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To learn about encryption keys on Ethereum, you can refer to the official
Ethereum documentation. Ethereum secures user assets using public-private
key cryptography. The public key is used as the basis for an Ethereum
address, which is visible to the general public and used as a unique identifier.
The private (or 'secret') key should only ever be accessible to an account
owner. The private key is used to 'sign' transactions and data so that
cryptography can prove that the holder approves some action of a specific
private key.
When Ethereum switched from proof-of-work to proof-of-stake, a new type of
key was added to Ethereum. The original keys still work exactly the same as
before—there were no changes to the elliptic-curve-based keys securing
accounts. However, users needed a new type of key for participating in proof-
of-stake by staking ETH and running validators. This new type of key uses the
Boneh-Lyn-Shacham (BLS) signature scheme. BLS enables a very efficient
aggregation of signatures but also allows reverse engineering of aggregated
individual validator keys and is ideal for managing actions between validators.
If you are interested in building your own cryptocurrency on Ethereum, you
can follow a step-by-step video tutorial provided by Dapp University. It will
guide you through the process of building an ERC-20 token.
Please note that encryption keys and their management are complex topics.
It's important to thoroughly understand the concepts and best practices
before implementing them in any real-world applications.
Let me know if there's anything else I can help you with!

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