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Drinking water microbiology — from measurement

to management
Caitlin R Proctor and Frederik Hammes

New microbial tools enable detailed quantification and microbiomes are shaped and in turn the consequences for
characterization of complex drinking water (DW) microbiomes. both the DW system and consumers. In order to treat and
Many opportunities exist from source to tap to apply this distribute water sustainably, it is imperative to accept the
knowledge toward management of the microbiology. This omnipresence of microbes in DW, understand their behav-
requires consideration of the microbiome continuum across all ior, and apply that knowledge to manage them [4]. This
phases harboring microbes (planktonic cells, biofilms, and cells review focuses on the microbiology of centralized treat-
attached to loose deposits) and across all stages (source, ment and distribution of DW within the context of indus-
treatment, distribution, and premise). Biofilters can be trialized countries. It examines potential avenues for
optimized toward specific compound removal and can seed microbial management throughout such systems and high-
the distribution network (DN) with beneficial bacteria. lights critical research areas and opportunities.
Disinfection aggressively controls the microbiome, but may
select for unwanted bacteria. Within premise plumbing,
dramatic changes occur with unavoidable stagnation and pipe
Exciting new methods reveal a complex DW
material influence. To supply safe DW sustainably, it is
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies (i.e.
imperative that the field progress from characterization toward
management of the DW microbiome.
454 pyrosequencing, Illumina, and Ion Torrent) enable
high-throughput, high-resolution characterization of the
Addresses microbiome. This includes amplicon sequencing of the
Eawag, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, 16S rRNA gene for identifying bacterial community
Überlandstr. 133, CH-8600 Dübendorf, Switzerland
members [2,5–8,9,10], analysis of RNA for describing
Corresponding author: Hammes, Frederik ( the active microbiome [11], DNA-based metagenomic
analysis for discerning functional capacity [12,13], and
potential applications for metatranscriptomic analysis of
Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2015, 33:87–94 gene expression [5,6]. With the exception of straightfor-
This review comes from a themed issue on Environmental ward bacterial community analysis, which captures a
biotechnology taxonomic snapshot with resolution ranging from major
Edited by Spiros N Agathos and Nico Boon phyla down to rare taxa, application of these methods in
DW research has so far been rather limited.

All community composition studies concur that DW microbiomes are complex, comprising up to 48 phyla
0958-1669/# 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. and in excess of 4 000 unique operational taxonomical
units (OTUs) [7,10,14,15,16], with many defined OTUs
presently unmatched to known organisms (i.e. ‘unclassi-
fied’). DW microbiomes tend to be dominated by Pro-
teobacteria and share most other phyla, even with
considerable differences in geography and treatment
Introduction processes (Figure 2). Figure 2 shows a broad comparison
The presence of bacteria in drinking water (DW) has been of phyla from similar effluent points of three treatment
recognized since the earliest microbial studies. Although plants, where 15 out of 25 total phyla were shared by at
research initially focused on fecal-associated pathogens, it least two samples. With the exception of one candidate
has broadened considerably in recent years toward includ- phylum (G02), the phyla unique to any one DW system
ing nonfecal opportunistic pathogens (e.g. Legionella, represented 5% or less of sequences from that specific
Mycobacteria), process-related microbial problems (e.g. bio- system (Figure 2). While some of these similarities are
fouling, biocorrosion), and microbes that are functionally potentially driven by the similar low-nutrient profile
relevant for DW treatment (e.g. nutrient and micropollu- across all DW systems, it is erroneous to label DW
tant removal) [1–3]. The fact is, from source to tap, different microbiomes as similar based solely on phyla-level data.
stages of DW systems offer unique habitats where microbes Substantial differences occur in the distribution of
develop thriving complex communities that in turn influ- lower classifications and the occurrence of rare taxa
ence downstream microbiomes (Figure 1). However, there [17]. The relative abundance of Alpha-proteobacteria,
are still broad knowledge gaps with respect to how these Beta-proteobacteria, or Gamma-proteobacteria is inconsistent Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2015, 33:87–94

88 Environmental biotechnology

Figure 1

source-to-network seeding (= no treatment or treatment breakthrough)

continuum source-to-biofilter seeding biofilter-to-network seeding network-to-household seeding
source water treatment distribution household

no treatment reservoirs
Ground water
Surface water
Sea water
Reclaimed water
oxidation biofiltration
(= disinfection) (= growth)
• planktonic, biofilm, &
chlorination disinfection particle-associated cells
• indigenous communities • filter-specific microbiome residuals • widely varied pipe
• anthropogenic • functionally relevant materials
contamination • pollutant biodegradation • planktonic, biofilm and particle- • warm temperatures
• seasonal variation • bio-augmentation membrane associated cells • hot & cold water
• sudden events potential filtration • pipes materials: cast iron, cement, distribution
PVC, etc... • disinfection residual loss
• seasonal temperature fluctuations • long stagnation times
• varied residence times • potential for growth and
final treatment step: UV • contamination through pipe community structural
elimination of viable microbes disinfection breakage changes

Current Opinion in Biotechnology

Schematic overview of drinking water systems, highlighting major influences on microbial quantity and composition across the four stages of the
microbiome continuum - source, treatment, distribution and household. The figure is theoretical; numerous variations in system configuration

across different DW microbiomes, as well as over time  Implement NGS applications beyond ‘taxonomic
and between stages within one system [9,15,18]. The snapshots’, with further consideration for metagenome,
dynamics of individual and rare OTUs can also differ transcriptome, viruses, and eukaryotic organisms,
completely from that of the overall phyla [15,17]. including free-living amoebae, fungi, and invertebrates
[24,25] (Figure 3).
 Fundamental studies to identify and annotate unclas-
This raises the key question of whether a universal DW sified OTUs in DW.
microbiome can actually be defined. One much-needed
step forward would be a meta-study of all existing DW
microbiome data, if provision can be made for differ- Considering stages, phases, and temporal
ences in sampling (i.e. stages, phases, and temporal variations
variation discussed below), biases (e.g. DNA extraction A major challenge with respect to defining a DW micro-
[19], reagent contamination [20], and PCR [21]), and biome is that it changes dynamically in both absolute
analytical methods (i.e. sequencing platform differences abundance and community structure through stages of
[22,23]). Moreover, there is clear potential for applica- DW treatment and distribution (Figure 1), with each
tion of more advanced statistical methods to all studies. stage potentially seeding the downstream system
For example, Pinto and colleagues [15] used such tools [9,14,16,18,26]. In this manner, a microbiome continu-
to select 66 ‘key’ OTUs from thousands and map the um develops, necessitating consideration across all stages
interactions that were responsible for most of the dy- for accurate interpretation of the causes of change.
namics seen in their DW system, perhaps setting a
precedent for a more functional definition of the ‘core’ Moreover, the DW microbiome varies considerably over
microbiome. the phases of planktonic cells, attached biofilm cells, and
bacteria attached to particles or loose deposits [27]
Research opportunities: (Figure 3). The planktonic phase is arguably most rele-
vant to the consumer, with total cell concentrations
 Establish a comprehensive definition of the ‘core’ typically ranging from 103 to 105 cells/mL [16,28,29],
microbiome and test for the existence of a general core but representing less than 2% of bacteria in a distribution
DW microbiome (versus system-specific ones) [15]. network (DN) [30]. Biofilms offer an environment

Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2015, 33:87–94

Drinking water microbiology Proctor and Hammes 89

Figure 2 represent up to 80% of active biomass, but are often not

examined due to sampling difficulties [27,30]. This
Phylum WTP 1 WTP 2 WTP 3 latter phase is highly relevant since it can be mobilized
and transported in the network during hydraulic distur-
bances and has been shown to harbor hygienically rele-
Unclassified vant microbes, including mycobacteria [27,33,34]. Several
Bacteroidetes authors demonstrated convincingly that the phases differ
Planctomycetes in both absolute abundance and community composition
[11,14,30,33,35]. It was demonstrated that combining
relative abundance measurements (i.e. NGS) with abso-
lute abundance measurements (i.e. flow cytometry
Actinobacteria (FCM)) and viability assessment (i.e. adenosine tri-phos-
Cyanobacteria phate) provides complimentary information for micro-
Chloroflexi biome characterization throughout DW treatment and
TM7 distribution [9,26].
In this regard, cultivation-independent methods that
Firmicutes allow accurate quantification of bacterial concentrations
Verrucomicrobia (i.e. FCM) have become invaluable as an alternative to
OP11 cultivation, keeping pace with NGS developments
Gemmatimonadetes [5,9,36]. FCM can also be extremely sensitive to tem-
poral variations in aquatic systems [36]. These variations,
including a daily pattern in premise plumbing bacterial
concentrations [36,37], add yet another dimension to
Elusimicrobia consider when designing sampling/monitoring schemes.
ZB2 Research opportunities:
 Determine the relevance of each phase to the DW
system and the consumer.
ABY1_OD1  Establish consensus of systematic and comparable
WS3 sampling and analytical methods to include all phases
Chlorobi in microbiome descriptions [27,28].
 Develop and apply ecological theories and models to
0 Lowest Relative Abundance Highest the DW microbiome continuum [15].
= reported in all WTP = reported in 2 WTP
= unique to 1 WTP Managing microbes from catchment to
Chlorination Final Filter consumer
WTP 1 [18] 0.5 mg/L w/NH3 Dual Media A sobering question is how the wealth of microbial data
WTP 2 [9] 0.1 mg/L Granular activated carbon acquired with state-of-the-art methods actually benefits
WTP 3 [26] none Slow sand filtration DW management and whether microbial resource man-
agement concepts [4] are applicable to DW systems. The
Current Opinion in Biotechnology
fact is that decisions at all stages of DW treatment and
distribution profoundly shape the microbiome. While this
Relative abundance of bacteria at the phylum level from the effluent of
three drinking water treatment plants [WTP] as reported: WTP 1 [18],
provides ample opportunities to purposefully manage
WTP 2 [9], and WTP 3 [26]. Studies were chosen for illustrative DW microbiology, it also highlights the need for a multi-
purposes based on use of similar sampling points and methods, and dimensional approach toward studying these systems and
to capture a wide variation in geography and treatment schemes. proposing management solutions.

protected from oxidative and hydraulic stress, while pipe Biofilter bacteria are useful for DW treatment
material can affect biofilms both positively and negative- A primary goal of DW treatment is the production of safe
ly. Pipe-associated biofilm cell concentrations range from DW, and thus treatment plants apply multiple hygienic
104 to 107 cells/cm2 [31,32], comprise 20–60% of the barriers (e.g. UV, membrane filtration, ozonation)
bacteria in a DW system [30], and are associated with (Figure 1). In this respect, quantitative microbial risk
many unwanted reactions (e.g. biocorrosion). Bacteria assessment (QMRA) is a well-developed concept for
associated with loose deposits, sediments, and particles managing DW safety, with specific emphasis on source Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2015, 33:87–94

90 Environmental biotechnology

Figure 3

pipe material influences

biofilm cells community shifts, growth substrate leaching biofilm inhibition
(104 – 108 cells/cm2) (e.g. flexible tubing) (e.g., copper pipes)

attachment detachment

neglected biome
planktonic cells
(103 – 105 cells/mL)
hydraulic influences invertebrates
predation, protection, viruses
disinfectant residuals DNA exchange

free DNA

biofouling sediments / loose deposits bio-corrosion biodegradation

(excessive EPS formation) (altered environment) (stainless steel; concrete) (synthetic polymer pipes)

unwanted consequences of biofilm deposition

Current Opinion in Biotechnology

Distribution and interactions of the microbiome across various phases (planktonic, biofilm and particle-associated) in a drinking water system.
Adapted from Liu et al. and Nescerecka et al. [27,29,30].

water contaminants [38]. However, DW treatment plants Biofilters harbor specific communities and consequential-
are not solely antimicrobial environments. Biofiltration ly cause significant shifts in the microbiome, accounting
(e.g. rapid sand, granular activated carbon, and slow sand for 50–60% change with different filter types in series,
filtration) is one of the oldest treatment methods and is based on b-diversity metrics [26]. There is growing evi-
operated with encouragement of bacterial growth in bio- dence that biofilters at the treatment plant may direct the
films supported on granular material. A basic function of entire downstream DN microbiome [14,16,18,26], poten-
biofiltration is the removal of growth supporting nutrients, tially providing operators the opportunity to control and
essential for producing biologically stable DW [16]. This manage the DN microbiome from this easily observed
function is common for a wide variety of heterotrophic treatment stage.
bacteria as demonstrated in studies of various biofilter
communities [26,39,40]. More specialized biofiltration Research opportunities:
functions include the bacterial-mediated removal of un-
wanted compounds such as ammonium, arsenic, manga-  Combine metabolic potential analysis (metagenomics)
nese, iron, and a variety of micropollutants [1,41–46]. with optimization of biofilters.
New microbiology methods benefit the understanding  Determine feasibility of bioaugmentation of biofilters
and optimization of biofiltration processes by identifying with assembled communities [1].
and quantifying major contributors to pollutant removal  Understand further the role and risks of biofilters in
[41,44,45]. For example, arsenic removal was linked to seeding and shaping the DN microbiology [18].
the location of active communities within the biofilter and
optimized with filter operational parameters [44]. In Disinfection before and during distribution
another example, iron oxidation, previously viewed as a The final step of DW treatment is critical with respect to
purely chemical process, was linked to iron oxidizing the microbiome released into the DN and the tools with
bacteria [43]. While progress in this field has been made, which this is studied. Final disinfection eliminates most
there is still ample opportunity to further develop bior- bacteria and is a key component in risk management [38].
emediated removal of micropollutants as an alternative to Often coupled to final disinfection is the use of residual
expensive abiotic processes [1]. disinfectants (i.e. chlorine, chloramine) with the purpose

Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2015, 33:87–94

Drinking water microbiology Proctor and Hammes 91

of inhibiting microbial growth during distribution. Final disinfectants have unintentionally been employing this
and/or residual disinfection has three major implications. strategy with indigenous bacteria at full-scale for decades
Firstly, as it partially or completely destroys the treatment and are therefore particularly interesting models to study
plant microbiome, it effectively eliminates any meaning- the concept (Box 1).
ful seeding of the DN with biofilter communities. Sec-
ondly, it means that interpretation of microbiome data is
incomplete without viability considerations. Many popu- Challenges along the last meters
lar methods (e.g. FCM total cell counts and all DNA- Within buildings, water effectively stagnates for up to
based methods) include effectively dead, and thus po- 23 hours per day [52]. Stagnation allows water tempera-
tentially irrelevant, cells. In this case, it is imperative to ture to increase to household levels [37] and leads to
use viability-targeting methodology for quantification and depletion of disinfectant residuals [29,51]. In addition,
characterization [9,11,29,47,48]. Henne and colleagues stagnation exposes the pipe biofilm to bioavailable nutri-
showed clear differences between RNA and DNA popu- ents in the water phase and additionally allows exchanges
lations [11], while the work of Chiao and colleagues between the suspended cells and pipe biofilm micro-
clearly demonstrated a completely different DNA-based biomes. These factors favor microbial growth and consid-
microbiome after chlorination when applying propidium erable changes in both concentration (up to 320%
monoazide to exclude DNA from membrane-compro- increase) and composition (up to 100% shift) of the
mised cells [47]. Finally, some viable bacteria are still DW microbiome have been observed after stagnation
detected in systems with disinfection, and thus disinfec- [37].
tants potentially act as a stress-based selective pressure.
Uncontrolled growth-related problems arise when disin- Pipe material is critical to DW microbiology, especially in
fectant residual is lost [29]. Furthermore, there is growing premise plumbing where pipe diameters are considerably
concern that use of disinfection residuals selects for a smaller than in the DN, resulting in a surface-area-to-
microbiome that is resistant to oxidants and to other volume ratio increase. For a typical house, 150 m of 2 cm
stressors such as antibiotics [13,49]. There is also evi- diameter pipe provides a 94 000 cm2 surface for biofilm
dence that chloramine versus chlorine use selects for development. With DW biofilm concentrations of up to
different microbiome composition [7,10,12,39,50,51]. 107 cells/cm2 [32], this implies up to 1012 DW biofilm
bacteria in a single household. It has been demonstrated
Research opportunities: that pipe diameter [34] and material affect the biofilm
microbiome [51,53,54,55]. Metal-based materials (e.g.
 Validate methodologies to assess bacterial viability in copper pipes) may be effective at inhibiting short-term
conjunction with community analysis of disinfected biofilm formation compared to synthetic materials [54],
DW [47,48]. but this growth limitation may result in unwanted selec-
 Establish the importance of extracellular DNA and tion. For example, it was suggested that copper selects for
DNA from dead cells in DW. certain opportunistic pathogens (i.e. Legionella pneumo-
 Establish relationship between disinfection and selec- phila) and more resistant free-living amoeba [55,56].
tion of multiresistant microorganisms and determine Alternatively, polymeric substrates, shown to support
consequences for the consumer [13,49].
Box 1 Indigenous communities as drinking water ‘probiotics’

The alternative: distributing a viable microbiome Concept

DN microbiology is essentially dictated by opposing Altering system conditions across the entire microbiome continuum
philosophies regarding the use or nonuse of disinfectants. to promote establishment of preferred indigenous communities [3].
The alternative approach to both final disinfection and Considerations for full-scale implementation
use of residual disinfectants is the continuous release of a (1) Use biofilter seeding to continuously provide a controllable
viable microbiome during treatment (Figure 1), with indigenous inoculum to the distribution network [18,26].
control of subsequent regrowth through nutrient limita- (2) Stop final/residual disinfection as this is counterproductive to
point 1.
tion [16]. Several large European treatment plants use (3) Apply nutrient limitations to encourage biological stability [37]
biofiltration as a final treatment step, thus releasing and reduce risk.
benign communities that remain stable during distribu- (4) Smartly design system to encourage/discourage desirable/
tion, with concentrations in the order of 104 to 105 cells/ undesirable microorganisms (e.g. hot water configuration [60],
mL [37]. Wang and colleagues [3] recently proposed pipe material [56]).
(5) Incorporate ‘extreme’ selective antimicrobial measures tar-
the provocative idea to use benign bacteria, either from geting specific unwanted bacteria (e.g. bacteriophage or
a designed inoculum or from indigenous bacteria, as competitor introduction) [3].
‘probiotics’ in premise plumbing to competitively ex- (6) Promote consumer acceptance with proof of concept research
clude those that are detrimental to the system or con- (i.e. European systems) including detailed risk assessment.
sumers. It can be argued that European systems without Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2015, 33:87–94

92 Environmental biotechnology

extensive bacterial growth [31,54,57], leach from synthet- toward sustainable management of the DW micro-
ic pipe material long after installation [31], although the biome.
composition and quantity of these leached polymeric
substances differ considerably between different materi- Acknowledgement
als [57,58]. Even small amounts of synthetic material, as The authors acknowledge financial support from MERMAID, a Marie
added with automatic versus standard faucets, may in- Sklodowska-Curie Initial Training Network, under grant number 607492.
duce community shifts [8]. Pipe material selection pre-
sents one of the clearest opportunities to influence the References and recommended reading
Papers of particular interest, published within the period of review,
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ume ratios.
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Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2015, 33:87–94

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