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Model Question Paper-I/II with effect from 2022-23 (CBCS Scheme)


First/Second Semester B.E. Degree Examination

Subject Title : Introduction to C++ Programming

TIME: 03 Hours Max. Marks: 100

Note: 01. Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least ONE question from each MODULE.

Module -1 Taxonomy Marks
Q.01 a L2 10
Explain the basic C++ program syntax with an example.
b L2 10
What are abstract classes? Where are they useful? Discuss with an example.
Q.02 a Discuss the terms abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism with L2 10
suitable examples.

b Explain message passing in with a suitable example. L2 10

Q. 03 a What are reference variables in C++. Discuss with examples. L2 10
b Write a program to narrate use of inline functions. Also discuss whether the L3 10
request to make a function as inline is always granted by the compiler?
Q.04 a Discuss expressions and their types with suitable examples. L2 10
b Write a C++ program to demonstrate function overloading for the following L3 10

add(int a, int b);

add(double a, do;uble b)

Q. 05 a With an example program for each discuss L3 10
i) Constructors with default arguments
ii) Copy constructure

b What is multiple inheritance? Write a program to demonstrate how can the L3 10

ambiguity that could arise sometimes in multiple inheritance be resolved?
Q. 06 a Describe the importance of destructor. Explain its use with a program. L3 10

b Create a class named Shape with a function that prints "This is a shape". Create L3 10
another class named Polygon inheriting the Shape class with the same function
that prints "Polygon is a shape". Create two other classes named Rectangle and
Triangle having the same function which prints "Rectangle is a polygon" and
"Triangle is a polygon" respectively. Again, make another class named Square
having the same function which prints "Square is a rectangle". Now, try calling
the function by the object of each of these classes.

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Q. 07 a With a neat diagram discuss stream class hierarchy in C++. L2 10

b Write a C++ program to create a text file, check file created or not, if created it L3 10
will write some text into the file and then read the text from the file.
Q. 08 a Write the various functions used to open, close, read and write data in text files. L2 10

b Write a C++ program to write and read time in/from binary file using fstream L3 10

Q. 09 a Discuss exception handling mechanisms in C++. L2 10
b Write a function which throws a division by zero exception and catch it in catch L3 10
block. Write a C++ program to demonstrate usage of try, catch and throw to
handle exception.
Q. 10 a Discuss catching class types as exceptions and rethrowing an exception with L2 10

b Write a C++ program function which handles array of bounds exception using L3 10
*Bloom’s Taxonomy Level: Indicate as L1, L2, L3, L4, etc. It is also desirable to indicate the COs and POs to be
attained by every bit of questions.

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