Religion and Peace

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Religion and Peace

Expressions of Peace
Peace is the desire of most and sometimes the product of our actions but on so many occasions in our private and public worlds, peace is a discarded option rather than the sole result from our decisions. Some religious sayings show that there is a reward either on Earth or after death for peace. Peace can have broad definitions, is both inner peace, within the mind of the individual and an external, between peoples and groups.

Personal and Community Peace

For many people, the mere act of disagreeing with some authority such as a government or religious leadership is morally wrong and should not be condoned. Others believe that not only is it ones right in Australia to protest it is a responsibility to argue for fairness in policy. Personal peace and the concept of charity is important in many religions. The idea that there is more to life than personal monetary wealth and power is a common teaching and expressed through not only writings but also the examples of great people in all the major religions.

Global peace or expression of war

War often occurs and people are forced to make the personal choice of whether to support his violence of individual peace for the overall aim of world peace. E.g. Conchies, Christianity Jesus taught people to love God with all their heart and mind and soul and to love their neighbor as themselves. Islam Those who submit to Allah receive the peace and tranquility into their hearts both in his life and in Paradise. Forms of wars Unprovoked aggression This is when people or nations attack others for personal or selfish reasons and without being provoked into fighting. Just war many believe that war may be justified under certain circumstances. People may believe that it is morally right to fight a just war. Holy war A religious group may call people to fight a holy war in the name of God. Pacifism believe that war is immoral and that one should never engage in fighting or retaliation. It is right only to be pacifist, actively seeking justice.

-Attitudes towards war and peace

Forms of wars Unprovoked aggression This is when people or nations attack others for personal or selfish reasons and without being provoked into fighting. Just war many believe that war may be justified under certain circumstances. People may believe that it is morally right to fight a just war. Holy war A religious group may call people to fight a holy war in the name of God. Pacifism believe that war is immoral and that one should never engage in fighting or retaliation. It is right only to be pacifist, actively seeking justice.

-Unprovoked aggression

Following reasons for war may be considered rational by participants, they are not always supported by the general population of that nation. Aggressiveness is considered a good thing and waging war is encouraged Attackers have superior weapons and wish to demonstrate their power and superiority toothers. Seeking revenge for something real or imaginary form the past Gain prestige by showing power over others Impose by force its political or belief system and so enlarge its influence Increase the size of its territory to support its population at the expense of neighbours Gain control of anothers resources, such as oil, water, uranium, labour.

Such as Hitlers invasion of Poland and Czechoslovakia, Japans invasion of China. Each of these would also have people arguing against the classifications on the grounds of some justification.

-Just war
Where one believes they are acting morally by fighting, main reason being justice is at stake. However it is suggested that people should have the following conditions: Just cause Legal authority (cant be initiated by an individual or group, only state) Last resort Right intention, aim to promote good by overcoming evil. Probability of success, no unjustified damage or collateral Proportionality, amount of force used should only be sufficient not in excess.

One such arguably just war would be the Allied response to Hitler.

-Holy War
Some believe they must wage war to defend Gods honour, and can be fanatical in their aggression. Believers are assured of going to heaven and so fight with recklessness and with nothing to lose. Examples include the Islamic jihads and the Christian crusades.

Comes from latin word pax which means peace. Pacifists usually try to end conflicts by favouring peaceful and non-violent means of settling disputes. Some prefer going to gaol rather than military forces. Absolute pacifism practiced by early Christians (until about the 6th century) and the Buddhists. Relative pacifism non-violence, for example direct action by Gandhi to change colonial policy in India. Defensive pacifism building up weapons and resources to use as a means of deterring attack.

Understanding and teaching about peace

The process and reasoning are different both between the religions. Some relate to the death and destruction that is the result of war.

Christianity bases its understanding of peace on the example and teachings of Jesus. These are recorded in the writings which make up the New Testament of the Bible.

-New Testament
But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt. Luke 6:27-29 The weapons Jesus uses are love and compassion and forgiveness. Peace be with you is a common greeting among Christians.

-Paul of Tarsus (10-67 CE)

The Apostle Paul emphasized the concept of agape or selfless love. These are summarized: Love is patient and kind Love is not jealous or conceited or proud Love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable Love does not keep a record of wrongs Love is not happy with evil, but is happy with the truth Love never gives up; and its faith, hope and patience never fail. Love is eternal.

Arabic word Islam means to surrender or submit totally to the will of God. Monogamous. Word representing peace is repeated 67 times in the Quran. Even the possibility of war is covered by the Quran with the invocation not to kill but to obtain peace. Islamic texts: Quran a fundamental religious text. Muslims believe the Quran was revealed to Muhammad by Allah over a time period of 23 years. Believed to be Allahs final revelation to humanity. Hadith A saying of Muhammad or a description of some action. There are many different collections of Hadith and only some are considered Sahih (correct or true). Because of the importance of the Hadith in forming the basis of Islamic law (SUnna) there is a critical study called Science of Hadith (ilm). Sufi writings Sufism is a mystical belief system within Islam. Sufis are known for their contribution to literature, symbolic poetry and devotional storytelling.

-Rabia al-Adawiyya (717-801 CE)

Came from Basra in Iraq. First represented the concept or doctrine of mystical love. As a mystic, Rabia was willing to give herself to the task of communicating with Allah and as an interpreter of the spiritual. Her poetry expressed not only her mystical communion with Allah but also allowed the reader to experience God in a different way.

Contributions to Peace
Many people would agree that world or community peace leads to a sense of inner peace. Belief that inner peace is a prerequisite for world peace. Each religion has expression and activities to promote inner peace.

Christians believe that inner peace is obtained by being in a close relationship with God. Commandments of Jesus: Love God Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. Matthew 22:37-38 Love your neighbor And the second is like it: love your neighbor as yourself. Matthew 22:39 New commandment A new command I give you: Love on another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. John 13:34-35

Most significant ritual and practice for any Christian church is the conducting of Sunday worship. Worship is one way in which people in which people respond to the creator God who gave them life and continues to sustain their life. It is this acceptance of the gift from God of forgiveness of wrongdoing which is the obtaining of inner peace for the Christian.

Important component of Christianity throughout its history. It is a physical test of endurance and a spiritual quest to discover God. Many Christians now accept the term pilgrimage to encompass a sense of spiritual growth when travelling to discover the mystery of God.

-Meditation or Prayer
Prayer is the talking to and the listening to the word of God. While Christians can communicate with God at anytime, there is a focus on transcendence during the worship service, some unidirectional and so bidirectional. Prayer can be informal, personal, spoken, silent etc. Communication with God and meditation on His word is a way to find inner peace.

-World Peace
Peace within a person can lead to peace between people and therefore throughout the world. Christians call the church the body of Christ.

Acceptance of Allah will not only remove the fear and anxiety about the future, but concentrating on God can protect humanity from being overwhelmed by all the aspects of life such as greed and fear which destroy inner peace. Inner peace is translated as mental peace and security, Mental peace and security are qualities of those who have faith and who have not drawn a veil of wrongdoing over their faith. - Quran 6:82

-Ethical Behaviour
Based on the word of God expressed through the instructions of the Quran. The Sunnah, describing the words and example of Muhammad are also important guiding texts. PILLARS OF ISLAM: Shahada or Faith Declaration o There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet is the basic statement of faith accepting the instructions of Allah. Salah or Prayer o Prayer is the opportunity to communicate with Allah Zakat or Charity o To give to others is an acknowledgment of peace and an acknowledgment of the importance and equality of all humanity in the sight of Allah. Sawm or Fasting o This act reminds participants of those who do not have enough to eat or have difficulty living like Zakat, it is an acknowledgment of the importance of all of Allahs creation. Hajj or Pilgrimage o The once in a lifetime spiritual and physical journey is a way of focusing on submitting to Allah.

-Friday Prayer
Most significant ritual and practice for any Muslim is in the participation in Friday prayer. Is compulsory for every Muslim, important because it was designated time for devotion and it allows a spiritual review of the week and a spiritual preparation for the next. A reconfirmation of the beliefs and spiritual responses. It also acts as a statement of the importance of the call and peace of God above any other personal needs.

Involves a spiritual, mental and physical journey from ones normal place of living to Makkah. The significance of pilgrimages is extremely important for the individual because it provides opportunities and situations which allow for and encourage the questions of life to be asked and it focuses the individual on the life of Muhammad and his submission to Allah. It is the removal of the distractions of their normal life and experiencing God which gives and expression of peace for a Muslim.

-World Peace
Ummah is the Arabic word that means community. Requires a worldwide submission to Allah. Only by finding peace within oneself can one find peace with God and only by seeking peace with God can one find inner peace. One way of obtaining peace with God is to search for peace between people. Affinity Intercultural Foundation, and the Muslim Womens National Network.

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