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Pursuing Minor degree from Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay

Received a Letter of Recommendation from the Senior Consultant of the company for exemplary performance
Management  Proposed 1.2% reduction plan by identifying cost inefficiencies through financial analysis for a Fortune 500 firm
Consulting  Drove a 2% enhancement in operational performance by crafting strategies that align with the firm's strengths
[Mar’23 - May’23]  Presented data-driven insights to stakeholders, conveying complex financial analyses for increased profitability

AXXELA Traded 15+ derivative contracts (spreads and flys) in live markets on simulator for US Three-Month SOFR Futures bonds
ADVISORY  Attained 150+ daily trades using intraday price data, macroeconomic indicators, averaging $100+ profit per day
Trading Intern  Developed and executed dynamic hedging strategy, reducing risk exposure by 20% during high market volatility
[May’23- Jul’23]  Examined financial case studies, extracting insights from mergers, risk management, and major market failures

ESSEC Business Climate Risk Assessment in Financial Press Releases using Advanced Machine Learning| Guide: Prof. Elise Gourier
School, France  Achieved 95% data accuracy rate by analyzing and pre-processing press release statements from 50k+ US firms
Research Assistant  Created a semi-supervised algorithm, utilizing 100+ climate keywords, iteratively expanding for 85 % accuracy
[Jul’22 - Aug’22]  Evaluated algorithm for 80% precision and 75 % recall, translated finance insights for a adaptable classifications
CO-FOUNDER, Secured grant of INR 50k from IDEAS program at DSSE, IIT Bombay, showcasing adept product-oriented prowess
EasyArt  Pioneered B2B vocational courses for schools, merging online and offline training from local artisans and ITI's
Entrepreneurship  Engaged 25+ industry experts, 40+ ITI, & schools in a collaborative effort for product ideation and development
Project [’21 -’22]  Formulated business plan, strategically aim at bridging industry-education gap & leading product development
STRATEGY & CEO’s office| 1Finance- Professionally managing and optimizing financial resources for strategic decision-making
Growth  Devised user-centric analysis of feature design based on 10+ KPIs; ensuring better synergy among stakeholders
[Dec’21- Jan’22]  Conducted a in-depth analysis, merging psychology and financial market investing, revealing behavioral trends
Asia’s largest student-run body for social impact and leadership | Patronage : UNICEF, UNESCO, PETA | Reach : xM+
Leadership | Spearheading a 3-tier team of 21 managers & xxx+ volunteers to conduct impact-driven social work
 Administrating the budget of xxM+ executing, | 50+ events | 600+ campaigns | 15+ nationwide competitions

 Leading ideation and execution of Two day extravaganza Social Festival | Net Worth: xxxM+ | Footfall : 50,000+
COORDINATOR Initiatives | Supervising the execution of first-ever student-led TEDx IIT Bombay; 5k+ Audience | Net worth: xxx
Abhyuday  Launched a biweekly podcast series, disseminating 10+ episodes to engage the xxxx Audience on a global scale

[Apr’23 - Present]  Transforming "Satyameva Jayate" as a gripping 4-episode series, elevating its narrative and the viewers appeal

 Reform & Growth | Revamped Menstrual Hygiene Campaigns, to enlighten 2500+ girls across 50+ slum areas
 Revitalizing the Action Plan contest, introducing social innovation track & expanding via multi-city zonal events
 Offered xxx+ internships worth xxxM+ to students in xx+ NGOs and the startups achieving xx % of y-o-y growth
Led a 2-tier team of 40+ coordinators, executing a 10+ Nationwide competitions, xxx+ campaigns, and 40+ events
COMPETITION  Management - Orchestrated the 10th Annual Social Festival, enacted on the 40+ Events and a 5+ Competitions
MANAGER  Endeavor - Executed Inaugural Talent Hunt Show targeting : 100+ artists, 5+ genres, and 10+ childcare centers
[Apr’22 - Mar’23]
 Marquee association - Cracked a deal worth INR xxxM with Greece startup as platform partner for Action Plan
 Pioneered - Curated Blockchain Hackathon in collaboration with a 5ire| INR xxxM in prizes | 750+ participants
 Moderated Energy International Symposium, organized in alliance with the TU Delft and NTU Singapore [‘21]
 Skillfully moderated and facilitated the discussions for the impactful energy podcast series on "No Planet B" [‘21]
 Recognized as the best mentor in the ENB Buzz competition among 100+ mentors, fostering 20+ students [‘22]
 Mentored 15+ students during the Summer of Code, creating sophisticated loan approval prediction model [‘22]
 Awarded 1st place among 100+ participants in the Business Case competition held by the E-cell IIT Bombay [‘21]
 Secured 2nd Position among 50+ teams in problem solving challenge: THE CEO WAY organized by Share IITB [‘22]
 Represented hostel 6 and secured 2nd spot overall in a inter hostel Crossy GC as a collaborative team effort [‘22]
 Secured a silver medal outshining among 100+ participants in a district-level badminton open tournament [‘17]
Interests  Avid traveller | Cricket & Football follower | Trekking enthusiast | TV shows | Scuba diver | Sketching

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