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Moral Dilemma

- A dilemma is a situation where a person is forced to choose between two or more conflicting options,
neither of which is acceptable.
Moral dilemma
- Moral Dilemma is a situation in which the person (called moral agent in ethics) is required to make a
decision in which he/she may experience a conflict between the moral rightness of a decision and the
quality of the results it produces
Moral dilemma
- Many a times these dilemmas involve a morally wrong decision that produces either desirable or
undesirable results
You are a failing student, one condition your teacher asked is to keep watch on his class and pinpoint
who is cheating in exchange for passing the subject. You caught your bestfriend cheating on the exam:
If you tell it to your teacher, she will be expelled but you will be able to pass the subject
If not, you’ll keep your friendship but you’ll fail the subject
According to Karen Allen, there are three conditions that must be present for a dilemma to be considered
moral dilemmas:
The person or the moral agent of a moral action is obliged to make a decision about which course of
action is best
There must be different courses of action to choose from
There must be two or more conflicting options
No matter what course of action is taken, other moral principles is always compromised
Choose from either evil or lesser evil results
You are a failing student, one condition your teacher asked is to keep watch on his class and pinpoint
who is cheating in exchange for passing the subject.
You caught your bestfriend cheating on the exam:
If you tell it to your teacher, she will be expelled but you will be able to pass the subject
If not, you’ll keep your friendship but you’ll fail the subject

Types of Moral dilemma

Epistemic Moral Dilemma vs. Ontological Moral Dilemma

Epistemic Moral dilemma
Epistemic moral dilemmas involve situations wherein two or more moral requirements conflict with
each other
The moral agent hardly knows which of the conflicting moral requirements takes precedence over the
Epistemic Moral dilemma
In other words, the moral agent here does not know which option is morally right or wrong

Soldier A and Soldier B was wounded in an encounter with the rebels, they both need blood transfusion.
However, the doctor only have one bag of blood.
Either he saves A or let B die, vice versa.

Ontological Moral dilemma

Ontological moral dilemmas involve situations wherein two or more moral requirements conflict with
each other, yet neither of these conflicting moral requirements overrides each other
Ontological Moral dilemma
The options in this dilemma are equal in their moral consequence
In this type of dilemma, the situation is already morally wrong and is either evil or lesser evil
Bruno, kidnapped Anna.
If Bruno will rape Anna, he will go to jail,
If Bruno will not rape Anna, he will still go to jail for kidnapping.
Types of Moral dilemma
Self - Imposed Moral Dilemmas vs. World – Imposed Dilemmas
Self-imposed Moral dilemma
Self-imposed moral dilemma is caused by the moral agent’s wrongdoings. Either he commits to
one .promise and forget about the other.

Senator X is running for Presidency.He promised to prioritized nature preservation on his speeches. On
the other hand, he has already promised to a mining company to utilize the nature’s mineral reserve.

World-imposed Moral dilemma

World-imposed moral dilemmas are caused by a certain world events which place the agent in a situation
of moral conflict.
World-imposed Moral dilemma
For example, during World War II, a woman must chose between his children who will go to the gas
chamber and who will go to concentration camp
(Sophie’s Choice, Sophie Zawistowska, William Styron)
Jose Abad-Santos was asked by the Japanese Imperialists to collaborate to their new government.
If he collaborates, he lives but he’ll face treason If not, he will be executed.
Types of Moral dilemma
Obligation Dilemma vs. Prohibition Dilemma
Obligation dilemma
Obligation dilemmas are situations in which more than one feasible action is obligatory.
The moral agent is forced or obliged to decide among the choices
A patient is diagnosed with liver failure: Either you prescribe him medicines but he will eventually die
(Obliged) Or you advise him with a liver transplant, but it does not guarantee success, the patient would
still eventually die (Obliged
Prohibition dilemma
Prohibition dilemmas involve cases in which all feasible actions is forbidden
A war is on-going and all citizens is called to serve. Your brother was killed in the war, and you must
Either to go back to your ailing mother and turn your back to your country
Or you go to war and avenge your brother’s death
Moral/Non-moral Dilemma
What are dilemmas that is considered moral dilemmas?
Pre-conditions of Moral dilemma (Karen Allen)
Moral/Non-moral Dilemma
What are dilemmas that is considered non-moral dilemmas
Non-moral dilemma
A non-moral problem relates to trivial questions of taste.
For example, shall I have vanilla ice cream or strawberry ice cream?
Non-moral dilemma
Nonmoral actions or events: those areas of interest where moral categories cannot be applied

There need not be any moral dimension to the undesirability of prioritizing one choice over the other
Non-moral dilemma
Only one choice is possible, and the preference for one over the other will lead to some disappointment,
in that it will fulfil only one of the two desires.

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