Three Questions' by Leo Tolstoy - Questions and Answers (S.a.Q.), Class 12, WBCHSE

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4/16/22, 7:38 AM ‘Three Questions’ by Leo Tolstoy – Questions and Answers(S.A.Q.

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‘Three Questions’ by Leo Tolstoy – Questions

and Answers(S.A.Q.), class 12, WBCHSE
1 Comment / Three Questions / By Arun Sir

1)What was the first question of the Tsar?

Ans. The first question of the Tsar was – “What was the right time to begin anything?”.

2)What was the second question of the Tsar? [H.S. = 2020]

Ans. The second question of the Tsar was – “who were the right persons to listen to?”.

3)What was the third question?

Ans. The third question of the Tsar was – “what was the most important thing to do?”.

4)Why did the Tsar want to know the answers of his questions? 1/11
4/16/22, 7:38 AM ‘Three Questions’ by Leo Tolstoy – Questions and Answers(S.A.Q.), class 12, WBCHSE -

Ans. The Tsar wanted to know the answers of his questions because he would then never fail in

5)What did the Tsar proclaim throughout his kingdom?

Ans. The Tsar proclaimed throughout his kingdom that he would give a great reward to anyone who
would answer his questions perfectly.

6)Who answered the Tsar’s questions differently?

Ans. The learned men answered the Tsar’s questions differently.

7)How would a council of wise men help the Tsar?

Ans. The council of wise men would help him to fix the proper time for everything.

8)Why should the Tsar consult magicians?

Ans. The Tsar should consult the magicians because they could only tell the right time for every action

9)Who would be the most important man according to the learned men? Or.
What were the answers to the Tsar’s second question suggested by the learned

Ans. According to the learned men, the most important man would be the councillors, the priests, the
doctors and the warriors.

10)What would be the most important occupation for the Tsar advised by the
learned men?

Ans. According to the learned men, science, skill of warfare, and religious worship would be the most
important occupation for the Tsar.

11)Why did the Tsar agree none of them?

Ans. The Tsar agreed none of them because the answers of the learned men were different.

12)Why did the Tsar give the award none of the scholars? 2/11
4/16/22, 7:38 AM ‘Three Questions’ by Leo Tolstoy – Questions and Answers(S.A.Q.), class 12, WBCHSE -

Ans. The Tsar gave the reward none of the scholars because he was not satisfied with their answers.

13)Why did the Tsar decide to consult the hermit?

Ans. Being dissatisfied with the answers of the wise men, the Tsar decided to consult with the hermit
because he was widely renowned for his wisdom.

14)Where did the hermit live in ‘Three Questions’? [H.S. = 2017]

Ans. The hermit lived in a wood.

15)Whom did the hermit receive? [H.S. =2016]

Ans. The hermit received none but common folk.

16)Why did the Tsar put on simple cloth before meeting the hermit? [H.S. = 2018]

Ans. The Tsar put on simple cloth before meeting the hermit because the hermit received only the
common men.

17)How did the Tsar meet the hermit? [H.S. = 2018]

Ans. Putting on simple clothes and leaving his bodyguard, the Tsar went on alone to meet the hermit.

18)What was the hermit doing when the Tsar came to visit him? [H.S. = 2015]

Ans. The hermit was digging the ground in front of his hut when the Tsar came to visit him.

19)Who turned the little earth?

Ans. The hermit turned the little earth.

20)Why did the hermit breathe heavily?

Ans. The hermit breathed heavily because he was frail and weak and could not tolerate the toil of

21)What did the hermit do after listening to the Tsar’s questions? 3/11
4/16/22, 7:38 AM ‘Three Questions’ by Leo Tolstoy – Questions and Answers(S.A.Q.), class 12, WBCHSE -

Ans. After listening to the Tsar’s questions, the hermit answered nothing and recommenced his

22)What did the hermit do before recommence digging?

Ans. The hermit spat on his hands before recommence his digging.

23)How did the Tsar help the hermit?

Ans. The Tsar took the spade from the hermit and started digging for him.

24)When did the Tsar stop digging and asked the questions for the second time?

Ans. When the Tsar had dug two beds, he stopped digging and asked the questions for the second

25)How long did the Tsar dig the beds?

Ans. The Tsar dug the beds till the sun-set.

26)Who came running?

Ans. A bearded man came running.

27)From where did the wounded man come running out?

Ans. The wounded man came running out of the wood.

28)Which part of the body of the bearded man was injured in the story ‘Three
Questions’? [H.S. = 2017]

Ans. The stomach of the bearded man was injured in the story ‘Three Questions’.

29)Describe the wound of the bearded man?

Ans. The bearded man had a large wound on his stomach and blood was flowing profusely from it.

30)What happened to the wounded man as soon as he reached the Tsar?

Ans. As soon as the bearded man reached the Tsar, he fell fainted on the ground moaning feebly. 4/11
4/16/22, 7:38 AM ‘Three Questions’ by Leo Tolstoy – Questions and Answers(S.A.Q.), class 12, WBCHSE -

31)Who unfastened the man’s clothing?

Ans. The Tsar and the hermit unfastened the man’s clothing.

32)How did the Tsar take care of the wounded man?

Ans. The Tsar washed and bandaged the wound of the bearded man again and again till the blood
ceased flowing.

33)By which did the Tsar bandage the wound?

Ans. The Tsar bandaged the wound by his handkerchief and the towel of the hermit.

34)What did the bearded man ask for when he revived?

Ans. The bearded man asked for something to drink when he revived.

35)Why was the Tsar so tired?

Ans. The Tsar was so tired because he had dug the earth whole day.

36)Where did the Tsar fall asleep? [H.S. = 2015]

Ans. The Tsar fell asleep on the threshold of the hermit’s hut.

37)Why did the bearded man want to take revenge? [H.S. = 2016] Or. Why did the
bearded man resolve to kill the Tsar?

Ans. The bearded man wanted to take revenge on the Tsar because he had executed his brother and
seized his property.

38)Where did the bearded man resolve to kill the Tsar?

Ans. The bearded man resolved to kill the Tsar on his way back from the hermit.

39)Who wounded the bearded man?

Ans. The bodyguard of the Tsar wounded the bearded man.

40)What did the bearded man promise the Tsar? [H.S. =2020] 5/11
4/16/22, 7:38 AM ‘Three Questions’ by Leo Tolstoy – Questions and Answers(S.A.Q.), class 12, WBCHSE -

Ans. The bearded man promised the Tsar to serve as the most faithful servant and he would employ
his sons to do the same.

41)Why was the Tsar very glad?

Ans. The Tsar was very glad because his enemy had become his friend.

42)What did the Tsar promise to the bearded man?

Ans. The Tsar promised to the bearded man to restore his property.

43) What was the hermit doing when the Tsar came to take leave of him? [H.S. =

Ans. When the Tsar came to take leave of the hermit, he was sowing seeds in the beds sitting on his

44) What was the most important man when the Tsar was digging the bed?

Ans. When the Tsar was digging the bed, the most important man was the hermit.

45) What was the most important affair or business when the Tsar was digging
the bed?

Ans. The most important affair or business was to help the hermit when the Tsar was digging the bed.

46) What was the most important time when the bearded man ran to them?

Ans. The most important time was when the hermit and the Tsar were attending his wounds.

47) Who was the most important man when the bearded man ran to them?

Ans. It was the bearded man.

48) What was the most important business when the bearded man ran to them?

Ans. The most important business was to take care of the bearded man when he ran to them.

49) What are the ultimate answers of the three questions that the Tsar got from
the hermit? 6/11
4/16/22, 7:38 AM ‘Three Questions’ by Leo Tolstoy – Questions and Answers(S.A.Q.), class 12, WBCHSE -

Ans. a) The most important man is he with whom we are dealing with.

b) The most important time is now.

c) The most important affair is to do good for one with whom we are dealing
in the present.

50) What, according to the hermit, is the most important thing to do? [H.S. =2019]

Ans. See Question No. 49 (c)

Read more about : ‘Three Questions’ by Leo Tolstoy – Questions and Answers(L.A.Q.), class 12, WBCHSE

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