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The world has always been unequal but the exchange of money exceeded its limits.

the highest
referred to as rich and the lowest as poor. There has always been an assumption that the rich are
living a good life and will always be happier than the poor. However, this is not always the case.

In our expanding world of 2023, there have been several multinational business that have topped
the highest earning rank. With the current record of Elon Musk placing number one followed by
Bernauld Arnault, these business men have been consistent over the years among the top ten
globally. It is admittedly true that when one is financially stable, they are more satisfied and have no
worries regarding issues that concern with money. They have the privilege to several resources
which low-income earners can probably never get access to in their entire life. Those who are
wealthy are known to powerful and do not have to be concerned about rent that is due, paying
tuition fees or think twice before going out to eat in a fancy restaurant. Since, they are on top of the
social ladder, they are very less likely to feel inferior among others.

However, being rich does not always make one happy. There are problems that even money cannot
solve in one’s life. Why are all the top earning business men getting divorced? Why are wealthy
musicians writing songs about feeling isolated and lonely from time-to-time? Although they have
what many do not, they lack certain aspects that complete a human being’s life. That may be
because they are living a miserable life with no friends or family to cheer them on when they
accomplish their goals, the lack of warmth that one can hardly get rid of.

On the other hand, Gini coefficient has proven that income inquality in the world has significantly
rose. The scale is never at a zero which indicates that an economy is equal because unfortunately,
there will never be a time where everyone is making the same amount of money. Especially low-
income and middle-income countries suffer the consequences. Once someone is poor, it’s not easy
to earn to the point that they become incredibly wealthy overnight. Many people tend to get
stressed due to financial instability because they cannot do what they like as the world always wants
something in exchange. These people are unwillingly forced to have a midlife crisis on their bills due
and have to constantly worry about the cash left in their bank accounts. A research conducted in
2021 globally reported that over 75% of individuals who fall under the low income category reflect
unhealthy stress levels with an increased blood pressure. One has to check a price tag before they
can buy something which could lead to the development of feeling inferior around others mainly
when discussing regarding exclusive products that only some can afford to buy.

Nonetheless, people do argue that real happiness and a feeling of enrichment comes when one is
with their loved ones. They may encounter several financial problems but there are short-term
solutions such as overdrafts and bank loans for it as well as the support and encouragement of the
people they cherish. Those people are in content with the little things in life that they are always
grateful for.

In conclusion, it all falls onto a person’s individual desire on if they want to be on top of the social
class or are happy without making a big name for themselves like that. While being wealthy comes
with its benefits, there are also cons as everyone has other problems in their life. Also as much as
those labelled as ‘poor’ face financial problems, they are still happy with whatever they have.

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