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Emic Approach -Agency Analysis

How is it an example of an emic approach?

- It analyzes students' perspectives on entrepreneurship that takes
place in two cultural setting.
Who was involved?
-Finland and Egypt.
What specific requirements were put on
Finland's three categories?
Present orientation
Self-development and realization of passions, regardless of the gender; Female show
less interest in becoming enterpreneurs than males.
Lack of confidence in own competences.
Venture Creation:
Moderate interest
Experience and practice
Important but difficult to build
Risk is an obstacle to starting up a venture but makes it challernging.
University is a space for competences and passion development, also a source of
General and holistic
Creativity, imaginaltion
Enterpreneurship education is interesting and good for self-development.
Moderate interest in studying enterpreneurship.
What specific requirements were put on
Egypt's three categories?
Future orientation
Males: Professional career
Females: Social change in society
High self-confidence in own competences
Venture Creation:
University degree as a starting point of business venture plus hard work.
Naturally embedded in all activities, attention is paid to working in networks/teams.
Risk is not the main deterrent factor in venture creation.
University is primarily a place to acquire knowledge.
Specialized and expert
It is necessary as it is a path to a career and a better life.
High interest in studying enterpreneurship.

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