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Chapter 2

The first voyage around the world

1 The primary account of First voyage crucial sources
 Francisco Antonio Pigaffeta
 Francisco Alvo
 Antonio Lambardo
 Gines Mafra
2. Other written accounts and letters relevant to the voyage
 Maximilanus Transylvanus
 Anotnio de Herrera y Tordesillas
 Giovanni Bautista
 Hernando de Bustamante
 Juan Sebastian Elcano
 Gozalo Gomez de Espinosa
 Martin Mendez
 Leone Pancaldo
3. Translator of the accounts
 Lord Stanley of Alderley
 Emma Helen Blair
 James Alexander Robertson
4. Serving Magilan’s chronicler
 Antonio Pigafetta
5. The first book of Antonio Pigafetta
 Magellan: The First Circumnavigation of the Globe
6.Duration of Voyage
 1519-1522
 3 years
7. What perspective of Stefan Zweig shows the works of Pigefetta?
 Eurocentric Perspective?
8. Where Antonio Pigafetta was born
 Venice, Italy

9. It is the study of maps

 Cartography

9. What ingredients are needed in spice islands

 nutmeg, mace and cloves,
10. The king of accepted Magellans proposal
 King Charles V
11. How many crews during the expedition?
 270 crews
12. The five ships during the expedition is called?
 Carracks
13. Start of the expedition
Septermber 20 1519
14. The first ocean Megellan crossed?
 Atlantic Ocean

Notes: After crossing the Atlantic ocean they reached the modern brazil. They
continued south until westers storm forced them to camp Puerto San Julian ( Argentina)
which they faced mutinity. The voyage continue to south America which they set sail in
August which also led to Santiago to get wrecked while San Antonio deserted and went
back home.
15. How many days they spent in Pacific Ocean
 99 days
16. This enourmous body of water is located east of Philippine island
 Pacific Ocean
17. It is the narrow strait that Magellan’s fleet travelled through somewhere around the
southernmost tip of America
 Magellan strait/ strait todos los santos/ estrecho de Magallanes/ Tierra del Fuego
18. The day Magellan cross the strait todos los santos
 November 1, 1520, the day of "All Saints"
19. How many days it took for Magellan to cross the Magellan strait
38 days
20. Neatly divided the "New World" into land, resources, and people claimed by Spain
and Portugal
 Treaty of Tordesillas
21. Where is Spice Island
 Moluccas/Maluku Island Indonesia
22. After crossing the pacific ocean where did Magellan and his crew arrived?
 Guam/ladrones island
23. When did they arrived guam?
 March 6 1521
24. They called this as island of thieves
 Guam/ladrones islands
25. What year they did arrived in cebu?
April 81521
26. The leader where Magellan established relationship on cebu and agreed to be
 Rajah Humabon
27. Rival of Rajah Humabon
 Lapu-Lapu
28. How many men did Magellan bring against lapu lapu?
 49 mens which 15 men had the courage to fight
29. They called as seasoned warriors which has tattoo in their body?
 Pintados
30. How many men of Magellan were killed during the assassination led by the troops of
raja humabon
 27 people died
31. What boat did they burned after fleeing the mactan battle
 Conception
Note: After the battle the boat passes through sulu sea, basilan, brunei, Celebes sea,
to Maluku island
32. On what day and year they arrived in molucas island?
 November 8 1521
33. The boat that was left behind in molucas island for repairs
 Trinidad
34. The last boat survived? Who led that boat?
 Victoria, Juan Sebastian El cano
25. What year they successfully arrived in spain
 September 6 1522
36. The crew that became interpreter of Magellan during expedition
 Enrique
37. term used by pigafetta which refers to the island where the historic mass was
 "Mazaua"
April 27 1521- date of the matan battle
Barangay-political unit established by the tagalogs
death penalty-punishment imposed on insult of the dato's daughter and witchcraft
catolonan-honorable priest
acquada da li buoniSegnialli-the watering place of good signs
samar-the island which has 300 leagues from the islands of Ladroni, according to
uraca-palm wine
Cenaco, Huinanghar, Ibusson & Abarien-refers to the four island that were passed
across by pigafetta's group towards the west-southwest direction
Boloto-small boats
Gatighan-island where bats as large as eagles reside as they laid their course towards
the northwest direction going to cebu
rajah siaui- king of mazawa
rajah colambu- king of butuan
march 31 1521-magellan invited rajah calambu and his brother rajah siasui to a public
mass happened on eastern sunday
Lapu-lapu it refers to the name of the chief of matan who defended his people teritorry
and defeated magellan in the battle
Dona Juana- It refers to the Christian name given to the first baptized queen who had
the great desire for conversion according to Pigafetta.
Chapter 2 additional info

15th century Period of discovery and exapnsion

Ferdinand Magellan A Portuguese navigator who gained

confidence and support from the
monarchy of Spain
Fernão de Magalhães Ferdinand Magellan

Lord Stanley of Alderley Translated the first voyage of Antonio

Pigafetta that is necessary for students

The last ocean crossed by Antonio Indian Ocean

Ocean crossed during the expidition Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Indian
1519-1522 Historical Voyage began and ended

September 20 1519 Start of the voyage

St. Lucar First point of expedition

September 26 1519 Canary Island Teneriphe

28 degrees latitude Canary Island Teneriphe

3 and half days Canary Island Teneriphe

Sojourned two days to supply themselves Port Monterose

Septerber 16 1521 They arrived in samal (Zamar)

Uraca Palm Wine

Umai Rice cocos and many other victuals

Cochi A fruit the bear palm tree

Palmito Palm tree

Zuluam Island Islander who visited Magellan in Humunu

Humunu Island The place where Magellan and his crew
Watering Place of good sign Two springs of fresh water

Archipelago of St. Lazarus Philippines

Ten degrees north latitude and sixty Philippines

degrees longitude from the line of
8 days They remained in Humunu isalnd

Caphre Who wear holes in their ear so large they

can pass their arms, gentiles and they go
boloto Small boat

March 25 1521 Antonio almost drowned but saved. The

same day they departed southwest and
past small islands
Cenalo, Huinghar, Ibusson and Abarein Four Islands they passed

Enrique Slave of Magellan who was from

sumartra also called trapobana
March 28 1521 They reached limasawa

Cassi cassi brothers

Areca A fruit that shapes like a oear

Limasawa There is big quantity of dog cat pig fowl

and goats
9 and 2/3 north latitude and 186 degrees limasawa
Mazzava Limasawa southern leyte

7 days Days they remained in limasawa

Ceylon, cebu, bohol, canighan,baibai and Island they passed through after their
satighan departure in limasawa
Satighan Is a kind of bird which are large as eagles

zzubu 20 knots away from satighan

April 7 1521 Entered port of zzubu

Zulu taghima Sulu and basilan

Cauit Cawit, Zamboanga City

Subanin Zamboanga

The best cinnamon of any grows Butuan and calagan

October 26 1521 They reached ciboco birabam batolac

sarangani and candigar
September 1522 Entred the bay san Lucar

18 Lett during expedition

March 8 1522 They retuned to St. expedition

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