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Heredity 79 (1997) 162—171 Received 5 August 1996

Modelling expectation and variance for

genotype by environment data
Laboratoire de BiomOtrie, INRA, Route de Saint-Cyr, F-78026 Versailles, France, tFaculty of Agricultural and
Environmental Sciences, University of Kassel, D-37213 Witzenhausen, Germany and DL 0-Center for P/ant Breeding
and Reproduction Research, CPRO-DLO, P0 Box 16, NL-6700AA Wageningen, The Netherlands

An integration of two types of models for the analysis of genotype by environment interaction
is presented. On the one hand, the expectation of G x E interaction is frequently modelled by
regression models; on the other hand, for deviations from these regressions, either separate
stability parameters are defined or extra components of variance are introduced. A class of
mixed models is described that contains facilities for modelling expectation by regression and,
in addition, has extensive possibilities for dealing with heteroscedasticity. Practical aspects of
the use of these mixed models are illustrated on a data set involving sugar yield in beet.

Keywords: covariate, factorial regression, genotype x environment interaction, heteroscedasti-

city, interaction, mixed model.

Introduction for this choice is that we are studying a given set of

This paper presents a number of models that can genotypes and are not interested in testing the
account for interaction and heteroscedasticity in environments themselves; they are considered only
genotype by environment tables. These models can to provide information about the genotypes.
be viewed as generalizations of both the classical Later some classical models will be described,
model by Shukia (1972) and the mixed factorial after which their common structural features will be
regression model by Denis & Dhorne (1989). The discussed, leading to the delineation of a coherent
models can be used for the analysis of replicated family of models for the analysis of genotype by
and unreplicated tables alike, as no estimate for environment data; some of its more interesting
error is required. Modelling heteroscedasticity is members are presented. To illustrate the practical
especially relevant for genotype by environment aspects of interpreting model parameters, a set of
sugar beet data is analysed. GENSTAT and SAS source
interaction (Kang & Gorman, 1989; Kang, 1993), codes for running some of the presented models are
but similar models may be used to analyse, for
example, repeated measures data accruing in socio- given in the Appendix.
logical and psychological research (Crowder &
Hand, 1990; Longford, 1993). Review of current models
For selecting genotypes, a plant breeder uses Additive model
assessments of the phenotypic value under different
environmental conditions. These assessments are The additive two-way mixed model provides a base-
collected in genotype by environment tables. Infer- line against which other more elaborate models can
ences follow from adequate statistical models for be compared. Let 1' be a typical entry for a geno-
these tables, and decisions are made regarding the type by environment table, where jE { 1 . . .1 } corre-
selection and rejection of varieties. We will consider sponds to the ith genotype andj e { 1 . . .J } corresponds
environments to be either locations or years, i.e. to the jth environment. Y, is taken as the sum of a
there is no factorial structure in the environments. (fixed) parameter depending on the genotype (c), a
Of course, in some cases, the environments comprise random parameter depending on the environment
location by year combinations, and it may be worth- (B1) and an independent residual term (E1):
while exploiting this factorial structure (Piepho, Y,1
1994a). In this paper, we will take genotypes as fixed
and environments as random. A partial justification This model has an obvious interpretation. Its first
two moments are:
*Correspondence E-mail: e()'1) = V(}) = 58+ YE,
162 1997 The Genetical Society of Great Britain.

Cov(Y1, Y1) = 1B forj =j', 0 otherwise. Bradley (1958) and Shukla (1972, 1982). Some
The similarity in performance of different genotypes extensions of Shukla's stability variance concept
grown in the same environment is represented by a were given by Piepho (1994a,b,c, 1995). A recent
constant positive correlation, identical for every pair review may be found in Piepho (1996a).
of genotypes:
Scheffé model
Cor(Y,3, Ye,)
= ______ The mixed model proposed by Scheffé (1959, p. 266)
cr13 + Yr provides a further generalization by allowing any
covariance structure between performances from the
Between performances in different environments, same environment. As a consequence, the B1 term
this correlation is zero and this basic assumption will (environment main effect) becomes redundant and
be true for all models presented in this paper. Thus, the model may be written as:
a convenient notation is to introduce Y1, the vector
of the I performances of the genotypes in the jth =
environment. Covariances between different Y3 are In contrast to Scheffé, we cannot include a residual
null and models can be defined by their expectations term, as we are addressing the non-replicated case.
and variances. For the additive model, it turns out The E components are correlated within environ-
that ments:
E(Y1) = V(Yj,) = (1) E(Yj,)=x; V(Y1)=L (3)
where J is the I x I matrix with all components equal is a column vector of size I and I' = {y,1'} is any
to 1, I is the identity matrix of size I and is the covariance matrix of size I. The model is very flex-
vector of ible, but at the cost of 1(1+ 1)/2 variance compo-
nents that need to be estimated. Many environments
General heteroscedastic model are required to obtain good estimates of the covar-
iance parameters. The correlations within each
The additive model may be extended by attributing a
different variance to each genotype. The model environment may be negative, whereas model (2)
formulation is identical, but the variance structure is constrains the correlations to be positive and of a
now different; each genotype is considered to have defined structure. Model (3) has been extensively
its own variance, y. Shukia (1982) suggested the studied and used by Calinski et al. (1987a,b) for
term stability variance for 'i,. Earlier, Wricke (1962) interpreting genotype—environment data. Piepho
had proposed the term ecovalence for the contribu- (1996b) considered the problem of genotypic mean
tion of a genotype to the interaction sum of squares, comparisons under this general model.
and this quantity is directly related to y,. Expectation
and variance structures are given by Mixed factorial regression model
= V(Y,) = 7BJ+dg (l') (2) Mixed factorial regression incorporates covariates
associated with genotypes and covariates associated
where dg (v) is the diagonal matrix whose terms are with environments. This type of model was described
y, the components of vector v. The interpretation is by Denis & Dhorne (1989) (see also Denis, 1994). It
straightforward: the variance depends on the geno- is an extension of the factorial regression approach
type and the correlation differs among pairs of developed earlier by Denis (1979, 1988), elaborating
genotypes: on initial work carried out by, among others, Hard-
wick & Wood (1972) and Wood (1976). An exten-
Cor(Y,1, Y11) = _____________ sive review of such models can be found in van
+ Yi)(B + j) Eeuwijk et a!. (1996).
The main feature is the introduction of regression
The more variable a genotype is, the less correlated terms, including covariates corresponding to the
it will be with other genotypes. This model is much levels of one factor or both factors. Let us consider
more flexible than the additive model (1), as the here one covariate for environments (z1 for the jth
number of variance parameters increases from 2 to environment) and one covariate for genotypes (x, for
1+1. the ith genotype). The model can be written
The above type of model appears to have been
used first by Grubbs (1948) for the analysis of Yij = + 2ZJ +B1 +xB12 +E,
measurement errors. Subsequently, it has been where c12 and B2 are regression coefficients relating
reconsidered by several authors, e.g. Russell & to genotypes and environments, respectively. The
The Genetical Society of Great Britain, Heredity, 79, 162—171.
164 J.-6. DENIS ETAL.

term 2z1 then becomes fixed because z1 values are terms is not always obvious. We already saw that for
known, whereas the term x,B12, embodying the Scheffé's model (3) only one term remains; never-
environmental regressions on a genotypic covariate, theless, for interpretation and software application,
remains random. For and B11 to keep their usual it is convenient to make this distinction.
main effect interpretation, the covariates must be The fixed part is based on H covariates in each
centred. The first two moments for this model are: environment. These are collected in a J x H matrix z.
The regression on these covariates involves IH fixed
= (1,z1)'; V(Y1) = (1, x)(1, x)'+YEI, "' terms ih
where is an I x 2 matrix of fixed parameters, 1 is H
the I vector of ones, x is the I vector of genotypic
c ZJh, XZJ, (6)
covariate {x1} and is any covariance matrix of size =I
2. Although the residual term Eq is homoscedastic,
the Y,1 are heteroscedastic, depending on the geno- where z is the jth row vector of matrix z. The first
typic covariate x. As a consequence, the correlations covariate is usually the constant covariate (z11 = 1 for
between the Yqs in a particular environment can be every j), producing the main effect. It is also
positive or negative: convenient to centre the other covariates ( z11, = 0
for every h >1) to obtain the standard separation of
Cor(Y, Y) main effects and interaction terms (for complete
011 tables).
j(i + 2x1a12 +xa22 + YE)(51 + 2x12 +xcT22 + E) The random part of the model consists of J
environmental regressions on K genotypic covari-
In Denis & Dhorne (1989), this model was ates, the latter collected in the matrix x (I by K).
developed for any number of environmental and Thus, in total there are JK random regression coeffi-
genotypic covariates (see also the next section on cients (parameters). We can express the random
general models). part in the following way:
Shukia's model xBJ/<, xB1
A mixture between the completely heteroscedastic k= I

model (2) and the factorial regression model (4) was

proposed by Shukla (1972). This model provided a which produces, as variance component of ,
main inspiration for this paper. Applications can be xx,, (7)
found in Kang & Gorman (1989) and Kang (1993).
The assumptions for the random parameters in this where L is the variance matrix of vector B3 of size K.
model produce the following expectation and vari- Again, the first covariate is usually the constant
ance for the observed random variates: covariate (x, = 1 for every i), producing the main
effect. Centring of the covariates, vk 0 for every
= (1, z); V(Y) oJ+dg(') (5) k> 1, partitions the variation between main effects
The non-null correlations between the Y7s are iden- and interactions. The Bk are random variates whose
tical to those of (2). variance—covariance matrix must be specified. In
The information about the genotypes conveyed by classical models, zero correlations are assumed to
Shukla's model is concentrated in triplets of param- exist between the random coefficients in different
eters: a general level of performance (oç), a environments. This may be justified by thinking of
measure of sensitivity to the environmental covariate the environments as being randomly sampled from a
large population of environments.
(x2) and a stability variance (y1). The residual part comprises not only the experi-
mental error, but also the interaction not yet
A general model accounted for by the fixed and random terms
Description already included. It appears reasonable to employ a
simple model for the residual term when the covari-
The models proposed in the previous sections can ates account for most of the heteroscedasticity (if
be expressed in a unified way, which in turn gener- any) in the data. If the covariates remove little
ates more useful models. Each model can be heteroscedasticity or no covariates are available, it
presented as the sum of three components: the fixed may be useful to choose a more flexible model for
terms, the random terms and the residual term. the residual term. In the previous models, three
Mathematically, the distinction between the last two possibilities occurred. If E1 is the counterpart of Y
The Genetical Society of Great Britain, Heredity, 79, 162—171.

for the residual term, let F be its variance matrix. associated to genotypes, and the interesting novelty
We can distinguish three forms of r: is that they are applied to the residual random
component, producing an intermediate model
simple : IT YE', between (1) and (2). Correlations between geno-
: F = dg(y), (8 types in an environment are positive and depend
diagonal only on the groups to which the genotypes belong.
unstructured : F = {y'}. The number of variance components is 1+ G.

Finally, the general model is Correlated structured heteroscedastic model

Y1 = z1 + xB + E Another possibility for deriving a structured hetero-
and the general forms of expectation and variance— scedastic model is to retain a classical homoscedastic
covariance structures are, respectively, residual and replace the main effect B1 by group-
specific effects Bg(j, corresponding to groups g(i).
(Y1) = z1; V(Y1) = xx'+F, (9) This means that the random environment effect is
Table 1 gives the numbers of parameters for the different from one group to another. Variances
three terms of all models presented in this paper. depend on the group and covariances on the pair of
The important point is that all these models are, in groups involved. The model can be written as
fact, mixed linear models and that standard classical = CLj+Bg(i)f+EiJ,
methods for estimation, testing and model selection
can be applied. In the following, we propose some implying
new models pertaining to the family we have just E(Y) = V(Y3) = xLx' + YE', (10)
identified, combining their possibilities or adding
similar ones. where x is a I x G matrix of binary covariates indi-
cating group membership. The correlation structure
Structured heteroscedastic model is more sophisticated than that for the simple struc-
tured heteroscedastic model of the previous section,
A difficulty with the completely heteroscedastic
model (2) is the large number of variance compo- allowing negative correlations:
nents to be estimated; poor estimates may be the ag(t)g(i')
consequence. Sometimes the breeder is able to Cor(Y, =
distinguish groups of genotypes with a priori (ag(j)g(i) + YE) (ag(i')g(i') + YE)
different variabilities. This leads to a simplified
version of the completely heteroscedastic model by where {ag(i)g(i')} is matrix . We have here a differ-
assigning the same residual variance to all genotypes ence that is similar to that between the completely
belonging to a group. Let g(i) e {1...G} be the heteroscedastic model (2) and the Scheffé model
numbering of these groups. Yi is supposed to be (3), but now at the level of groups of genotypes
equal to Yg(i). The g(i)s represent discrete covariates instead of genotypes.

Table 1 Numbers of parameters of the presented models

Model Fixed I
Additive 1 1 1
Heteroscedastic I 1 1
Scheffé I — 1(1+1)12
Mixed factorial regression HI = 21 K(K+ 1)/2 = 3 1
Shukla 21 1 I
General (simple) HI K(K+ 1)/2 1
General (diagonal) HI K(K+1)12 I
General (unstructured) HI — 1(1+ 1)/2
Structured heteroscedastic 1 1 G
Correlated structured heteroscedastic I G(G + 1)12 1
Extended Shukia's model HI 1 1
Heteroscledastic mixed factorial regression HI K(K+ 1)12 I
The Genetical Society of Great Britain, Heredity, 79, 162—171.

Extending Shukia's model mixed model software; for instance, GENSTAT and
SAS have special procedures, which allow estimation
Shukla's model can be generalized by introducing
more than one environmental covariate. Although of variance components by common methods, such
as Minimum Norm Quadratic Unbiased Estimation
this extension was mentioned by Shukla (1972), no (MINQUE), Maximum Likelihood (ML) or REstricted
one seems to have elaborated upon it since then. Maximum Likelihood (REML). SAS is presently more
The variance structure, and therefore the correla- flexible than GENSTAT (version 5.3.1) because it
tions, are identical to those of Shukia's model given allows nonzero covariances in . Some hints are
in (5), as is the interpretation of the model. The
only difference is that more information about given in the Appendix.
environments is taken into account for modelling When the data are complete, the generalized least
squares estimates of the fixed parameters are identi-
the expectation. cal to the ordinary least squares estimates. However,
the variances of the estimates obtained by standard
Heteroscedastic mixed factorial regression model
ordinary least squares programs will be incorrect,
The mixed factorial regression model presented because a wrong variance structure will be used.
earlier can be generalized by supposing that the vari-
ance of the residual part is a function of the geno-
types. Obviously, this is also a generalization of the Example: sugar yield in sugar beet in relation
model suggested in the previous section, adding to infection with beet necrotic yellow virus
genotypic covariates. This section demonstrates the use of mixed models
in field trial analysis. It will be shown how genotypic
Identifiability and estimabiity slopes can be used to model the expectation for
When constructing models, one has to be cautious differential genotypic responses in relation to an
of overparameterization. For the variance compo- environmental covariate, and how remaining hetero-
nents, the possibility of determining all the param- scedasticity can be removed by including either an
eters uniquely, i.e. the identifiability problem, is additional variance component or a genotypical
equivalent to the question of whether they are covariate. We use a small data set, which allows a
uniquely determined for the covariance matrix for simple and meaningful interpretation and for which
Yq (Joreskog, 1981). Hence, a necessary (but not computations are easy to verify. Genotypes are
sufficient) condition for identification is that the fixed, environments are random and genotypic and
number of functionally independent variance environmental covariates are present.
components is less than or equal to 1(1+1)12. This is The data concern sugar yields (ton/ha) in sugar
the reason why, under the assumption of an unstruc- beet. Ten cultivars with varying levels of resistance
tured F, no can be added; this was the case for to beet necrotic yellow vein virus were evaluated in
Scheffé's model (3). Still, overparameterization can 1990 at six locations in the Netherlands, which
occur, even when this necessary condition is fulfilled. varied in infestation level. Table 2 gives the sugar
Identifiability is a prerequisite for estimability, but it yields (Y) together with a resistance indicator for
turns out, using the theory given in Rao & Kleffe the cultivars (x,; low is resistant, high is susceptible)
(1988, Chapter 4), that for the models presented in as obtained from a greenhouse test, and an infesta-
this paper it also ensures estimability. Therefore, it tion indicator for the locations (z1; low is non-in-
is sufficient to check whether overparameterization fested, high is heavily infested). For experimental
occurs. details and phytopathological background see Paul
For the fixed parameters, it can be easily checked et al. (1993). For the analysis, GENSTAT 5 committee
that the sufficient and necessary condition for estim- (1993) was used (see Appendix).
ability is that the matrix of environment covariates z Three models denoted (a), (b) and (c), were fitted
be full column rank. If it is not the case, standard (Table 3). Their respective variance component esti-
supplementary constraints can be used, or some mates can be found in Table 4. Model (a) contains
covariates can be dropped, according to the prefer- fixed intercepts and slopes for each genotype with
ences of the user. respect to the infestation pressure. From previous
research, this model can be considered as adequate
Estimation for modelling the expectation (Paul et al., 1993).
Estimated genotypic means are given in Table 5
Estimation of fixed parameters and variance param- together with standard errors and standard errors of
eters of the models presented in this paper is a differences. The means represent the sugar yields in
special case of mixed model analysis. For most of an average infested environment. Because the table
them, the analysis can be performed using standard was complete, all genotypic means have the same
The Genetical Society of Great Britain, Heredity, 79, 162—171.

Table 2 Sugar yield in beet and concomitant information


Cultivar W 0 LZ NI N II A Resistance

Roxane 12.28 9.46 10.88 13.40 11.71 11.61 1.68

Samba 2 11.56 8.51 10.30 13.30 10.64 9.49 1.71
Rizo 92 11.37 8.63 10.11 11.58 10.17 10.01 1.72
Rima 12.11 9.26 11.22 12.92 10.85 10.50 1.87
Rizofort 12.33 9.25 10.82 12.52 11.23 9.53 1.91
Donna 11.03 9.04 9.58 11.16 10.34 9.24 2.17
M 8917 13.75 9.51 11.47 11.83 10.26 9.59 2.31
Univers 13.45 9.84 11.76 11.10 8.93 6.64 2.40
Regina 13.35 9.96 10.89 9.98 8.15 6.73 2.49
Accord 13.65 10.61 10.66 10.58 7.95 6.32 2.51
Infestation 0.00 0.01 0.37 0.71 1.51 2.10

standard error for model (a). For environments that tivities, i.e. with higher infestation they did relatively
are more or less infested than the average environ- worse.
ment, the expected sugar yield can only be obtained For the fixed effects, hypotheses of the type = 0
by taking into account the differential susceptibility can be tested by the use of Wald statistics defined as
of the genotypes to infestation given by the slope c's' [Vx)Ic; the treatment sum of squares divided
(Table 5). All but one genotype had negative sensi- by an estimate for the error. These Wald statistics

Table 3 Models fitted to sugar yield in beet

Formula Expectation Variance Model

Y1 ifl+YEg(i) (b)
= i1 +ct12z1+B11 +xEBJ2+E ct +12Z1 if1 +ifX+y (c)

Table 4 Variance component estimates, deviances and Wald's statistics for the
three models (a), (b) and (c)

(a) (b) (c)

a 1.62 1.54 1.63

— — 1.29
0.30 — 0.16
YE —
— 0.24
— 0.84

Deviances 81.58 78.29 66.74

Degrees of freedom 39 38

Wald test for intercepts (9 d.f.) 59.6 73.8 75.1

Wald test for common slope (1 d.f.) 1.8 2.1 1.8
Wald test for different slopes (9 d.f.) 143.6 172.1 73.0

The Genetical Society of Great Britain, Heredity, 79, 162-171.


Table 5 Beet cultivar means and slopes, with their standard errors, and
minimum and maximum standard errors of differences between cultivars,
estimated for the three models (a), (b) and (c)

Cultivar Mean SE(a) SE(b) SE(c) Slope SE(a) SE(b) SE(c)

Roxane 11.56 0.565 0.545 0.576 0.3784 0.725 0.699 0.739
Samba 2 10.63 0.565 0.630 0.572 —0.1760 0.725 0.808 0.733
Rizo 92 10.31 0.565 0.545 0.570 —0.0105 0.725 0.699 0.731
Rima 11.14 0.565 0.545 0.554 —0.1433 0.725 0.699 0.710
Rizofort 10.95 0.565 0.545 0.551 —0.4093 0.725 0.699 0.707
Donna 10.06 0.565 0.545 0.547 —0.1999 0.725 0.699 0.702
M 8917 11.07 0.565 0.545 0.556 —1.0005 0.725 0.699 0.713
Univers 10.29 0.565 0.545 0.566 —2.3533 0.725 0.699 0.726
Regina 9.84 0.565 0.545 0.578 —2.3591 0.725 0.699 0.742
Accord 9.96 0.565 0.545 0.582 —2.7349 0.725 0.699 0.746
Mm SED 0.317 0.285 0.228 0.407 0.365 0.292
Max SED 0.317 0.425 0.448 0.407 0.401 0.574

have an asymptotic 2 distribution with the degrees in the deviance (14.8 for one degree of freedom;
of freedom equal to those of the model term P-value less than 0.001; Table 4). Again, the esti-
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satisfactorily modelled, i.e. no pattern should be result, together with the outcome of Wald's test for
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PIEPHO, 11.-P. 1996b. Comparing cultivar means in multi- ing genotype and location. Covariates (for the inter-
location trials when the covariance structure is not action) can be included as follows:
circular. Heredity, 76, 198—203. VCOMPONENTS\
RAO, C. R. AND KLEFFE, j. 1988. Estimation of Variance
Components and Applications. North-Holland, New [FIXED = GEN+GEN.COVLOC[111\
RUSSELL, T. S. AND BRADLEY, R. A. 1958. One-way vari-
ances in a two-way classification. Biometrika, 45, where COV_LOC[1] and COV_GEN[11 represent
111— 129. covariates for the locations and genotypes, respec-
SAS INSTITUTE INC. 1992. SAS Technical Report P-229, tively (model 4). Just like the factors GEN and
SASISTAT Software: changes and enhancements, release LOC, these covariates have length If. COV_LOC[1]
6.07. SAS Institute, Caiy, NC. has the same value for all cells corresponding to a
SAS INSTITUTE INC. 1994. SAS/STAT Software: changes and particular environment. Likewise, COVGEN[1]
enhancements, release 6.10. SAS Institute, Cary, NC.
SCHEFFE, H. 1959. The Analysis of Variance. John Wiley &
changes value only when the genotype changes. The
Sons, New York.
parameters estimated for GEN and LOC can be
SHUKLA, G. K. 1972. Some statistical aspects of partitioning interpreted as intercepts, those for GEN.COV_
genotype-environmental components of variability. LOC[1] and LOC.COVGEN[11 as slopes. Including
Heredity, 29, 237—245. more than one covariate for genotypes and locations
5HUKLA, G. K. 1982. Testing the homogeneity of variances is straightforward:
in a two-way classification. Biometrika, 69, 411—416.
Incorporating additional information on genotypes and [FIXED = GEN+GEN.COV_LOC[1...H1]\
environments in models for two-way genotype by
environment tables. In: Kang, M. S. and Gauch H. G. RANDOM = LOC+LOC.COV..GEN[1...K}.
(eds) Genotype by Environment Interaction: New Perspec- In the present release of GENSTAT (version 5.3.1), it
tives, pp. 15—49. CRC Press, Boca Raton. is neither possible to specify correlations between
wooD, i. T. 1976. The use of environmental variables in intercepts and slopes nor between slopes mutually
the interpretation of genotype—environment inter- for the random model, but this situation will be
action. Heredity, 37, 1—7.
WRICKE, ci. 1962. Uber eine Methode zur Erfassung der remedied in the next release. Thus, at the moment,
only the diagonal option for is available to
okologischen Streubreite in Feldversuchen. Z.
PflZucht., 47, 92—96. GENSTAT users.

The Genetical Society of Great Britain, Heredity, 79, 162-171.

170 J.-B. DEN IS ETAL.

After the declaration of the fixed and random ables) have to be declared and incorporated in the
model the REML statement performs the analysis. random model. For each genotype, except the last
In its most simple form, the mixed model, analysis one, a factor must be declared. These factors have
for the response variable Y based on REML estima- the levels (values) 1 to J for the cells of (the row of)
tion of the variance components is the genotype by location table corresponding to the
genotype of interest, and have a missing value (*)
for the I(J—1) other cells. To fit Shukia's model (5),
Default printed output contains, among other using REML estimation, we can use
things, the estimates of the variance components
plus their standard errors, and the sum of BLUEs VCOMPONENTS\
(fixed effects) and BLUPs (random effects) plus [FIXED = GEN+GEN.COVLOC[lJj\
their standard errors of differences as predictors of RANDOM = LOC+SVGEN[1...I1J
observations. The options PRINT, PTERMS and
PSE provide ample facilities for printing other infor- REMLY
mation as well, where PRINT controls general print- The factors SVGEN[1] to SVGEN[I 1j are needed
ing of all kinds of information, PTERMS selects the to model the differences in variance between the
model terms for which printing of effects and means stability variance of the genotype I with the geno-
is wanted and PSE controls the type of standard types 1 to 1— 1. To get the stability variances, the
errors that will be printed alongside the tables of estimated differences must be added to the variance
effects and means. For example: of the Ith genotype (the error). In the present
VCOMPONENTS\ version of GENSTAT, only the simple and diagonal
options of eqn (8) are available. However, the next
[FIXED = GEN+GEN.COVLOC[1]]\ release will also provide the facilities to fit models
RANDOM LOC+LOC.COVGEN[1] with unstructured residual covariance matrices.
When groups of genotypes are required to have a
REML [PRINT Components,Effects,Means;\ common variance, group-specific factors have to be
PTERMS = GEN + GEN.COV LOC[1] + \ declared analogous to the genotypic-specific factors
LOC + LOC.COV_GEN[1J;\ above. For example, when genotypes 1 to 5 differ
from genotypes 6 to I with respect to their residual
PSE = Allestimates] Y variance, a factor SVGROUP[1J can be declared
would produce estimates of the variance compo- having the values 1 to 5J for the cells corresponding
nents with standard errors, BLIJPS for the genotype to the genotypes 1 to 5, whereas this factor has
and location means with standard errors and the missing values (*) elsewhere. The statements
estimates for all fixed and random effects with VCOMPONENTS\
standard errors.
The default estimation procedure in GENSTAT is [FIXED = GEN+GEN.COV_LOC[1j}\
REML, but it is not difficult to obtain MJvQUEO RANDOM = LOC+SVGROUP[1]
(MJNQUEO) estimates. All we have to do is give the REML Y
appropriate initial values for the variance compo-
nents, i.e. all zero except for the error, which should fit a model that is similar to model (5), but now
have unit value, and allow only one iteration of the there are only two different stability variances, one
REML estimation algorithm. For example, MIvouEO for the genotypes 1 to 5 and the other for the geno-
estimates for model (4) are obtained by types 6 to I.
Most models discussed in this paper may be fitted
RANDOM = LOC+LOC.COVGEN[1]; using PROC MIXED of the SAS statistical package.
INITIAL = 0,0,1 For details see SAS Institute Inc. (1992, 1994). The
following code fits a simple additive model with
REML [MAXCYCLE 1] Y fixed genotypes and random locations; the residuals
The INITIAL parameter list must contain a value are assumed to have a common variance (model 1).
for each component specified in the RANDOM PROC MIXED METHOD REML;
parameter list plus a value for the error.
To model different stability variances for indivi- CLASS GEN LOC;
dual genotypes, additional factors (qualitative van- MODEL Y GEN/SOLUTION NOINT;
The Genetical Society of Great Britain, Heredity, 79, 162—171.


The option METHOD = REML specifies the TYPE = UN SOLUTION;
REML method for estimating covariance components.
Alternative methods are ML and MTVQUEO. The RUN;
CLASS statement is used to indicate the factors So far, we have assumed that the residuals are
GEN for genotypes and LOC for locations. The independently distributed with common variance.
MODEL statement specifies the fixed part of the The variance structure of the residual term can be
linear model. Y is the dependent variable. The modified by using the REPEATED statement.
SOLUTION option in the MODEL statement prints Heteroscedastic model (2) involves heterogeneity of
the estimates of the fixed effects. The NOINT the residual variances among genotypes. The appro-
prevents fitting of a general mean. The random part priate SAS statement is:
of the model is specified in the RANDOM state-
ment. The statement given above fits a random REPEATED /SUB = LOC TYPE = UN(1);
intercept term (INT) for each location SUB = LOC invokes a block-diagonal covariance
(SUB LOC); this is equivalent to fitting simple matrix for the residual term, where blocks corre-
main effects. Note that locations may be regarded as spond to subjects = locations. The TYPE = UN(1)
subjects in the repeated measure terminology. The option produces diagonal blocks with a different
SOLUTION option in the RANDOM statement diagonal element ('stability variance') for each geno-
produces empirical BLUP5 of the random effects. type. For example, the generalized Shukla model
In order to fit a linear regression of genotypes on could be fitted by SAS with the following code:
a location covariate COV_LOC1 (say), add the term
More covariates (COV_LOC2...) can be added in
a similar fashion. RANDOM INT/SUB = LOC SOLUTION;
A (random) linear regression of locations on a REPEATED/SUB = LOC TYPE = UN(1);
genotypic covariate (COV_GEN1) is fitted by stating
the covariate with the RANDOM statement. In RUN;
order to allow for a covariance between intercept An alternative statement to obtain the residual
and slope, the TYPE = UN (UN means unstruc- variance structure of heteroscedastic models is
tured covariance matrix) option must be invoked:
By this statement, each level of GEN is assigned a
TYPE = UN SOLUTION; different residual variance. If we define a new vari-
Observe that the SUB = LOC option ensures that able GENGROUP, which specifies groups of geno-
a separate slope is fitted for each location. types with homogeneous residual variance, we can
The modified code fits a mixed factorial regres- fit a simple structured heteroscedastic model by
sion model (model 4): REPEATED/GROUP = GENGROUP;
Correlated structured heteroscedastic models could
CLASS GEN LOC; be fitted by defining appropriate dummy covariates
MODEL Y = GEN GEN*COVLOC1/ associated with groups.

The Genetical Society of Great Britain, Heredity, 79, 162—171.

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