of A are in Re Fan TT ATT ia Sarah NesrIFT Haws Khas, New Delhie16, Pi + O11-26881008, 26861009 I, Nagar (Opp. Metro Gate No, 3), Delh-09, Ph: OU-27683355, 27654455 ‘ell 33-35, Mall Road, Scanned by CamScanner 20. 21." 2. igen Values & Figen Vectors : @® ‘where A is notan identity matrix. If 4 = A, then the eigenvalues of [HCU-2015] Let be an xm non-zero mat Aare given by (Land =1 (0) O and I (Lande and» 1 and dej(B)=0 then det(’B? + 4°) IFA and B are square matrices satistying 4B = BA, det(A) THCU-2016) is equal to @- (0 wl Consider the folowing two statements 5, : There exists a3 % 3 matx with integer entries with eigenvaves 1,1, (cube roos oF) Sy: A2*2:matre wth eigenvalues wand w? cannot have al relent 2 > tHcu-20171 Then (a) both 5, and S, are true (by S, is true but 5; is fase. (6) Sis false but S, is ture (a) both 5, and S, are false. eristc roots ofanon-singular matrix of order n, then the characteristic TEA (= 1, 205) ae the characte ‘ [B.H.U-2011) roots ofindj4 are @ lala Ifthe characteristic values of square nix ofthe order aré2y @6 (b) 9. +e nots dota oe tut 12.34 wh ‘The characteristic roots ofa ral skew summer matrix are [p.4.u-20121 Gales (ualizeros . (@alimaginary (@)eitherall zeros or purelyimaginary 8-6 2 ‘Thecharucterinicrootsofihematrix]~6 7 74are [B.H.U-2012] 2-43 (0,37 (0)0,5,15 (€)0,3,15 (13,7 Ife characteristic values ofa square marx of third order ae, 2,3, then the vale ofits determinant is @s 9 (4 ss [B.HU-20121, i Ja Saal, New Mall Ran TH ‘Soul Del ‘Scanned by CamScanner | | as Eigen Values & Eigen Vectors Revers igen ete a parma, ena cardcerisicrorot laa wll ot ot [pH.U-2012] faa - : 102 "28, Thecharacterisicequation forthe mat '=]0°2 1 is 203 ‘ (@) 47-64" +54-3=0 (b) a? +627 -72- (-2 +60 47+ (@) -2 462 -11-240 [BHU-2012 20 00 : “15 00 26 Thechoacterisiovahesoftbematis| | 5 5 9 (1.H1.U-2014) 74-14 ( (0) 2.3.45 234-5 O33, 21 Ws day A, bet charterite roots ofaiorsinglat ax, then the characteristic oats ofadjA.are ~ © [dallas [n..0-2014] OF a8, tfthe characterise valves ofa square matrix ofthid order are 34,5 hen the vale of determinant + @I2 os [B.H.U-2014] “ 4 2 2. {B.H.U.2016) en) @ eo-7 meer OFG=-D O44 Aye then the characteristic values of an invertible nxn mattis Aare {B.H.U.-2018} 30, Ifthe characteristic values of ‘Adj (A) are 1 A la Jsrsn jas"s" 7 1sré" @ [dk lense MMMM OOHAHHADARWTAAAAAAA Scanned by CamScanner bs “ ew Wk eb www ww Let A be a non-zero characteristic root of a non-singulay matrix 4 of order 2 2. Then a characteristic root of the matrix adj. Ais ot wt (alAl @r [D.v, 2015] ii % x 4 V2 : ia a(; i) bead x2 matrix. Thea the expression 4*—24'—34"+ 4? is equal to A 34. 3s (@) 24431 * w sata (2-31 @) 34-20 {D.U. 2015) vid : waelo 2 -tfthenthevalweot 4-4 =447 +478 {p.v. 2016) 002 210 ot ’ @afo 31 ajo 1-1 oot so,[0 0-3 ; aoy-[ine cnn pO) Whichofihe following statements is rue ? (a) A(0) has eigenvectorsin R? forevery 0€(0; 28). (0) (6) bas eigenvectors in for any 6 (0°28) © Aoacenn fe forvacty on value of (0,28) [D.U. 2017] ‘Then det (4-647 454-431) is (24 IS Denote by U the set of all nn complex matrices A (n js the only eigenvalue of A. Consider te following four starem @3 + . Wo 2 a natural number) having the property that 4 rents. How niany ofthe above statements + A-41" =9, (TiFR-2018) sata + (P-sasay + fest Suan Da NTT Ba Sara New FT Tz Ras New Delh¥ 6, Pi 11-26851008, 26861009 rae 33-36, Mall Ren G1. Nogar (Opt Mtv GateNo, 3, Delhi, Phe OU-276S3388, 27688485 : $end Scanned by CamScanner ‘nicl Voted 0 tees We 2 37. How many of the above statements are true forall A@U @o 1 @2 @3 Let A be the set ofall continuous functions. /:[0,1] » (0,0) satisfying the following condition: f£Odr> £68), fou atts €[0,1) ‘Then which of the following statement is rue? (THFR-2018), (a) Abas cardinality 1 (BA has cardinality 2. (©) Aisininit (@Aisempy. 2100 0200 Me nina polyoma is (TIFR20 eA alpobyomitot| G5 9 [rirr2013] cols KS) OY -BLE=5)_, CO-AVS)_(@ none dthe above ~ 3 os * 2. Let Af,(R) be the setofnx matrices with realenties- Which ofthe following statements istrue? (a)Any avis € M(B) basa real eigenvalue Gory matric Ae Mg(R) hasanea (e)Anymateis A€ Af(R) basa realeigewa seal (None of ie above rrirr.204gl Whichof he llowingstue? 1.0 (i3 taythematix (2) iesotdogomisable — yTRem( 3) isagonatinbe 13 (2 (orToemaai i} isdiagonasable, . (@)Noneoflheabove (mieR-2010] Lendbeas «5 fh oun (@yaneigenvalve wiichisprely imaginary =. (hat leastone real egevalie {ehatleastive eigenvalues hire ntl : (@ytles2 isnt ral eigenais rieR-2011 va. 40)=( ‘nts De(O.22).Maikiveconectsatmettetow, (rurR2044] (a) AO) haseigenvectorsin R? forall 0 (0,22) {b) 4(@) dovsnothaveaneigewwector in R® for any 8 (0,2) (e) Ao) haseigenvectorsin R?, ar exally ne vale oF @ € (0,2) (a) A(0) haseigenvectirsin RE, forexcly two values ot 0 « (0,2) Sour Dent THAT Sn Sarah, Near Haw Khas, Now DethietG Ph O17 26851008, 26961009 rear Dei 30-35, Mall ead, TM, Nagur(Opp. Metro Gate No. 3), Delhi, Ps O1-276S3385, 27654485, Scanned by CamScanner AS. Let A be ann x nmatrix with real entries such that 4# = 0 (0-matrix),forsome & € N.Then 1 ()AlastobetbeO matrix ()wace(4) could be nonzero ymieran (©Aisdingonalizable (¢) Dis the only eigenvalue ofA 44. LetAbesminvertble 10% 1 matrix ithe ess sucht hesum ofeach ros Then {@) ThesimoftheentiesofeachrowortheinereofAis + rrirR-201 (0) Thesimoftheentiesofeachcakinotthe inverse ofA + ©) The trace of the inverse of A is non-zero (@) None ofthe above 4 Leinten0xromatiewihcompecemessch aliseenais a on egstve rman and tleastoneegenialuejspositve. Wichofefllowingstamensisaways false? (TIFR-Z045] (@) There exists a matrix B such that AB-BA=B- (0) There exists.a matrix B such that AB-BA=A (©) There exissamatrixB suchthatAB+BA-=A (@) There exits amatrix 8 suchllsh AB +BA=B AS Teen? andletAbeanes rma hen nis sch it nx ncn. Ten or some k2 1, Let /bethe identity BEC 0 cantante rei mnber (©) Det (I+ A)=1 x (d) A" fsa non-zero matrix: [TIFR-2015] G@ asvevesitars~ anaes vier ewiesstate roi tient ma He A’ denotes the transpose off; Then| |=» <2 a @ 1 OM Ts. O48 @a rrirn.20161 a ‘Let A be a3 x 3 matrix with integer entries such that det(4) enies of tacareeven? (a2 (b) 3. (@) 14 Anced notbe invertible | Whats the maximum possible number of oo (8: [TIFR-20161 se et bea nxn nonsingulateyriieiie navi with ened in (02) "Then we can conclude that (o|Al>0 (Uldenoes he determinant ofA) (0) isposiv definite mac isa postive definite matix (4) C= 1 isa matric with enties in (0,29) © B= ICMI(APPS)-20141 = 50° Giventiwo men maces rand B withentesin C, consider te flowing sateen w art08, (1A ae Bhave the sae mini polyoma, tren isin . (QW A eas dstinet cigemvas thentbee exits & C* sch thal, At, ny Au ae linearly independent. Which oftheabovestatemenishold TRUE? IGATE-2017] (a)BothPandQ —(bpOnlyP — +(e) OnlyQ *(d) Neither P nor Q Near IIT Hava Khas, New Delhict6, Ph + 011-26881008, 26861009 27084485 ‘South Deli: 28-A/11, Jin Suv ‘North Delat:3335, Mall Rea, GB. Nagar (Opp. Me te A ‘Scanned by CamScanner Pe ere) @ S. 7 Consider the following statements P and Q: rad pip@=|1 2.4], then Missinguler 139 Q:: Let Sbe a diagonalizable matrix. ICT is a matrix such that $+ 57 = Jd, then Tis diagonalizable. Which of ve above statements hold TRUE ? IGATE-2016] (@) both P arid Q_ (by onlyP (©) only (@ Neither P nor Q 20-3) ' Let X=|3 <1 3]. Amavix 7 such that P*.XP isa diagonal mati, is IGATE-2014] oo -1 tid sar yt r-tt 1-11 fjord (b)}oOut jo rd (jo -11 Lid i) ee 11 0. The possible se of ie Vale ofa 4 A skew:5ymineie onhogoal real matrix is \GATE-2013] @ en Wrens el oso LetP ben. 12 gomplegsiia gu hay: (2) pd (P)=—6. Then, ar(pt~ 7) 868 a oss IGATE-2013] al to Scanned by CamScanner Nom @ 75 On : Forthemauix i) Wu1p ; 2 34a HA : ‘ Mz|3-20 5.61 [GaTe-2012] ‘ a4 RG 3 ; Which ofthe following statemensarecocrect? P:MisskeweHermitan and fis Hermitian ‘ (Q: MisHlermita apd isso = ; ‘ R eigenvalues of Maree £ : S:eigen values of iM are real (@)PandRonly (b)QandRonly_(@)PandSonly (4) Qand Sonly \ 110 ‘ 56, Thedistincteigen values ofthematix]| 1 1 0] are [GATE-2011) 000 (a) and} (b) Land (©) Land? (@)0and2 : 330 * -theminimal polynomialofthemasis| 3.3 0 is IGATE-2011) 006 x(x) 6) (b)e(re 3), EV (K“NO-6) WD) (8-6) TF Have Kh 2655085, 27654455 1 ej igen voues& Eigen Vectors @D 60. 61. 6. 3. 6 Tfa3 +3 real skew-symmenic matrixhasan eigen value 2, then one ofthe remaining eigen valuesis| oz w-p 0 @! [GATE-2010] |, hen the trace of dis IGATE-2009] @o o1 @2 @3 ‘Which of the following matrcesisnot diagonalizable? of) ob) eG) abd, IGATE-2009] 070! 9 “The minimal polynomiatassocited with the matrix] 1 02) is (GATE-2009] He ond Q@)e--2r-3 Y= 420-3 OY @¥-8 43-3 Iasquare matrix of order 19 hassel 4 stn igen values then he degree ofits minimal polynomials [GATE-2003] (a)atleast 4 (byaimost4 (c)auleast {(@)atmost6 Consider the matrix M = [GATE-2005] (a) Mfhas no real eigen values (b)all wal eigen values of Mare postive (Galeleigenvahesof fare negative (@) Mlusbathpoive and negate rel igen aes SECTION-B [Multiple Select Questions] w forany non zero vector, [IT-JAM 2017-MA| Suppose that schthat ap LetM bean yr matrix wih eal ents ‘Then whichofthe following satementsisfare TRUE? (o)Mbsasreal eigenvalues (0) A1-+AP* Is eal eigenvalues (©)mis divisible by2 (iiisdivisible by 3 008, 26861 009 Fini 7 TA-ATIA, Ta Sarah, NearolNT Maus has, New Dell 73338, Mall Ron, GTB. Nagar (Opp. Meteo Gate No.3), Dell, Scanned by CamScanner Eigen Values & Elgen Vectors and Ve men a ocs wil alors then which fie lowing are TRUE? (I-IAM2017-™44] Pomme a o. 10. ag (6) If P"'XP is diagonal for some real invertible matrix P, then there exist a basis for R* consisting of cinenvectrsoFX (O)IEXis gona wi lstint diagonal ens an XY “YX then sao diagonal (OW x? is diagonal then X is tngonal (W)IPX isdiagonal and XY= YX forall ¥, then J = Ay forsome Ae R vi tat def) f]bea2 2 natmatire o1 (@) Lis the only eigenvalue of A (6) A bas ovo linearly independent eigenvectors Jenks of degree 2 (6) A satisfies a polynomial equation with eal coe (@) Ais not imenibe under multiplication Let A be 9 non-singular 3 3 matrix with real entries. For every non @) A isaneigétvalue of both PAP, PAP" where deP}x 0+ (b) 142 isaneigenvalue of J +.4 (& if det A) <0 then |A[<1 (@) it ye is an eigen value ofA then y=1 Let 4#4/ bea 2 * 2 matrix over IR whose square is J. Then which of the correct (@) Aisa diagonal matix (6) there are infinitely may seh mows (0) mi i) ithe set of eigenies ofthe square atti A if = ACV RE GAEL bean eigen value ‘The set Dc (@ Atl 205 (@) Ax / #0, Ais asymmetric matrix © A£l40, 4 (@ Az/-#0, Aisa Hermitian mauix then 5 forall vectors Fe R’ If Ae 0 ig'a 2 * 2 real matrix and suppose 4’ (@) —1 isan eigenvalue of re (o) the characteris polynoni FAS 3+ 1 weap my Rv > 4 eve @ dea= TT TB-ATT, a Sava, Newe4T Wawa Kass 33-35, Malkoal, ‘South Del {HICU-20121 . zero eigenvalue 2. of A [HICU-2013] [HCU-20 (b) sums of diagonal elements ofA is 0 following statements are [HCU-2015] (HCU-2015] ‘ ¢ < « ‘ « 14] ‘ ‘ « « a ‘New Deli-16, Pl + O11-26N51008, 26861009 TEN. Nagor Opp. Metro Gate No, 3),Delie9, Ph OU-2T6S3355, 27654455 ‘Scanned by C: ‘amScanner > 3 igen Velues& igen Vectors @ . > LetA bean nxn matrix. If 4* = 0 for some integer m then which of the following statements are true? 3 (@) Ais nilpotent then det(/-+.4)=1 IHCU-2016 = (b) IfAis nilpotent then 4* = 0 s (0 Mevery eigenvalue of Ais 0, then As nilpotent (© HAisrilpotent thes every eigenvalue of Ais 0 Ai Mami Ain Ma (R) whee 122 Bipot en which of he folowing sates True? | [HCU-2017] (a) 1+.4 isnon-singular, 3 7 (b) IFA and B commute then AB is nilpotent. = (©) IfP be any invetible matrix then PA is nilpotent. 3 (@Alleigenalues ofA ae a, 3 LetAbe an nom mate withreaenes and lt B= (where isthe wanspose of). Which af 7 the Tolling statements ire always tue? : femicars)-2014] 7 (a) IFBis invertible then A must be invertible 7 (b) If isan eigenvalue of B then 420 . > (@ Ithivan eigenvalue of then 4° isa genie of 3 : > (eta Co1+B. Then Cigynverible 2 . 7 ~! ae wd the tet A= (oy) bean n-ne cht ec poe nea Then ve : craiehtetet Ley ES: Towarsy2015} 5 edema ponte nage ooo (Date une of ss pose a " ( thematix 4 has postive enies (@)the mavix 4? has postive enies - ‘ 75, | Let A=((a,)) bean x -non-singular mtr such that each {su real number. Then we ean conclude pee fir, dens he ne ey avid iP drt apse iatrix * {CMAPPS)-2015], (a) The matix 7, +4? isa postive definite (oy The mate, + AA is apse dine matric (¢) The matix J, +4 isa postive definite matrix Lye rViscoodnve den (ay Tema 1-44 (44) sa postive dette matic 76. Let be a real symmetric dx d matrix, Jet D denote its determinant and T denote its trace. which of the folowing statements ire ne? Jentarrs).2016) oir 0 Bend ssticlypoiive dente (ICT 0 hen isinvertbe (@) tA is triely postive definite then D > 0 (HUF D>0 then T>0 11-26851008, 26861009 27653355, 27654455, 2 Khas, New Delli-16, Ph = CA Soi 28-A/1, ia Sra orth eth: 33-38, Mall Rood, GTB. Nagar (Opp. Metro GateNo, 3), Deih-09, $end Scanned by CamScanner @® + igen Votes & Eigen Vectors 777 "Let and B be symmetic srielly positive definite d x d matices with eal enies. Then we can conclude tat [CMI(APPS)-2016] (@) A+B isd nonsingular matic, (©) 4Bisa non-singular marx (©)A + Bis a symmetie striely positive definite matrix 2 (@) AB isa symmetric riety postive definite matric 78, Pickoutthe tue statements: . : +) Theeigenvalues ofa unitary matex are all qualto #1 7 (0) Thedeterminantofealonbogonal mauix salvays #1 [NBHM-2005] « 79, Pckoutthetruesttemesis « (a) Let bea hermit positive definite max, They thie exists ahenmiin positive definite Ix 1 i mati Buch that B (b) LotBbeanon-singnlar NV x W matrix withreal entries. Let B° belts wanspose. Then #'B isasymmetric t arn postive define mai, INBHM-2005] ‘ 80, Let p(s) =0, 4,-t2¢0,x" bee characteris polynomial off ve matric with nisin Then : which ofthe following statements is tre? [NBHM-2006) Tess ists ‘ (0) p(s) has ho repeated roa (55> (8) PC) canbeexpesedasa product ofiear pom ihrel oes ' (0) Wp) canbe exesed sa product tna pljaomis with rea coetiens then theresa bass of ‘ BB consisting of igenvectorsof 4 ' I, Pickoutthe te statement: : (a) Let and Bbe tworrbiteary 2% 11 matrices. Then (A+B)? = A? +248 +B ( (b) There exist mar matriges 4 and B such that AB ~ BA [NBHM-2009}, ‘ ©) Let and B be uiniarbivary, ne invades 1 Sinve le, then rd) = te(B™'AB). ‘« * eretr (denies threo anni nia he 82, Let Abeanonzero 2x 2imauix with ral entries. Pick out the true statements: 4 then is diagonalizable “« then A isdiagonalizable ‘ (6) IA sinvertbl, ten 1 = (tr(A))1 ~ (det) A, where tr(A) and det (A) denote thetrace and deter- ‘ mminantorA respectively INBHN2010] ‘ 83. LatAbean 1 malic wih icles, ick out inet satements: : « (a) There exists real symmetie 1% 1 mux se: t 1 «wy tra wssymmetie, thereexss a ealsymote 0" mat Buch tha BP = (6 ltd issymmeti there existsa real symmette n> matrix 8 such that [NBUM-2010] B= THCATIE Tn Sava, New 107 Haws Ris, New DelheVG, Pi O11 RUA TOON, SONGTDOD Hort Delhi; 3435, Mallon T.N.Nugor (Opp. Metro Gate No, 3), Dei-, Phe OII-27650355 27684435 . . Tl Scanned by CamScanner uw w 84, 85. 86. 87. 88. Ss igen Values & Eigen Vectors @® Let $= (Ayan, A,) bean ordered set ofnreal numbers, notall equal, but notall necessarily distinct. Pick out the true statements: [NBHM-2010] (@) There exss an nxn mati witheomplex entiesashich snot selCadjin, wise setofeigevalesis givenbyS, (6) There existsan 1» sef-joint,non-agonal matrix wih complex entries whose st ofegenvaluesis aiventys. (©) Thereexissan nx symmetric, nonigonalmatix with real ene whose st ofeigenvalesis ivenbyS. Let bea2 «2 matrix wit real enves which s nota diagonal matixand which satisfies 4 = J. Pick outthe true statements: [NBHM-2011) (wl) (&) A isdingonatizable over R : m (©).A=1 isaneigenvalueofd Let beasymmetrc nxn matric wife! ens, whieh postiveseii definite, is. x" Ax 2 0 orevery (columin) vector x, where 3 deni te (ow) veto whichis rasp Pickourthe true state- ments: i [NBHM-2011] @) Theeigemalues of are ailnanaegatve ot : {) Aisinvertble 4 (© The prncipalminor A, ofA (ies thedetermifant ofthe k x matrix obtained from the ist krows and first keolumnsof 4) isnon-negatie foreach k= 0 ‘Anon-zeromais 4 M(B) issidtbenipten if! = 0 forsome pose integer 2 21fA ipo cers whith otha log eeSteREE iwnene2012) (9 nese tn rte GARLGER ENIEAVOUR j (©) The matrix / + A isinvertible x (9 Aliecignancietde0 {NBHIM.20141 Let A eM,(R). Which ofthe following statements are true? () IE (ee( A)? > 4det(A) then is diagonaizable over R (6) It (tr( ny? = Adet( A), then A isdiagonalizable 6ver R (©) I (ie( Ay? 0. Lethand be the 92, Let A=(a,) bea 10 x 10 matrix suchtat 2, largest and the smallest eigenvalues A, respectively. IFA + p= 24 then equals, IGATE-2017} bee SECTION-D [True or False] 93, Let bea3x3 real symmetric matrix such thal A= /-Then, A= 1 (ruR-2018] 94, WedeM(R) (ihn > 2phas rank | then the minimal pobplomial ofA has degree 2, (THER-2018] 95, LatABeM(R) besuch tail + B= AB. Then AB ~BA.S | [T1ER-2018] 96, Laden (B)be upper sgl wih sar ents gh that / Tei isnot ciagonlizable 4 CAP ITIFR.2018} % SHE Ee ee ee mmuiesd wihcompl enti sising ; ITIER-2011) ind isinvertble, then there exists an integer such that f+ nB is invertible 97, LetA bead the equation ?= isinfinite. Nat Q PFOADIVIVDAGNAGFaANVAVIIVTAA 98. ItAand Bare3 x3 matrices ul . {THFR-2011) e 99, Suppose Aisa nilpotent matrixand/ isthe denttymati. Then (+4) isinvetbe (THER-2012] 4 490. Ae M,(C) and Aisnitpotentthen a= (rtRR-2012] 7 101, LetPbe any *nimani whose rowsumsequa , Then fray positive integer nthe row sums ofthe matix . Prequal |. . (TIFR-2012] @ 13 “ 102, Thematric| q 24 |isdiagonalisable, ITHER-2012] < 003 ‘ South Dain SWAT Sa Sarah Near HVT Maz Kis, New Dellic1G, Ph; O11-26¥51008, 26861009 ‘ se ‘Scanned by CamScanner 16. igen Values & igen Vectors @ 103, , Ie Aand Bare sila matices hen every eigenvector of 4 isan eigenvector of. THIFR-2013}, 304” ttareal square marixAissimilartoadiagonalmatixandsaistiesA*= 0 forsome , then mustbe the zero matic, : (rieR-2013} ce 0S. Itdisacomplexm* nmatixwith 4? = A thenranka= ace (riFR-2013) 106. Let 122 hennaturalmumber. Let be the set ofall xn eal matrices whose entries are only0,lor2. Then ae the average determinant of a matrix in Sis greater than or equal to I (THFR-2017} 107. Every? x 2-matricaverC isasquare of somemauix [r1FR-2017] 108, Forallposiive integers mand iA ian mx neal max, and B isan ix meal matrix such hat AB = /, then BA=/ . (T1FR-2017} 109. Suppose at isan x rceal mutes all whose eigenvalues have absoute valueless than I. Then for any ver [adfsbl: (THFR-20171 10, Suppose chun, aredstnet en reilmatricessuch that 4,4, = forall '# j. Then msn : (r1FR-2017] 111, There exists areal 3 x3 orthogonal matrix with only now-zer0 ents [eM-2010), 2) AS «Svea matrix hasan eigenvector in BF : feme2010) * here is 2 » 2 real matrs with characteris polynomial 3741. femezo1t| 4 ny He : - A . 115, LetA bea symmetie xi matin and suppose tha dis positive dette. Then JCMI(APPS)-2012| 1.) and B=(2) be nxn maticestha are positive definite Sue that . Let A a, beaps eigenvalues of. 2 Khas, New Deli16, Pht -09, Phe 011-276 861009 355, 27654485 ER Sot Det 36-ATA, Tn Sarah Nowe OT serail: 33-35, MallRoad, TB. Nagar (Opp. Metro Gate No, 3), Del Scanned by CamScanner Eigen Volues & Elgen Vectors Le 8. @) 15.) 22.) 28.6) 36.0) 43. (a) 50. (¢) 57.(@) 64. (b,6) 71. (abed) 78.0) 85. (a) 89.(1) 93.(1) 100.(T) 107.(F) 114.1) Pp. ‘Answer Key ‘SECTION-A [Multiple Choice Questions} 2 @ 3. (a) £0 5 6 W 1. % © 10. (a) 1. @ 12.) 2B. 14. (a) 16.0) + 17. 18. () 19.0) 20. () 21.(@) 23.0 4.0) 25.(@) 26.(a) 27.00) 28.(0) 30. (6) 31.) 32.) 33.0) ME 35) 37a). 38.(0) 2.0) 40.0) 4) 26 He) 40) 6) BO 31.0 52.) 3@ 340) 55.0) 56.(0) 3 BW) 61.@) 62.(a) 6. @) SECTION-B [Multiple Select Questions) 65. (a; Dd) 966. a6) jo 67. bod) ,68.(0,e,d) 67.(aye) 70. (bed) er) yes par 800) 5 eB ON | 7 5 82Gye) $3.6) BCA) CAREER ENE SOU Bare) 87-046)" 88EG) SECTION-C [Numerical Type Questions] 90. (2) on (5.9106.1)92.(7) SECTION-D [True or False] 94. (1) 95.1) "96. 0) 97.0) 98.(1) 99.(0) 101.r) —102.(T)—A3.(F) OKT) 10ST) 106.8) 108.(F) 109) OK). “| M5), GCE) 11T.(F) BA Sia ‘Mall Realy i NearelI Hawz Khas, New Delhi-16, Ph O11-26851008, 26861009 FT, Nagar (Opp: Metro Gate No, 3) Delki-09, Pus O11-27688955, 27654435 ————~ Scanned by CamScanner nn nme aDAPOIMOOANNHAAAAITTANVIVANNNA AD, “ae w 3 te a te we wow ow ga dm wes Eve es ‘SECTION-E [Subjective Type Question] 122. a) Again nilpotentso it has only’ eigen value (b) As ‘4"has two different eigen values +, -7 5 na! ] ns. 127, 0=1/2, 228. 444-1) 129, det(a)=21 Bs u ‘ 130. 4=1/6,9= y= 131. (ude 132. (A) =5,detCa)—4 133. both (1) +1) 134, 47 135. (a+b)? <4Cad ~6e) 136. (J) S703 O10 : 138, p=i]1 0 0] * 139.1 oot ‘South Delhi: 28-A/11, Jia Sarai, Newrl1T Maw Klas, New Delhict6, Ph + 011-26851008, 26861009 ‘North Delhi :33-35, Mall Road GTB. Nagar Opp, Meivo Gate No, 3), Delhi-09, Ph; O11-27683358, 27654458 Scanned by CamScanner SECTION-A [Multiple Choice Questions] Which one ofthe following is subspace of the vector space B?? @ {Oy (b) {(5955) RP: 2e43y 442-32 0,2=0) © Ks. we Let Vettes oF2 2 nts | scalar multiplication, which 120."Then, under asl atx adition and prr-saM 2015-MA] set of matrices in V with a +05) of the followings (as) tre? (a) Vis a vector space over C (b) Wis a vector space over C (e) is a vector space over R (4) Wis a vector space over R Tet V be the vector space of eontimous fanetions on [-1, 1] over R. Which one ofthe fon na subspace of V 7 (HICU-2011] fa) Lev f vanishes arsome point in -1, 1) UEP FO=01 © (fev soya ovr elhi) Fer /sDes0r [HCU-2016] Which of the following subsets are subspaces of '? (a) ((xy.2)eB/Sx-y 4229) (©) ((s,9,2) eR /3x- y+ OG, Then thesmallest subspace of V containing FY, and IM, is [B.1.U.-2015], © {6sy,2)eR/ 92 ae rationals) Let W, 1, be two subspaces of vector space (@) HOM, (o) 4%, (9 moms @ M-WIVO =) et P be the set ofall complex Hermitian matries ‘Then P isa vectorspace over the field of @c {b) R but not C {D.U, 2014] (a) C but not R (©) both B and € 851003, 26861009 27653355, 27651455 ATT Tiawe Khas, New Delhi-t6, Ph or Opp. Metro Gate No, 3), Delli-09, Phe tan an Oar PO PPPPTAANATANATIATAITIANN As ‘aud Scanned by CamScanner ag econ sot @® | Friis ihe vovior space ofall nxn matrices over a fild F. Which one of the following i no a subspace off {D.U. 2015) (a) Allupper triangular matrices of order (b) All non-singular matrices of order (©) Allsymmetric matrices of order ( Alimmatrices of order n, the sum of whose diagonal entries is 26° JA Let be the vector space of all nxn matress over afield. Let F be the subspace of V consisting of all symmetric matrices of order » and 1, be the subspace of sonsistis ofall skew-symmetric matrices of [D.U. 2015] order n. Which one of the folléwing is not a subspace of 2 . @ Ker ) KU% OVO, 4 KOK Let {D.U. 2017] (2,20, 0)|aeR}, | 17, ={(a,0,-a)¢eR} Then (a) + 1%, is subspace of R? but 1M UI, is not (6) W,+1%,,1% OM, are both subspaces of R (© neither 17, +1¥, nor 17, 0M, isa subspace of R (8) WUT isa subspace of R? but If +M%y is not, [CMI(APPS)-20131 What is U2 10. U={(s352)l5 WV =f(se)e= (@).9y plane (6) = plane (xphne = @R SECTION-B [Multiple, Select Questions] fe with real coefficients. Which of the following yromials in one variable [CMI(APPS)-20161 _J Let V’be the vector space of poly subsets is/are subspaces of 7? (@) The set U consisting of al polynomials with integer coefficients. (b) The set HV consisting ofall polynomials f degree at least 6. ©The set x consisting ofall polynomials having a least one FS root. {@) The st Y consisting of al polynomials only wih even powers ofthe variable. | SECTION-C [Subjective Type Questions] 32. (@) Assquare matrix. ‘ero matrix of order n. Determine whether Mof order with complex entries i ale seve Heat i Mail =0 where AM [MF is a2 skew Hermitian matrin} [IFP-JAM 2008-MA] Oisthe {sa vector space over (the field R and (@ the field © with usu al operation Of ation and scalar mulipiation for matrice (ey Seu De B.A i T, NearsiT Haws Khas, New Delhi-16, Ph z O11-26951008, 26861009 | Mail onl, GTB, Nogar (Opp- MetroGuteNo, 3),Delhe09, Phe WUU27OSS3SS, 2768485 + | ‘North Delh: 33-35, ‘Scanned by CamScanner S veda tact is Answer Key Boece ‘SEGTION-A [Multiple Choice Questions] WAAAY 1 @ 2 © 20). 4 GSO, 8b) % (a) 10.) — SECTION-B [Multiple Select Questions] I. (c,d) . 7 ec a . 7 oe ce = oe e . € © e e e € € . he da 7 NewrsiIT Hawz Klis, New Delli-t6, Ph: 011-26851008, 2686)009 'Na, 3), DethisO9, Ph: O11-27653385, 2768455, BAIN, tia S | Mall Road, GT Nagar (Opp. Metro G Scanned by CamScanner “SECTION-A [Multiple Choice Questions] R, then which one of the I (vss) is a linearly independent set of vectors ina vector space over [IIT-JAM 2018-MA] following sets is also linearly independent” (yt. FH FISH HAND ) &% © te" @ Mer Let fu,v} be a linearly independent subset ofa real vector spa ty th 425.9543) ce V, Then which ofthe following is not a linearly indeperident set? {ACU-2012] () (4 Viv, u- VB} (©) (v.2v—u 2} (A) (2+ ys—du-2¥) pp such that 0¢ AUB. Let the number of elements {HCU-2013] @ tuu-vt Consider the vector space R over R and 4,Bc in A and B are 4 and 2 respectively, then (@ both A and B are linearly dependent sets (b) Ais linearly dependent set but B is inarly independent set (©) both A and B are linearly independent sets, (@ none of the above is true statement 3) (6) (12) (6 offrt| ry yo Let] fof] 2 |} 2 a} (0 U4, 4 ° jand a 1 te five vectors in 2%, The maximum numberof Tnearly independent (2) icu-2017] vectors among them is w4 ws @2 nioeea (with standard basis) with respect to the ordered bass {(1, 0,0), (1, 1,0),(1, 11D) are given by @ Ch7-0 ) -h-D (© (1813.7) @ (CLAD 1B.U.-2015] 0) and ay, 8) -8) with respect (o ordered basis 8 [B.ULU.-2016] 1 Thecoordintes of, 2+ are givenby’ @ C145) wcm-bn © 259 @o-40 To, Pir WI1-26851008, 26861009 “South Delhi: 26-ATI, dia Saval, New Hawz Khas, New Dell Mall Road, GTB. Nagar (Opp. Metro Gate No ‘North Delhi: 33 Scanned by CamScanner n 1B. 4. fio (3 -6) fo 0) nsider |, M .My=| J end A sx(R). Thee, Consider Ma =| ) G ap Mag a] Malo gah MosR) Then (@)_(M,, M,, M,) islinearly indeper (6) (M,, M,,M,} islinearly independent (© {(My.My,M,} islinearly independent (d) (My, My, M,)} is linearly deperident [D.U. 2016] mv wom 2) Wa=perhy=2 W a=-1,p=hy= [D.U. 2016] 1) and (0, 1, x) are linearly independent if Ris [GATE-2005] 4) feRxe- teae() Jets piverit she ofall xe R for which the vectors (I, x, 0), (0, G@)treR:x=0) (by fveRixe0} (,lveR SECTION-B [Multiple Select Questions] Let V be the vector space of continuous functions on f-1, 1] over RE. Let u,tt,thst, €Y defined as a(a)=x. wy(9)=[eh mG) 22%. aa) = x1 then [HCU-2011] @) {uj,14) istincarly dependent (© fait.) is linearly dependent © ary.) is nearly dependent (none ofthe above 1») 1,0 B. Which of the following statements are Consider the vector space 7 = R'(R) and B= 6, {HCU-2013} true? {@) IFB isa linearly dependent set then 3(a,t;) #(0,0) such that cay, +2% =" (b) 1FB is a linearly dependent sot then 3(c-c,) such that a, #0, ct #0 and cy, + (©) 1B is linearly independent then 3 no nonzero 2-tuple (44,03) such that ayy, Fav, #0 (6) 1FB is linearly independent then 3 no noizero 2-tuple (a,c) such that oy, +a, SECTION-C [Numerical Type Questions] -x] [0-— cl A 1° if 3] ise greene vector spa 22 mas s with SECTION-D [True or False] Inthe vectorspace (1/10, 1}-28 ofteabvalued funetions on the closed interval (0, .the set S= {sin(s), ‘eos(x),tan(a)} islinearly indepersdent, (TIFR-2018) | ‘The polynomials (/~1) (1=2), (= 2) (1-3. -3) (1-4), (14) ((-6) RIA] are tneaty independent, (TuR-2012} Ss FeATTIs ia Saval, NenrelVT we Khas, New DelhictG, Ph: O1-26451008, 26961009 535, Mall Road, GTB. Nogar (Opp. Metro Gate No, 3), Delh-09, Ph: O11-27653358, 27654458 jouth De ‘North Detht PAAAAAHEHANADANAAAAAAAARARIAAH AS & ‘Scanned by CamScanner Linear Independence & Dependence’ @® Answer Key Tee SECTION-A [Multiple Choice Questions] 5 @ 6@ 70 1.@) 1 @ 3. @) 4 ®) 9. (©) SECTION-B [Multiple Select Questions] 11. @d) SECTION-C [Numerical Type Questions] SECTION-D [True or False] SS BATT B ATT in Sava Near Ul Maw Kis, New DeIhic16, Pir + O1-R68S1008, 26861009 th Dell 133-35, Mall Road, G-T.B, Nagar (Opp. Metro Gate No, 3}, Delll-09, Ph: 011-2768 355, 7684485 ‘Scanned by CamScanner SECTION-A [Muitiple Choice Questions} Which of the following sets is the bass forthe subspace vf A efi 4} ‘of th Let V’be the vector space of all 6 « 6 feal matrices over the field B, Then of V consisting of all symmetric matrices is (@) 15 (by 18 (2 (35 s2yers0.yerao} ore vray fal 2 x2 aes n the dimension of the subspace [ITE JAM 2009-MA] Consider the following subspace of? [IE JAM 2012-MA] Wm ((xy.5)eR [De 2y 422 0383-22 = Oxt y—3E= “the dimension of Wis (0 wl ©2 @3 1 1] and V be the veetor space of all X eR? such that A = 0. Then dim(V) is s| wo w! (2 (3 (TJAM 2013-MA] ' Let Ibe the vector space of ll 2 * 2 matriees over R . Consider the subspaces ~a a. ma(e jhenden| mee toes] prsane 213.01 ane irnHF, 1%) and = din 41%) 5 then the pi on) is @) 23) HA) > G4) U3) is Spun Dent PH ATIN, a Sara, Near-1T Maw Khas, New Deli-16, Ph O11-26851008, 26861009 5 Ata eG Nagar (Opp. Metro Gate No, 3), Delhi-09, Ph: 01127683355, 27654455 Scanned by CamScanner ARH AA AANANNAUN AN 8 w < set mtn a Zuy #44 for 3510} of the vector space (TJAM 2014-MAl Consider the subspace WY = (3, %ye-r%p) € R IR". The dimension of Wis @2 3 9 @10 Let {13,0} be a linearly independent set in the vector space RR? and let_X'=span{urv+s} and Y =span(w.u+v}.. Then the dimension of X NY is [CU-2010] @o oi (@) ean not be found from the information . SS Tet ©2 sS Let M;(R) be the space ofall3 * 3 real matrices. Let Vc M,(R) be the space of symmetric matrices S 6 Oe o4 3 3 12 Let V bela vector space of 2 x2 real matrices. Let A=|_ “| then the dimension of the subspace BS spanned by {4,4°,A°,A*} is [HCU-2012] > @2 3 4 Ws FI »> Te Let V be the vector space of all continuous functions on R. aver the field > Let $={{xhlx-1]x-21} 5 [HCU-2012| ~ (2) S islinearly independent and does not span V_. (b) is linearly independent and spaits V > = © Sislinearly dependent and does not span V__() is linearly dependent and spans V S Let V be the veetor space of polynomials of degree les'than or equal to 2. (HCU-20121 Ss Let S= (24x43? 42x+2,x7 +3}. Then . (@) Sis a linearly independent set (0)S does not span V Ss (©) neither [A] nor [B] is false (@None of [A]. (B], [C] is false ‘S 12% Thedimersion ofthe vector subspace W of ,(C) givenby pCU-2015} | 3 ‘ab we |:a,b,e,d eC,atb=c,b+c=dera=d} is equal to | 3 cd 5 @ 4 3 2 @I 13, -If'y,»4,% are linearly dependent vectors in a vector space V over a fell F. If vy isnot a nar 7 combination ¥, and v, then {HCU-2017] > : (@) », isa fincar combination of v, and ». (&) dim(V)'s2 7 (©) ¥, must be a zero vector. (4) v, and v, are linearly dependent. \ 2 14 Let %,M% be two subspaces of a vectorspace such that dim 1% =3,dimW¥,=4 and > 4. Bosis & Dimensions @ > 25. U=span{(lt,—1),(2,3,-1),(3,4-3)}.=sp0n{(b1-3).8,-2-8)o(2h-3)} Whatisu Nv? > {CMI(APPS)-2013] 3 @u wr (©) The {0] subspace (4) None of these g A ‘The dimension d, of the vector space IV of all % 1 real symmetric matrices satisfies Set rains 0d 2 22 enti? femme 201 2 © as for all n22 . @ du(oe) erates , 7 wt Let (X,Y, Z} bea basis of R?. Consider the following statements P and Q: IGATE-2016] . PX 4Y,)+Z,X~Z} isa basis of RE 7 Q: (KEY 42, X42¥ -Z,¥ 32} isa basis of RP 7 Which of the above statements hotd true ? > (@) both P and Q — (Wonly P (© onlyQ (a Neither P nor Q 3 28 Letrrbetherealvectrspaceoall polyoma inone varabtewith real coefficients and having degrae almost > 20, Define the subspaces [GATE-2013] 5 ma{ner p)=0.4(3)=0.0t-0.2en=0} : i) 5 1 163) = 0, p(A)=0, (7) = OF 3 8 ‘Then, the dimension of Wf, IF is 5 @ 16 wi7 ols 19 25, Thedimension ofthe vstorspace = (0, un 244 aj} overthe field Ris > [GATE-2009} > ey (re=1 (@r-n (rn 7 A Considerthe subspace W = {{ay}: a) =r! sseven) ofall 10 10 real matrices. Then, the dimension of W” : ® [GATE-2008] ? (25 (50 (5 (a) 100 , rid (tet Aa|2’ 2 3] andlet 7 = (3,42) €R? det (4) =0 “Then, thedimension of Vequals , 7 aye , ~@o Ol 2 (3 [GATE-2007| ot, = 0} of Ris IGATE-2006] 182. Thedimension ofthe subspace {(Xy 93.8085): 35 4“ (aI (b)2 (3 (a4 433, Let be the vector space ofall ret polynomials. Consier the subspace spanned by {GATE-2006] Parad, PeD+S, SP+UEA and P4244. Then the dimension of is 4 3 @2 @i . [Neal Haws Kins, New Delhi-t6, Ph: 011-26851008, 26861009 a South Det: 28-A711, Jia Sa FS Terarpemni 35, nat Rond, GTN. Nagar (Opp. Metro Gate No, 3) DelNb02, Ph: 011-2 7683355, 27681488 ‘Scanned by CamScanner is ‘SECTION-B [Multiple Select Questions] « 34 Let Pbea vectorspace of dimension d DANB+ ANC € ‘SECTION-C [Numerical Type Questions] 6 LAT. Lat, be the real vest space of al 5» 2iaties such UE the sum of the entries in each rovr is 20. ¢ Let, be the real vector spe ofall 5 2 mates sul thatthe sum oF the entries in each column is ‘ero. Then the dimension of the space Hf, 7, is [JAM 2018-MAl © 38 Let Af,(R) be the vector space of 2 * 2 real matrices. Lét V be a subspace of A/,(R) defined by © 0 2)_[o 21,1 ! . vaydems®):4), {|=]3 1 ay. JAM 2015-MAL © “Then the dimension of Vis______+~ 7 A. Let V’ be a vector space of dimension 4 ver the field Z, with 3 elements. What is the number of one~ € dimensional veetor subspaces of V" . [NBHIM-2006] < A. Let /’be the real veetor space of all polynomials inone variable with real coefficients and of degree less than, € or equal to 5, Let be the subspace deny I” = (7 € F120) = s(2)= 0}. What isthe dimension of W? < [NBHM-2010] Consider the subspaces ‘ : ye (summa) eR? 5425) ‘ 2 [GATE-2018} f(s) 38425) ee 1 of R. Then the dimension of M+ /gequas ‘ 42. Let beafield with 7 elements Let Khe a subfield of F with 49 elements. Then the dimension of Pasa : vector space over Ki is_ CS [GATE-2018} T NearslTT Have Ks, Nev Delhi-1G, Ph = 011-26851008, 26961009 “GrEM.Nogar (Opp. Metra Gate No, 3), Delli-O9, Ph: O11-27653385, 27654455 ‘Scanned by CamScanner p Ss @D Bosis & Dimensions ; i ia ; 47. 51. + 0, 1, 0)} respect © ney 3 2 fares tedden subspace UV equals__ IGATE-2017] SECTION-D [True or False] ‘The set of nilpotent matrices in M(B) spans M(R) considered as an Revector space (a matrix A is said (TIFR-2018] to be nilpotent if there exists neN such that A" = 0). SECTION-E [Subjective Type Questions) ed by (1s 25 3,4) (2 by 15 39) and ((1, 0, 1, OW Bs basis of H+, containing ((1,0,1.0). [IIT-JAM 2006-MAl Suppose I, und IV are subspace of R' sp ely, Find a basis of 17, 01¥,. Also find a : 3,0,1,0)}. ‘et A be a inn matrix such that A= 0 and A"! #0. Show that there exist a vestor ve R” such that [y, AYjaeudtv] forms a basis for R*. [ITT-JAM 2009-MAl Lit V’be a veto space ofall polonvats wih rel eoeliients of degree at mast, where "722 Consid tment of Vas fnetions fom R to R, define 1” -{o er:fateyte=9 [uesaMt2011-MAl (amotixA is sid (riFR-2015 Show that Iisa subspace of Vand din(?) = [M,(@2) considered as an R-vector space Ar=0), ss: union of two proper subspaces. [CMI-201X{78) pa “The set of nilpotent matrices in M,(R) spans to be nilpotent ifthere exists m ¢ Nsuch that “Avector space of dimension 2 2 can be expressed Let A(R) be the veetor space of x7-matices with reenires Let Ube the subset of M (7%) +4, =0).Isitruethat Uisaveitor subspace of Vover B 71fso whats ts [NBHM-2006] and consisting ((0,)1 uy #42 *°” dimension’? Let V bea veetor space stich that sible values of dim (7 9 2). dim(V)=5. Let Wand Ze subspace of V such that dim IV) = dim(Z) = 4. Wite down all poss [NBHM-2008] 212 where A=] ~ 113 - 3 Let I cB! be the subspace defined by W = (ve R': Ax 4 Write downa {NBHM-2011] basis for 7. as Yee the wubspace of M(B) consisting of watices such hat teetres of the fst row add un to zea, Write down a bass for ” . [NBHM-2012], and such thatthe entries ofthe first Let Vbe the subspace of M,(R) consisting ofall matrices with ace zero row add up to zero, Write down a basis for Let 7 & MB) be the subspace ofall nace sgh tha the ets in every rowed upto zero andthe add up to zero, What i the dimension of [NBHIM-2013} [NBHM-2013} entries in every column also {Write down bass forthe following subspace of Fe* XE YET - INBIIA -2014) Va((xy, eR 7, Near-T Haya Khas, New Delli-16, Ph: 011-26851008, 26561009 (No, 3), Delhi-09, Ps O11-276S3355, 27654455 “ | ‘Scanned by CamScanner @® bests & Din Answer Key Pee one eee SECTION-A [Multiple Choice Questions] 1@ 20. 3H 40 50 6 7. @) 8. (©) 9 (a) 10. (a) Th. (a) 12.) 13. (@) 14. (0) 15.0) 16.9) 11.0 18.0) 19. 20.0) 21.@) 22. (a) 23.0) 24.) 25.(a). 26.(d) 21.0) 28.(0) 29.(0) 30. () 31.(0) 32.) 33.(¢) + SECTION-B [Multiple Select Questions} Bye) 35.(e) 3669) ‘SECTION-C [Numerical Type Questions] (320) 8G) GHG.) SECTIOND [True orFalse] 44.6) SECTION-E [Subjective Type Questions] 49. (yes, m= 1?-1) 50. (2,3) 51. (any two LL. vector satisfying the linear system) 52. (any three LL. Matricer with he entries of fist row adding upto ‘o") 53. (any ovo LL. malricen with trace entren of fist row adding up *0") “101, L=D) 5. (1,0, O11-26N51008, 26861009 he O11-27653: Deli 7 THAT Sia Sarah, Near Haws Kiss, New Dellic16, Ph Soutle North Del 27, Nagar (Opp. Metro Gate No, 3), Del Scanned by CamScanner Web th th wn a ww uuuwpuYyuUuWwUW vue ~vvewvunvs 3 Consider the vector space Y over R of polyno SECTION-A [Multiple Choice Questions] 1. Considera cube Centered at the origin in R, The number of invertiblertnear transformations of? which map C onto itslfis @ 2 was (24 2 2. Consider the following maps from R? to R; () the map (x, y) 9 Ox + Sr++), (i the map (x, 9) (+9 7+ 2), and or #0, wit the origin mapping to the origin. he map given in polar coordinates as(r,6)'-> (r,6+r°) ' ‘The number of maps in the above list that preserve areas is: @o w! @2 @3 ial fanctions of degree less than or equal t0 (x) —af"(2). Then the rank of T is (4 [ITEJAM 2018-MAl Let U; Vand W be finite dimensional real vestor spaces, T:U—+¥, S:¥ 91F and Pal? 90 be Tear transformations, range (ST) = ulspace (7) rulspace (ST) = range (P) and rank C1) = ak then which one of the following is TRUE? [ITE-JAM 2018-MA] (a) nullity of T = nullity of S (b) dimension of U # dimension of W fimension of U = 3 defined on R. Let T:V + be defined by (T/2)= @! 27 | ©3 then P isnot identically zer0 and T is one-one, then P is identically zero = (4) —xp04)—¥y0). HINT) and R(T) denote the null space [HTJAM 2006-MAq (©) If dimension of V (8 If dimension of V.= 4, dimension oF U 5 tet TR? + R? be defined by T%%20%) ‘and range space of T respectively, then (a) dimM(T)=2— (b) dim RT)S2 Ce) RTV=N(T) (A) NT CRT) ) and 7(1,2,3) = (1, 0,1). Then [UE JAM 2008-MA} (b)a finite set containing more than one element 6. Let S=47:? > RgT isa linear transformation with 7(,0,1) = Sis (a) a singleton set (d)an uncountable set eset be a near ansfomation sly 72437? #47, where is the demi ransiofmavon, HT-JAM 2009-4 (© acountable i 7 Let TR Rt then the linear transformation $= 7-437? ~41 is i Near-II Wawz Khas, New Delhi 1 20861009 South Deli: 26-AT11, Ta North Delht:33-35, Mall Rond, GTB. Nagar (Opp. Metru Gate No. 3), De ‘Scanned by CamScanner hee tenes Ia” (@) one-one but not onto (by onto but not one-one (©) invertible (@) norinvertible Let T:R? + BE be a linear transformation such that 7 ((1,2))= (2,3) and 7 ((0,1)) =(14)- Then [IE-JAM 2010-MA| é é < 7(3,6) is @) 6D 6.0) OCLs @u,-9 9, Lov TR? > 8 be the finer transforiation whose matrix with respect tothe standard basis of ab 0c |, where a, 6, e are real numbers not all zero. Then T [IEJAM 2010-MA] ~c 0 ‘one to one (&) is omto (6) does not map any line passes through the origin onto itself (@) has rank 1 10, Let P:R" R" be a Kinear ranstormation, where m2, For AS, let B= by ¥s~ FET Myon) [WT-JAM 201-MAl Then (a) IE's linearly independent, then Fis linearly independent ! (b) I Fis linearly independent, then £ is linearly independent (©) Ifis linearly independent, then Fis linearly dependent (@ If Fis linearly independent, then & is linearly dependent + R" be a linear transformations such that T;7, is bejective. . JAM 2011-MA] ran AN v,JoR" and anna ane M1. For nem let 7,2" > R" and TR". ‘Thee (a) rank (7,) = 1» and rank (73) = 07 () rank (7,) = m and rank (7) (©) rank (7,) = 7 and rank (7) =" (rank (7,) = m and sank (7) = 7 12, Levi bea vector spnee over Rand let 7: R* 17 bealinene ransformation such st $= (Te,,Tey,Te,) = spans 1 Which one of the following must be TRUE? {UT-JAM 2012-MA] () TR) #7 (4) ker (7) contains more than one clement > Pond T:P,> Py {ITEJAM 2013-MA] (a) Sisa basis of W (©) {eyTey,Te,} spans W eal vector space ofall polynomials of degree at most n. Let 13, Let P, be ther be the linear transformations slefined by 20, £20,N tae OS Day + ak HX? tot OX XH OR Het OE Tay +a + aX? Hot If is the mati representation ofthe transformation DT TD: P, — P, with respect tothe respectively. standard basis of P,, then the trace of 4 Is @- (on (ntl (a) (a+) uy Let T:R? rR? be the Hindar transformation defined by Tonya Gre yytezta) for all |WT-JAM 2014-MA], (ayy,2) eR. Then 0, nullity (7) = 3(b) rank (7) = 2, nullity (7) = | 2(d) rank (1) =3, nullity (7) = 0 ral, Newr-lT Hawz Khas, New Dethiet6, Ph: O11-26851008, 26861009 (Opp. Meteo Gate No. 3), Dethi-09, Ph: O11-27658355, 27656 (a) rank (1) (©) rank (7) 1, nullity (1) * BAT, Sia 5-35, Mall Roaul, G15 Nay ‘South Dell : North’ Delhi Scanned by CamScanner eq : ite nebrmeas @ Let P,(R) be the vector space of polynomials inx of degree at most 2 with eal coefficients. Let M, (IR) be 15. the vector space of2* real matcces.Ifalineartraraformation 7 : F(R) > M(B) is defined as £()-f2) 9 TI w [ ost [IT-JAM 2015-MAl then (b) Tis onto but not one-one (a) Tisone-one but not onto ' 0 0] [2 0 (c) Range (7) =54 ° = span (c) Range (7) wf AG ‘I (a) Null (7) =span { (0.2), (2,=1) and B, = {(1, 0), (0, } be ordered bases of Re [43 “i 2s, 1-3} LAPT {RP R? isa linear trans- 16. Let B, formation such that [71], », thematrix of Twith respect to B, (a)(-9, 8) (b) (9, 8) (o)(-15,-2) (4) (15,2) [HT-JAM 2015-MA] te £3 wih real coefficients. Consider the lin a, age + a,x? + gx, Then the mats x") smisGies [IITSJAM 2016-Ma] @ M+ Let Pe the vector space (over R) of all polynomials of degre transformation 7: P > P defined by Tay + 0+ dy8" + tion M of T with respect to the ordered basis {1x5 (© M- 17 representat @ M40 WM-L coeftcients ofdegree at most 3. Consids the [ITF-JAM 2017-MAL Let B, denote the real vector space ofall polynomials with map 7:2, — P, ivenby 7(p(x))= 2° (2) + (2). Then (b) Tig both one-one and onto (€)Tisone-one but not onto (OT isonto but not one-one 34 R? be a linear transformation and / be the identify transformation of RP. I there isa scalar such that T(x)scex, then rank (T— ef) {IT-JAM 2005-MA] (4) cannot be 3 18. (@) Tisneither one-one nor onto 19, Let 7: cand anon-zero vector xR? (b) cannot be | (c) carnat be 2 ar teansformationstich that 7(1, 2,3) =*(1,2,3) TU, $,0)= 2 10. 0)and 7-1, space spanned by allthe eigenvectors of Tis (3 - [TEAM 2008-Mal (a) cannot he 0 20, Let T:R?->R? bea 2,-1)=€3, 6,3). The dimension ofthe vectors (ao mtr (92 Let P:R? = R? be the linear transformation whose matrix with respect 10 standard basis {ey, ey ¢ 21. oot piso 1 0]. Then7 . [1P-JAM 2010-MAl 10 0. (a) maps the subspace spanned by e, ane, into ise | (b) has distinct eigenvalues A (©) has eigenvectors that span Re? (@) has a non-zero mull space 7 Saval, NeaslIT Hawe Khas, New DeThi-16, Ph: 011-268510 |, Delh-09, Ph: 011-27653355, 27654455, 26861009 “South Dethi : 28-A/11, ‘North Dell ; 33-35, Mall Road GT. (Opp. Metro ‘Scanned by CamScanner ed

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