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Journal of Building Engineering 32 (2020) 101522

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Drying shrinkage and creep properties of prepacked aggregate concrete

reinforced with waste polypropylene fibers
Fahed Alrshoudi a, **, Hossein Mohammadhosseini b, *, Mahmood Md Tahir b,
Rayed Alyousef c, ***, Hussam Alghamdi a, Yousef Alharbi a, Abdulaziz Alsaif a
Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, King Saud University, Riyadh, 12372, Saudi Arabia
Institute for Smart Infrastructure and Innovative Construction (ISIIC), School of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), 81310,
Skudai, Johor, Malaysia
Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Alkharj, 11942, Saudi Arabia


Keywords: Prepacked aggregate concrete (PAC) is a particular form of concrete that is manufactured by placing and packing
Prepacked aggregates fiber-reinforced concrete aggregates with different sizes in a formwork, and the spaces between the aggregates are then filled through the
Drying shrinkage injection of cement grout with high flowability. This study proposed the prepacked aggregates fiber-reinforced
concrete (PAFRC), which is a newly developed concrete, with a unique combination of coarse aggregate and
Waste polypropylene fibers
Palm oil fuel ash
short polypropylene (PP) fiber that is premixed and placed in the formworks. This study presents the outcomes of
an investigational work that addresses creep and drying shrinkage performance in addition to the strength
development of PAFRC specimens. In addition, palm oil fuel ash (POFA) was used at the substitution level of
20%. Six mixes comprising fiber volume fractions of 0–1.25% with a length of 30 mm were cast by gravity
technique. Another six mixtures with the same fiber volume fractions were cast using a pump to inject the grout
into the formwork. The experimental outcomes exposed that utilization of waste PP fibers and POFA improved
the compressive strength of PAFRC mixes. The drying shrinkage and creep of PAFRC mixes reduced significantly
with the addition of waste PP fibers. Moreover, due to the lower drying shrinkage and creep, as well as the
unique production technique, PAFRC could be used for several innovative applications in construction.

1. Introduction aggregates segregation is reduced with the exclusive packing of aggre­

gate particles in the formworks, grouting methods provide concrete with
Prepacked aggregate concrete (PAC) is a specific type of concrete better performance. Consequently, a denser matrix with higher strength
that is manufactured by placing different sizes and shapes of coarse due to the point-to-point interaction of aggregate particles can be made
aggregates in the formworks, in which the internal cavities and openings by using a PAC type of concrete [5].
are then filled with a mixture of cement and sand in the form of high In PAC, the grouting can be attained by gravity or pumping methods
fluidity grout. The PAC technique was first designated in the 1930s [1, [1–3]. Generally, the minimum size of aggregates used in PAC is one of
2]. The term PAC states to the procedure of insertion the aggregate the main factors in selecting the suitable technique of grouting. For
particles into the formworks, rather than a specific sort of concrete [3,4]. instance, in PAC with the smaller size of aggregates and the lower
Generally, the traditional type of concrete is manufactured by mixing all amount of voids, the pumping technique is preferred, while for PAC,
the constituents and pouring fresh concrete into designed formworks. comprising the larger size of aggregate particles and the bigger size of
Nevertheless, PAC is made by insertion of graded and clean aggregate cavities, the gravity method is favored [2,6]. In the gravity method, the
into the designed formworks and then injecting a grout paste with top surface of the formworks used to inject the grout, as aggregates were
adequate flowability into the openings amongst the aggregate particles, placed previously, and the grout mixture move across the aggregates
where it solidifies to form concrete [2]. While in PAC type of concrete, from top to the lowermost of the formworks under the gravity force, and

* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author.
*** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (F. Alrshoudi), (H. Mohammadhosseini), (R. Alyousef).
Received 19 April 2020; Received in revised form 20 May 2020; Accepted 20 May 2020
Available online 26 May 2020
2352-7102/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Alrshoudi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 32 (2020) 101522

consequently, fills up the openings amongst the aggregate particles. This concrete that must be considered during the design of concrete com­
gravity grouting technique is appropriate for formwork sections up to ponents. The cracks owing to shrinkage of concrete could accelerate the
300 mm depth [7,8]. In the method of pumping, a controlled-pressure other form of damages, and thus, decrease the service life of construction
pump used to inject the mixture of grout into the spaces amongst the [31]. Drying shrinkage, which is mainly due to the evaporation of free
aggregates by using a pipe from the lowest section of the formworks. In waters in concrete, is closely related to the properties of binder paste,
the pumping method, the magnitude of the pressure for the injection where the porose matrix, mostly shape, and size of the cavities are the
process selected based on the size of the aggregate particles used and foremost issues. Therefore, the rewetting of concrete cannot improve the
also the depth of the formworks. drying shrinkage of concrete [32,33]. According to Gong et al. [34] and
PAC has demonstrated its ability to especially function in several Yousefieh et al. [35], adding the PP fibers into the concrete is an alter­
applications, for example, for repairing the existing structures with native solution to decrease the shrinkage of the concrete components by
massive reinforcement through retrofitting, when a strong bond be­ the bridging action of fibers over the time.
tween the new concrete and the existing components are required, and Thus far, there is a lack of literature on the shrinkage and creep strain
also underwater construction. Typically, this method of concrete con­ of PAFRC. Nevertheless, in recent years, the manufacture and growth of
struction is employed, where the reinforcement is very complicated or PAC and layered concrete are getting more attention to increase the
where specific arrangements like pipes, conduits, openings, and such performance of concrete components. In regards to the said matter,
other arrangements are required to be incorporated in the concrete. The Murali and Ramprasad [9] investigated the influences of steel fibers on
normal method of concreting may disturb the preplanned fitments [9]. the strength and deformation properties of layered two-stage concrete
Besides, PAC is the potential to be used as a repairing material in ma­ slabs. Their findings showed that the addition of fibers up to 4% to
sonry and concrete construction. PAC is also applicable in structures, concrete in three layers enhanced the impact strength of concrete with
where placement by conventional techniques is very difficult, such as higher energy absorption capacity, as compared to that of non-fibrous
massive concrete [10,11]. Furthermore, due to the lower volume vari­ plain concrete. Besides, Ong et al. [36] researched the impact resis­
ations and comparatively lesser heat of hydration in PAC than that of tance of concrete slabs reinforced with steel fibers, polyolefin, and
conventional concrete, it has the potential to be used in mass concrete, polyvinyl alcohol fibers. The results of their study confirmed that the
such as dams and tunnels, in which cold joints, creep, shrinkage and addition of various fibers resulted in better performance under impact
thermal cracks are the key concerns [12,13]. loads with higher energy absorption capacity.
In concrete components, the development of cracks in various sizes The manufacture of polymer-based fibers utilized for the
causes significant problems relating to strength and durability perfor­ manufacturing of carpets and textiles has been steadily rising, at present
mance. In most cases, the formation of cracks noticeably reduces the more than 70 million tons yearly [37]. In Malaysia, approximately 50
lifespan of concrete structures by allowing harmful particles to enter tons of PP fibers used in the carpet industry in various forms are dis­
into the concrete components [14–16]. Therefore, the assessment of carded to landfills annually [38]. Waste carpet fibers are preferred to be
strains and exploration of cracks development over time is essential to used in the production of concrete composites due to the lower cost as
develop the durability of concrete in long periods. Subsequently, the compared to the available virgin fibers in the market, exceptional
time-dependent properties of concrete structures, such as drying chemical resistance, and hydrophobic nature [39]. The utilization of
shrinkage and creep, must be considered in conjunction with instanta­ pozzolanic materials as supplementary cementing materials (SCM) to
neous strain and cracks [17,18]. decrease the heat of hydration is well recognized. POFA is an agricul­
Accordingly, to improve the performance of concrete structures with tural waste in the form of ash, which recently used in an extensive range
superior ductility and lower creep and shrinkage, novel construction as supplementary cementing materials. The manufacture of POFA in
materials are essential to be developed [8]. Relatedly, a promising so­ Malaysia reaches approximately 5 million tons yearly, and this is sent to
lution to achieve such properties of concrete is the addition of short fiber landfills as waste material [40]. The manufacturing rate of POFA is
at various dosages into the mixtures [19–21]. PAFRC is a novel con­ estimated to grow with the increasing of palm trees plantations. As
struction material made of the combination of coarse aggregates with stated by Lim et al. [41], POFA can be used as SCMs in concrete with
different sizes and short fibers placed in formworks, and cementing satisfactory durability and mechanical properties.
material mix with sand in injected to the gaps among the particles in the PAC is a unique construction process, and it has been investigated for
form of the grout. Therefore, due to the existence of fibers and unique its mechanical properties. Thus far, the time-dependent properties of
methods of casting, the proposed PAFRC can be a good solution to PAC reinforced with waste PP carpet fibers and containing POFA has not
improve the performance of concrete components. been studied yet. Given the quarrel as mentioned above, this work was
In concrete components, creep defined as the deformation of hard­ aimed to inspect the combined effects of waste polypropylene carpet
ened concrete due to the existence of long-lasting constant loads applied fibers and POFA on the shrinkage and creep behavior of the novel
on the comp[onents [22–24]. Generally, there are two types of creep PAFRC such as drying shrinkage and creep. As the construction of PAC
which occurred in concrete, namely, basic creep and drying creep. The requires unique skills and experience that most workers do not have, the
basic type of creep strain is frequently formed by consolidation and current paper offers essential data on the manufacturing of PAFRC that
sliding processes between the cement pastes due to the evaporation of can help both engineers and workers. The use of waste PP fibers and
free waters that exist in the voids of the matrix. On the contrary, the POFA in the manufacture of PAFRC could be beneficial in both envi­
drying creep of concrete, which is an additional deformation, arisen ronmental and economic points of view. Besides, it is valuable as it can
when concrete is exposed to drying [25,26]. Tang et al. [27] and minimize issues related to landfilling and decrease the consumption of
Havl�asek and Jir�
asek [28] stated that the creep and drying shrinkage of raw materials as well as encourage the production of green and sus­
FRC improved rapidly at the early ages of curing and the rate is tainable construction materials.
considerably lower than that of plain concrete mixes without any fibers.
Besides, Zhao et al. [29] were also studied the drying shrinkage creep of 2. Materials and test methods
fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) with several kinds of fibers. Their find­
ings showed that the shrinkage and creep of concrete dropped by adding 2.1. Materials
of Basalt and steel fibers. Moreover, the effects of PP fibers on the creep
and shrinkage of concrete were studied. In this regard, Banthia and Following the specifications of ASTM C 150–2007, type I ordinary
Gupta [30] reported that PP fibers are the potential to reduce the creep Portland cement (OPC) was used in the current study. The raw ashes
and shrinkage of concrete. were collected from a palm oil mill located in Johor, Malaysia. POFA
Shrinkage is also one of the critical deformation properties of was dried and sieved to eliminate larger materials such as unburned

F. Alrshoudi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 32 (2020) 101522

particles, and subsequently, the ashes were kept in a furnace at the

temperature of 100 � 5 � C to vaporize moisture. Afterwards, the ash was
sieved, and constituents that smaller than 150 μm were kept in a Los
Angeles milling device containing 10 steel bars that were 800 mm long
and 12 mm in diameter for 2 h for each 4 kg of POFA. Besides, the
particles that remained on the 150 μm sieve were put in a furnace and
heated up to 800 � C to reduce the carbon content. The materials were
then reprocessed. Then, the grounded fine ashes, which adapted to the
requirements of ASTM C618-2015 and BS 3892: Part 1–1992 specifi­
cations, were collected and used as partial cement replacement. Table 1
shows the physical properties and chemical compositions of the used
Uncrushed natural river sand, with a size of smaller than 4.75 mm, a
fineness modulus of 2.3, 2.6 g/cm3 specific gravity, and 0.7% water
absorption, was used to make the grout mixture. In this study, the coarse Fig. 1. Waste polypropylene fibers.
aggregates, which are the main components of PAC were the crushed
granite type with size ranged between 20 and 38 mm, with 0.5% water formworks, and then, the mixture of cement and sand as a grout was
absorption, and a specific gravity of 2.7 g/cm3. According to ACI injected by the pumping and gravity techniques into the formworks to
304.1R-1997 specifications for PAC, before placing the aggregates in the fill up the cavities between the aggregates and fibers. Cylindrical sam­
formwork, the particles must be clean and wash to eliminate the im­ ples of size 100 � 200 mm and 150 � 300 mm were used for gravity
purities such as dust. It would help to attain a better bond between the specimens, and the mixture of cement and sand with adequate fluidity
aggregates and injected grout. Moreover, to achieve the better flow­ was injected under gravitational force through PVC pipes of 5 mm in
ability of the fresh grout mixture, a polymeric base superplasticizer at a diameter into the mold, as illustrated in Fig. 2b. Conversely, in the
dosage of 1.0% was used. In this research work, industrial waste carpet pumping technique, the UPVC pipes with different diameters of 100 mm
fibers from ENTEX Carpet Industries Sdn. Bhd., located in Malaysia, was and 150 mm were cut in the desired length and used as a mold. The pipes
collected and used as a fibrous material. The multi-filament type of PP then placed and fixed in a designed plywood formwork base to avoid any
fibers was used, as revealed in Fig. 1. Besides, the fiber’s length was movement during the grout injection process, as illustrated in Fig. 2a. A
selected as 30 mm according to the size of the coarse aggregates with an mild steel cone with a steel ball was connected under the tube on the
aspect ratio (l/d) of 67. The common engineering properties of carpet platform to act as a one-way valve during the grouting and control the
fibers are given in Table 2. steady flow of grout over the tubes. In addition, a cap of plywood was
attached to the top of the tubes to prevent the uplifting of the coarse
2.2. Mix proportions aggregates particles during the grout injection procedure.
In this study, a mix of blended cement and river sand was made as
The mix proportions of different constituents used in the production grout by using an electric mixer for approximately 5 min. Afterwards,
of PAFRC are illustrated in Table 3. In this study, total, 12 batches were the grout with adequate flowability was transferred into the hopper with
made in two groups, i.e., gravity (G) and pumping (P) groups. In addi­ constant stirring for the whole filling procedure to control the flow­
tion, the water/binder (w/b) and cement/sand (c/s) ratios were kept ability of the grout mixture. Moreover, a pump with a device to control
constant as 0.5 and 1/1.15, respectively, for all mixes. For all PAFRC the pressure was attached to the hopper for the injection of grout be­
mixes, OPC was substituted by 20% POFA. In each group, one mix was tween the aggregates, as revealed in Fig. 2b. During the casting process
cast as a control mix without any fiber, namely P0 and G0 for pumping of PAFRC specimens, precise care was taken to ensure that the mixture
and gravity methods, correspondingly. Besides, five PAFRC mixes were of cement and sand did not leak out from the formworks. Once casting of
prepared for each group, in which carpet fibers were added at the vol­ specimens was complete, the PAFRC samples were cured at an ambient
ume fractions of 0.25%, 0.50%, 0.75%, 1.0%, and 1.25%, i.e., P1 to P5 temperature of 20 � 5 � C for 24 h. After 24 h, the specimens were
and G1 to G5 pumping and gravity injection techniques, removed from the formworks and retained in a water tank before testing
correspondingly. at the ages of 28 and 90 days.

2.3. Sample preparation

2.4. Testing methods
Unlike conventional concrete, the preparation and production of
PAFRC were carried out in two steps; initially, mixing and placing of In this study, to investigate the effect of POFA as SCMs on the uni­
coarse aggregates with various size and 30 mm length PP fibers in the formity of the grout mixture, the flow test was carried out following the
specifications of ASTM C939-16. Besides, following the ASTM C940-16,
Table 1 the bleeding test was assessed by pouring 800 � 10 ml of fresh grout
Characteristics of used POFA and OPC. inside a 1000 ml glass graduate. The compressive strength test was
Composition OPC (%) POFA (%) carried out on the cylindrical specimens of size 100 mm � 200 mm, and
tested according to ASTM C39M-18.
SiO2 20.40 62.60
Al2O3 5.20 4.65
PAFRC specimens were also tested for drying shrinkage and creep.
Fe2O3 4.19 8.12 After 28 days, the PAFRC specimens were out from the water tank and
CaO 62.39 5.70 prepared for creep and shrinkage tests. The creep test was followed by
MgO 1.55 3.52 the specifications of ASTM C512-2010. For creep test, cylindrical PAFRC
K2O 0.005 9.05
samples of size 100 mm � 200 mm were used. To find out the ultimate
SO3 2.11 1.16
LOI 2.36 6.25 compressive strength values, three specimens for each batch were tested
Physical properties for compressive strength, and the average value was noted as 28-day
Specific gravity 3.15 2.42 ultimate compressive strength, which used to apply on the creep test
Blaine fineness (cm2/g) 3990 4930 specimens. In this study, 25% of the compressive strength at the age of
Soundness (mm) 1.0 2.0
28 days was considered as the applied stress for creep test for all mixes.

F. Alrshoudi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 32 (2020) 101522

Table 2
Common properties of used waste PP fibers.
Waste carpet fiber Length (mm) Diameter (mm) Density (kg/m3) Melting point (oC) Tensile strength (MPa) Reaction with water

Multi-filament polypropylene 30 0.45 910 170 400 Hydrophobic

Table 3
The mix proportions of the materials used in the PAFRC mixture.
Mix Water (kg/m3) Cement (kg/m3) POFA (kg/m3) Fine Coarse Vf (%)
Aggregate (kg/m3) Aggregate (kg/m3)

P0 186 304 76 545 1320 –

Pump P1 186 304 76 545 1320 0.25
P2 186 304 76 545 1320 0.50
P3 186 304 76 545 1320 0.75
P4 186 304 76 545 1320 1.00
P5 186 304 76 545 1320 1.25
G0 186 304 76 545 1320 –
Gravity G1 186 304 76 545 1320 0.25
G2 186 304 76 545 1320 0.50
G3 186 304 76 545 1320 0.75
G4 186 304 76 545 1320 1.00
G5 186 304 76 545 1320 1.25

Fig. 2. Grouting techniques of PAFRC: a) Pumping; b) Gravity.

Table 4 presents the details of the applied loads for four different PAFRC
mixes under the creep test.
To prepare the PAFRC specimens for creep test, four vertical lines
with equal distance were drawn on the specimens, and then, DEMEC
studs were attached to the cylindrical specimens at 100 mm intervals.
Following ASTM C512-2010 and as shown in Fig. 3, four cylindrical
specimens were placed on the creep frame for each batch of PAFRC and
adjust with the help of concrete plugs at the top and the bottom of the
frames. The loading process, with the given magnitude as given in
Table 4, was done by using a hydraulic jack and load cell. The loading
process was to monitor and control and monitored by the data logger.
The test set up of the creep test is illustrated in Fig. 3. In addition, the

Fig. 3. The test set-up and frames used for the creep test.
Table 4
Details of the applied loads for creep test.
non-stressed PAFRC specimens were prepared similarly and used for the
Mix 28-day cylinder compressive Sustained load Sustained load
determination of drying shrinkage under the same conditions. A digital
strength (MPa) (%) (MPa)
comparator meter, as revealed in Fig. 4a,b was used to record the strain
P0 37.4 25 9.35
values over the gauge studs attached vertically on the surface of the
P2 35.0 25 8.75
G0 35.3 25 8.83
PAFRC samples and then converted to the creep and shrinkage values.
G2 33.0 25 8.25 To determine the creep of PAFRC specimens, the deformation of

F. Alrshoudi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 32 (2020) 101522

Table 5
Properties of the fresh grout mixture.
Mix Bleeding (%) Grout fluidity (sec)

100% OPC 10.6 15.3

20% POFA 8.5 13.4

w/b of 0.5 and c/s of 1.15 were kept constant, the addition of 20% POFA
caused in higher grout fluidity. It can be seen that the fluidity of the
grout with POFA was noted as 13.4 s, which was lower than that of 15.3
s obtained for the OPC grout mixture. This reduction in the fluidity of the
grout mixture indicated the higher flowability of POFA grout, which
could be owing to the size of POFA particles, which are finer than those
Fig. 4. (a) PAFRC specimens used for drying shrinkage; (b) A digital compar­ of OPC [42]. The POFA-based grout also needed more amount of water
ator meter. to preserve the same fluidity class, owed to the creation of agglomerated
particles. While adding water to the mixture, a great cohesive force
specimens was recorded in terms of strain values before loading. After would develop amongst the water molecules present in those particles’
the load was applied, the strain values were recorded for the first 6 h vitreous surfaces, therefore averting an effective sliding of ash particles.
hourly, then every day for one week, every week for a month, and once- This consistent force was owing to the electrostatic attraction amongst
a-month till 180 days after loading. The obtained deformation values the positive hydrogen atoms and the extremely electronegative oxygen
were then converted to the creep strain by using Eq. (1). Besides, atom in the neighboring water molecules [43].
following the same tendency, the strain of un-stressed PAFRC specimens Table 4 also illustrates the obtained results of the bleeding test. The
was also measured to evaluate the drying shrinkage. Moreover, the ratio of the bleed water to the mixing water of grout is called bleeding
PAFRC specimens were preserved in the testing room with sufficiently capacity. From the results, it could be observed that the grout with 20%
controlled humidity and temperature, as exposed in Fig. 5. POFA attained lower bleeding, as associated with that of the OPC grout
mixture. For the POFA-based grout, the bleeding was recorded as 8.5%,
Ɛc(t) ¼ [Ɛ(to) – Ɛe – Ɛsh(to)] *M (1) which is relatively lesser than that of 10.6% noted for the OPC grout
Where: mixture. The lower bleeding percentage of POFA-based grout indicated
that the POFA with finer particle size was capable of absorbing addi­
Ɛc(t) ¼ The creep strain at any time to. tional water in the grout mix, and consequently, decreased the bleeding
Ɛ(to) ¼ The average total recoded strain at any time to. of mixture [44].
Ɛe ¼ Average instantaneous elastic strain recorded after loading.
Ɛsh(to) ¼ Average strain at any time to (determined on unloaded 3.2. Compressive strength
PAFRC specimens).
M ¼ Coefficient of a digital comparator meter (Fig. 4b). Fig. 6 demonstrates the obtained results of the compressive strength
test for PAFRC specimens at different curing periods. It could be seen
3. Results and discussion that the cylindrical compressive strength dropped by adding PP fiber
into the PAFRC specimens. The obtained results revealed higher strength
3.1. Characteristics of fresh grout values of the specimens injected by the pumping method than those
specimens of gravity technique. Relating the strength values for control
Generally, evaluating the uniformity and flowability of the grout PAC mix without any POFA and fibers at the age of 28 days, the strength
mixture is essential for PAC, as it has a direct impact on pores perme­ value of the pumping method mixture was around 7% greater than that
ability and pumpability. The flowability of the grout was measured by of the gravity method specimens. Furthermore, the plain PAC specimens
using the flow cone method. Table 5 displays the results of the fluidity of gravity and pumping methods with 20% POFA (G0, P0) obtained
test of grout with and without POFA. The results showed that the sub­ slightly lower compressive strength, compared to the OPC-based PAC
stitution of 20% POFA increased the fluidity of the grout mixture. As the mixes at 28-day curing. This could be attributed to the lower pozzolanic
reactivity of POFA as compared to that of OPC, particularly at an early
age [40].
The results showed that the reinforcement of PAFRC specimens by
0.25%, 0.5%, 0.75%, 1%, and 1.25% fibers, reduced the strength values
of pumping technique specimens by about 3.4%, 5.25%, 8.22%,
11.87%, and 17.12%, correspondingly, as related with control pumping
mix without any fiber (P0) at the age of 90 days. Likewise, at the same
curing period, in the specimens of gravity technique with the same fiber
content, the cylindrical compressive strength dropped by 2.8%, 8.0%,
12.1%, 13.82%, and 18.34%, correspondingly. The drop in the strength
values of PAFRC with carpet fibers could be owing to the existence of
voids in the concrete specimens, which were raised by the adding of
short fiber at high volume fractions. Indeed, higher dosages of fibers
induce balling effect, pores development, and clustering, subsequently,
reduce the strength and disposed to cracks. It, consequently, decreases
the volume of grout mixture amongst the fibers and aggregate particles,
and thus, leads to the drop in the strength values of PAFRC [9,19].
However, after 180 days curing, due to the utilization of POFA as
Fig. 5. The temperature and relative humidity changes during the partial cement replacement and its high pozzolanic nature, the obtained
testing period. strength values of PAFRC specimens were found notably higher than

F. Alrshoudi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 32 (2020) 101522

Fig. 6. Compressive strength of PAFRC specimens.

those of the early ages. This could be attributed to the better pozzolanic mixture [46].
activity of POFA at the ultimate ages [40]. It could be seen that the
obtained outcomes of PAFRC specimens for the pumping technique Hydration reaction of OPC: C2S or C3S þ H2O main C–S–H gel þ Ca(OH)2(2)
shown higher strength values, in association with the specimens of the Pozzolanic reaction of POFA: Ca(OH)2 þ SiO2 (POFA) þ H2O Additional
gravity technique for the similar fiber dosages. Abirami et al. [8] also C–S–H gel (3)
stated that the addition of fibers could enhance the compressive strength
of the layered two-stage concrete slab.
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) test was carried out to assess
the microstructure of grout pasts of mixtures used in PAFRC specimens 3.3. Drying shrinkage development
with 20% POFA as partial cement replacement. The microstructural
analysis was piloted to investigate the influence of POFA on the hy­ In concrete, volume changes occur after the setting has taken place,
dration products and strength improvement of the specimens. Fig. 7a,b and maybe in the form of shrinkage. Continued hydration, when a
shows the SEM image of cement past used in PAFRC specimens as well as supply of water is present, leads to expansion; however, when no
the distribution of C–S–H gels in the pastes at the curing periods of 28- moisture movement to or from the cement paste is permitted, shrinkage
and 90-day. It could be seen that the C–S–H gels were uniformly occurs. Shrinkage is the consequence of withdrawal of water from the
distributed in the paste of 90-day as compared to the 28-day paste. It capillary pores by the hydration of the hitherto unhydrated cement, a
seemed that the 28-day paste contained many crystallines that inter­ process known as self-desiccation. Shrinkage of such a conservatives
weaved together with the C–S–H gels, and several pores were visible system known as autogenous shrinkage, and it occurs in practice in the
amongst these crystallines. In contrast, the 90-day paste contained many interior of a concrete mass. In a conservative system, i.e. where no
gel components and had fewer cavities. The finely spared of C–S–H gels moisture movement to or from the paste is permitted, when the tem­
and the growth of additional C–S–H crystals owed to the consumption of perature is constant, some shrinkage may occur. The shrinkage of such a
portlandite in the pozzolanic reaction of POFA at the ultimate ages, conservative system is known as an autogenous shrinkage and usually
caused in strength development [45]. As it can be seen in the following expressed as a linear strain so that it can be considered alongside the
chemical reactions, with the addition of water to the blended cement, drying shrinkage [47].
calcium silicate hydrate (C–S–H) was formed due to the existence of C2 Fig. 8 demonstrates the obtained results of the drying shrinkage test
or C3S in OPC, and resulted in the liberation of calcium hydroxide (CH), for PAFRC mixes up to 180 days. Besides, the comparison between the
as illustrated in Eq. (2). This chemical reaction was comparatively quick. drying shrinkage values of PAFRC mixes at the ages of 28 days and 180
Instead, when POFA was included in the concrete mix, the reactive silica days of the test is revealed in Fig. 9. The results revealed that the
(SiO2), which is in high amount in POFA, reacted with the released CH to addition of fibers into the PAFRC specimens the drying shrinkage
form additional C–S–H gel in the existence of water as revealed in Eq. reduced for all fiber dosages in which the highest shrinkage values were
(3). Nevertheless, the reaction was relatively slow, therefore causing observed for the gravity method plain PAC mix without any fiber (G0). It
slow strength improvement in addition to lesser heat of hydration of was observed that the rate of shrinkage at the early testing periods up to

Fig. 7. SEM images of (a) 28-day and (b) 90-day grout pastes used in PAC.

F. Alrshoudi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 32 (2020) 101522

mixtures results in a significant reduction in shrinkage values, in which

fibers controlled the movements of the microcracks in the specimens and
results in lower shrinkage.

3.4. Creep development

In this study, the deformation of PAFRC specimens under long-

lasting constant loads was assessed in terms of creep. For each
method, two PAC mixes with a fiber content of 0% and 0.5% were tested
for creep after 28 days of water curing. The creep of PAFRC specimens,
which is the deformation in the specimens due to applied stresses and
movement of moisture under sustained load, was assessed and measured
using Eq. (1). Fig. 10 illustrates the results of the creep test and the
pattern of deformation in the tested PAFRC specimens along the time. It
can be seen that at the early ages of the creep test, all PAFRC mixes
showed similar trends under the sustained loads. It was also observed
that up to 28 days of the test, the rate of creep development for all
PAFRC mixes was faster than the periods beyond 28 days. Nonetheless,
the creep development of all PAFRC mixes continually rose with time,
but the rate was slower than that of the early ages of test for all mixes.
In addition, at the testing periods beyond 28 days, PAFRC specimen
of pumping method with 0.5% PP fibers (P2) revealed the lowest creep
strain as related to other PAFRC mixes. Moreover, the recorded creep
strain for the PAFRC mix of gravity method containing 0.5% fibers was
comparatively lesser than that of plain PAC specimens. It is interesting to
note that lower creep values were recorded for the PAFRC specimens
reinforced with waste polypropylene fibers at all ages of the test.
However, the reduction in the creep strain was more noticeable for the
Fig. 8. Drying shrinkage of PAFRC specimens. specimens of the pumping method as associated with those mixes of
gravity method. This could be attributed to the dense paste in the
28 days was faster than that of the testing periods afar 28-day. As the pumping method specimens and a lower volume of voids in the cement
movement of the moisture from the cement paste at this ages is minimal
and the magnitude of shrinkage is low, this shrinkage can be considered
as autogenous shrinkage, as stated by Neville and Brooks [47]. However,
at 180-day shrinkage test, for the pumping method PAFRC specimens,
the drying shrinkage values reduced by 11.43%, 23.3%, 29.5%, 16.8%,
and 4.5% for the fiber volume fractions of0.25%, 0.5%, 0.75%, 1%, and
1.25%,%, respectively, as related to that of plain PAC mix (P0).
Moreover, the reduction in the drying shrinkage values of the gravity
method PAFRC specimens was noted, but lower than those of pumping
method specimens. For example, At 180 days, for the gravity method
PAFRC samples comprising 0.25%, 0.5%, 0.75%, 1%, and 1.25% PP
fiber, the shrinkage values dropped by 8.8%, 20.62%, 25.9%, 12.64%,
and 4.25%, respectively, as related to that of plain PAC mix (G0). Be­
sides, for both pumping and gravity methods, the PAFRC mix comprising
0.75% fibers shown the minimum shrinkage values. According to
Medina et al. [40], the bridging action of fibers, which acts as a crack
arrester, resulted in the reduction in drying shrinkage values. Karahan
Fig. 10. The creep behavior of PAFRC specimens.
and Atis [48] also stated that the addition of PP fibers into concrete

Fig. 9. Variation in drying shrinkage of PAFRC specimens at 28 and 180 days.

F. Alrshoudi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 32 (2020) 101522

paste injected between the aggregates [49,50]. Table 6

Thus far, there is no literature on the creep behavior of PAFRC with Creep recovery after 180 days of the sustained load.
waste PP fibers. Nonetheless, few studies were carried out on the creep Mix Creep (180- A: Instantaneous B: Recovery after % of A with
behavior of conventional concrete. The outcomes of this study can be day) x10 6 recovery (%) one month (%) respect to B
supported by the finding of the research work on the influences of the PP P0 915.84 24.1 28.2 85.5
fiber on the creep performance of concrete by Aslani and Nejadi [49]. P2 778.67 27.5 32.1 85.7
The results of their study revealed that by adding polypropylene fibers G0 999.4 22.2 26.3 84.4
up to a certain volume fractions, the creep of concrete significantly G2 838.2 25.9 30.9 83.8

reduced. Besides, Li and Yao [50] stated that using POFA as partial
cement replacement can be an alternative solution to reduce the creep of before and after creep and shrinkage as well as the strength gain. The
concrete owed to the pozzolanic behavior of POFA and densify the variance in the 28-day strength and the samples tested for drying
matrix, particularly at the ultimate ages. shrinkage and creep tests were considered as the “strength gain.” The
results showed that the magnitude of strength gain was comparatively
3.5. Creep recovery higher for the specimens of pumping method than those of gravity
method PAFRC specimens. For example, in the creep test specimens, the
In concrete components, creep recovery occurs when the applied strength gain values of 2.85 and 2.45 MPa were recorded for PAFRC
load gradually decreases and results in the reduction of strain. The pumping group mixes with 0 and 0.5% fibers, respectively. Although,
pattern and nature of the creep recovery curve are slightly similar to the the lower strength gain values were found for the gravity method PAFRC
creep curve; however, the rate of creep recovery approaches is faster. specimens as 2.15 and 1.95 MPa for the same fiber content, respectively.
Therefore, creep recovery of concrete is essential to predict the defor­ Besides, the strength gain values for the PAFRC specimens tested for
mation under stress, which varies with time [47,51]. To attain the creep drying shrinkage tests were also found to be higher in the pumping
recovery values, the creep frames were unloaded after 180 days of the technique as related to the gravity method. The higher strength gain in
creep test. Then, the process of recovery was continued for about a the pumping method specimens could be attributed to the dense matrix
month. The obtained results of the creep recovery for PAFRC specimens of the specimens as well as the lower volume of the voids due to the
are shown in Fig. 11. proper grout injection into the formworks [52–54].
It was observed that after releasing the sustained load, instantaneous Moreover, the development in the strength of the tested specimens
recovery was observed at a high rate for all specimens. Then, the creep for creep and shrinkage tests could be attributed to testing conditions
recovery was slow down for all specimens for the entire recovery period. with controlled relative humidity and temperature, which were in the
For the recovery period, which was 28 days, a non-linear trend was range of 60 � 5% RH and 23 � 2 � C, correspondingly. At these humidity
observed among creep recovery and the recovery time. The observation and temperatures range, the pozzolanic activity of POFA was proceeded
made in this study revealed that most of the creep recovery occurred in and developed additional C–S–H gels, and consequently, results in the
that 28 days recovery period, and no further recovery seems to occur strength gain of PAFRC specimens at a longer curing period [40,55].
later than that period. It is interesting to note that the lowest variation in
the deformation of PAFRC specimens was recorded for the mix con­ 4. Conclusions
taining 0.5% fibers of the pumping method (P2). As shown in Table 6,
the obtained instantaneous creep recovery for the specimens reinforced In this study, the drying shrinkage and creep properties, as well as
with fibers is higher than those of plain specimens, and it ranges be­ the strength gain of a new prepacked aggregate fiber reinforced concrete
tween 83% to 87% for all mixes. The obtained results of this study are using waste PP fibers and POFA, were investigated with the following
similar to the findings reported by Tang et al. [27] on the creep recovery conclusions:
of concrete.
� Using 20% POFA as partial cementing materials in the production of
PAFRC caused in a higher fluidity of fresh grout mixture and lower
3.6. Strength gain of creep and shrinkage tests specimens
bleeding percentage as compared to that of 100% OPC grout mixture.
� By adding waste polypropylene fibers into the PAC mixture, the
The effects of the drying shrinkage and creep test conditions on the
compressive strength of PAFRC specimens decreased for both
strength gain of the PAFRC specimens were investigated. In this study,
pumping and gravity groups. Besides, the replacement of OPC with
after the drying shrinkage test and creep recovery period was done, the
POFA results in a slow rate of hydration at an early age. However, at
PAFRC samples were then tested for compressive strength, called “after
the more extended curing periods of 90 and 180 days, the rate of
shrinkage and creep compressive strength.” Fig. 12 and Fig. 13 illustrate
strength enhancement was more remarkable in the pumping tech­
the variation in the compressive strength values of the PAFRC specimens
nique PAFRC mixtures, as associated with those of samples of gravity
� The drying shrinkage values of all PAFRC specimens reinforced with
waste polypropylene fibers were comparatively lower than those of
plain PAC specimens. The highest reduction in drying shrinkage was
recorded for the PAFRC mix of pumping method containing 0.75%
fibers, which were 29.5% lower than that of the plain mix.
� Lower deformation under sustained loads in terms of creep was
observed for PAFRC specimens reinforced with waste polypropylene
fibers as compared to plain PAC mixes. The PAFRC specimens of the
pumping group reinforced with 0.5% fibers obtained the lowest
creep strain value. Besides, the recorded creep recovery values
indicated that along the time, the rate of recovery was higher in the
specimens reinforced with PP fibers.
� The outcomes indicated that the strength of the shrinkage and creep
tests specimens could gain under the controlled environment.
Fig. 11. The creep recovery of PAFRC specimens.

F. Alrshoudi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 32 (2020) 101522

Fig. 12. Strength gain of PAFRC mixes after the 180-day shrinkage test.

Fig. 13. Strength gain of PAFRC mixes after the 180-day creep test.

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