Material Master

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Masters Roraredy 2) Vendor Meestere Merorcols Purcenas a4 3 nto To corcoly, 7) Sousete. Ust ocordt , gemant Kooondy 8) Servite . Master -Wetoxdt D Qaten “Laster wareeds ) - Comfany Preiss ox’ Peducer Or deity a’ Oloduc > Mateciol type Materiats trish ang ravi Logethnen: and” sss ea to a materiel Ape . M4 Max game alt Qrecoual >Maleua “ype Conttel feuncti ong 2 . 1) Number Ranges i.e enternal numoee ran Rome atteibutes ane ga ox a internal nNember manger —~ ba. son fields coe mandatory, “9 1) Cretd Belection ie usnign vonion Preld, ae oPkional oe hide er diveloy eke. o \ t MW) wonich tree ctoftuctment Usetws to be alleusaal a) Robeelion Viord . \) External Proucement oc Internal (Roureemont C Ap-howe" Produckon ) v lnventony, Managemont ig toqitiad oc not on, Qrandidy © Valeo hasis Wo Uanteh Valuation Classer to bo Aloud fo Material Master, a Materiel Mastee [mG Settings *- —— ~~ Kr SPRO Barie DP Logistics Qoneeal > Matentol Master 5, fethong > Delive Cutout Secnat ab males Meroe Entec 5 Mockeried Number len: ih Cooy Ip Mote 2. hide) Mosdmusn Cedectol Mumba ty Ig Chas Cin Bee) ' mor Ho digits Ciasy / AN > Save tn) PD Baur bo IMG Mafndain Coogan Codes fore matenial Managoreat Comsy ) oo ? Enter Company, _Cote ‘enti F Yeon fad Mow oP Pesta a 2333 tyra ; ~ Qo03 A v MoteRs Note °- \ real {me 110 Produetion Reever, intttably Coucrent 3 Mtraneial “Year » Ceirercont Year cil be ) Weitken to Company Code and later tn ov Menth ead , 4 he Met Reciod centtt ofan in “Mmoy? + Coste - Then, frat Pen Peetod tlt UPdete tos this Swey t- cade. : * SPRO Chranesal Resonating > Pinane, Act., alobad < Beat age 2 Ficol year Maintain Fiscal Goa Lariat D Enter CA- cssle 0Baq) Pgyeore Deseriprren “Year dependant Calender Yoaxe VB Dor DGoler Pentads on eok. géde . 7 > lo U mentha Le Apcl te gelected ay forcted. J € Moxk Year Maxth mont 1 dolected as (2 men dn. . 2 Deer to tM@ D> Wastgn Conn bode to a Setat Vascant Cont) © Reon 8 Year one > nto Company, Cote Vewsant. 3335 V3 > Save DP Baw to iMG P Mn omsy. d tade Mainieia Sinanciol, yom and | Reel aseing to pine Code Pstal Yon > Save € Baw do img ' Res. te'1M8 > Lope, Genial 5 Malental Maslae D Borte Setting > Material tare > choking . OUtrclouden, 6b’ wiakeich "4s Coms2:) PD Gates i . 2 ANN weak Kime C30, maderciak type ake ental Meee cis ' Pere CLent business Mage Con coving New Material Se oe for Agme Material Canger Gr different Aibbecent wsex : Aepartments rors eke. ane, Megeieed Amen debine Mew Material tye ag bdltows j- “divorent Numba, “Fietoh Selectivon, ore > Sele PD Select Row and D g Gores Now Oxi g, “Buidab — material type Chick Cony touttan os Material “late as ZOH 72 Kaw material as aSuciplor 2 Tera Wherone } Rot ) te Controls Leord oleckion on : ? Material Martor _ Screen Row Matocit lye Row C44 Clelermines Beran Beqrroned ty rate rad > Ure defactrand . ¢ Reatrined lier deol esse atessi , Material mastic Cation), a ~ > External Purchase oedecs — Q "D> \ntecnal Purcehase redone — O ° > CK Eaton 3 CiiudA Seu. ie ALLaue dl, Le attecseal ? Mote: Fettenuing Axe UnPordtant Cristing matical . dye — _ : +s DIE — Service . a Lesa Spare Porta Real time.” 2 Rear e Hlad gas ay Fare Pacanorsen Pu HALRB 5 Gérni-Stntahed Peoaterst : Hawn + Trading Qoods. HERS Manutarkene feeds KMAT—> Conse NiA@ > Merrericals Non- Heo matenval Pipe > — Pepetsne —enatecal | SERV n Sernuie’ material UNBW>, None Valuatée rnatinials, VERPS — Pasmaging rraleriats Ron» Raw ‘matertals DVebene Yesine Numbers Koages fore can materiel dye P Coker D Ciar — meintato qenh bullen Roepe. Nyemine ine Ne stan auiyy — ydleeecee — lool aaaaaq uo DP Wor ingerct Line leutten “no. ! lo. Ne -;*3 Preoen No. “To plo. / Srkubus Gb [p02 vooove = lwod Qaaaaa a D War enter £ Seve Mote Neembere Kane one. tranual strains Port Bott, > Rog : : > Select New Matorcial te D> Cun ®temonts J aeoup hedton > Setees Owe Now gree eos ? Wes Entec ?P Saw. € bry SA 2» ¢ . i “— Meee bare Chonss Hon, a qt Want Loe treans Port CBus ye , FE Manalty SSS cline tustonizing Requaat MO! de the Memboex angen | tiem to [MG “Types Ob TeansPock Rogues LO) Cushemizin, fequode (ction clePendont J (2) Ween bench Coquuost, C Creoss, Etient ) . Kubornokic transport Manual dranspod Na - real Pod abe, Q Create Material Master Logistt« D>. Maker ad Management > Materiel srarton, 7 Creede ( qenescal d> moll Aviniedoteh) CG Jy Meterial : (8) Wndusten, beckon! COE Contests Leta Rekeot SPRO > Log ton and Bexoon Aeapuence,) iokie rvral > Makertal. Masten > Fete ADelection D> dobine Vnduredecs 25 Bootore i Todustres Rerkore DPouificakion Relostion > Ent ore ‘ ’ > Cian new anteies, “Vnduishey dector Vettes cliseeipion era Cehoron Z © Methenieal ys ; Vndustey CN contests Lahey SS 7 fled, 5 Man, ? Cas Bove Dena 4 — hile io. haloes | farts y » 7 Master). (EPH) Material fyer D> Ww Select Views. > Select MM Views . X Gaste Daca I. * Purchasing ats K General Plant Pode |Stonago b's \ 4 LLLTLTIAAE a Aya 7 Ved yd od bb bbb bbbbs y ( { a) RN) RY Y/N dds dy by i 4 (> / & Qenecat Plant Aota [Stooge Q ® Accocenting 4 : / > War Srganiaalional level. 2 Plont + Ts7P “9 Storage lotion bool DP CKRK enter > 8 Beste Dato view D. Enter Cratenial dent Cnet Taba’ Here” Prertes fa usnicn nil v nates : 4 AE Ob Mearenea (m, : Reels Vas” bo Maintain in, -tuacchoure, “ (S$ PROS SAP ner weaver > Geral gebhinae > Cres tanite Os Measuremoct S Colon Mabenial quant 4 Matenals urhien are having Rume ch oelorsey Covers D Logishic Qorenal-> Materiel Masher 5, Settengs Lor Keay feels > clobine materiel Qycorers > Cte’ New enfect eA). Mat cial Gouna Matercal Qjeent der brea? 333 Steets’ 3 38a Mokeds, | Cortona) Enter Makerial Wtmbere Uh ture Wis Meakerrol %, the tar Uni old. Eap Bupstaan. D bore Information Auep rm External Modercal nto -f Corer Uhh & Ug; vou Lhe nal ce Buyntorn Chtont- SAP. “Sutin (SeRo> bayiane Glenoxal “> Material Mastere > Sette ogy bere Kooy: Fede > Maintain Cotercnal Makercal _ Keone DP ener D> New eNdedep, : . Exteel Matra me: Ganado dca” Zool ° J Mekalg ey ood, OT Bteela | > Sove: Old Material Nol. Gnter *he Moderial Qreoiap Creis tina , Cross, Plant Material Status Ce (ate ons) Ve material has de igo loaned ‘box Deveeha on Yaventons, trangaction eke! ab Chient level Le to alk Plants, “thon elect Iolorning often hens, C SPROS Logistic rena D> Material Moston > » Settings bor Koy Metde > Cobine matectal Btecberiy Dare, oO . . —Clicd now QNkeieg : Makorial \: Bhetes g C blocked: fon Poceraie [lover # Praduater) Purenaseng Mersase CO) xeon Mersnge, . Inventory on Management Meade Ce) reson Mevsago, Presdurtion Ordo: Nealon m : Mears ‘len, ménage Co) (erieon > Save. pad Grex Wwetgnd . ] cg teteleynt tora Met Coeigna.? 7] was Vebum, Co} Voleeene “tint | = Cored 60 bax unit Ob Mearerce ot the maternal maintain there Canignte | © Voluime wnil , Note!- . - There. weigh and Volume tunits ee Usieboh for Storage wid, Caparihy Purlere a WM Module, Ean /ver Ean: ‘FurePean / \Mterenationcdh curcbiede Nua, bP . Untveread, Preodnet todo, SMe’ priginad ni - See TA anuiactuse 05 the material wastt Provide Ean Number” ere UPC Number 40° QU the nd Vendors) 80 Shak cue (an Creabe/ Grebe Makercial euity Gu material nem CS well es BAK 00. oe VPC 10. Then tH walt oe. Cosy Geer Venebie , to idendiby the Matect al — cutth Ean pc Nuunber , EAN Calegory Y Lonteals EAnt Custen erg AO user : STROOD Logit nal lic > Sortinga Sor’ Kory Protda >: Niernational Aclide . Tanaet bo EA UE. ? Coton > \ntercuah change i ~ Bozewie. Caisking ‘Number Tonee Vrlenuade, — Baik fo 1G . ' = Debine, Alteibutes.’ ch Gaal 10s. — Carte. oon — Select * eden CAN Calege oo fae ON Coleg - iud — dlotail — btton. . : thesia No. ONG —> external Ao, Range.’ Note Sa Mecliccal Mews on, Vases MAIALaiAg cb Client Pu TE yiaw Order Orst | Wy matical tras to erator en, Cth ethan b Ob meareeree Aho you Lanerter eh fue Note . ‘ 1b Orctne Gnik ag Jolank hore thon base 1 unit ol Measerce cet Uonvorey Cee Orcotore unit . *K Otho Base unit of m axe Catlesl ay Werenedi ve tent cng tore T Orel Ont 23 cenit : : — wm cnil ~ Cnt ob Juew | durdion unit” Verxtorote Orton tuatt - Wb use Reteot TAD not active. Corder Unit not editable ta Po) 1 > perv (Skt edtbeste to P) a) Victive’ ceeith pean Raw, Pucehas: ‘ oup ' SM ig HuP oly ec On an indiutdnuad 4 Pr and th ig vespatite to Purccrase material ox Renvie in doy to clay Ocebivi ties Clata View dotails level to in Mara tay, ” ‘ qeour saa bhocets enti thot meang Ub Preodiucth hore ony Plants" tendber, any Pacchen epreaten that's tthe Piuceharect cour Ue. Net be ed to an | Csi ye nisctional level Ve Client ga” Prcenasinag & wuelion [Plank ete, CsProo Mateual Mas ment > Plucohasi > Create Prrcohare acer > Enter > New onkeien | Premarin group Pecan ane cles” Teh gto, Rev ste 070 Qaw material. a obi Material Vel > Save ‘ lect Steric medaried Sielee - \b. rnaterial thas to be bteckad fore Rairerarsng ox boron eae. for a Parekicubarc Plant Actions in a tutto Plant tron Qelest material Slates horo At Gites fee recat ON determiner tan cocle 10, Puscenate erolore Cute medically Cin quotation ex Po ete.) CSPR Oy Metteriah Mar end > Purchasing > Tayes Set ex Tndtator We alecal -> Calor Sh Nav onteie ) > * j aly 9 & '3 '9 15 13" ) goal & 6b 6 \ Poo YE Gd Pee E Leb Dst_entey Matorciol ‘Dosexiphion. IN 0 No tax] ox @sr Is 1 BY. Og ‘\ 2. lay ast Latter bon thie La ‘ndiator Casign fark Cade in Cencilien 7 Boer to MG 2 Tames, ? County > Sreeitic Belting fore Inclig ? Tom Coa Cletecmenation ? Aasiqn Rom Code, Here atiy dase indliritons — New Coren On VBR Plant § 333) 333) 333) trcieg, a Comair » Tex indicate "Maden af wy o. In 1 in 2. ARigne lo lox cade boc Tax Lede Mo MI Mo. thy fe Love goods oiscants 5— [—] V wis Pre raquiaite here to Protence Leoo ood’ OC bene goods » bere dnis materciall t% Po. : Cxacple - Brees Q qe 4 Lreae, Acsernstic 20° FC mesa teats MN ie Pee-raquisite hero 46 create Cutornatic Pps Ltn oberonta do PR bon Hie Masher . 2) Meaintedr fixed Vendx bere Meckerecal tn, | Oyteta Arsangcrenk material rorpreal ( (st Peter ) OS Bouwees Ligh’ reeeared (9nd Pree ty) re Centre Ot “tabo reetarcal’ ( (ase Preé ore dy) 9) Soret AukeMaHe Ny ondven eo Cian coker Vendome Marler 4) Mantas Purchasing into cesored koe Material acl Vendon Comnination to Pree Pcite ty Ctutemalic Po. Note We can dorine ‘anenqeound Zchodubing Job’ ta SMD6 1 Coote te eta curtormatic PO Press Dering Lrretdge dana Benedubing Ver fox’ Hectemaber Pos Comas ELocto ). : > CUus fo. Name butter. > Continue 2D “Sev name ' Autemasic Po tes PR : Dero Claw C- Loew Prevorcty D> hene Ve Bee | Sxterenal Command cs a dteP eae Prcogeasn Namo \— RMO6B B20 DP Verciant ! > Cxocrition r Craats Vatetank — ag’ bette PD M6A0 Lode ? Plant [8331], D WOK tub og Rei adie fohs ‘eb elior, a Porctncl ae heclidouy lou rly Lent nly ‘Devily Woerhy lone ob the Ahew. D> Cltew Continee D> Cus Com plote . Gale Manegmant Hf] VN is, Cy? Datenes, MM is teed to meaintars ho. Anot mogeni > the erste to Lieto out audigy ° “etalting the Produet . Tequei site Nera do Maintain malarial ‘6 Mat ereeaf Ponenatin Vales Koy am My 202i biog remnincarce , lemanter Gre Bhuppin CsPRoa um —» Pusesnas sy 2? Clebine Bhi pping «0 tenet R evec’ cletivors, ingdeuetions ofe D Mecertal Marler ction Cnter > New énfei Shipoiay (astautien Deseerd “Psat Sa in Mi Shiopi na insteutel wa » = tt a t eG L174 i1 bia Cte Dd J/M—/ aap 6600 b Fee ~ Sy & D Gatect Reso 9 Chew ‘Compliance auth Shipping ontrauleon D New entecion ”' Comticrc, inatrereas oO) 62 63 > Save ? Beet Jo IMG 2 Pokine Panaaning Vain P New enieig t e Me “6 ay Rominelae /exp 6 P Now ey En. Partnering Deaslting Malet 4st And ar 8 DRI IR contest, Tot. undlar deliv Tot. Over cholkiy O. OWimatey ov DP Mens entrees. a are chal a to I5 loo lw. , TU ComPlianea with Alien o Ping Complianee weith Binabreuesion Not ComPlianea Pevrei aly Lompiixnu on Pasanating Valo Key 00> Ist Roan 16 Rarerosuig Value a bos A Ren 6 A Rew tg AM Ro B-, aed Rom 9. . aed Rem lo Oniiter delivers lol.) Dad doi verey Lo Ove Chetivoreg ol) Over chativers lo Shioving instetretion (yy), Shipping instretelien Yy | Ve Sige 13 beberce Aekiverey clate te © Obter . " AR Reswseing Ios + Fe Pita Qe Now MORE Auenbee Ok Lporetdt choy. G66 tb VANS bbb VEUELCOCL a I Neseledee Tact Reutile’- Create Vondore Master bor 'Detl Manulactenar, Lenwa Manujackinon 9 bon local Vendare Vand. No vDE Vand No: LENA Ak are: ood Ale P. ona 333) Vend no! Local Vendo, Jour: ovol We YreeP: Ov ol Pong s3331. 0. P req : 333) Geets Molec Hester Le Ts Laptop Mmo\ we , Mat no: 15-)AetoP lext 215. Laptop Mak types AWA ? ; : In Purceharing View - Manulackurcare Doct Pretile ooo : Create Material Masterc merond. foi Tl manutaderrars Past Mato: DMpn-4, + oo Mak 4g HE Rs Crnanutiartence Rete) | Teat : Dou 5 LAPIEP nt mas No! 15 Laptop. : Manutactare no.Cuend no DELL Man Part no Den 15 2 Madertal meastore Keiord Lor Lenows Manapacteiner od MEQiN 4. Vendor » Loca VEN Do - Cis bag) Metco | “Tonk He Paw” Qlant 16-LAPToP - \b-Laproe 4 30000 333) Vue tou Prt . le 2000 tn material’ master, % trandatocs bo ontog wip mat 09 gntore mak No as LMen-d g Obgerue PO Print wet . ‘DW usll Paint moteniat dateriplion ar Lenore Is Lente? Note \n matornial mastoc Purenasing Vieww Some fio. Maintain at client levd Le in MARA table and Zame etd mainjains at Plant: loud fe' at MARC Yall: Plant data] g eA Views. co ) att ob Lsguet- tk enateteral’ hal Jo tase welts Okner Wake unit ob Meeserseo, thon enter the unt Ok Assue homo. Ws canit” Ob Inger B. blaAK hore then Verse cenit eb mensmre Well dofautly Convect a9. Cnt OF iesee in Gy. : . L ens ‘ . » Steeege Bo: Dy Beeities in uanien & ben Mokercial is i ta Utaro hous Dig’ bore” ‘Wheemation Puxperd Only ie Matecial hag to Pla, Vn “ushion ot tan 0 tha Share Bub in MM Module ; matercial Quonkily Maintaint ‘ak Stonage. cation level Only \e makertal Qrorditey> has. bo Marinters * cr, Xs Bin level then imPlement, WM Modul: and in, that loue'no feed Jo enter $ ‘ain (oo. here and in you module % Toe AO. ULI dloheremary : Qube roads -dascing | » Memoval' Oh mmaderiat in? Whe Shore, \ vat W) “Toengercatisree Grodiians \- Coptzenal) Comsa) |. Crample - 03 Choetow Ce farhranhast.) oo, DW i, Lor Ore informal on Purtare bet the cmaterial Was to Keap fo Btone at Some Lomperatzene touch LEEEEEEbEE666 6666665565!) bbb Rtkexage Accatien + (OPLianal) (omsé) Neve Aeeihey Now 4" Rare Material Orc Bre. ‘ ta the Washes Locete an . Lentannd ate be in Peunad tere | robes ba Cspros Logistic gerercal PD Haterial maghoe > Settings bore Kory foldle > cletine @ lecedke’ Condili ong a Clobine temperate Cxindili on J Plezerdiw cralesial unex CUmO1) Some matersele Oe, Ver Nazaredous om changerous Gnd there Materia cuit Keep bor Reparcctehacke tering Procaution? te by csang obely ikea, she oN ais | erase, Ote , We Can Create hazaredous Mad oial cater oconde % coal t-tocle UMolé later ase, the hazardous Numbere in reqyrircod . Makerial “nasterc [ Lepeel tye o- hw “dedormniias Print Peogeasn jo Pant the lave 9 Product Pasting «| Lebel forse ‘ f / MN M Cloterminag \atoel Loyoek (Smart form ) Note! S form Bpeeitier Lont fire, Panoanadns lobe margins righ smeauegin, aq CS$PR0>mmM Aloventory Managem ent g Prasicol laventery > Print Contest) _ Veimun aeseg Posted i - ea a mens, — Tene era! — Menths. Db 1B ben Inberimation Pivchere anby “Toke Gol Uhes- Life Gran ob mettescial Aron eating date to onary dat Couleat ag fotal grrr Cy. 8 ya Notes - \n phaterciod master, Sherage 42 9 Vieeue , Sere Helds maintain in Moa Ledste Cttientlad) ™ Ot “MARC Lente ( Plant level) @ kame at SMA RD jeore CShonage location level), Plant ata, 2 Views AvgRoE “Bsew fa Raat C Ie Syou 904 tale ndicobow “than Byslew alloune Pr aie Blac ie 2 GY) Can, ender, ces dobtiit Sheer ats. (SpRo Du waa Maragimart > Phepical Vussitoy > Goode V8.0 [T Trarskere Risking > Allow Magadive Stow DY Eriton. vise Frakaog os Vallustion ono |” Negative lous Allowed Pane fo : Select . Any wow. 2 lew Plank -on, lebt ile Ub Roque solost 4 Kuve Bleek Cndicaten bor any Rlorial Stoox “Bao, . ee 7 Oe Btoxige Locdion ’ G1. Neg. Bhave 000) fe RQ Ov02 ao Ae Senato 1) Croate Material Master x Plant Sb‘ Loe ty Plot kota] Sie Q view M Allow Negative * Peeks Muoe t-d Mea -x Unrest. Use Plont Tspu OP. St lo O001 Or 2. PO Mat (wore, and assume PU gent othe Verden Gnd Mat-x lov re meceived fnto Bora bub GR not et Barted thea fkeew in Mme OPE Dut Physical Steen \ooec , lout ‘dia to Creexgency enters QT to Coat Contes ber Mat-x lore “ustth abi ei type then th thouse, Crrom as \OPe dobicik out clue to Lietivatoo ob Negakive Sheers alloeod™ indicater ck Plant level & then tn MMBE Stock Ovenview ig, Most x Unmesk. use Plant TSDV, O-lo= AOR Gi loc. OOO). ., ’ 5 0-10 = ~10Pc. 3. QQ wet FO sikh lot mvt, fype Mor-¥ lool Plant TsDu * gk.toc O00! 2. gave QR MMBE 4- Code. Mat -x Diaecars, C2 Plant Tepu. Hore tom = V0’ St lee Ooo!” tlooR: = loPe © QoPe.’ Serial av. Prabile t- PE Boeetlter. ta one loustnese Tkantaclians geeialoo. has Lo entor bore atorial Notes Serial no cs an denique tctonti fication boxe Cath Material qpeantity CSPRO > Mint —> Prrcehasin SSontad nlols Y Dotesiening Serial nto. Profiles > Ente. . . Seried no Prsbile. | Penbile lex. Ooo . / Solest Any rtishag Serial no. Orcobile Roy, 000! - Cond Cir Semialiein Produc On lebt Lice Peowdurca’ Freowdurg Seninio — Aesexcifhion Usage “MMSL Maintain Goods. o2. FeeoiNt Carue . Peau Seiteh ner hPP| OD SDAV ean nor in 6} * Ol SD. ocdien, tasty 4 Mews Vlaluation Class’ Duet say Awrign material 10a qeoup ok Arteunts . 26 that od “the, time ob G2, tre yoatercial Valuog will bee, Credited or chebitedt TO that Celt” acepent Vaturotion Cloak — Soles ance gle. os Prod est Bours Valuation Class 4] \b prateriod Sales Orden’ Ow Value and. Cao's Value Ina. +o Pott 19 ditfenent GIL accounte ; Cssign ibe Valuation clater \eno. tk Moux thon « Ketee Contreal \adlicater. nD Oe ee S = Standarad Peter Ve Moving Cwenage Price [Prtedtic unk Pee, Moving Average Priecy) Can be used box Ootloen Proved Materia Wee wwe cent have Control, Sb Crternal Vonden and material Peio Coun, Veer rom Venden to Vendor, Ve “Tolel Shoer Value Total Stoon, Aetotage oh Glandaxd Peat Preobit 2 los aenoants” weil Pest to Separate Past Gi. Aeeounk 2 - tors git “Aceoent Prive cvsill update (Incraase/ dorneate) * Moving au or Aheougin Qazi. Curtomati Nolet satectol master Qteountin uPko Yatuaken area level a Create (ox oxdeod ome “nesseiel fo, okhee User lepact ment Wrest | j _ rer 4- Coote Oia Mol DEmen coateal no. enekenndly . mae One irae no. Creamer: teeith One io duusteey Reckow, tn Crakerial Aye only age Us tect OS ; sete det» Viewss (Say feleck MOUSE? 4,2.4 gational level.t> Plant C ) “7 Srapessene Ch loc C View data maintain, % fo MBEW table. DMRP Drolile SUA0l Manual 3 Cleo Coten \ “ 2 \a on Relected MRP viewer enter Kaquirad frets g Qowe. D CUA gave. Create Ge extend Zara eikonal de anothore Pleat. Contos) D Enter origtin 4 Maderei at Dor Goshen nelly D> Seleet Uterus > ee Reqyeinad iors Bay Pancosing, actuary > Sten Oreganizeianal « louek. . P Enter citloront. Plant £ .2toreaae’ ‘location, Cree aap asia to in au Belecled Views ia this _ Becage Ip vation fombinetia D Save: ee Cevate gx extend exist predectal ¥e. Set Samal Resg Leto Leet: 1 pe Logistia P Matanct Management > Material mastarc D Other > Enter Storage focats on, CMMsc) Matareiod nv - Enter Created material a. “bottennalog dl ah es Plant - one? eres kin od DEnker * od Ment List Contrat . © Ligh abt Crees bing at © )3ah aclendabt | only Storcou ec — Lorat%on Cory freon, (Bro, | © 00) 6.002 Oo003 Ooo Odos. & Enter Oxtending Bio Thea ge te MMos SX MoE” to Huse itonage Locations Cogn ial maaterc (4-cade MMOD 5 ng. Maserial master Ctotede Mma ) ? locations and cliegs gave and elgercve “material extendas er Cnigding Material no Clius Select Yieuss D When Soleet cagpicod Views eahich ee wan eckit > Cltur OacganiBertional level Plant [1 ; ot. loc F_J FP CUA enter, : “ os Gate reagpined ‘Setd ia al Rolected “yous & Faw. 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