Microchip Implants

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What are neural microchip implants

 Brain implants, often referred to as neural implants, are technological devices that
connect directly to a biological subject's brain – usually placed on the surface of the
brain, or attached to the brain's cortex.
 After implantation, the chip detects electrical signals generated by the wearer's
 This can have a major impact on electronic devices when connected to the internet
Benefits of brain implants

 brain implants could cure a range of conditions including obesity, autism, depression
and schizophrenia
 It can also enable web browsing and telepathy as well as control devices such as
phones, laptops, remotes, and lights without the user having to move
 IT could also restore the vision of those who were born blind, as well as restore full
body functionality like movement and verbal communication for people with severed
spinal cords.

 Brain jacking:
is a kind of cyberattack in which a hacker obtains unauthorized access to neural
implants in a human body
Hacking surgically implanted devices in a human brain could allow an attacker to
control the user’s cognition and functions, potentially having full control on the user’s body
Hackers may be able to track the user’s location using the brain implants and they may
also be able to overheat the brain implant resulting in it exploding inside the user’s brain.

 Solutions are yet to be made for the cyber security risks brain implants
posses but a plausible solution may be to encrypt all the data going from
the user’s brain implant to the internet and having multiple layers of
different security protocols so that the chances of an hacker penetrating
the system would go down.

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