(Savage Worlds) The Super Villain Handbook Deluxe Edition Conversion Pack

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Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)


Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)

3. Introduction 17. Gladiator 30. Apocrypha
3. Converting ICONS to 17. Platinum Blonde 31. Vigilante
Savage Worlds 17. Heir to Lovecraft 31. The Black Terror
3. Attributes and Dice 17. Fiend Folio 32. Villain with All Your
4. Specialties and Skills 18. Hero in Disguise Powers
4. Edges and Hinderances 18. Lightning Woman 32. Mashup
5. Gear 18. Imp 33. Warlock
5. Powers 19. Coyote 33. Ankhesen’setehk
19. Kid Playing with Fire 34. Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
7. Villainous Archetypes 19. 34. The Grinning Reaper
Assassin 20. Mastermind
7. .50-.50 20. Robur the Conqueror 35. Heroes of the
7. Blue Collar 20. Monstrosity YOUniverse
7. Foreman 21. The Demaniac 35. Amazing Woman
8. Conqueror 21. Nazi 35. Black Fury
8. Jupiter Queen 21. V 36. The Danner Family
8. Cosmic Menace 21. Nemesis 37. The Green Turtle
9. Maw, the Omnivoracious 22. Leopold Danner 37. Isis
9. Crime Boss 22. Nihilist 38. Night Bird
9. Professor Peril 22. Endgame 38. The Veteran
10. Cult Leader 23. Nuclear Nightmare 39. The Woman in Red
10. Cardinal Sin 23. WMD
10. Dark Mirror 23. Pirate 40. License
10. Woman in Red 24. The Hook
11. Devil 24. Power Corrupted
11. Metaphisto 24. Stardust, the Super-Wizard
11. Dominator 25. Psycho
12. The Spinster 25. Puzzler
12. Doppelganger 25. Servitor
12. Rakshasa 25. Rath
12. Evil CEO 26. Supernatural Horror
13. Timeshare 26. Dracula
13. Evil Twin 26. Supremacist
13. The Raptor 27. CALIPH-8
14. Faceless Minion 27. Temptress
14. NEST 27. Scheherazade
14. Fallen Hero 28. Terrorist
14. Wolf Savage 28. Militissa
15. Force of Nature 28. Theme Villain
15. Montana 28. The Well-Read Baron
15. Foreigner 29. Thief
15. Muezzin 29. The 40 Thieves
16. Girlfriend Gone Bad 29. Twisted Genius
16. Bark 30. Doctor Radium
16. Bite 30. Ultimate Villain

Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)

This expansion to the Super Villain Handbook All that being said, there are some similarities in
Deluxe Edition is intended to give Savage the two systems and a foundation upon which
Worlds players and game masters everything conversion can begin. Both systems have very
they need to use the archetypes, villains, and broad skills and attributes, for example, so that
heroes of the SVHDE in their SW games. This all hand-to-hand combat ability is embraced by
expansion is not, however, a substitute for the a single stat (Prowess or Fighting).
Super Villain Handbook Deluxe Edition. Most
of the text of that book is not reproduced here. ATTRIBUTES AND DICE
Instead, this expansion provides Savage Use Table 1 to convert an ICONS level into a
Worlds statistics for all the heroes and villains, Savage Worlds die type, and Table 2 to
an explanation of that conversion and how it convert attributes from ICONS to Savage
was done, and — when appropriate — specific Worlds. Note that ICONS uses a Stamina stat
Savage World advice on the way the villain which is the sum of Strength and Willpower;
archetypes interact with the Savage World assign your Savage Worlds version a Vigor
rules. which seems appropriate, using Strength and
Willpower/Spirit as a guide. Two of the
CONVERTING ICONS attributes in ICONS — Prowess and Awareness
— are covered by skills in Savage Worlds
TO SAVAGE WORLDS (Fighting and Notice).
ICONS is a genre-specific RPG designed to
describe superheroes of every power level. Table 1: Level Conversion
Savage Worlds is a “generic” system for
gaming in virtually any setting or genre, and its SW
ICONS Level Savage Die
superhero rules focus on heroes of middle-to- Power Level
low power level. Savage Worlds is very much
a system of numbers, though every effort is 1 d4-2
made to keep the math simple and fast. ICONS 2 d4
characters, in contrast, are partly described by
qualities, a narrative tool without numeric value, 3 d6
and they are often generated randomly with 4 d8
results of very different power level. ICONS
encourages players to create their own special 5 d10
tricks and maneuvers through the use of knacks 6 d12
and stunts, while Savage Worlds provides a
more “crunchy” ruleset with a long list of edges. 7 d12+2 Pulp
All of this means that any conversion from one
8 d12+4 Street Fighter
game to another is going to be more true in the
spirit than the letter. There is no one way to 9 d12+6 Four Color
convert a character from ICONS to Savage
10 d12+8 Heavy Hitter
Worlds and, in fact, it may be a fool’s game
even to try. Instead, take the concept of the 12 d12+12 Cosmic
character as it is presented in ICONS and then
use Savage Worlds to make an alternate 15 d12+18
version of that character (the “Earth-Savage” 20 d12+28
version, if you will).

Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)
Table 2: Attribute Conversion Note that some skills, despite a similarity of
names, are quite different in each system. In
Savage Attribute particular, Investigation in Savage Worlds is
ICONS Attribute
or Skill specifically the use of written materials to
research a question or problem, while
Prowess Fighting Streetwise governs face-to-face information
Coordination Agility gathering. An ICONS character with
Investigation is trained in “being a detective,” a
Strength Strength combination of skills which includes gathering
Intellect Smarts information, analyzing crime scenes, and even
tailing a suspect (Stealth). Some ICONS
Awareness Notice specialties (like Power) are better represented
Willpower Spirit with Savage Worlds edges (like Mastery). This
is a good reminder not to get too strict when
converting one version of a character to
SPECIALTIES AND SKILLS another. Give the character a “best guess”
ICONS specialties are easy to convert to
based on his or her description, qualities, and
Savage Worlds. An ICONS character with a
specialty treats his attribute as higher in level,
so in Savage Worlds the corresponding skill
also has a higher die type. In ICONS a EDGES AND HINDRANCES
character effectively has every skill at the level ICONS players create unique narrative qualities
of his relevant attribute; this is not true in for their characters, and these qualities act as
Savage Worlds. As you run through the list of tags which can be invoked by the player or the
skills in Savage Worlds, give the character you GM for game or story effect. Most of the
are converting appropriate skills up to the limit characters in this book also have knacks, the
of the character’s attribute, but not higher equivalent of “special moves” which give the
unless the ICONS version of the character has character a reliable advantage in a very narrow
the appropriate specialty. Don’t feel obliged to application. Savage Worlds, in contrast,
give the character every skill, though, just provides a list of Edges and Hindrances from
because he or she is automatically good at which players choose. This provides for
everything in ICONS! consistency and helps regulate balance, but it
means that it is essentially impossible to create
In ICONS, Coordination covers ranged attacks, a clear conversion from ICONS qualities and
so Savage Worlds characters with ranged knacks to Savage edges and hindrances.
powers will need Shooting or Throwing, usually
equal to their Agility attribute but possibly higher Instead, run through the list of edges and
if the character has specialties like Power or hindrances and assign to the NPC whatever
Weapons. Along the same lines, Willpower is seems appropriate. Knacks and qualities can
used for all social interactions in ICONS, so suggest particular edges or hindrances, but a
your Savage Worlds version may need Savage Worlds character will probably have
Persuasion, Intimidation, or Taunt (which has several hindrances and many edges, not limited
specific game mechanics in Savage Worlds by his or her qualities and knacks. In this
that are entirely absent in ICONS). Some expansion, edges and hindrances have been
Savage Worlds characters will need particular taken only from the Deluxe Explorer’s Edition
skills as a requirement for certain edges or and the Super Powers Companion. If you have
powers; for example, the Invent power requires additional books and see an edge or hindrance
Knowledge (Engineering), Super Sorcery which seems appropriate to a character, add it
requires Spellcasting, and the Tactician edge or substitute it for an edge or hindrance already
requires Knowledge (Battle); you will need to go listed.
back and add these skills.

Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)

Some characters in this book do not have super on Smarts, for example, and a character with
powers at all. Such characters usually have the Absorption can spend points to absorb more
Out Of My League hindrance to reflect the fact diverse forms of energy but not to make his
that they are outmatched by pretty much any Absorption more effective or efficient. In
PC in a superhero game. addition, Savage Worlds caps the effect of
many powers at a level far lower, in
Minions and fighting companions are a large comparison, than ICONS. The Savage Worlds
part of many Savage Worlds games, and the power “Attack, ranged”, for example, can inflict
system has been designed to make them easy a maximum of 6d10 damage at a cost of 14
to use. While heroes will not usually go around power points. This is appropriate for a Four
with a gang of minions, many villains do so. But Color campaign, where characters have 45
in ICONS, the Leadership specialty applies only power points and can spend up to 15 of those
to player characters; NPCs cannot benefit from points on a single power (22 with the
it, and so it has not been included in ICONS appropriate edge). But characters in the Heavy
versions of bad guys even when it might be Hitter or Cosmic category still cannot exceed
appropriate. When you are converting ICONS this 6d10 limit; they cannot buy more damage,
characters to Savage Worlds, add Leadership only additional effects (such as Armor Piercing
edges like Command to represent a bad guy or Area Effect). In contrast, a character as low
who is ably assisted by a gang of mooks. as Street Fighter can have +20 Armor and +10
Toughness, the highest level allowed for both
GEAR these powers, and stack them for a Toughness
As a rule, ICONS characters have utility belts, bonus of +30! The limits set by Savage Worlds
body armor, and weapons like guns listed on power level means that no power can cost more
their sheet as powers. In Savage Worlds, than 37 points, and while that’s an awful lot of
however, such items cost money, not power Telekinesis, Invent, or Super Sorcery, it pales in
points or XP. In fact, the Super Powers comparison to the upper limit of ICONS
Companion expands the list of gear to include characters. A character like Stardust the Super-
science fiction equipment like energy blasters, Wizard, who can move Mars with a gesture, is
rocket packs, and power nullifiers. Nothing certainly rare in ICONS, but he’s impossible in
prevents most heroes in a Savage Worlds Savage Worlds without GM fiat or house rules.
game from carrying such equipment, provided All of this serves a specific purpose, however.
they can find someone willing to sell it. As a In Savage Worlds, powers max out at a level
result, many ICONS characters, converted to that ensures low-level heroes can still threaten
Savage Worlds, have no powers whatsoever. high-level villains. The players may be Street
Their “powers” are now simply gear. Fighters or Four Color characters fighting a
single Cosmic menace, but that Cosmic bad
guy can’t attack the heroes with overwhelming
damage, and the heroes have enough
Broadly speaking, converting powers from
Toughness to take it anyway. In short, Savage
ICONS to Savage Worlds is easy. Both games
Worlds is aimed at what its players might call
have comprehensive lists of super powers seen
“grittier” superheroics, and it plays best with
in comics, film, and other superhero media, and
Street Fighter characters. (If more evidence of
a character with Flight, Duplication, or Mind
any of this is required, compare the villains in
Control in ICONS has Flight, Duplication, or
the Super Powers Companion and Super Villain
Mind Control in Savage Worlds.
Update: 15 Pulp, 44 Street Fighter, 34 Four
However, the specifics of how these powers Color, 11 Heavy Hitter and 4 Cosmic.)
function is very different in each system. Many
Finally, unless your campaign is using the
powers in Savage Worlds cannot really be
“Rising Stars” rule (Super Powers Companion
improved at all; Mind Control is always based
p4), power levels and points are inviolate. Every
Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)
Savage Worlds superhuman, hero or villain, from source material; it is easy to make a
PC or NPC, follows these rules: character from scratch who conforms to the
Savage Worlds rules, but when replicating
• The character has precisely 15, 30, 45, 60 or characters like Dracula, Amazing Man, or
75 points in powers. Stardust the Super-Wizard, these characters
• With one exception, no more than 1/3 of simply have too many powers to fit within the
those points can be spent on any individual allotted budget of points.
• The edge The Best There Is allows 1/2 of a Converting a character from ICONS to Savage
character’s points (rounded up) to be spent on Worlds is a bit like translating poetry from one
a single power. language to another. A translator can choose
• Powers, once chosen, never change without the most accurate word and keep the literal
house rules or GM fiat. meaning, but such a poem loses the original
rhyme and meter. Or he can try to preserve the
All of this means that many of the characters in form and rules of the poem and pick words
this book convert somewhat awkwardly into which, while perhaps not the same in meaning,
Savage Worlds. Heroes and villains of low nevertheless preserve the overall sense. In
power level, who rely on gear for their utility Savage Worlds, the limitations of 15
belts, body armor, and weapons, can be points/power level and 1/3 of your points/power
described with less than 15 power points; for are the form of the poem, and the conversions
these characters, the excess power points can here preserve that form. That means that the
be spent on Super Attribute, Super Edge, and super villains in this book do not have exactly
Super Skill, even though the character has no the same powers and abilities as their original
attribute or skill above d12. Conversely, ICONS versions; in most cases, that means
characters of high power level will simply be too they are considerably less super, but this is
many points — sometimes far too many! This is consistent with the Savage Worlds ruleset,
especially common when a character is derived which encourages that style of play.

Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)

ASSASSIN Super Powers:
• Armor +20 (8): Device (-1), Partial Protection
Savage Worlds has a few especially useful
tools for the Assassin, including the Assassin (-1).
edge and Trademark Weapon. The No Mercy • Attack, ranged (18): 2d10, Range 50/100/200.
edge, normally prohibited in super powers AP 4, Enhanced Damage, Heavy Weapon,
games, is a good way to distinguish the Rate of Fire 3, Device -1.
Assassin from other antagonists. The Assassin • Super Attributes (4): Strength 2, Vigor 1.
is usually Wanted and Ruthless, but he may Device -1.
obey a Code of Honor. • Super Edges (8): Improved Trademark
Weapon, No Mercy, The Best There Is
.50-.50 is a Four Color character whose Best (Attack, ranged), Trademark Weapon.
There Is edge allows his ranged attack to • Super Skill (7): Shooting 5, Stealth 2.
exceed normal power limits. Many heroes,
however, have enough Toughness that his
bullets simply will not harm them, so check to
The Foreman is a Four Color antagonist. His
make sure Danny is a credible threat before usefulness in a fight very much depends on his
using him as an antagonist. Remember, his Absorption. He should be all but impossible to
preferred mission is one in which he defeat by physical means, but comparatively
assassinates a victim from afar and then slips easy if his Absorption can be circumvented
away. through unusual attacks. If Absorption is not
potent enough to withstand a hero’s
.50-.50 overwhelming physical attacks, simply allow the
Assassin, Servitor Foreman to convert two wounds for every
Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, success instead of one.
Strength d8 (d12), Vigor d8 (d10).
Skills: Climbing d10, Driving d8, Fighting d10, Blue Collar Criminal, Servitor
Gambling d6, Intimidation d8, Investigation d6, Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8,
Notice d10, Repair d8, Shooting d12+4, Stealth Strength d10, Vigor d12.
d12+2, Streetwise d8, Swimming d10, Tracking
d8. Skills: Climbing d8, Driving d6, Fighting d10,
Gambling d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Repair
Cha: -2; Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 27 d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d10, Streetwise d10,
(20). Swimming d6, Taunt d8, Throwing d8.
Gear: Other than his combat armor and twin Cha: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 8.
.50s, Danny can usually buy any surveillance or
security equipment he might need. Gear: Usually none. If his Absorption isn’t
enough to protect him from melee and firearms
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Greedy (Minor), attacks, give him Body Armor.
Mean, Ruthless (Major), Wanted (Major).
Hindrances: Bad Luck, Wanted (Minor).
Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers),
Assassin, Combat Reflexes, Killer Instinct, Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers),
Level Headed, Marksman, Nerves of Steel, Brawler, Brawny.
Quick Draw, Rock and Roll, Steady Hands.

Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)
Super Powers: Toughness: 24 (14).
• Absorption (9): Matter/Energy Master
(Foreman can absorb any attack that includes Gear: Jupiter Queen wears Battle Frame Juno,
physical force, including Kinetic energy, Force which amplifies her strength, makes her nearly
or Solid Light, Wind, etc.). Transference. impervious to harm, and regenerates her
• Attack, melee (14): +5d6. Focus, Heavy wounds via sustainocircuits. Its built-in
Weapon, Stackable. Contingent (-2). Foreman quarkommunicator allows her to keep in contact
gains +1d6 damage for each step of increased with Galileans anywhere in the solar system.
Strength or Vigor his Absorption has given She can arm herself with any other weapon or
him. device her legion of scientists devise for her.
• Super Attribute (4): Strength 1, Vigor 1.
• Super Edge (14): Brave, Command, Hard to Hindrances: Arrogant, Monologuer, Ruthless
Kill, Level Headed, Nerves of Steel, Take the (Minor), Stubborn.
Hit, Team Leader.
• Super Skill (4): Fighting 1, Intimidation 1, Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers),
Stealth 1, Streetwise 1. Attractive, Command, Counterattack, Filthy
Rich, Killer Instinct, Martial Artist, Mastery
(Storm), Noble, Strong Willed.
Consider giving the Conqueror the Extra Super Powers:
Actions power, so that she can threaten groups • Ageless (2): Very Old.
of heroes. Arrogant, Overconfident, and • Armor +14 (13): Hardy, Heavy Armor. Device
Monologuer are all good hindrances for the (armor).
Conqueror. This is also one of the archetypes • Attack, melee (17): +5d6. Focus, Heavy
that best takes advantage of the Savage Weapon, Stackable. Switchable (Storm, Gale
Worlds rules for minions and other allies on the Force, Lightning Strike). Device (-1 armor).
battlefield; give the Conqueror the Command • Doesn’t Breathe (1): Device (-1 armor).
edge and additional edges that allow her to • Flight (10): Pace 48.
capitalize on her Faceless Minions. The • Regeneration (9): Natural healing roll every
Vehicles on p16 of the Super Powers round. Device (-1 armor).
Companion are a good place to start when a • Resistance (4): Space.
Conqueror is trying to take over the city. • Super Attribute (3): Strength 2, Device (-1
Jupiter Queen is a Cosmic antagonist. To better • Super Attributes (16): Spirit 4, Vitality 4.
represent her cosmic storm powers, waive the
restrictions on storms summoned in areas
which are not prone to them. COSMIC MENACE
Antagonists like Galactus and the Anti-Monitor
HER MAJESTY TANITH III, THE are really “off the charts” when it comes to
Savage Worlds. The game is simply not
QUEEN OF JUPITER intended to model such beings, at least not with
Conqueror, Cosmic Menace, Supremacist
numbers. If you want to throw a Cosmic
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d10, Spirit
Menace at your Savage protagonists, it’s
d12+4, Strength d12 (d12+2), Vigor d12+4.
probably best to handle it with GM fiat rather
than dice.
Skills: Fighting d10, Intimidation d12,
Knowledge (Battle) d12, Notice d10,
The Maw is a good example: an elemental
Persuasion d12, Shooting d10, Taunt d12,
force, not a super villain, and not the sort of
Throwing d8.
entity Savage Worlds is intended to
mechanically describe. The powers and
Cha: +4; Pace: 6 or flight 48; Parry: 7;

Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)

attributes included here describe those aspects especially loyal Minions. He may use a
of the Maw which are merely superhuman in Trademark Weapon to distinguish himself from
scale, but it is larger than a star, invulnerable to other petty criminals. He is probably Wanted,
anything up to an exploding sun, and can use Greedy, and Rich (or Filthy Rich). He could
its psychic powers across interstellar distances. have Connections in the criminal underworld or
It eats planets and leaves genocidal madness the legal system, including corrupt cops,
in its wake. This is not the sort of thing heroes lawyers and judges. Many Crime Bosses who
should be trying to punch. Use the rules for fear rule by fear are also Mean.
and terror from the Horror Companion to
simulate the worldwide panic the Maw creates. Professor Peril is a Heavy Hitter, but that’s
mostly in order to keep his school under control.
THE OMNIVORACIOUS MAW He is easily reduced in power level; in fact, his
Cosmic Menace, Force of Nature, Ultimate powers may have faded completely!
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12+2, Spirit PROFESSOR PERIL
d12+18, Strength —, Vigor . Crime Boss, Mastermind, Psychic Villain
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12, Spirit d10,
Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d12+12. Strength d6, Vigor d8.

Cha: -6; Pace: Near Light Speed; Parry: — ; Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d12,
Toughness: . Investigation d12, Knowledge (Business) d12,
Knowledge (Psychology) d12, Notice d10,
Gear: None. Persuasion d10, Shooting d10, Streetwise d12,
Taunt d12, Throwing d10.
Hindrances: Alien Form.
Cha: 0; Pace: 5 or flight 48; Parry: 6;
Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers). Toughness: 20 (4).

Super Powers: Gear: Peril keeps his smart phone handy. His
• Ageless (1). suits are made of Body Armor (Armor +4 and
• Awareness (5). resists 4 AP from ballistic attacks).
• Doesn’t Breathe (2).
• Doesn’t Sleep (2). Hindrances: Cautious, Elderly, Wanted (Minor)
• Fear (3): Scary, Terror.
• Fearless (2). Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers),
• Flight (20): Near Light Speed. Connections (Super Villains), Improvisational
• Immune to Poison/Disease (2). Fighter, Level Headed, Mastery, Rich, Strong
• Intangibility (10): Phase. Willed.
• Mind Reading (3).
• Resistance (4): Space. Super Powers:
• Super Attribute (40): Smarts 2, Spirit 18. • Doesn’t Breathe (1): Requires Activation.
• Super Skill (12): Notice 12. Telekinetic Force Field.
• Telepathy (3): Broadcast. • Flight (10): 120 MPH, Pace 48.
• Immune to Poison/Disease (1): Requires
Activation. Telekinetic Force Field.
CRIME BOSS • Mind Control (5).
If his gang is especially well organized, or if he
• Mind Reading (3).
has a military background, the Crime Boss is
• Resistance (5): Mental.
another likely candidate for the Command
• Resistance (3): Space. Requires Activation.
edge, Charisma, and a small cadre of
Telekinetic Force Field.

Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)
• Telekinesis (18): d12+4. Focus, Heavy Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers),
Weapon. Attractive, Command, Fervor, Filthy Rich,
• Telepathy (5): Broadcast (+3). Improved Dodge.
• Toughness +10 (9): Requires Activation.
Telekinetic Force Field. Super Powers:
• Attack, Ranged (13): Range 12/24/48,
Damage 5d10, RoF 1, Lethal.
CULT LEADER • Damage Field (15): Fire. Damage 6d6.
The Savage Worlds Horror Companion has
• Fear (3): Use the regular mechanics for Fear,
resources for your Cult Leader, including stats
but the Cardinal induces Greed instead.
for cultists and priests, monsters the cult might
Fearless provides no benefit against Greed.
summon or control, and occult treasures which
• Super-Attributes (12): Smarts 2, Spirit 4.
the cult seeks out or uses against heroes.
• Super Skill (2): Persuasion 2.
Super heroes being what they are, ordinary
cultists will be no match for them without the
advantage of numbers or the benefit of DARK MIRROR
surprise. The Dark Mirror is probably an Enemy of the
hero whom she mirrors, and is Wanted because
As written, Cardinal Sin is a Four Color Villain. of it. She is probably Bloodthirsty, Greedy,
He is, however, easily adjusted downward for Ruthless, Vengeful or Mean, all traits which the
Street Fighter or Pulp games; simply remove hero avoids.
his Attack and Damage Field powers. Use the
Dark Brood for the Cardinal’s demonic minions, The Woman in Red is a Pulp Villain with a lot of
supplemented when necessary with villains like edges, some big pistols, and no real powers.
Ghoul, Brimstone, Hell’s Angel, Nocturne or She needs to have a plan, and that plan will
Dark Angel as Servitor lieutenants (all of these include avoiding most super-heroes. Where she
are detailed in the Super Powers Companion). excels is in her war on street criminals, whom
she executes with mirthless efficiency. Barbara
HIS EMINENCE GREGORY, is bloodthirsty but not ruthless; she doesn’t
harm “civilians”, by which she means law-
THE THIRD CARDINAL SIN abiding citizens. If she finds out someone has
Cult Leader, Crime Boss
committed a crime, however, she considers
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d12+2, Spirit
their punishment to be her duty. Serious crimes
d12+4, Strength d6, Vigor d6.
require serious, usually fatal, punishment.
Skills: Driving d8, Fighting d8, Gambling d12,
Intimidation d12, Investigation d10, Knowledge THE WOMAN IN RED
(Finance) d12, Knowledge (Occult) d12, Notice Dark Mirror, Vigilante
d12, Persuasion d12+2, Shooting d10, Stealth Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d10, Spirit d12,
d8, Streetwise d12, Taunt d12. Strength d8, Vigor d10.

Cha: +2; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 5. Skills: Climbing d10, Driving d10, Fighting d12,
Healing d8, Intimidation d12, Investigation
Gear: Pistol, concealed knife, smart phone, d12+2, Lockpicking d10, Notice d12,
anything money can buy or which he can take Persuasion d10, Piloting d8, Repair d8,
from a follower. Shooting d12+4, Stealth d12+3, Streetwise
d12+2, Survival d8, Swimming d10, Taunt d10,
Hindrances: Enemy (Major), Greedy (Major). Throwing d10, Tracking d12.

Quirk: Insists on the best of everything (Minor), Cha: +3; Pace: 8; Parry: 8; Toughness: 11
Wanted (Minor). (4).


Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)

Gear: Two S&W Revolvers, armored trench METAPHISTO
coat (Armor 4), smart phone, and any other (THE DEMON PRINCE OF SUPER
firearms, surveillance equipment, and tools she
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Mean, Out of My Devil, Cult Leader, Tempter
League, Stubborn, Vengeance (Major), Wanted Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12+2, Spirit
(Major). d12+4, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12+4.

Edges: Alertness, Arcane Background (Super Skills: Fighting d10, Gambling d12, Intimidation
Powers), Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Fleet- d12, Investigation d12, Knowledge (Occult)
Footed, Improved Trademark Weapon (S&W d12+2, Notice d12, Persuasion d12, Shooting
Revolver), Investigator, Level Headed, d12, Spellcasting d12+2, Stealth d12,
Marksman, Martial Artist, Nerves of Steel, Streetwise d12, Taunt d12, Throwing d12.
Quick, Steady Hands, Strong Willed, The Best
There Is (Super Skill), Two-Fisted, Very Cha: +4; Pace: 0; Parry: 7; Toughness: 30
Attractive. (20).

Super Powers: Gear: Metaphisto might possess virtually any

• Super Attribute (4): Agility 1, Spirit 1. occult artifact.
• Super Edge (4): Improved Dodge, Improved
Martial Artist. Hindrances: Cautious, Monologuer,
• Super Skill (7): Shooting 4, Stealth 3. Overconfident, Vengeful (Major).

Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers),

DEVIL Charismatic, Filthy Rich, Harder to Kill,
See the Horror Companion for a lot more on the Improved Extraction, Noble.
subject of the Devil and demons. Indeed,
Savage Worlds grew out of horror gaming and Super Powers:
the Devil is one of the Archetypes that best fits • Ageless (1).
that system… even if the Devil himself is hard • Armor +20 (13): Hardy.
to describe in the game. It’s no accident that the • Doesn’t Breathe (2).
single most powerful NPC in the Super Powers • Doesn’t Eat (1).
Companion is an incarnation of the Devil • Doesn’t Sleep (2).
Archetype. • Immune to Poison/Disease (2).
• Super Attribute (24): Smarts 2, Spirit 4,
The Devil included here, Metaphisto, Demon Strength 2, Vigor 4.
Prince of Super Villains, is a Cosmic entity • Super Skill (4): Knowledge (Occult) 2,
probably best left “off the scale.” However, the Spellcasting 2.
game statistics above can describe him when • Super Sorcery (24): Level 12.
he is on Earth in his Count Urizen disguise. He
has the power to grant, boost, and strip super
powers; when heroes resist this, it is a test of DOMINATOR
wills. Mind Control in Savage Worlds is based on
Smarts, so it is difficult to model a villain like the
Purple Man who isn’t especially intelligent but
whose power to dominate is irresistible. You
may decide that the Dominator’s Mind Control
always works when used on NPCs, and just use
contested Smarts checks when heroes are the

Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)
target. The Dominator may have Possession RAKSHASA
instead of Mind Control. Because the Doppelganger, Psycho, Supernatural Horror
Dominator leaves many angry victims in his Attributes: Agility d12+2, Smarts d8, Spirit d10,
wake, he may have Enemies on either side of Strength d12+2, Vigor d12.
the law.
Skills: Climbing d12+2, Fighting d12+4,
The Spinster doesn’t have Arcane Background Intimidation d10, Knowledge (Occult) d8, Notice
(Super Powers). She’s an extortionist with a d12, Persuasion d8, Stealth d12, Streetwise d8,
theme, but her edges have raised her Survival d10, Swimming d8, Tracking d12.
Investigation skill just about as high as it can
go. If a hero has a secret, Charlotte is liable to Cha: -4; Pace: 12; Parry: 10; Toughness: 14.
know it.
Gear: Whatever his last victim had in his
Dominator, Crime Boss, Theme Villain
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Delusional: I am a
Strength d4, Vigor d6. demon (Minor), Mania (Major), Out Of My
League, Ugly.
Skills: Fighting d4, Intimidation d12,
Investigation d12+4, Knowledge (paper- Edges: Alertness, Arcane Background (Super
making) d10, Notice d10, Persuasion d8, Powers), Assassin, Brave, Combat Sense,
Shooting d10, Streetwise d12+2. Counterattack, Harder to Kill, Level Headed,
Thief, Two-Fisted.
Cha: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5.
Super Powers:
Gear: Charlotte has a pistol in her handbag and • Attack, melee (7): +3d6. Multiple Attacks.
a supply of her special paper. Lethal. Claws.
• Chameleon (3): Voice. Limit: Rakshasa can
Hindrances: Cautious, Curious, Greedy only adopt the appearance of humanoid
(Minor), Quirk: Blackmail, Out Of My League. beings whose skin he is wearing (-2).
• Extra Actions (3): One.
Edges: Connections (Victims), Dodge, Expert • Fear (1): Rakshasa must emerge from his
(Investigation), Investigator, Level Headed, current skin to activate this power (-2).
Professional (Investigation), Rich. • Heightened Senses (3): Tracking, Low Light
Vision, and ultrasonic hearing.
• Leaping (3): 4" x 2". Death from Above.
DOPPELGANGER • Regeneration (7): Natural healing roll every
With his shapeshifting powers, the hour. Recovery. Regrowth.
Doppelganger is one of the archetypes most • Speed (4): Double natural pace. Blinding
likely to have an Alien Form. He relies on Reflexes.
Persuasion to convince others of his assumed • Super-Attributes (4): Agility 2, Strength 2.
identity. The subtype of the Doppelganger • Super Skill (4): Fighting 4.
known as the Master of Disguise relies on high • Toughness +6 (6).
Investigation and Streetwise to learn all he can
about his target; he may have the Investigator
edge and know many of the PC’s secrets. EVIL CEO
The Evil CEO is almost certainly Greedy and
Rakshasa is a Four Color villain who is Filthy Rich, and he has Connections to
designed to face multiple Street Fighters at scientists or security forces that allow him to
once. indirectly threaten super heroes. He may have a


Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)

reliable Minion to take the fall and drive the well-aimed automatics. As the head of a modest
limo. (city-wide) criminal organization, he can
command the loyalty of minions and additional
Timeshare is a Street Fighter, but in fact most resources. Against traditional super-heroes, his
heroes will find him easy to defeat once they best option is to flee, but he makes a great
figure out what is happening. One punch and enemy for vigilante heroes, dark avengers,
he’s down for the count; heroes with lethal costumed adventurers, and even two-fisted
attacks may find themselves with a corpse on action stars who suddenly find themselves in a
their hands instead of a suspect. superhero story.


Evil CEO, Thief Evil Twin, Crime Boss
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d4, Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d10, Spirit d10,
Strength d6, Vigor d6. Strength d10, Vigor d10.

Skills: Driving d6, Fighting d6, Knowledge Skills: Climbing d12, Driving d8, Fighting d10,
(Business) d12, Notice d8, Shooting d6, Taunt Healing d8, Intimidation d10, Lockpicking d8,
d6. Notice d12, Persuasion d8, Piloting d8, Repair
d10, Shooting d12+4, Stealth d12, Streetwise
Cha: 0; Pace: 6 or Hyper-Sonic Speed; Parry: d12, Swimming d10, Throwing d12, Tracking
5; Toughness: 5. d10.

Gear: Smartphone. Any high tech gadget he Cha: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 15 (6).
Gear: Twin Desert Eagles and plenty of
Hindrances: Bad Luck, Stubborn, Yellow. ammunition clips. Combat armor 6 (resists AP
4). Utility belt with tool kit, lockpicks, auto
Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers), grapnel, nullifier shackles, rebreather, cellular
Quick Draw, Rich, The Best There Is (Speed). interceptor and parabolic microphone, and
smoke, tear gas, flash, and explosive grenades.
Super Powers: Anything else his criminal organization can
• Invisibility (11): -6 on attacks and Notice. supply.
Contingent on Speed (-1).
• Speed (15): Super Sonic Speed. Hindrances: Cautious, Greedy (Minor), Out Of
• Super Edges (4): Filthy Rich, Mastery My League, Ruthless (Major), Wanted (Major).
Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers),
Block, Brawler, Combat Reflexes, Combat
EVIL TWIN Sense, Command, Dodge, Fleet-Footed, Hold
Like the Dark Mirror, the Evil Twin is a good
the Line!, Improved Trademark Weapon (Desert
candidate for hindrances like Arrogant, Mean,
Eagle), Level Headed, Marksman, Martial Artist,
Bloodthirsty or Vengeful. Indeed, he is
Nerves of Steel, Quick Draw, Rich, Steady
especially easy to design because your player
Hands, Strong Willed, Take the Hit, Two-Fisted.
has done most of the work for you; all you need
to do is swap out a few edges and hindrances
to accentuate the negative and downplay the
• Super Attribute (4): Agility 1, Strength 1.
• Super Edges (4): Improved Dodge, Improved
Nerves of Steel.
The Raptor is a Pulp Villain with no real powers,
• Super Skill (5): Fighting 1, Shooting 4.
just a whole lot of edges, gear, and a pair of
• Toughness +2 (2).
Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)
FACELESS MINIONS • Super Skill (1): Fighting 2, Device (-1).
Faceless Minions are a staple of Savage
Worlds gaming, and you will use a lot of them. WASP AGENT
You can steal the stats for soldiers and warriors Faceless Minion, Terrorist
found in various Savage Worlds books, like Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Necessary Evil, for more versions of the Strength d6, Vigor d6.
Faceless Minion. In fact, you may use minions
so often that the heroes decide they need some Skills: Fighting d8, Knowledge (Battle) d8,
of their own! While this is rare in comics, it’s not Notice d8, Shooting d12.
unheard of for special situations (such as
Batman’s imposition of order on a darkened Cha: 0; Pace: 6 or Mach 1 Flight; Parry: 6;
Gotham in Dark Knight Returns) and Savage Toughness: 11 (6).
Worlds is designed to handle it. So maybe, just
this once, your players rally a legion of fans or Gear: Wasp armor combines Combat Armor
superhero wannabes to take down the forces of (Armor +6 which resists 4 AP from ballistic
NEST. attacks), a Rocket Pack, and two mounted
Pulse Gatlings.
Faceless Minion, Terrorist FALLEN HERO
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, The Fallen Hero may have sworn a Vow, the
Strength d8, Vigor d8. fulfilment of which led to his fall, and now he is
Bloodthirsty, Vengeful, or Mean. He may have a
Skills: Fighting d8, Knowledge (Battle) d8, Death Wish and his need to explain himself to
Notice d6, Shooting d10. his former allies makes him a Monologuer.

Cha: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 12 (6). Wolf Savage is a Street Fighter; his minions use
the stats for Dogs/Wolves on p157 of Savage
Gear: Pulse Rifle, Combat Armor. Worlds Deluxe Explorer’s Edition, but also
have the Team Player edge. If killed, they
BEETLE SOLDIER mystically reform overnight.
Faceless Minion, Terrorist
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, WOLF SAVAGE
Strength d10 (d12+2), Vigor d10 (d12+2). Fallen Hero, Vigilante, Defender
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
Skills: Fighting d10 (d12+1), Knowledge Strength d12+2, Vigor d12.
(Battle) d8, Notice d6, Shooting d6.
Skills: Climbing d12, Fighting d12+2,
Cha: 0; Pace: 6 or Fly 96; Parry: 7 or 8; Intimidation d12, Knowledge (Occult) d8, Notice
Toughness: 23 (14). d10, Riding d8, Shooting d8, Stealth d12,
Survival d12, Swimming d10, Throwing d8,
Gear: Beetle Armor. Tracking d12.
Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers). Cha: 0; Pace: 24; Parry: 11; Toughness: 15.
Super Powers: Gear: Sword of the North.
• Armor +14 (10): Heavy Armor, Device (-1).
• Flight (9): 120 mph, Device (-1). Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Delusional (Minor),
• Super Attribute (5): Strength 3, Device (-1). Stubborn, Ruthless (Major).
• Super Attribute (5): Vigor 3, Device (-1).


Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)

Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers), Cha: +4; Pace: 6 or fly 24; Parry: 7;
Beast Bond, Brave, Command, Fervor, Toughness: 31 (20).
Improved Block, Improved Trademark Weapon,
Leader of Men, Quick Draw, Sweep, Woods- Gear: None.
Hindrances: Bad Luck, Heroic, Overconfident.
Super Powers:
• Attack, melee (6): +3d6. AP 6. Device (-2). Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers),
Lethal. Attractive, Berserk, Brawny, Mastery, The Best
• Leaping (2): 4" x 8". There Is (Matter Control), Very Attractive.
• Minions (4): Two wolves.
• Speed (5): 4x Pace. -1 to Attack. Super Powers:
• Super Attribute (4): Strength 2. • Armor +20 (14): Heavy Armor. Rock hard skin.
• Super Skill (2): Fighting 2. • Burrowing (3): Pace.
• Toughness +7 (7). • Flight (8): 4x Pace. Stone platform.
• Matter Control (30): d12+12. Requires
Material. Earth/Stone. Switchable
FORCE OF NATURE (Earthquake, Depth, Earthshake, Trigger),
By definition, the Force of Nature is someone Switchable (Ensnare, Ranged Touch Attack
you can’t fight, and that makes her a bit out of w/Throwing, Very Strong).
genre for Savage Worlds. You can give a • Toughness +2: Hardy.
Force of Nature Energy Control or Matter
Control, but as long as those powers are
capped in the same way they are for heroes, FOREIGNER
you’re not really doing the archetype justice. Foreigners may be Outsiders and Arrogant or
The Force of Nature does not make it rain, she Stubborn concerning their political system,
floods entire cities. This makes her Arrogant or religion, or race. He may have a Code of Honor,
Overconfident. If you have given her stats, she but that Code is very different from that held by
has Mastery and is The Best There Is. western heroes. More progressive foreigners,
like the Modern Samurai or Minority Hero, are
The stats here are for Montana when she was his Enemy and he is probably Wanted.
merely mortal and a Heavy Hitter. As a true
Force of Nature, her powers are off the chart. In Muezzin is a Four Color character with one
addition to Super Attributes and Constructs, she really big power and not much else. Heroes
would have Doesn’t Eat, Doesn’t Sleep, who can avoid or resist his sonic voice will find
Immune to Poison/Disease, and Regeneration. him an easy victory. However, he is usually
Also, as a Force of Nature, add the Hindrances leading at least a squad of Saudi soldiers, and
Clueless, Monologuer, and Vengeful (Minor). might have many more.

Force of Nature, Young Hero, Defender, Foreigner, Terrorist, Super-Soldier
Minority Hero, Fallen Hero Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d10,
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d12, Strength d8, Vigor d10.
Strength d12, Vigor d12.
Skills: Climbing d8, Fighting d10, Healing d6,
Skills: Boating d8, Climbing d12, Fighting d10, Knowledge (Battle) d10, Notice d8, Shooting
Intimidation d12, Knowledge (Ecology) d8, d10, Stealth d12, Streetwise d10, Survival d8,
Notice d8, Riding d8, Stealth d8, Streetwise d6, Throwing d10, Tracking d8.
Survival d12, Swimming d8, Throwing d10,
Tracking d8. Cha: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 11 (4).

Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)
Gear: Military gear appropriate to his mission, Strength d6, Vigor d8.
often including communications gear and body
armor (+4 armor and resists 4 AP from ballistic Skills: Fighting d6, Investigation d8, Knowledge
attacks). (Plants) d10, Notice d8, Persuasion d12+1,
Stealth d10, Survival d8, Swimming d8, Taunt
Hindrances: Code of Honor, Loyal, Vow. In d8, Throwing d8.
Western societies, add Outsider.
Cha: +2; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 10
Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers), (4).
Command, Connections (Saudi Military).
Gear: Seeds. Her outfit is Body Armor (Armor
Super Powers: +4 and resists 4 AP from ballistic attacks).
• Attack, ranged (23): 5d10. Area Effect (MBT),
Cone (+1), Enhanced Damage, Focus, Heavy Hindrances: Greedy (Minor), Loyal, Vengeful
Weapon, Switchable (Mind Control), (Minor), Wanted (Minor).
Switchable (Stun, Range 12/24/48, Area of
Effect MBT, Strong). Limitation: Muezzin Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers),
cannot use his powers if he cannot speak (-2). Attractive, Dynamic Duo.
• Super Attribute (8): Agility 1, Spirit 1, Vigor 2.
• Super Edge (14): Command Presence, Super Powers:
Dodge, Extraction, Fervor, Martial Artist, • Ensnare (5): Range 12" (Throwing).
Mastery, The Best There Is. • Matter Control (9): Plant. d12+1. Constructs.
• Paralysis (5): Range 12" (Throwing). Spores.
• Super Edge (10): Command, Command
GIRLFRIEND GONE BAD Presence, Hold the Line!, Mastery (Plant
The Girlfriend is Vengeful and her romantic Control), Team Leader.
interest has her as an Enemy. She may have • Super Skill (1): Persuasion 1.
sworn a Vow to kill her former lover or force him
to retire from superheroics, and is Stubborn or
Mean. Girlfriends are often slightly built and
BITE (Stacy Connors)
Girlfriend Gone Bad, Theme Villain
physically unthreatening, which you can
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
represent with the Small hindrance. She may
Strength d8, Vigor d8.
have a Delusion like, “We were meant to be
together forever!”
Skills: Climbing d8, Fighting d10, Intimidation
d12+1, Knowledge (Animals) d10, Notice d8,
Bark and Bite are Street Fighters. They have a
Persuasion d8, Riding d8, Shooting d8, Stealth
lot of servants, constructs, and minions, and are
d10, Streetwise d10, Survival d8, Swimming d8,
a great way to really showcase those rules. The
Taunt d8, Throwing d8, Tracking d6.
Connors girls need to rely on their servants to
run interference with heroes; neither sister is
Cha: +2; Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 10
especially resilient and they will be knocked
unconscious quickly once a hero gets within
striking distance. When they first appear,
Gear: Dog collars, Body Armor.
however, with packs of dogs and a giant
walking tree for muscle, they are pretty
Hindrances: Greedy (Minor), Loyal, Vengeful
(Minor), Wanted (Minor).

BARK (April Connors) Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers),

Girlfriend Gone Bad, Theme Villain Charismatic, Dynamic Duo.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d10,


Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)

Super Powers: Dodge, Improved Nerves of Steel,
• Animal Control (9): 8 animals of Size -1 or 0. Improvisational Fighter, Killer Instinct, Quick,
Telepathic Link. Take The Hit, Very Attractive.
• Minions (10): 5 dogs.
• Super Edge (10): Beast Bond, Command, Super Powers:
Command Presence, Fervor, Team Leader. • Ageless (1).
• Super Skill (1): Intimidation 1. • Armor +16 (15): Hardy, Heavy Armor.
Platinum skin.
• Super Attributes (34): Strength 11, Vigor 6.
GLADIATOR • Toughness (10): +10.
The Gladiator will have a lot of combat edges,
especially ones like Counterattack or First
Strike which are helpful when fighting a single HEIR TO LOVECRAFT
enemy in a duel situation. She is motivated by a The Heir to Lovecraft is an archetype which
Vow or by Arrogance and may lose fights only really deserves a spot in your Savage Worlds
because of Bad Luck. If she executes all she game, simply because there are so many great
defeats, she is Bloodthirsty, but she may have a resources for you to draw on. In particular, the
Code of Honor that allows valiant losers to Horror Companion will provide you with
survive for a rematch. She is probably an Lovecraftian threats, magic, and madness. The
Enemy for one of the PCs and is Vengeful, Heir probably has a Mania and his propensity
pursuing all those who have defeated her in for explaining who his masters are and how
battle. much they will reward him makes him a
Monologuer. He will summon or be
The Platinum Blonde is a Heavy Hitter. If that is accompanied by cyclopean entities beyond our
not strong enough to rival the strongest hero at ken, but they don’t obey him, so he probably
your game table, increase her own power level doesn’t use Command or the rules for battlefield
to match. allies. Indeed, he may be the first person such
creatures murder when they arrive on Earth.
Gladiator, Servitor Field Folio is a Four Color villain, but he can be
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, reduced in power for other games; as a Street
Strength d12+11, Vigor d12+6. Fighter, he summons two minions with 11
points each, and in a Pulp game he has one
Skills: Climbing d12, Driving d8, Fighting d12, minion with 6 points.
Gambling d6, Notice d8, Persuasion d8,
Shooting d6, Stealth d8, Streetwise d8, Although Fiend Folio himself does not have the
Swimming d12, Taunt d8, Throwing d10. Fear power or even Intimidation, the creatures
he summons are Lovecraftian Horrors and
Cha: +4; Pace: 8; Parry: 8; Toughness: 37 should prompt Fear checks from all but the
(16). most seasoned of monster-hunters. The
Minions power as listed in his entry is
Gear: None. something of a place holder; the Book of
Squamous Shadow can summon whatever
Hindrances: Arrogant, Distinctive Appearance, Cthulhu-inspired monstrosity you wish to use
Greedy (Minor), Vengeful (Minor), Wanted and happen to have stats for.
Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers), Heir to Lovecraft, Kid Playing with Fire
Brave, Brawler, Connections (Organized Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d10,
Crime), First Strike, Fleet-Footed, Improved Strength d4, Vigor d6.

Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)
Skills: Fighting d6, Investigation d8, Knowledge Cha: 0; Pace: 6 or fly at 96; Parry: 7;
(Occult) d12, Notice d8, Repair d12, Stealth d8. Toughness: 10 (4).

Cha: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5. Gear: Lightning Woman's armored uniform

adds +4 armor and negates up to 4 AP from
Gear: The Book of Squamous Shadow, trench ballistic attacks.
coat, smart phone, used car.
Hindrances: Heroic (Major), Wanted (Major).
Hindrances: Bad Eyes (Minor), Cautious
(Minor), Curious (Minor), Poverty (Minor). Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers),
Brave, Combat Sense, Improved Extraction,
Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers), Quick, Mastery (Energy Control), Steady
The Best There Is (Minions). Hands.

Super Powers: Super Powers:

• Attack, Ranged (8): 4d6 damage. Cone. • Attack, Ranged (15): Range 12/24/48. 6d6.
“Psionic Blast. Rate of Fire 2. Lightning. Switchable (Energy
• Mind Control (5): “Id Insinuation. Control, Electricity, Selective, Range 24”).
• Minions (23): 3 minions, Summonable, with 15 • Damage Field (15): 6d6. Electricity.
points of Super Powers. Device (-2). • Flight (12): Pace 96. 240 mph. -4 attack
• Resistance (5): Mental, +4 Toughness and penalty.
takes half damage. “Intellect Fortress. • Super Skill (3): Intimidation 1, Investigation 1,
• Toughness (4): +4. Knowledge (Law) 1.


If the Hero in Disguise is not Wanted, she is not In Savage Worlds, the Imp is the province of
doing her job. If she is Heroic or has a Code of GM fiat. Some players may chafe at this, since
Honor, she has to work very hard to hide it lest they expect bad guys to be described in the
her disguise be blown, but a criminal can get same numbers that heroes are, but this is
away with Loyal. She’s more likely to have exactly the challenge that the Imp represents.
hindrances like Vow, Stubborn, Cautious, or What powers does Star Trek’s Q have in
minor versions of Ruthless or Vengeful. She Savage Worlds? All of them. That’s the Imp.
may be using her disguise to protect a
Dependent. He is probably Clueless, Curious, or Delusional,
and may be Overconfident or a Monologuer;
Lightning Woman is a Four Color character. To this will give heroes a way to keep him busy
use her in Street Fighter games, start by while they figure out how to remove his powers
reducing her Damage Field to 4d6. or send him home. Despite his incredible
powers, he is often Yellow.
Hero in Disguise, Terrorist Coyote is a cosmic force of nature, and his
Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d12, Spirit d12, ability to do pretty much whatever he wants with
Strength d8, Vigor d8. a snap of his fingers is not well modeled using
Savage World super powers. He is described
Skills: Fighting d10, Intimidation d12+1, here as a Heavy Hitter, but can alter reality by
Investigation d12+1, Knowledge (Law) d12+1, GM Fiat. Give the heroes bennies when Coyote
Notice d10, Persuasion d10, Piloting d8, flagrantly breaks the rules, which he will do a
Shooting d12, Stealth d8, Streetwise d10. lot. In particular, Coyote can suffer pretty much
any amount of damage without ever being


Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)

worse than Shaken. On his next turn, he can Overconfident, but once events begin to spiral
recover from being Shaken and simultaneously out of control, he is also Stubborn in his refusal
remove all injury from himself. to seek help or admit he did anything wrong.
His inexperience, and his desire to lecture his
COYOTE victims and the heroes about their foolish
Imp, Minority Hero treatment of him when he was weak, mark him
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d12+2, Spirit as a Monologuer. To model his sudden and
d12+4, Strength d6, Vigor d12+1. dangerous power, make him The Best There Is.
Power Negation is common for Kids, and the
Skills: Boating d8, Climbing d8, Driving d8, heroes need to figure that out to resolve the
Fighting d8, Gambling d8, Healing d12+4, story.
Knowledge (Occult) d12+7, Notice d12+5,
Persuasion d12+5, Riding d8, Shooting d12, Sister Salem is a Street Fighter. If you want to
Stealth d12, Streetwise d12, Survival d12, raise her power level, change the damage dice
Swimming d8, Taunt d12+4, Throwing d12, on her Hellfire to d10 and add Heavy Weapon,
Tracking d12. increase Super Sorcery to level 8 and give her
more Deflection.
Cha: +4; Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8.
Gear: Usually just a smart phone and a cool Kid Playing With Fire, Magical Girl
outfit, but he can get whatever he wants with Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d10,
Cosmic Power. Strength d4, Vigor d8.

Hindrances: Curious, Overconfident. Skills: Fighting d8, Knowledge (Occult) d10,

Notice d6, Shooting d6, Spellcasting d10,
Edges: Alertness, Arcane Background (Super Stealth d8, Taunt d8, Throwing d6.
Powers), Attractive, Charismatic, Fleet-Footed,
The Best There Is (Super Skills), Woodsman. Cha: +2; Pace: 6 or Fly 48; Parry: 6;
Toughness: 6.
Super Powers:
• Ageless (2): Very Old. Gear: The Golden Wing Scepter.
• Awareness (5).
• Chameleon (5): Voice. Hindrances: Curious, Delusional (Major:
• Doesn’t Breathe (2). Whiskers and my powers are Good),
• Doesn’t Eat (1). Dependent (Best Friend), Heroic, Small, Young.
• Doesn’t Sleep (2).
• Gifted (2). Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers),
• Immune to Poison/Disease (2). Attractive, Brave, Quick, Combat Reflexes,
• Super Attributes (14): Smarts 2, Spirit 4, Vigor Dodge, Giant Killer, Improved Dodge, Improved
1. Trademark Weapon (Golden Wing Scepter).
• Super Skills (25): Healing 4, Knowledge
(Occult) 7, Notice 5, Persuasion 5, Taunt 4. Super Powers:
• Attack, melee (10): +5d6. Switchable (Attack,
ranged, 5d6). Device (-2). Hellfire.
KID PLAYING WITH FIRE • Deflection (2): -4. Device (-2).
Despite his name, the Kid is probably not young
• Flight (8): 120 MPH. Device (-2).
enough for the Youth hindrance. He may,
• Super Sorcery (10): Level 6. Device (-2).
however, be Small. He is probably Curious,
especially when it comes to opportunities to use
his powers, and he has Bad Luck. At first he is

Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)
MASTERMIND Gear: Gadget-laden walking stick, lightly
armored clothing (Armor 4), whatever else his
The Mastermind is one of the archetypes most
likely to have Command and use the rules for brilliant mind can devise.
battlefield allies, though he may have a Servitor
who actually leads the troops into battle while Hindrances: Arrogant, Monologuer, Vengeful
the Mastermind runs for the escape vehicle. He (Minor), Wanted (Major).
is likely to be Arrogant, Stubborn, Cautious, and
Edges: Ace, Arcane Background (Super
a Monologuer, in order to explain his complex
Powers), Block, Brave, Charismatic, Command,
Command Presence, Counterattack, Filthy
Robur the Conqueror is a Street Fighter. Rich, Hold the Line!, Leader of Men, Mr. Fix It,
Personally, he is not very dangerous. His Quick Draw, Rich, Scholar, Steady Hands.
vehicles are his weapons, and he has vehicles
Super Powers:
which combine all the best features of futuristic
• Ageless (1).
air, ground, and water vehicles. A sample
• Immune to Poison/Disease (2).
vehicle might look like this:
• Invent (15): Level 6, On the Fly.
• Super Attribute (2): Intelligence 1.
THE TERROR • Super Skills (10): Knowledge (Engineering) 4,
Acc: 50 (40 on ground or in water) Knowledge (Science) 2, Repair 4.
TS: 700 (70 on ground or in water)
Toughness: 116/96/76 (100/80/60)
Give the Monstrosity Hard to Kill, so that it can
Notes: 4WD, AMCM, Amphibious, Heavy come back in later sessions like a slasher
Armor, Heavy Weapon, Hover, Improved villain. Indeed, the Horror Companion will give
Stabilizer, Night Vision, Sloped Armor, you some additional ideas for Monstrosities of
Spacecraft, Stealth Paint the Weird Science or supernatural varieties. It is
probably an Outsider and Ugly. If not Hard to
Weapons: 100MGW Laser in turret, 20MGW Kill, it may be Terminally Ill, which solves the
Pulse Laser in hull, missiles (6d8, Range dilemma of what to do with it once it is defeated.
200/400/800, RoF 2, AP 8, MBT), bombs Monstrosities often have a Weakness, and can
sometimes prompt Guts/Spirit checks for fear, if
ROBUR THE CONQUEROR you are using those rules.
Mastermind, Twisted Genius, Man With The
Machine The Demaniac is a Heavy Hitter, but that’s
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12+1, Spirit because of his many powers rather than the
d12, Strength d10, Vigor d12. size of his attacks. This makes him a good
challenge for small groups of heroes. Players
Skills: Boating d12+2, Climbing d8, Driving will find him much easier to defeat if they are
d12+2, Fighting d10, Investigation d12, able to bypass his limited armor, but even so
Knowledge (Engineering) d12+6, Knowledge his regeneration will keep him coming back for
(Science) d12+4, Notice d10, Piloting d12+2, more. The easiest way to adjust him for heroes
Repair d12+6, Shooting d10, Swimming d8, of low power level is to reduce his Regeneration
Taunt d12, Throwing d8. to every minute or lower (which makes it
irrelevant in combat).
Cha: +2; Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 12


Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)

THE DEMANIAC Weird War II for much, much more.
Monstrosity, Supernatural Horror, Nemesis,
Servitor V is a Heavy Hitter.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d12,
Strength d12+2, Vigor d12+4. V
Nazi, Servitor, Supremacist
Skills: Climbing d12, Fighting d12+2, Attributes: Agility d12+1, Smarts d10, Spirit
Intimidation d12, Knowledge (Occult) d4, Notice d12, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12+2.
d8, Stealth d10, Swimming d6, Throwing d8,
Tracking d12. Skills: Fighting d12+2, Intimidation d10,
Knowledge (Battle) d12, Knowledge (Occult)
Cha: -4; Pace: 6; Parry: 9; Toughness: 28 (8). d10, Notice d8, Persuasion d12, Shooting d12,
Stealth d12, Streetwise d10, Taunt d12,
Gear: None. Throwing d12.

Hindrances: Bad Luck, Clueless, Distinctive Cha: +4; Pace: 6 or Super-Sonic Speed; Parry:
Appearance, Mean, Out Of My League, Ugly. 9; Toughness: 21 (4).
Edges: Ambidextrous, Arcane Background
(Super Powers), Berserk, Brawler, Brawny, Gear: Armored uniform (+4 Armor and resists 4
Frenzy, Improved Frenzy, Improved Sweep. AP from ballistic attacks) and whatever else her
Nazi handlers provide.
Super Powers:
• Ageless (1). Hindrances: Arrogant, Clueless, Loyal,
• Armor +8 (2): Partial Protection (-2). Ruthless (Major), Wanted (Major).
• Attack, melee (7): +1d6. Multiple Attacks,
Reach, Stackable. Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers),
• Doesn’t Breathe (2). Attractive, Charismatic, Combat Sense,
• Doesn’t Eat (1). Improved Counterattack, Killer Instinct, Linguist,
• Doesn’t Sleep (2). Nerves of Steel, Quick, Strong Willed.
• Fear (3): Scary, Terror.
• Fearless (2). Super Powers:
• Heightened Senses (1): Tracking. • Attack, ranged (20): 6d10. Enhanced
• Immune to Poison/Disease (2). Damage, Heavy Weapon, RoF 2. Lightning
• Regeneration (12): Natural healing roll every vision. Switchable (Attack, melee: +5d6,
round. Regrowth. Heavy Weapon, Multiple Attacks).
• Super Attributes (12): Strength 2, Vigor 4. • Speed (20): Super-Sonic Speed. -8 to be
• Super Skills (1): Fighting 1. attacked. Blinding Reflexes, Pummel.
• Toughness +9 (12): +9. Hardy. Switchable (Flight 18, Super-Sonic Speed).
• Super Attributes (10): Agility +1, Strength +2,
Vitality +2.
NAZI • Super Skill (2): Fighting 2.
Savage Worlds has a long association with
• Toughness +8 (8).
Nazi-punching, and this archetype is well
supported by the game line. In fact, Savage
Worlds may be the perfect system for a Golden NEMESIS
Age superhero game, since you already have The Nemesis shares some characteristics with
stats for all the weapons and vehicles, and the Dark Mirror and the Evil Twin; in particular,
heroes of the early Golden Age were more he is defined by the fact that he is the Enemy of
modest in power level (and thus easier a player character. He is probably Vengeful or
described by the Savage Worlds system). See has a Vow to hunt the hero down.

Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)
Like the rest of the Danner family, Leopold is a
Heavy Hitter. He’s especially likely to use gear.
The Nihilist is Ruthless or has other hindrances
which encourage taking life, like Major versions
LEOPOLD DANNER of Vengeful or Bloodthirsty. His desire for death
Nemesis, Supremacist may stem from a Mania or he could be
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d12, Spirit d10, Delusional. Like the Assassin, the Nihilist is a
Strength d12+5, Vigor d12+5. good candidate for the No Mercy edge, an edge
normally prohibited to heroes but appropriate
Skills: Boating d6, Driving d6, Fighting d12, for a villain who is defined by killing.
Gambling d6, Healing d12, Intimidation d12,
Knowledge (Battle) d12, Knowledge Endgame is a Four Color enemy because of his
(Engineering) d12+2, Knowledge (Science) points, but in a fight he’s really a better
d12+2, Notice d10, Persuasion d6, Piloting d6, challenge for Street Fighter weapon masters,
Repair d12, Riding d6, Shooting d12, Stealth martial artists, detectives and other vigilantes.
d8, Streetwise d12, Survival d6, Swimming d12,
Throwing d10, Tracking d6. ENDGAME
Nihilist, Gladiator, Theme Villain, Assassin
Cha: +4; Pace: 32 or leap 64"; Parry: 10; Attributes: Agility d12+4, Smarts d10, Spirit
Toughness: 30 (20). d12, Strength d10, Vigor d10.
Gear: Leopold usually carries a pistol; when in Skills: Boating d12, Climbing d12, Driving d12,
public, that means a concealed automatic like Fighting d12+3, Gambling d12+3, Healing d8,
the Glock. However, when he doesn't have to Intimidation d12, Investigation d8, Knowledge
worry about drawing attention, it's probably a (Games) d12+3, Notice d10, Persuasion d8,
pulse blaster SMG. Most anything else he Piloting d12, Repair d12, Riding d12, Shooting
needs, he can build or buy. d12+3, Stealth d12, Streetwise d8, Survival
d10, Swimming d12, Taunt d10, Throwing
Hindrances: Arrogant, Cautious, Monologuer,
d12+3, Tracking d10.
Vengeful (Major).
Cha: 0; Pace: 8; Parry: 9; Toughness: 11 (4).
Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers),
Attractive, Berserk, Brawler, Combat Reflexes, Gear: Endgame’s standard uniform is Body
Command, Filthy Rich, Fleet-Footed, Hold the Armor (+4 Armor, negates AP 4 from ballistic
Line!, Improved Block, Improved Frenzy, Quick attacks), but he can easily upgrade to Combat
Draw, Scholar, Tactician, Very Attractive. Armor (+2 additional Armor). Besides his holo-
emitters, he is rich enough to afford any
Super Powers:
weapon or tool he thinks useful.
• Armor +20 (14): Heavy Weapon. Impenetrable
Skin. Hindrances: Arrogant, Quirk: Never Cheats,
• Fearless (2). Ruthless (Minor), Vengeful (Major), Wanted
• Gifted (2). (Major).
• Immune to Poison/Disease (2)
• Invent (10): Level 5. Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers),
• Resistance (3): Heat, Cold, Radiation. Filthy Rich, Fleet-Footed, Improvisational
• Speed (7): 4x Pace. Switchable (Leaping 32” Fighter, Quick Draw.
x 64”).
• Super Attribute (20): Strength 5, Vigor 5. Super Powers:
• Force Control (10): d12. Area, Force Field,
Heavy Weapon, Range. Device (-1).


Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)

• Gifted (2). Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers),
• Illusion (9): 8" diameter. Device (-1). Brawny, Harder to Kill, Improvisational Fighter.
• Interface (1): Device (-1).
• Super-Attribute (8): Agility 4. Super Powers:
• Super-Skill (15): Fighting 3, Gambling 3, • Armor +20 (14): Heavy Armor. Impenetrable
Knowledge (Games) 4, Shooting 3, Throwing skin.
3. • Doesn’t Breathe (2).
• Doesn’t Eat (1).
• Doesn’t Sleep (2).
Because of the threat of radiation
• Heightened Senses (3): Spatial Sense (X-ray
contamination, the Nightmare may prompt
vision), detect radiation.
Guts/Spirit checks in NPCs, if you are using the
• Immune to Poison/Disease (1)
rules for fear. Heroes, however, will treat him as
• Leaping (4): 16" x 32".
just another bad guy. This very same radiation
• Resistance (17): Space, Fire/Heat (half
may have made the Nightmare Ugly and
damage), and Radiation (total).
Terminally Ill, Vengeful, or just sick enough that
• Super Attributes (16): Strength 8.
he has a Death Wish. He may require radiation
• Toughness +10 (13): Hardy.
or nuclear fuel, a serious Dependency. His high
power level makes it likely he is The Best There
Savage Worlds has a lot of support for pirate
WMD would be a Heavy Hitter, except that his characters across the game line; start with
many immunities bring him up to Cosmic level. Pirates of the Spanish Main. You will find stats
Rather than reducing his power level in Four for pirates, their vessels, and weapons, all of
Color, Street Fighter and Pulp games, it which can be upgraded to a superhero setting
becomes all the more important to prevent him easily with the addition of high tech or magic.
from being awoken. When he does get involved You don’t need to change much; pirate
in a fight, he must be outwitted and tricked. characters seem quite happy to use archaic
Violence is no use. weapons in the 21st century, simply out of style.

WMD Pirates are distinguished by their Bloodthirsty

Nuclear Nightmare, Monstrosity, Force of reputations (which may not be based in fact but
Nature which prompt fear checks aboard opposing
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d12, vessels). They are Wanted and often have
Strength d12+8, Vigor d12. physical hindrances like One Eye, One Arm, or
One Leg. They are Outsiders who keep to their
Skills: Climbing d12, Fighting d12, Intimidation own kind. Good Pirates are Loyal, but bad ones
d12, Knowledge (nuclear, biological, and are Mean. A Pirate captain will have the
chemical weapons) d12, Notice d6, Repair d12, Command edge and use it to control a gang of
Stealth d8, Taunt d8, Throwing d8. minions who may not pose much individual
threat to the heroes, but who can make off with
Cha: -2; Pace: 6 or leap 64"; Parry: 8; plunder while the heroes are busy elsewhere.
Toughness: 39 (20).
The Hook is a Street Fighter. It cannot move or
Gear: None. speak without a host, but can possess anyone
who touches it. A host uses his own attributes
Hindrances: Distinctive Appearance, and skills or those of the Hook, whichever are
Overconfident, Ugly, Vengeful (Major), Wanted higher. Notably, because the Hook is a
(Major). separate character, it can take one action every

Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)
turn (including a melee attack with the arm it is possibly Delusional. Her monologuing serves as
attached to) while its host also acts. a way for the heroes to figure out what to do
when their powers prove useless.
Pirate, Psychopath, Dominator Stardust once moved the planet Mars; his
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit power level is beyond that which Savage
d12+2, Strength d8, Vigor d12. Worlds is meant to represent. However, the
mechanics provided here will give GMs
Skills: Boating d12, Climbing d10, Fighting something to work with; he is written up as a
d12+3, Intimidation d12, Knowledge (Battle) Cosmic character, but his abilities in the source
d12, Knowledge (Occult) d8, Notice d8, material grossly outstrips what is listed here.
Shooting d8, Stealth d10, Streetwise d10, Any encounter with Stardust should not hinge
Swimming d10, Taunt d12, Throwing d6. on the PCs defeating him in battle; this should
be functionally impossible. The way to defeat
Cha: 0; Pace: 0; Parry: 11; Toughness: 12. him is to bring his feminine side to the surface;
once Stardust begins to empathize with other
Gear: The Hook itself is gear. people, her crime-fighting rampage will turn to
something more subtle and, presumably, more
Hindrances: Code of Honor, Distinctive just.
Appearance, Monologuer, Ruthless (Major),
Power Corrupted, Imp, Alien Hero
Edges: Ambidextrous, Arcane Background Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12, Spirit d10,
(Super Powers), Command, Florentine, Harder Strength d12, Vigor d12.
to Kill, Improved Counterattack, Improved
Block, Improved Trademark Weapon (Hook), Skills: Healing d12, Fighting d12, Knowledge
Quick, Quick Draw, Strong Willed, Tactician. (Engineering) d12+2, Knowledge (Science)
d12+2, Notice d12, Repair d12, Shooting d12,
Super Powers: Throwing d12.
• Attack, melee (4): +1d6, AP 4, Multiple
Attacks. Lethal (-1), One Arm (-1). Cha: +2; Pace: 6 or light speed flight; Parry: 8;
• Construct (8). Toughness: 19 (8).
• Possession (7) Touch only (-1).
• Super Attribute (4): Spirit 2. Gear: Stardust can get any device she/he might
• Super Skill (3): Fighting 3. need from supplies at the secret planet base.
• Toughness +4 (4).
Hindrances: Arrogant (Male Only), Code of
Honor (Female Only), Heroic, Pacifist (Minor,
POWER CORRUPTED Female Only), Ruthless (Minor, Male Only).
If Savage Worlds encourages heroes at the
low end of the power spectrum, the Power
Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers),
Corrupted archetype illustrates what happens
Attractive, Brawny, Filthy Rich, Level Headed,
when this guideline is broken. The Power
Mastery (Telekinesis), Scholar, The Best There
Corrupted is so mighty, she now lives beyond
Is (Telekinesis).
what the rules of the game permit, and she’s
suffering for it. You don’t need to describe her
Super Powers:
in game mechanics, but if you do, she is a
• Armor +8 (3): Device (-1).
Cosmic level character with the Mastery edge,
• Danger Sense (2).
and she’s The Best There Is. She is Wanted by
• Doesn’t Breathe (1): Device (-1).
her former allies and the law, Ruthless, and
• Gifted (2).

Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)

• Heightened Senses (2): Spatial Sense (vision, • Super Edge (4): McGyver, The Best There Is
blocked only by force fields). (Super Skill).
• Immune to Poison/Disease (1): Device (-1). • Super Skills (7): Investigation 4, Repair 3.
• Invent (22): Level 11. On the Fly. Switchable
(Flight: Near Light Speed).
• Resistance (4): Space.
Savage Worlds heroes will face many Servitors
• Telekinesis (36): d12+15. Range 24".
in infinite variety, and the system handles all of
• Telepathy (2).
them well. See other archetypes like the
Temptress and Twisted Genius for advice on
PSYCHO the various types of Servitor. Other Savage
Psychopaths can be scary; see the Horror Worlds books, like Necessary Evil or the Horror
Companion for fear rules which you might Companion, will give you plenty of stat blocks.
choose to use when the Psychopath appears. You’ll need to decide if the Servitor is Loyal or
He is defined by his Mania and by other serving due to some other motivation (like
hindrances which encourage the taking of greed or a desire to test himself against the
innocent life like Ruthless or Bloodthirsty, and heroes). Servitors often have Command and
he’s probably Wanted. lead minions into battle while their masters flee.

The Puzzler is a Pulp Villain, though he really Rath isn’t superhuman; he can be dangerous to
has almost no powers at all. Like most Puzzle Pulp Heroes and perhaps some Street Fighters
Master villains, he is really about challenging because he’s resilient, carries a big gun, and is
the hero’s intelligence rather than their martial accompanied by followers, but anyone with real
skills. If they can find him, they can beat him up. super powers is going to find him little more
than a speed bump. To use him in games like
that, give him super-powers in the form of a
THE PUZZLER battle suit or super-soldier serum. Toughness
Psychopath, Theme Villain, Nemesis and Super Attributes (Strength and Vigor) ought
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12+2, Spirit d8, to get him where you need him to be but, to
Strength d6, Vigor d8. make him more memorable, consider adding
one additional secret weapon or trick which he
Skills: Fighting d8, Investigation d12+4, Notice can use before he is defeated.
d10, Persuasion d8, Repair d12+3, Shooting
d10, Stealth d10, Streetwise d12, Taunt d12, RATH
Throwing d8. Servitor, Nazi, Comic Relief
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d6,
Cha: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 10 (4). Strength d12, Vigor d12.

Gear: Pistol, body armor, and a way to Skills: Climbing d12, Driving d6, Fighting d10,
communicate with his minions. Intimidation d6, Knowledge (Battle) d6, Piloting
d6, Shooting d10, Stealth d8, Survival d6,
Hindrances: Cautious, Mania (Minor), Quirk, Swimming d12, Throwing d8.
Wanted (Major).
Cha: -2; Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 13 (4).
Edges: Arcane Background (Super-Powers),
Improvisational Fighter, Level Headed, Quick Gear: Body Armor, Pulse Gatling, Grenades,
Draw. Comlink, whatever else his master has given
Super Powers:
• Super Attribute (4): Intelligence 2.

Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)
Hindrances: Clueless, Curious, Loyal, Out Of Vengeful (Major), Wanted (Major), Weakness
My League, Ugly. (Stake to the heart, Major).

Edges: Brave, Brawny, Brawler, Bruiser, Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers),
Command. Charismatic, Command, Fervor, Filthy Rich,
Fleet-Footed, Harder to Kill, Improved First
Strike, Inspire, Level Headed.
The Supernatural Horror is a key archetype in
Super Powers:
Savage Worlds gaming because there’s so
• Ageless (2): Very Old.
much support for it and Savage players have so
• Attack, melee (2): +1d6. Claws.
much experience in the genre. Quite simply,
• Awareness (5).
occult menaces like vampires, werewolves,
• Extra Actions (3): One.
zombies and demons are par for the course in
• Fear (3).
Savage Worlds, and fit on gaming tables more
• Gifted (2).
easily than they might in comics or the cinema
• Intangibility (9): Mist form. Switchable (Shape
screen. See the Horror Companion for a whole
Change, Wolf or Bat Only), Switchable (Mind
book on filled with occult adversaries, magic,
and treasures. Also, that book has rules for fear
• Resistance (10): As a vampire, Dracula can
and madness which can be appropriate for
only be harmed by attacks which prey on his
supernatural villains.
weaknesses. He can be shaken by other
attacks, but never wounded.
All of Dracula’s canonical powers make him a
• Super Attributes (16): Agility 2, Spirit 2,
Cosmic adversary, but even a well-prepared
Strength 2, Vigor 2.
Street Fighter can take him on. Like all fights
• Super Skills (12): Fighting 4, Knowledge
with vampires, victory over Dracula is really
(Occult) 4, Stealth 4.
about exploiting his weaknesses, since he is
• Undead (10).
largely immune to other damage.
• Wall Walker (1).

Supernatural Horror, Mastermind, Cult Leader SUPREMACIST
Attributes: Agility d12+2, Smarts d12, Spirit The Supremacist is Arrogant, a Monologuer,
d12+2, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12+2. and suffers from a racist Delusion like,
“Machines are superior to human beings.” He
Skills: Fighting d12+4, Intimidation d12, may have a Vow that motivates him to make the
Knowledge (Battle) d12, Knowledge (Occult) world a safe place for his own kind, and he
d12+4, Notice d12, Persuasion d12, Stealth obeys a twisted Code of Honor. The
d12+4, Streetwise d12, Swimming d12, Taunt Supremacist himself probably does not feel like
d12, Throwing d12. an Outsider, but the people he champions may.
As a leader of an army of minions or a squad of
Cha: +2; Pace: 8 or turn into a bat and fly; superhuman followers, he has Command or
Parry: 10; Toughness: 11. Team Player and may need Extra Actions for
the day when he fights the entire hero team by
Gear: Whatever Dracula desires, his followers himself.
The CALIPH is a Heavy Hitter. If you want to
Hindrances: Allergy (Holy Symbols and Holy reduce him to Four Color status, start by
Water, Major), Quirk (Cannot enter a private lowering his Armor and Invent. He has an army
building without an invitation), Monologuer, Out of robot minions, but they are not individually
Of My League, Power Negation (Sunlight), very dangerous. They are armed with pulse


Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)

rifles and grenades but only become a real
threat to super heroes when they can attack in
If she doesn’t have Mind Control, the Temptress
a group. is Attractive and Charismatic. Mind Control in
Savage Worlds requires Smarts contests, so
CALIPH-8 she is either very intelligent or only seduces
Supremacist, Terrorist, Mastermind, Foreigner, stupid people. Long-term mind control of the
Cult Leader sort the Temptress displays in comics is
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12+4, Spirit probably best reserved to NPCs. The
d10, Strength d12, Vigor d12. Temptress may be Yellow, and that’s why she
relies on heroes to do the killing for her.
Skills: Fighting d12+2, Knowledge
(Engineering) d12, Notice d12, Repair d12, Scheherazade is a Pulp character without
Riding d12, Shooting d12, Stealth d8, Survival powers; if a hero is able to find her, he will
d12, Throwing d10, Tracking d12. almost certainly be able to punch her out. But if
he does that, he’ll never know the end of the
Cha: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 11; Toughness: 30 story. If you want to make her more dangerous,
(20). give her actual Mind Control which she can use
through video cameras.
Gear: CALIPH-8 can invent just about anything
he needs for a particular scheme, if he has time SCHEHERAZADE
to prepare. This includes vehicles, artillery, or Temptress
weapons customized to bypass a specific Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d12, Spirit
hero’s powers. d12+2, Strength d6, Vigor d8.
Hindrances: Delusion (Major: Supremacy of Skills: Fighting d6, Gambling d8, Intimidation
Android Life), Distinctive Appearance, d8, Investigation d12+2, Notice d10, Persuasion
Monologuer, Outsider, Ruthless (Minor), d12+3, Repair d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d12+2,
Stubborn, Vow (Major: Conquer the World for Streetwise d12+2, Taunt d10, Throwing d6.
Radical Islam), Wanted (Major).
Cha: +4; Pace: 8; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7.
Edges: Ambidextrous, Arcane Background
(Super Powers), Charismatic, Command, Gear: Video equipment and smartphone.
Improved Block, Improved Counterattack, Quick Hindrances: Cautious, Pacifism (Minor),
Draw, Team Leader, Trademark Weapon Wanted (Major).
Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers),
Super Powers: Attractive, Charismatic, Connections (Clients),
• Armor +20 (14): Heavy Armor. Metal body. Dodge, Fleet-Footed, Investigator, Level
• Construct (8). Headed, Nerves of Steel.
• Fearless (2).
• Heightened Senses (2): Infravision, Low Light Super Powers:
Vision. • Fearless (2).
• Invent (14): Level 7. • Super Attribute (4): Spirit 2.
• Resistance (10): CALIPH-8 is immune to any • Super Edge (4): Improved Dodge, Strong
mental power which isn't designed to work on Willed.
machines (Interface, Malfunction, and similar • Super Skill (5): Persuasion 3, Stealth 2.
powers work normally).
• Super Attributes (8): Intelligence 4.
• Super Skills (2): Fighting 2.

Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)
TERRORIST Edges: Charismatic, Combat
Command, Command Presence, Dodge, Hold
The Terrorist is an archetype likely to take full
advantage of the Savage Worlds rules for the Line, Killer Instinct, Leader of Men, Level
gear, often to the extent that he has no powers Headed, Nerves of Steel, No Mercy, Quick
at all. Likewise, Command and related edges Draw, Steady Hands, Strong Willed, Tactician.
give him an effective group of minions willing to
die if they can take a hero with them. Terrorists THEME VILLAIN
are prone to be Delusional and they are The Theme Villain is distinguished by his Quirk.
Ruthless and Bloodthirsty; they may seem He avoids the lethality common to other villains,
eager to take prisoners, but those prisoners are is more likely to be motivated by Greed or
actually slated for public execution. Arrogance, and may even have a Code of
Honor that ensures he leaves the hero alive
Militissa has no powers, but takes maximum (and his secret identity unrevealed).
advantage of the Savage Worlds rules for gear Nevertheless, he is probably Wanted and he
and equipment. She's great when you want to may be an Enemy of a PC. He wields a
send a platoon of minions against the heroes, Trademark Weapon which is in keeping with his
and she illustrates the advantages of military theme, and has Command over a small number
weapons and ranged tactics. of loyal minions dressed and armed
Terrorist The Baron is a Pulp Villain who relies on gear
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, instead of powers; even a rocket pack is
Strength d8, Vigor d10. relatively mundane in a superhero setting.
Whenever he is on a caper, he is accompanied
Skills: Climbing d8, Driving d10, Fighting d8, by the Flying Circus, minions armed and
Healing d6, Intimidation d12, Knowledge equipped as he is but with only d8 Agility, d8+2
(Battle) d10, Notice d8, Persuasion d10, Piloting, and d8 Shooting.
Piloting d8, Repair d6, Riding d6, Shooting d12,
Stealth d12, Streetwise d10, Survival d8, THE WELL-READ BARON
Swimming d6, Taunt d10, Throwing d10, Theme Villain, Thief
Tracking d8. Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d10, Spirit d8,
Strength d8, Vigor d8.
Cha: +2; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 13
(6). Skills: Boating d6+2, Climbing d6, Driving
d8+2, Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Investigation
Gear: In a superheroic Savage Worlds setting, d10, Knowledge (Battle) d10, Knowledge
Militissa has access to all the equipment (Literature) d12, Notice d10+2, Persuasion d8,
described on p12-16 of the Super Powers Piloting d12+6, Repair d10, Riding d6, Shooting
Companion. In particular, she will wear combat d12, Stealth d10, Streetwise d8, Survival d8,
armor in the field (+6 Armor, resists 4 AP from Swimming d6, Taunt d10, Throwing d10.
ballistic attacks), carry a Glock 9mm pistol
loaded with meta-stoppers as a personal Cha: +2; Pace: 6 or rocket pack 24; Parry: 6;
sidearm, and use a pulse rifle. Her Posse will Toughness: 10 (6).
include heavier weapons like pulse cannons
and nullifier guns. Gear: The Baron’s uniform is Body Armor
(Armor +4, resists 4 AP from ballistic attacks).
Hindrances: Death Wish (Minor), Delusional He carries a Luger (Range 12/24/48, Damage
(Minor), Out Of My League, Vengeful (Major), 2d6+1, RoF 1, AP 1, Semi-Auto) and wears a
Wanted (Major). Rocket Pack (Pace 48, twice normal) outfitted


Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)

with two machine guns (Range 50/100/200, d10, Gambling d12, Healing d6, Intimidation
Damage 2d10, RoF 3, AP 4, Auto, HW). d10, Investigation d12, Knowledge (Business)
d12, Knowledge (Security Systems) d12,
Hindrances: Code of Honor, Quirk, Out Of My Lockpicking d12+2, Notice d8, Persuasion d12,
League, Vengeful (Minor), Wanted (Minor). Piloting d6, Repair d6, Shooting d10, Stealth
d12+2, Streetwise d10, Swimming d8, Taunt
Edges: Ace, Arcane Background (Super d8, Throwing d10.
Powers), Attractive, Brave, Command,
Command Presence, Dodge, Elan, Extraction, Cha: +2; Pace: 8; Parry: 7; Toughness: 6.
Giant Killer, Natural Leader, Quick, Steady
Hands, Tactician, Team Leader. Gear: The 40 Thieves acquire specialized
equipment for each caper. In particular, this
Super Powers: includes climbing and rappelling gear, vehicles,
• Heightened Senses (3): Eagle Eyes, portable computers and cellphones, gear to
Perception (Sight), Super Sense (Sight). defeat electronic security systems, non-lethal
• Super Attribute (4): Agility 1, Smarts 1. weaponry such as tasers and gas, first aid kits,
• Super Edge (4): Improved Dodge, Improved and light body armor (Armor 4, resist 4 AP from
Extraction. ballistic attacks). They do not, however, need
• Super Skills (4): Piloting 4. communication gear.

Hindrances: Greedy (Minor), Heroic, Pacifist

THIEF (Minor), Wanted (Minor).
A Thief begins with the Thief edge, but is also
Greedy and Wanted. She has Connections in
Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers).
the criminal underworld or in the social group
which includes her targets (the Art World, for Super Powers:
instance, or Politicians) and avoids fighting, • Duplication (36): 11 Duplicates. No Tell,
suggesting she might be Yellow or even a Promotion.
Pacifist. 21st century thieves need to be • Jinx (4): Improved Jinx.
technologically savvy as well as sneaky. • Mind Reading (4): Mind Rider. Only on her
own Duplicates (-2).
The 40 Thieves are not easily replicated in
• Super Edge (16): Attractive, Fleet-Footed,
Savage Worlds, where Maureen would require
Great Luck, Luck, Team Leader, Team
over 120 points in the Duplication power. As
Player, The Best There Is, Thief.
represented here, she has the highest
• Super Skills (15): Climbing 1, Fighting 2,
Duplication possible. This makes her a Cosmic
Gambling 2, Intimidation 1, Investigation 2,
level character, even though she is otherwise
Lockpicking 2, Persuasion 2, Shooting 1,
easily defeated by Street Fighters. You might
Stealth 2.
choose to ensure that there are never more
than a dozen of her in any one scene, while
allowing her additional duplicates to be TWISTED GENIUS
conducting operations “off camera” while the The Twisted Genius is Arrogant and must prove
heroes are busy. his intelligence to everyone. However, he may
be Yellow, be consumed by Mania, or suffer
THE 40 THIEVES from a Delusion that has forced him away from
Thief, Crime Boss, Faceless Minion mundane society. He’s likely to be a
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Monologuer who brags about his brilliance
Strength d8, Vigor d8. when he has the heroes on the ropes. Although
he has the Invent power and some Devices that
Skills: Climbing d10+2, Driving d8, Fighting he is most famous for, he also has a stockpile

Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)
of gear of his own invention. He may be served • Doesn’t Sleep (2).
by robots or genetic creations which act as • Immune to Poison/Disease (2).
minions. • Invent (26): Level 13. On the Fly.
• Super Attributes (8): Smarts 4.
Doctor Radium is a Heavy Hitter whose Invent • Super Skill (18): Healing 6, Knowledge (Weird
power exceeds the normal limits thanks to his Science) 6, Repair 6.
Best There Is edge; to reduce him to a Four
Color character, reduce Invent to level 10 and
reduce his Super Skills to make up the rest. His
The Ultimate Villain needs to be powerful
Invent power uses Knowledge (Weird Science)
enough to fight all the heroes at once; that
instead of (Engineering); this skill covers
means she is at the upper end of the Savage
strange and bizarre technology from the
Worlds scale, but not so high that she goes “off
Victorian Era through the Pulps, including all
the charts” and can no longer be fought at all (in
the imaginings of science fiction authors from
contrast to the Cosmic Menace, Force of
that period. It includes biological sciences as
Nature, or Imp). Consider giving her Extra
well as mechanical ones. Tailor his arsenal to
Actions so that she can threaten multiple
include both useful devices the heroes will fear
heroes on her turn. She may be a Team Leader
and unusual machines which add memorable
with additional villains serving beneath her, and
use Command to order around a large group of
minions. She is Overconfident or Arrogant,
DOCTOR RADIUM possibly a Monologuer, but may have a Code of
Twisted Genius, Heir to Lovecraft Honor. The Best There Is may not be useful
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12+4, Spirit because she has multiple powers at high level.
d12, Strength d6, Vigor d10. She is Vengeful, so that after the heroes send
her packing in their first session, she returns
Skills: Fighting d8, Healing d12+6, Intimidation again and again.
d8, Investigation d12, Knowledge (Weird
Science) d12+8, Knowledge (Occult) d12+2, Apocrypha is a Cosmic level threat. Many of her
Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Repair d12+6, abilities — such as the power to observe and
Shooting d10, Stealth d8, Taunt d12, Throwing steal city-sized chunks of reality from across the
d8. dimensional barrier — are “off the scale” of
Savage Worlds heroes and become plot
Cha: +2; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 11 devices in the hands of the Game Master.

Gear: Doctor Radium has any artifact of weird APOCRYPHA

science he can imagine and your game Ultimate Villain, Cosmic Menace
requires. His lab coat is Body Armor. Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d12+2, Spirit
d12+4, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12+2.
Hindrances: Arrogant, Clueless, Monologuer,
Wanted (Major). Skills: Fighting d12+2, Intimidation d12,
Knowledge (multiverse) d12+2, Notice d12+2,
Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers), Persuasion d10, Shooting d12, Taunt d12,
Charismatic, Quick Draw, Mastery (Invent), Mr. Throwing d10.
Fix It, Scavenger, Scholar, The Best There Is
(Invent). Cha: +6; Pace: 0; Parry: 9; Toughness: 24
Super Powers:
• Ageless (1). Gear: Her mask, her belt, and anything else a
• Awareness (3): Device (-2). Penetra-Lenses. queen of alternate realities desires.


Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)

Hindrances: Cautious, Monologuer, prepare specialized attacks which exploit their
Overconfident, Vengeful (Minor). weaknesses, melt their gas masks, or enable
him to escape.
Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers),
Attractive, Charismatic, Command, Command THE BLACK TERROR
Presence, Fervor, Filthy Rich, Improved Dodge, Vigilante, Descendant, Minority Hero
Improved Nerves of Steel, Improved Sweep, Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d12+2, Spirit
Leader of Men, Level Headed, Mastery d10, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12+2.
(Teleport), Noble, Strong Willed.
Skills: Climbing d12+2, Fighting d12+3,
Super Powers: Healing d12, Intimidation d12, Investigation
• Armor +10 (8): Heavy Armor. Device (-1). d12+2, Knowledge (Chemistry) d12+2,
• Attack, ranged (25): 6d10. AP 8, Cone (+1), Knowledge (Engineering) d12+2, Lockpicking
Heavy Weapon. Switchable (Teleport, d8+2, Notice d10, Repair d12, Shooting d12,
Teleport Other, Traverse). Stealth d12+2, Streetwise d12+2, Swimming
• Awareness (4): Device (-1). d8, Throwing d10.
• Danger Sense (1): Device (-1).
• Doesn’t Breathe (1): Device (-1). Cha: 0; Pace: 24; Parry: 9; Toughness: 24
• Invisibility (13): -6. Switchable (Deflection -10). (4).
Device (-1).
• Resistance (3): Space. Device (-1). Gear: Armored uniform is Armor 4 and reduces
• Super Attributes (20): Smarts 2, Spirit 4, AP by 4. Gas gun fires lethal poison (-4) that
Strength 2, Vigor 2. fills an MBT.
• Super Skills (6): Fighting 2, Knowledge
(Multiverse) 2, Notice 2. Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Heroic, Ruthless
• Toughness +5 (8): Hardy. (Minor), Wanted (Major).

VIGILANTE Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers),

Brawler, Brawny, Bruiser, Combat Reflexes,
The Vigilante is Bloodthirsty, Ruthless, and
Dynamic Duo, Improved Block, Improved
Wanted. Traditional Vigilantes have no powers
Combat Sense, Investigator, Level Headed,
at all, just a lot of edges, gear, and skills,
Quick, Nerves of Steel, Scholar, Thief,
probably including a Trademark Weapon. The
Trademark Weapon (pistol).
Vigilante may have a Quirk to remind everyone
who did the killing (“Justice is served!”) and to
Super Powers:
build his reputation. Combat edges are a must,
• Extra Actions (3): One.
as the Vigilante has honed himself through
• Fear (5): Terror.
many battles into a lethal weapon. He is
• Fearless (2).
probably Charismatic, which is part of the
• Immune to Poison (1).
reason why so many normal people sympathize
• Invent (15): Level 6. On the Fly.
with him. These sympathizers may be
• Leaping (1): 2" x 4".
• Super Attributes (12): Smarts 2, Strength 2,
Vigor 2.
The Black Terror is a Heavy Hitter. His lethal
• Super Skills (3): Fighting 3.
poison gas can cause chaos at the game table,
• Super Speed (5): Pace 24, -1 attack penalty.
so consider how the players will respond to it. If
• Toughness +10 (13): Hardy.
they seek out gas masks or other equipment,
that will give them the edge. On the other hand,
if the Terror has done his homework and knows
the heroes are after him, he can use Invent to

Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)
Villain With All Your Powers, Servitor, Ultimate
POWERS Villain
Like the Ultimate Villain, the VWAYP is at the Attributes: Agility d12+4, Smarts d12+4, Spirit
high end of the Savage Worlds power scale, d12+4, Strength d12+8, Vigor d12+6.
but still measurable by it. He may have a
ridiculous number of powers costing hundreds Skills: Boating d8, Climbing d12+2, Driving d8,
of points, but he still fits in the system. Fighting d12+8, Gambling d8, Healing d12+2,
However, because he does not know how to Intimidation d12+2, Investigation d12+7,
use these powers as well as the heroes do, he Knowledge (Battle) d12, Knowledge
doesn’t have Mastery and he doesn’t think to (Engineering) d12+2, Knowledge (Law) d10,
use power tricks. He is probably an Enemy of Knowledge (Literature) d12, Knowledge
the team, but not individual heroes. He may (Occult) d12+2, Knowledge (Science) d10,
acquire the hindrances of heroes he has Lockpicking d12, Notice d12+3, Persuasion
copied, such as Weakness, Power Negation, or d12, Piloting d10, Repair d12+2, Riding d8,
Dependency. Shooting d12+1, Stealth d12+4, Streetwise
d12+2, Survival d12, Swimming d12, Throwing
Due to his nature as a VWAYP who combines d12+2, Tracking d12.
all the best attributes, skills, and edges of his
enemies, Mashup violates the rules of character Cha: -2; Pace: 8 or fly at sonic-speed; Parry:
creation in Savage Worlds. In particular, he 14; Toughness: 40 (18) plus Force Control 7.
has too many points in Super Attributes and
Super Edges for even a Cosmic antagonist. In Gear: Utility belt with tool kit, lockpicks, auto
this case, that’s because he has duplicated all grapnel, nullifier shackles, rebreather, cellular
the abilities of the Heroes of the YOUniverse. If interceptor and parabolic microphone, and
your players have their own characters, smoke, tear gas, and flash grenades. Mashup’s
Mashup should copy them instead. The whole claws are a +1d6 weapon which stacks with his
point behind a Villain With All Your Powers is Attack, melee power.
that he is as good as the heroes at everything,
but not better than them at anything. Hindrances: Bad Luck, Mean, Overconfident,
Wanted (Major).
In the version given here, Mashup is almost
laughably over-powered. His Toughness is so Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers),
high (combining the invulnerability of the Harder to Kill.
Veteran and Aurelia Danner with Amazing
Woman’s Toughness and the Green Turtle’s Super Powers:
force fields) that he bounces tank shells off his • Ageless (1).
face, and his combination of super-human • Armor +18 (16): Hardy, Heavy Armor.
strength, martial arts mastery, and claws means Impenetrable Skin.
he inflicts d12+5d6+20 on a successful hit, • Attack, melee (16): +4d6. Focus, Heavy
enough to casually break open many modern Weapon, Multiple Attacks, Stackable. Super-
fighting vehicles without pausing for Focus. For human strength.
an antagonist like this, it’s almost certain that • Awareness (5).
the key to victory lies in trickery. The heroes • Broadcast (3): Range.
must somehow use Mashup’s own powers • Danger Sense (2).
against him. • Deflection (9) -9.
• Doesn’t Breathe (2).
• Ensnare (3): Sand.
• Fearless (2).
• Gifted (2).

Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)

• Flight (15): Sonic speed. other occult objects described in those books
• Force Control (20): d12+5. Area Effect, Force make perfectly good MacGuffins for the
Field, Heavy Weapon. Warlock to quest after, especially if you amplify
• Heightened Senses (5): Eagle Eyes (for both their power level to something more appropriate
sight and hearing), Low Light Vision, Tracking to a super powers game. The Warlock may be
(with hearing), Ultrasonic hearing. uncommon in superhero comics and very rare
• Immune to Poison/Disease (2). in superhero film, but every gamer knows what
• Interface (2). an evil wizard is, and they’re happy to fight one.
• Invent (14): Level 7. For this reason alone, the Warlock is a no-
• Matter Control (24): d12+8. Range. Air and brainer for your Savage Worlds campaign.
Water (but water Requires Material).
Switchable (Storm: Downpour, Gale Force, The Beetle is a Four Color villain, but her power
Lightning Strike). level should be adjusted to match your most
• Resistance (3): Heat, Cold, Radiation. magically-oriented player character. In
• Speak Language (2): Written Word. particular, her Super Sorcery is as potent as her
• Speed (7): 4x Pace. Switchable (Leaping, 32” power level permits, so that is where your
x 64”). modifications should start. Give her plenty of
• Super Attributes (52): Agility 4, Smarts 4, Minions and some Servitors to help keep other
Spirit 4, Strength 8, Vigor 6. heroes busy when the team catches her in her
• Super Edges (82): Alertness, Berserk, lair. If you play up the transgressive horror of
Brawler, Brawny, Bruiser, Combat Reflexes, her Victorian incarnation, she will prompt fear
Counterattack, Extraction, First Strike, Fleet- and terror checks.
Footed, Improved Block, Improved Combat
Sense, Improved Dodge, Improved Frenzy, ANKHESEN’SUTEK
Improved Martial Artist, Improved Nerves of
Steel, Improved Sweep, Improvisational
Warlock, Cult Leader, Foreigner, Supernatural
Fighter, Investigator, Level Headed, Martial
Arts Master x5, McGyver, Mr. Fix It, Nerves of
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12+2, Spirit
Steel, Quick, Quick Draw, Strong Willed,
d12+1, Strength d6, Vigor d10.
Sweep, Take the Hit, Two-Fisted.
• Super Skill (29): Climbing 2, Fighting 8, Skills: Boating d8, Fighting d8, Gambling d8,
Healing 2, Intimidation 2, Investigation 5, Healing d10, Intimidation d12, Investigation
Knowledge (Engineering) 2, Knowledge d12, Knowledge (Occult) d12+2, Notice d10,
(Occult) 2, Notice 1, Shooting 1, Stealth 4, Persuasion d12, Riding d8, Shooting d6,
Throwing 2. Spellcasting d12+1, Stealth d8, Streetwise d12,
• Toughness +10 (12): Switchable (Intangibility, Survival d12, Swimming d8, Taunt d12,
Phase). Throwing d6, Tracking d8.
• Wall Walker (2).
Cha: +4; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 17.
Magic has a distinguished role in Savage Gear: Whatever she wants, her cult can usually
Worlds, and you have many resources for provide.
making your Warlock interesting and
challenging. You might get ideas from books Hindrances: Enemy (Isis, Major), Mania
like the Fantasy or Horror Companion, where (Major), Ruthless (Major), Vengeful (Minor).
you will find magical monsters and minions who
can serve the Warlock and give her a fighting Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers),
chance when a team of heroes bursts down the Attractive, Charismatic, Command, Fervor,
door to her sanctum. Many of the artifacts and Mastery (Super Sorcery).

Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)
Super Powers: (Sunlight), Weakness (Stake to the heart,
• Fear (5): Terror. Major).
• Gifted (2): Memory of a hundred lives.
• Super Attributes (6): Smarts 2, Spirit 1. Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers),
• Super Skill (3): Knowledge (Occult) 2, Attractive, Charismatic, Fleet-Footed, Frenzy,
Spellcasting 1. Harder to Kill, Improved Frenzy, Thief.
• Super Sorcery (14): Level 7.
• Toughness (15): +10. Requires Activation. Super Powers:
Magical force fields. Switchable (Teleportation, • Ageless (1).
Traverse). Switchable (Shapechange, Swarm, • Attack, melee (2): +1d6. Claws.
SBT). Switchable (Chameleon, Voice). • Extra Actions (3): One.
• Fear (3).
• Intangibility (9) Mist form. Switchable (Mind
WOLF IN SHEEP’S Control). Switchable (Shape Change, Wolf or
Make sure your Wolf has plenty of Persuasion • Resistance (10): As a vampire, the Reaper
and Charisma, because that’s what she’ll use to can only be harmed by attacks which prey on
trick the heroes into believing her disguise. Her her weaknesses. She can be shaken by other
motivation might be Greed, Vengeance, or a attacks, but never wounded.
Vow, but she has to avoid many of the more • Super Attributes (6): Agility 1, Strength 1,
bloodthirsty hindrances in order to preserve her Vigor 1.
disguise. Indeed, hindrances like Loyal or Code • Undead (10).
of Honor may actually help convince heroes • Wall Walker (1).
she is who she says she is. Her off-screen
allies are represented by the Connections edge.

The Grinning Reaper is a Four Color character,

though she is only especially dangerous if she
has the benefit of surprise. If the heroes know
what she is and come prepared for vampires,
she will be lucky to escape with her (un)life.


Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing, Supernatural Horror
Attributes: Agility d12+1, Smarts d8, Spirit
d10, Strength d12+1, Vigor d12+1.

Skills: Boating d8, Driving d8, Fighting d12,

Healing d6, Intimidation d8, Knowledge (Occult)
d10, Knowledge (Psychiatry) d8, Notice d10,
Persuasion d12, Riding d8, Stealth d10,
Streetwise d12, Taunt d12, Throwing d8.

Cha: +4; Pace: 8; Parry: 8; Toughness: 11.

Gear: Smartphone.

Hindrances: Allergy (Holy Symbols and Holy

Water, Major), Quirk (Cannot enter a private
building without an invitation), Power Negation

Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)

AMAZING WOMAN Strength, she inflicts d12+18+d6 with an
unarmed attack (with a d8 on a raise instead of
Spin-Off Heroine, Master of the Martial Arts,
Super Weapon a d6). In addition to the powers listed here, she
Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d10, Spirit can perform a power stunt with Intangibility to fill
d12+4, Strength d12+6, Vigor d12+6. a Medium Burst Template, centered on herself,
with the green mist; this is very difficult to see
Skills: Boating d8, Climbing d12, Fighting through, inflicting a -4 penalty to attacks and
d12+8, Gambling d8, Healing d8, Intimidation perception. Her signature move, the
d10, Investigation d10, Knowledge (Literature) Jawbreaker in Twilight, is a martial arts attack
d12, Knowledge (Occult) d12, Notice d12, that uses the Automatic Fire rules with a RoF of
Persuasion d8, Riding d8, Stealth d12+2, 3. It is usually paired with her Intangibility stunt,
Streetwise d10, Survival d8, Swimming d12, so that the defender does not see her attack
Throwing d12+2. coming.

Cha: +2; Pace: 8; Parry: 13; Toughness: 21. BLACK FURY

Animal Hero, Descendant, Femme Feline
Gear: Smartphone, camera. Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d10, Spirit d10,
Strength d8, Vigor d10.
Hindrances: Code of Honor, Curious, Enemy
(Great Question, Minor), Heroic, Vow (Never to Skills: Climbing d10+2, Driving d8, Fighting
Kill, Minor). d12+2, Gambling d8, Investigation d12,
Knowledge (Occult) d10, Lockpicking d12,
Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers), Notice d10, Persuasion d10, Piloting d10,
Attractive, Block, Brave, Brawler, Bruiser, Riding d8, Shooting d12, Stealth d12+4,
Combat Reflexes, Connections, Counterattack, Streetwise d10, Survival d10, Swimming d12,
Fleet-Footed, Improved Martial Artist, Improved Taunt d10, Throwing d12, Tracking d10.
Sweep, Level Headed, Martial Arts Master x5,
Mastery (Intangibility), Nerves of Steel, Two- Cha: +4; Pace: 8; Parry: 11; Toughness: 11
Fisted. (4).
Super Powers: Gear: In addition to its powers listed below, the
• Awareness (3). leopard-skin adds +2 to Climbing and Stealth
• Flight (1): Contingent on Intangibility (-1). rolls. That bonus has been included in the
• Super Attributes (32): Spirit 4, Strength 6, Fury’s skills, above.
Vigor 6.
• Super Skills (12): Fighting 8, Stealth 2, Hindrances: Code of Honor, Enemy (Baroness
Throwing 2. van Kampf), Heroic.
• Toughness +10 (12): Switchable (Intangibility,
Phase). Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers),
Beast Master, Brave, Brawler, Combat
Amazing Woman is a Heavy Hitter who Reflexes, Connections (politics), Extraction,
combines martial arts mastery, superhuman Filthy Rich, Fleet-Footed, Frenzy, Hard to Kill,
strength and invulnerability, and the ability to Improved Block, Improved Combat Sense,
transform into mist. All of this makes her Improved Martial Artist, Improvisational Fighter,
extremely resilient, resourceful, and dangerous Nerves of Steel, Quick, Rich, Take the Hit, Very
in a fight. Thanks to various edges and her high Attractive.

Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)
Super Powers: skin.
• Ageless (1). • Fearless (2).
• Armor +4 (1): Device (-1). • Gifted (2).
• Attack, melee (3): +1d6. Multiple Attacks. • Immune to Poison/Disease (2).
Device (-1). Claws. • Resistance (3): Heat, Cold, Radiation.
• Jinx (1): Device (-1). • Speed (7): 4x Pace. Switchable (Leaping 32” x
• Super-Skill (4): Fighting 2, Stealth 2 64”).
• Uncanny Reflexes (4): -2 on incoming attacks. • Super Attribute (28): Agility 2, Strength 6,
• Wall Walker (1): Device (-1). Vigor 6.
• Super Skill (2): Fighting 2.
The Black Fury is a Pulp Hero. He doesn’t do a
lot of damage, nor is he especially difficult to Hugo Danner is a Heavy Hitter.
hurt. This makes him best suited for taking on
criminals and terrorists who have no super AURELIA DANNER,
powers of their own. His occasional use of THE GLADIATOR
bizarre wonder-weapons like the Metal Menace Descendant, Spin-off Heroine, Woman Warrior,
or the organic-dissolving fluid is best simulated Minority Hero
by spending bennies for one-shot uses of Attributes: Agility d12+4, Smarts d8, Spirit
whatever Weird Science the GM permits. d12, Strength d12+5, Vigor d12+5.

THE DANNER FAMILY Skills: Boating d8, Climbing d12, Fighting

d12+4, Healing d6, Intimidation d8,
HUGO DANNER, Investigation d8, Notice d10, Persuasion d10,
Riding d8, Shooting d12, Stealth d10,
Ultimate Hero, Minority Hero
Streetwise d6, Survival d8, Swimming d12,
Attributes: Agility d12+2, Smarts d8, Spirit
Throwing d12, Tracking d8.
d10, Strength d12+6, Vigor d12+6.
Cha: +6; Pace: 32 or leap 64"; Parry: 12;
Skills: Boating d8, Climbing d12, Driving d6,
Toughness: 30 (20).
Fighting d12+2, Gambling d6, Intimidation d12,
Knowledge (Battle) d10, Notice d8, Persuasion Gear: Aurelia’s Gladiator uniform is body
d6, Piloting d6, Riding d8, Shooting d12, Stealth armor, granting 4 points of armor and negating
d8, Streetwise d10, Survival d6, Swimming d12, AP 4 from ballistic attacks.
Throwing d12, Tracking d6.
Hindrances: Dependent (Sierra Danner),
Cha: +4; Pace: 32 or leap 64"; Parry: 11; Enemy (Leopold Danner, Minor), Heroic.
Toughness: 32 (20).
Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers),
Gear: Usually none. Berserk, Brawler, Charismatic, Combat
Reflexes, Fleet-Footed, Improved Block,
Hindrances: Bad Luck, Enemy (Leopold
Improved Frenzy, Improvisational Fighter,
Danner, Minor), Heroic, Overconfident.
Team Leader, Very Attractive.
Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers),
Super Powers:
Berserk, Brawler, Brawny, Combat Reflexes,
• Armor +16 (12): Heavy Armor. Impenetrable
Fleet-Footed, Improved Block, Improved
Frenzy, Very Attractive.
• Fearless (2).
• Gifted (2).
Super Powers:
• Immune to Poison/Disease (2).
• Armor +20 (14): Heavy Weapon. Impenetrable
• Resistance (3): Heat, Cold, Radiation.


Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)

• Speed (7): 4x Pace. Switchable (Leaping, 32” • Invent (14): Level 7.
x 64”). • Super Attributes (14): Smarts 4, Strength 2
• Super Attribute (24): Agility 4, Strength 5, (Device -1), Vigor 2 (Device -1).
Vigor 5. • Super Skills (2): Fighting 1, Notice 1, Shoot 1.
• Super Skill (4): Fighting 4. Device (-1).

Aurelia, like the rest of the Danner family, is a The Green Turtle is a Heavy Hitter, but because
Heavy Hitter. Her leadership qualities, however, he is an inventor constantly adding and
often put her in charge of other heroes and, in a modifying the Shell, he is an especially good
story which unites all the heroes of the candidate for the “Rising Stars” rule. He has a
YOUniverse, even heroes like Isis and the solid set of attack, defense, and movement
Veteran look to her. powers, making him well rounded and a good
character for players who like to be good at
everything. He’s especially useful when it
THE GREEN TURTLE comes to rescuing civilians, and his Force
Minority Hero, Armored Wonder, Descendant Fields can be used in team situations to help an
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12+4, Spirit ally hero absorb punishment. However, targets
d10, Strength d8 (d12), Vigor d10 (d12+1) with superhuman Toughness are a bit out of his
Skills: Driving d8, Fighting d10 (d12),
Investigation d8, Knowledge (Engineering)
d12+2, Notice d10 (d12), Persuasion d8, ISIS
Piloting d8, Repair d12+2, Shooting d10 (d12), Avatar, Magician
Stealth d8, Streetwise d6, Throwing d10 Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d12+4,
Strength d12+2, Vigor d12+2.
Cha: 0; Pace: 6 or Flight 12; Parry: 8 or 9;
Toughness: 7 or 18 (10) plus 7 with Force Skills: Boating d8, Fighting d8, Healing d12+2,
Control Intimidation d12+2, Investigation d12,
Knowledge (Occult) d12+2, Notice d10,
Gear: The Green Turtle can buy or invent just Persuasion d12, Riding d8, Shooting d10,
about anything available. Survival d12, Swimming d8.

Hindrances: Code of Honor, Heroic, Pacifist Cha: +4; Pace: 6 or 96 flight; Parry: 8;
(Minor). Toughness: 10.

Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers), Gear: Isis carries the Staff of the Ancients, the
Brave, Block, Connections (Silicon Valley), powers of which are unpredictable. With it, she
Counterattack, Dodge, Elan, Expert can spend a Bennie to manifest virtually any
(Knowledge: Engineering), Filthy Rich, Luck, power for one round. It counts as a staff, adding
Martial Artist, Mastery (Force Control), d4 damage to her melee attacks.
McGyver, Mr. Fix It.
Hindrances: Clueless, Enemy: The Beetle
Super Powers: (Minor), Enemy: ISIS (Major), Heroic,
• Armor +10 4): Device (-1). Monologuer.
• Awareness (4): Device (-1).
• Doesn’t Breathe (1): Device (-1). Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers),
• Flight (1): Pace 12. Device (-1). Attractive, Charisma, Harder to Kill, Improved
• Force Control (19): d12+5. Area Effect, Force Block, Improved Trademark Weapon: Staff of
Field, Heavy Weapon. Device (-1). the Ancients, Level Headed, Nerves of Steel,
• Interface (1): Device (-1). Strong Willed, Sweep, Team Leader.

Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)
Super Powers: Combat Sense, First Strike, Fleet-Footed,
• Ageless (1). Improved Block, Improved Dodge,
• Danger Sense (2). Improvisational Fighter, Investigator, Level
• Deflection (9): -9. Headed, Quick Draw, Strong Willed, Take the
• Ensnare (3): Sand. Hit.
• Flight (12): 240 mph. -4 attack penalty.
• Matter Control (24): d12+8. Range. Air and Powers:
Water (but water Requires Material). • Fearless (2).
Switchable (Storm: Downpour, Gale Force, • Super Attribute (4): Strength 1, Vigor 1.
Lightning Strike). • Super Edge (4): Improved Martial Artist,
• Speak Language (2): Written Word. Improved Nerves of Steel.
• Super Attribute (16): Spirit 4, Strength 2, Vigor • Super Skill (5): Fighting 1, Intimidation 1,
2. Investigation 1, Notice 1, Stealth 1.
• Super Skills (6): Healing 2, Intimidation 2,
Knowledge (Occult) 2. Night Bird has no true powers, just a whole lot
of edges, some gear, and a hard-hitting punch
Isis is a Cosmic Hero, but instead of taking her (d12+1d6+2, and d8 on a raise). That means
powers to the depths of space she wages a that, when super-villains appear, he is relegated
one-woman war on militant extremism. to a support role. If you are using him as a
player character, choose a player who will be
comfortable with this role. He excels, however,
NIGHT BIRD in out-of-combat scenes where his investigative
Dark Avenger, Gadget Guy, Master of the
skills come to the fore. He's also great at taking
Martial Arts
care of minions while the team's heavy-hitters
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d10, Spirit d10,
face down the Conqueror.
Strength d12, Vigor d12.

Skills: Climbing d12, Driving d8, Fighting d12, THE VETERAN

Healing d8, Intimidation d10, Investigation Super-Patriot, Minority Hero
d12+3, Lockpicking d8, Notice d12, Persuasion Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d12,
d8, Piloting d8, Repair d10, Shooting d10, Strength d12+8, Vigor d12.
Stealth d12, Streetwise d10+2, Swimming d10,
Throwing d10, Tracking d10. Skills: Climbing d12, Driving d6, Fighting d10,
Gambling d6, Intimidation d10, Investigation d8,
Cha: 0; Pace: 8; Parry: 10; Toughness: 13 Knowledge (Battle) d12, Notice d8, Persuasion
(4). d10, Piloting d6, Repair d8, Shooting d8,
Stealth d8, Streetwise d8, Survival d8,
Gear: Body Armor (+4 armor and resists 4 AP Swimming d12, Throwing d8.
from ballistic attacks). Utility belt with tool kit,
lockpicks, auto grapnel, nullifier shackles, Cha: +4; Pace: 6 or fly at sonic speed; Parry:
rebreather, cellular interceptor and parabolic 9; Toughness: 31 (22).
microphone, and smoke, tear gas, and flash
grenades. Night Bird's helmet combines the Gear: The Vet’s uniform is body armor 4
effects of binoculars, active night vision (resists AP 4 from ballistic weapons). He can
goggles, comlink and camera. acquire other military gear fairly easily.

Hindrances: Curious, Heroic, Loyal. Hindrances: Code of Honor, Heroic, Paraplegic

and Hard of Hearing (with advanced
Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers), prosthetics).
Brawler, Brawny, Bruiser, Combat Reflexes,


Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)

Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers), but tough materials which grant Armor 4 and
Attractive, Brave, Brawler, Brawny, negate AP 4 from ballistic attacks.
Charismatic, Combat Reflexes, Command,
Connections (Military), Fast Healer, Hard to Kill, Hindrances: Code of Honor, Curious, Heroic,
Improved Block, Improved Nerves of Steel, Loyal.
Level Headed, Natural Leader, Tactician, Team
Leader. Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers),
Alertness, Charismatic, Connections (Police
Super Powers: Department), Dodge, Extraction, Level Headed
• Armor +18 (16): Hardy, Heavy Armor.
• Attack, melee (12): +4d6. Focus, Heavy Super Powers:
Weapon, Stackable. Super-human strength. • Fearless (2).
• Broadcast (1): Range. Device (-2). • Super Attribute (4): Intelligence 2.
• Flight (14): Sonic speed. Device (-1). • Super Edge (4): Investigator, Martial Artist.
• Heightened Senses (1): Eagle Eyes (except • Super Skill (5): Investigation 5.
for hearing instead of sight), Tracking (with
hearing), Ultrasonic hearing. Device (-2). The Woman in Red is a Pulp Hero without any
• Super Attributes (16): Strength 8. significant attacks, so she will be outgunned in
any fight. She is a detective, not a brawler,
The Vet is a Heavy Hitter. While in uniform and which creates a perfect opportunity for player
wearing his prosthetic legs, he is unimpaired in character heroes to act as the cavalry.
his physical abilities, but without his prosthetic
legs he cannot walk, sticks out in any crowd,
and suffers a -2 penalty on Charisma from the
non-disabled. His hearing aids compensate for
his hearing loss, but are relatively fragile and
are often damaged in super-human brawls;
without them he is deaf. He can read lips and
communicate with ASL.


Super-Cop, Minority Hero
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d12+2, Spirit
d12, Strength d6, Vigor d8.

Skills: Climbing d8, Driving d8, Fighting d12,

Healing d8, Investigation d12+7, Knowledge
(Law) d10, Knowledge (Occult) d8, Knowledge
(Science) d10, Lockpicking d12, Notice d12+2,
Persuasion d8, Repair d8, Shooting d8, Stealth
d12, Streetwise d12+2, Swimming d8, Throwing
d8, Tracking d12.

Cha: +2; Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 10


Gear: Flashlight, smart phone, and a 1940s

fountain pen which can release a charge of tear
gas. Her long jacket is reinforced with flexible

Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)
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Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)

Yann EECKHOUDT (Order #41231308)

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