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Plot & Clues

The Story:
It is the year 1824, and America is no longer a new country, yet its growth is still strong and
remains a beacon of hope and freedom worldwide.
But this story isn’t about America on the world stage, it is about the small backwater
western town of ____. Elections happened earlier this year and Mayor Cassidy has just been
elected for his third term as mayor of the local county, Sheriff Wayne and Treasurer Seth
Bullock are serving their second terms as Sheriff and treasurer of the local station and
county respectively. And the new Magistrate, the Honorable Warren Oates has been elected
for his first term. But all is not well, tensions run high as a shocking event rocks the area;
Magistrate Oates has been murdered and his belongings stolen. Who could have committed
such an atrocity and will they kill again?

The Sheriff has ordered the town to be locked down until the killer is caught, anyone who
tries to leave will be convicted of the crime

Story Line
- We begin, the story is introduced and so are the main characters
Round 1:
- People split into small groups and go to do the round 1 activities
- Round 1 clues are found
- Characters interact with each other in view of at least one other person to reveal
- Just before the first meal, another body is found, it’s the sweet and wholesome Street
Urchin! Who could commit such a crime? [behind the scenes: The Urchin poked around
where he shouldn’t and discovered the killer. Unfortunately, they did not have enough time
to run away and tell someone before they were killed. If the players search the body they
find out the urchin was heartbroken when he found out.]
- Jailor
- The meal happens and people discuss their clues.
Round 2: [whilst people are eating hide Round 2 clues]
- After the meal people break into small groups and continue round 2 activities.
- Further characters interact with each other, at least one player must view each interaction
- Round 2 clues are found
- Just before the main meal the body of Lady Oates (the magistrate's wife) is found.
- Saloon owner
- Ex- secretary

Round 1:
- These Clues should throw suspicion on all of the major characters
- Reveal the obvious relationships between characters (typically the good/obvious
● Banker and treasurer
● Bar-maid and ex-secretary
● Saloon owner, cowboy, doctor (sit at the same table?)
● Mayor, treasurer (public relationship)
● Outlaw and Jailor

Round 2:
- These clues should eliminate a couple of the characters
- Reveal hidden relationships between the characters (typically the bad ones)
- Should tie characters to the crime scene
- Should reveal the secrets of most of the characters (but none that incriminate or
make it evident of the murderer
- Clues that incriminate the ex-secretary, saloon owner, and magistrate's wife.

● A newspaper clipping from the London Gazette highlights the doctor's disastrous surgery
with a 300% death rate.
● A note written by the Magistrate about the Saloon owner, addressing the poor sanitation
standard within the bar.
● A letter between the Coachman and Outlaw that discusses their plans for the next hold-up.
● A birth certificate linking the Jailor to the Outlaw

Round 3:
- Narrow down to a couple of suspects
- Reveal all of the leftover relationships
- Reveal all of the secrets
- Reveal the murderer and accomplice

Round 1: (At the end (dinner time) (urchin, Jailor).

Our poor Magistrate, he was taken too soon.

Rumour has it that the murderer walks among us.

I hear he had an offsider. (or fleas). Find them both so justice can be done.

Door prizes Share with only two people… Unless someone pays for the

Want good advice? Listen to the sheriff? Want to find the murderer? Ask
the sheriff who the bad people are. (Street urchin)

Don’t trust the money. Anyone involved with money is probably crooked.

The murder always ‘cleans up’ after himself.

Tears shmears, crocodile tears. Anybody can throw some salty liquid down
their cheeks. Anyone can chop onions. (Sophie crying lots).

Remember people in power can’t always be trusted.

Who has the power in this town?

Room prizes round one.

One of the main characters is guilty! (Sorry about that. We couldn’t help
The Mayor, Cowboy, Doctor, Saloon-owner, Barmaid, Jailor, Tailor,
Coachwoman, ex-Secretary and Sheriff, all had reason to hate the

The doctor gave the magistrate a gift the night before he died. What was it?

Not all money goes through the bank in the town. Word is the Tailor does
dodgy deals. Confront him and he’ll give you more information.

(Tailor) My business has nothing to do with this, anyway the ask the Saloon
owner about the bribes

Newspaper clip (Doctor). Doctor: I was one of the greatest surgeons, but
after my blunder?! I thought I was going to be exposed.

Room prizes round 2. (Jailor & Urchin are dead).

The motive for murder might be money, The magistrate inherited a massive
amount of money. Now that he and his wife have died, where will it go?

I’d point my fingers at members of an underground gang.

The Saloon owner and Cowboy were playing cards all night.

The murderer loves power and loves making a scene.

If the town is so peaceful why does everyone have guns?

Room prizes round 3. (Ex-secretary, Magistrates wife & Saloon owner).

Basic clues/lines that can be given freely or as specified.

● Sheriff
- Round 1:
1. Ugh! That durned Jailor, always letting out the prisoners, now I must go and round up
the outlaw for the third time this week! Durney durn!
2. That saloon owner isn’t so bad, and his bar is always very clean.
- Round 2:
1. Unbelievable! The Jailor dead? And all this time she was related to the Outlaw! No
wonder why he always managed to escape
2. Incredible! I just got word from the Sheriff the town over, turns out, Helen (the
Coachwoman) has succesfuly been blaming hundreds of incidents a year on other
coachlines. (if paid)
- Round 3:
1. As much as it pains me to say it, the Outlaw has an alibi, he was in the county jail the
night of the murder, so it seems impossible that he could have done it. Only if paid.

● Mayor
- Round 1:
1. In the twelve years, I have run this town no one has ever been killed so brutally it is
such a travesty. Our thoughts are with the Magistrates family.
2. I’m not such a fan of that Urchin, look there he goes dirtying our beautiful streets
with his greedy little paws
- Round 2:
1. I am not one to gossip, but I Heard something about cyphers and books. Maybe see if
you can find some? Only if paid
2. As much as I dislike Seth, he is a good man, I have faith that he did not commit the
- Round 3:
1. I’m afraid I cant help you, perhaps Michaela can? She always seems to know a thing
or two.

● Street Urchin
- Round 1:
1. I like our mayor, he is so friendly and hardworking! You know he has been in office
for twelve years! And only good things have come from it! oh, how I would love to be
like him someday!
2. Isn’t Lady Oates a bit weird? Although I feel sorry for her and her loss, she has always
been rude to me. But between me and you, I don’t think she is all that bothered
about her husband’s murder.
- Round 2:
1. Newspaper clipping. Only for a price. If it has already been given away direct other
people to the person it has been given to.
2. What confuses me is how the banker is so rich, its not as if she actually does much.
- Round 3:
1. I could be wrong, but I don’t think the Sheriff or the Mayor could have killed anyone.
It seems so outlandish to me.

● Banker
- Round 1:
1. Terrible thing, isn’t it? The poor magistrate! Although I wonder where all his money
will go. He had quite the sum.
2. I am not too sure about Helen Ramirez, (Coachwoman), there has to be something
going on there, surely it isn't normal for a coach to be robbed of so much so often.
- Round 2:
1. It is clear to me that this wasn’t about money, I mean, the Lady Oates already head
vast wealth so why should she kill him?
2. The Cowboy is a pit peculiar. I dont think he actually knows much about being a
cowboy. Or a man for that matter.
- Round 3:
1. It truly is a sad day, however at least I was correct in my presumptions about the
innocence of Lady Oates

● Coachwoman
- Round 1:
1. Eh? What? Oh, come on the Magistrates dead!? Well about time too! (cackle)
2. You know I never quite trusted that Sheriff, he always seems like he’s hiding
- Round 2:
1. Michaela is an impressive woman, she works all the time, I don’t think I have seen
her outside the bar in at least a month.
2. I Heard something about cyphers and books. Maybe see if you can find some? Only if
- Round 3:
1. I am convinced of Don del la Vega’s innocence, I mean he couldn’t have committed
the crime, I was with him last night talking about the latest shipment of gu-clothes. If

● Saloon owner
- Round 1:
1. Whew, don’t mind me having a quick chat after a hard day’s work! I deserved it all
2. I don’t mind the Don (Tailor); he pays me quite a bit to set up shop here. Not quite so
sure about how legal it is, but what’s a few laws between friends aye?
- Round 2:
1. I don’t know much about the goings on in the own, but have a chat with Michaela,
she may be able to help you out.
- Round 3:
1. The cowboy is a good man, and I vouch for his innocence, besides, he and I were
playing cards all yesterday night. If paid

● Barmaid
- Round 1:
1. Harrumph! Dear lawd! That damn Richard (saloon owner), once again sat down. And
look at the place! Here I am slaving away, and I got no one to help clean up!
2. Urgh, here comes that outlaw again! (Then to the Outlaw) GO ON! GIT! I won’t let
you in here after that stunt you pulled!
- Round 2:
1. Telegram. Only for money. If it has already been given away direct other people to
the person it has been given to.
2. Surely the Mayor is doing something to keep himself in power. I mean how has he
been elected three times in a row? It just doesn’t make sense.
- Round 3:
1. How does Lady constance have so much money? It is not as if she does much?

● Jailor
- Round 1:
1. Lady Constance is so nice, I am very glad she has agreed to help me out with
my finances.
2. The Doctor is a bit funny, isn’t he? I would never want him as my doctor, he
seems a little… off.
- Round 2:
1. I Heard something about cyphers and books. Maybe see if you can find some?
Only if paid.
2. The Tailor is a dangerous man. If I recall, he was furious when Warren was
elected for Magistrate.
- Round 3:

● Cowboy
- Round 1:
1. I like Dr Liston, he’s a good friend, and very competent at his practice, or so
he tells me.
2. That Bloddy Street Urchin! He is so *clenches fists* *quivers with rage and
then squeaks* (then with disgust) unmanly… yeah…
- Round 2:
1. Word of advice, don’t take the coach, seems every time you ride it, you get
robbed. Funny how the outlaw always seems to know exactly where and
when to rob the coach.
2. I Heard something about cyphers and books. Maybe see if you can find some?
Only if paid
- Round 3:
1. The Mayor is a little suspicious. Most everyone seems to have an alibi except

● Outlaw
- Round 1:
1. I am innocent! I my have committed many crimes, but please! Murder is
below me!
2. Isnt it hilarious how the treasurer and Mayor hate it other! But if you watch
closely I am pretty sure they get along better than they show.
- Round 2:
1. Have you seen the wads of cash the banker carries? I know a thief when I see
2. Between you and me, the Urchin knows a thing or two about the goings on of
this town, if anyone knows what has happened it’s him.
- Round 3:
1. I don’t know about the doctor. If he is so qualified, what is he doing out here?

● Treasurer
- Round 1:
1. (if paid) I Heard something about cyphers and books. Maybe see if you can
find some?
2. Oh that poor Lady Oates! It really is tragic what she is going through right
- Round 2:
1. Victoria seems a likely suspect. Ever since she was fired she had been out to
get the magistrate. I believe she may have finally snapped. If paid
2. I trust Lady Constance, She loves money, but certainly not enough to kill
someone for it.
- Round 3:
1. There is more to the Coachwoman than meets the eye, I think there is a hidden
criminal side to her.

● Doctor
- Round 1:
1. As a doctor, my science tells me that the Outlaw and Jailor are probably
related, very interesting, yes?
2. I was talking to Lady Oates 34 minutes and 16 seconds ago, her crying doesn’t
feel very natural. How would I know? Well I am a Doctor
- Round 2:
1. If paid a lot. The jailors death is curious, it doesn’t seem to line up with
anything. Presumably the writers just needed someone to kill off in order to
reduce the suspect pool.
2. The bruising on the body of the Magistrate is very precise. Whoever killed
him used a blunt object. Probably a household item.
- Round 3:
1. According to my study of forensics and phsycology, I don’t think this murder
was about money.
● Tailor
- Round 1:
1. (if paid) I Heard something about cyphers and books. Maybe see if you can
find some?
2. Victoria seems awefully quiet after the murder. Usually she would take any
chance she could get to critisise him.
- Round 2:
1. The Treasurer is a curious one, look at how he follows every beck and call of the
Mayor. Yet they seem so hostile in public.
2. You should talk to Michaela, she hears everything in this town.
- Round 3:
1. I am sure that the Cowboy didn’t do it, he is too useless.

● Ex-Secretary
- Round 1:
1. I dont like the mayor. Not one bit. He is always up to something.
2. Ahh, Michaela, I am so glad to have a friend like her!
- Round 2:
1. Letter to Sheriff. Only for money. You saw the Sheriff drop it. If it has already been
given away direct other people to the person it has been given to.
2. Deary me, I have sent many a letter to the Sheriff about the countless healthcode
violations in the saloon, yet none have been investigates. How curious!
- Round 3:
1. Who killed me!? Find my killer works in the town hall. Only if paid a lot.

● Magistrates Wife
- Round 1:
1. Have you seen that woman Victoria? She just can’t stop embarrasing herself.
You know, she used to work for my husband, but she has hated him ever since
he fired her for a huge mistake she made in court. Oh and she is just Soo
Jealous of me, what with my being married to Warren. Oh Warren, I miss him
so much.
2. Urgh, Michaela Quinn. Don’t even mention her name. So uncivilised.
- Round 2:
1. My Husband Had a lot of enemies. I would think that most people in the town
would have a reason to kill him.
2. Why is the Tailor called Don? Isn’t that name reserved for Mafia bosses?
- Round 3:
1. Who killed me?! My killer didn’t want the money. Only if paid a lot.

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