LG4e TB2 Test U2

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Unit 2 Test Name: ______________________________

page 1 See instructions on pp. 126–127

Choose and write. don’t it her Is Whose his

Kate: ________ bag is that? Andy: No, it isn’t ________ bag.

Andy: I _________ know. Kate: Is _________ Jenny’s bag?

Kate: _________ it Scott’s bag? Andy: Yes, it’s _________ bag!

Read and circle.

What do you have? I have

What do you have? I have comic book.
a candy bar.

What do you have? I have key.
a candy bar.

© Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use. Let’s Go 2 130
What do you have? I have coin.
a key.

Unit 2 Test Name: ______________________________

page 2 See instructions on pp. 126–127

Read and connect.

1. What does he have? A. She has an umbrella.

2. What does she have? B. He has a camera.

Read and check.

1. Does she have a key chain? 2. Does he have a camera?

A. Yes, she does. A. Yes, he does.

B. No, she doesn’t. B. No, he doesn’t.

3. Does she have a wallet? 4. Does he have a music player?

A. Yes, she does. A. Yes, he does.

B. No, she doesn’t. B. No, he doesn’t.

Does it have f or v? Listen and write.

131 Let’s Go 2 © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.
1. ___ an 2. ___ ork 3. ___ ive 4. ___ iolin

© Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use. Let’s Go 2 132

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