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Gating a mehod- Ren e5yet saan os Sy : #3 ar GS BErseo race wb NSW Boss onosed sod Hots, Do AsHessvoris Doms", word oor St, do, wo, SN, 44, MBs SRercooS* ws, wait wh coc Sot oS, Sti, DOzrcve DEGT-O 0h GOUPY Irsy, wo SOA UOT dh, o Myslyr ssopsor OAMOSSocow, OSA HO exIgizduv Lod S43 OEY, Do Sos P6oSAHo Spyyr esate EGo Mesos Md, Oo FOS ergy Plow GBIG0s wd, Saw, w To orgy Wo SOISvea TA, aaYes IGA ow orroncres Sairior sss vw. Or GS ASrfoo oper wh Tse Yor 00d ase, Hy sT w Soswd, F AO Hwowh IO" goo Jos 2, onsoo Sod Wa, MGs ow sroscres Sood, OGosnyy Se Shas SHS wocdsos, toes SOAS Srs ssw ds 70d, oor SPEEA, T Yow Hoyo" dss SON, 000, ow BScivo Hots Donosswr Beye Soo wider SUED. BairHD GOD Soo Shes curse THOS Signer eyes, "Doe Bossis, Sey atgow S*athiiner, GUSAE dra Sh annie Poses, amdwasjod HOS, CGOS Io I[Mooey (Wowed onsyJeo Bags way Possnw dh amotdSD, Boies UP ws GH) omsanesyos gon mo, 96 gy Sroxcrenma 852, w) Hswo APSOPEBS why GD Doses xo SIYOD, oar ViSetoo dove Sxo Fawoerssa, DSATRS BQOSSods Rios, Soo, orow Show Sed Sots die B09. esse 9499 Sar arene dayigand, esd) do SS" Nagin drow Sw Boars. miyywoes 88, 08%, SEE (ras Horrond BY_e6'%, w LOIN, No Leo SEPe sHeotDesS DEY WPHYSO ORFS PUsmo Fire onotes* apes Tasempss. NSAT-y soli wae SQW Swe UMP TOS TAH Syyo 2/1977 dwosse Sods oesdaiw, wsivs wd CHSArTES sopsnets Seramosaddudaar, HI wh omows Swot Bae, (SaHEQSsds TO, Hey GoYoro md Gar Dydodawr, sao vA IG dawerse (Seda{Se Hod Jensoed ayer) Tsar, Ss amocssarrosorr HOSossaTJWo. 0 DSc MPSS*Tsoast SoaoHe2Sho,903 / 2007 tio OBS SY Ser wot’ SoncGods HISAY OMB, OSS YS anvocS" Sos So omsyeqss. BIBSS : DecwTG OES IBWTGIT*D DOPUS DOGS" we No GID v.0.ct5. cH ‘So. 733 Gdsrrg( choo.) erp, 6.31-10- 19885 545 arb Tada adoyeo Iss onoyso ESD NED, oss Gros AGT Yoo FANS URsvso THE 5.4,1393.4402 Dg rie grb Mas goss, ax OYSer aT aseronciy Sasori aio, itd adoronc’y BUH MD, BQO OOM SpysosHo md, BIS JOSS" op Sharps IIoyows, Sto Sts Sime sess eoAsborsioarys. Sith gO SES Qosnd® NGS Sy Yoyso ESD onotsisrosawr HOsGorsomys. NLS, (Rs asnol towards stamp duty including transfer duty Uj 41 of LS. Act and Rs_J39SO)— towards Registration fee on the chargeable velvo of Ps 290s" were paid byt «Barty Throws SBI Recetps number dated {oJndo) at Gov, Branch. ee) ‘Sub>Hegistra, = / ‘paTaMaTa xt. fo.b0. a 1S 4 os Sader anor 208 Savmds Zosnd* saad, FyV6, Sherr, soyawSxtoro Bey 8S Saco Md, IBS peso roo MD, (Bto» Bodiol JosBs oO Kiso wd, Bhs rd, Soo Beeyeorrd EO Gseloruyr, ow¥ Snoc ogy ag Dsoswes ar GYSer Bote MYHIWey SAT Sods dhe, TP PRU GAWaces eohsoorosr, Soyo wosswe BYoy sw erGe Srowiosa doxpysy}W. 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Ba Sim wHsinr Kens — SAPASY 53 KoDy —- cert Aer on (PERMANENT ACCOUNT NUMBER 8 AIKPP3647¢ VENKATESHWAR RAO PONNAMANENI Fe 9 ATER NAME BHAGAWAN RAO PONNAMANEN! 1 9% parE oF BT 15-11-1963, nay ead ag a TT ee yet re tow teem + $00 004 acs ile card antound indy teformsreturo to (hit Commisoner of tconetas, sayokar Bhatna, acer, Hyderabad #00008 Family Members Details Relation al Wie foouse [37 Son [osnans [9 Daughter _[ivoaae [17 mf nrinky Card No BP Shop No 0 Nameof Head of Household sagieg So Father/ Hisband Name sogsde/Date of Birth Saisioy/ AEE 336 /Oceupation ot.zo/Hfouse No. 6 Street Colony Ward No. Municipality ag: Diotic ‘Annual Tacone (RS) LPG Consumer No. LPG Dealer Name \L: ‘PAPO684201B0374 201 S038. os go or Mantens Rama Krishan, Raju Bows oer Venkatapathy Raju 1/07/1962 a Farmer 40-15-19/4 BRUNDAVAN COLONY LABBIPETA 3 co Ward-40 ‘pecaaret / Vieyawada | aagtan UU Jes Sse 7 Bate Phstan Segond eENSa 555 50 oe Sa ge o ART Wa ge i aK TAX DEPARTMENT GOVT. OF INDIA "pga oa / ho ford Rat oe ree icine ince fn. io eee FBR wanes rte 2, SRIRAIUA MURTHY KUOARAVALLI BY Baron Crlore oogap « 2) } agian Za oxSe we 3h) Ba kim FSino Sows, Mrbg 806 eC fp The Rise acae rut SUB.RESISTRAR (Sy ‘ TANS Ty. \PATAMES,, } wv . au STATE BANK OF INDIA Ge Branch, VIJAYAWADA - 520 002 towards foe payable to Registration and Stamps as per wo

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