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• The Silent Truth About Penis

Enlargement Methods & Devices
• Food For Sexual pleasure,Sexual
stamina and Long lasting erections
• Recipe for Long Lasting Erection
• Recipe to increase your cum volume

What You Need To Know To Make An Inf ormed Choice

Considering penis enlargement or penis enhancement? Don’t do anything without reading this report
first. Here, we look into this lucrative worldwide industry and reveal the truth about the various methods
and techniques being sold as penis enhancement devices.

In this report, you will find out:

• What your options are when it comes to penis enlargement/enhancement

• How exactly these methods and techniques are supposed to work

• Results of scientific studies made into these methods and techniques

• The risks associated with these methods and techniques – no sugar coating here!

• How to spot a scam

• How to spot a legitimate operator – make sure they’re legit before you turnover your digits.

Let’s get started!

What’s The Big Deal Anyway?

When it comes to penis enhancement, there’s a ton apparently. Just type in “penis enhancement” or
“penis enlargement” into the Google™ search box, and you’ll get a huge list of sites selling creams, pills,
patches and devices, all supposed to give you the added length or girth that will in turn give you the
extra boost that comes from a bigger, better penis. If the ads and the huge volume of listings are
anything to go by, there’s a lot of money to be made from men who want to make improvements down

So if you think you are alone in thinking that you could have better sex simply by having a bigger tool,
know that you are indeed as normal as they come. Notwithstanding survey after survey that says women
think size is irrelevant, a lot of men still consider doing something to make their weapons bigger. And it’s
not necessarily men who have below average sizes that are spending. Even men who are of average size
or on the upper end of the spectrum are still looking for more.

For men who are serious in wanting to upgrade, there are a lot of options that you can consider. Each
option has its pros and cons, and know that not all that’s being peddled are what they’re made out to
be. There are also a lot of scammers and people out there who are out to make a quick buck. With this
report on hand, you can be better equipped to make an informed choice and avoid taking too much risk
or falling into the greedy hands of scammers.

Penis Enlargement Pills,Patches & Lotions

Almost anything these days can be solved by taking a pill. Depressed? Take a pill. Stressed? Take a pill.
Taking pills is one of the easiest solutions out there. It takes very little effort on your part – all you have
to do is wait and viola, bigger penis.

Since patches and lotions, like pills, are just as convenient, and are manufactured using the same
ingredients and processed, they are also likely to carry similar risks. And so, I’ve decided to group them

So what’s the catch when it comes to taking pills, patches and lotions?

1. Takes a long time to see results and in fact, you're unlikely to ever see any results beyond maybe
a firmer erection and a fuller feeling. Sellers of male enhancement pills will usually tell you to get
almost a year’s supply of products. Is this is because it takes just as long to see results? Or maybe
they’re just hoping you’ll get tired of waiting for any results and give up altogether.

Till now, there have been no studies of sufficient scale to show that these penis enhancement
pills work. So before you get your hopes up, be sure to check what you are buying before you

fork over your money. In my experience, you're unlikely to see ANY size increase from using pills,
patches and creams alone.

2. Not sure what the ingredients are. It’s also very hard to determine whether these pills are
legitimate or not because most of them will not tell you the ingredients of their pills. They don’t
list the ingredients down, so conceivably, they could be selling you a sugar pill and you wouldn’t
even know it. And those that DO list their ingredients are usually glorified herbal or vitamin

3. No FDA approval. The majority of these pills, especially the ones sold over the internet, do not
carry FDA approval. They skirt around this requirement by claiming that they’re supplements,
with no therapeutic claims, that they simply “enhance”, like what vitamins do.

That they aren’t subject to the stringent requirements of the FDA puts the quality of these pills
into question. No independent body has really checked into what goes into the manufacture of
those pills, and no one has really looked into whether or not the claims being made by these pill
pushers have any solid basis. And most importantly, no one has looked into the risk or side effect
profile of these pills.

4. Possible contaminants. An article that appeared in the Wall Street Journal revealed the
proliferation of contaminants in some of these pills. The presence of contaminants like e. coli
(which is found in feces), pesticides, yeast and mold all point to unsanitary processes in the
harvesting and manufacture of these pills.

Vacuum Pumps
This is another method touted to help men who want to increase their penis size. A vacuum pump is a
device that consists of either a manual or a motorized pump, a chamber and a cylinder. The cylinder is
placed over the penis. The suction motion of the pump creates a vacuum that then forces blood to rush
into the penis, making it hard, fast.

The theory is with regular use of a vacuum pump your penis will get engorged with blood more often,
forcing it to expand. It works better for men who want to add girth to their tool. Aside from its use to
increase penis size, vacuum pumps are sometimes used by men to treat erectile dysfunction and for
masturbation. In my experience with pumps I'd have to say that any results gained were simply
temporary. If you're looking for a big penis for 10 minutes or so, then it might be worth checking them
out, but I don't want temporary gains, I want permanent ones.

Just like pills, vacuum pumps also carry certain risks:

1. Takes a long time to see results. If you are looking for temporary, short term results, these pumps
could do it for you. But for permanent changes, marketers of pumps suggest 6 months of
continued use before expecting results. This takes a lot of commitment on the part of the user to
continue using the pumps regularly for six months and realistically when I tried them many years
ago – they simply didn't give any permanent gains..

2. Misuse can lead to injury. Vacuum pumps are very easy to misuse. There’s a lot of guesswork and
trial and error in getting the right timing to achieve just the right amount of pressure. If you put
too much, there’s risk of injuring the tissues of your penis and possibly even rupturing it. Perhaps
the worse side effect is the possibility of getting erectile dysfunction, all because you use too
much pressure.

3. Scientific studies show no significant improvement when it comes to penis size. Although no
large scale studies have been made to evaluate this devise, there have been a few that looked
into its efficacy. One such study is the one made on 37 men by Kazem, Hosseini and Alizadeh
which appeared n the British Journal of Urology and found no significant change or increase in
penile length after 6 months of use.

Stretching and Hanging Weights

These 2 methods are pretty straight forward. Stretching uses a device that stretches the penis,
elongating it in the process. Hanging weights on the other hand makes use of weights that are tied to
your penis for a certain period of time, stretching it and making it longer.

This technique, particularly weight hanging has been used by some African tribes. Studies published in
the British Journal of Urology have shown that this method can be effective in increasing penile length
and the longer the device is used, the greater the results.

Here are the risks:

1. Erectile dysfunction. When tying the weights to your penis, you are also restricting blood flow.
Sometimes either stretching or hanging weights can also damage nerves in your penis. These can
lead to erectile dysfunction. You might be interested to note that most of the tribal practitioners
of these methods are impotent.

2. Painful, uncomfortable and may cause injury. As you can probably imagine, this technique can be
pretty uncomfortable and even painful for you. Improper use may also cause injury and scarring.

Penis Enlargement Surgery
Also called ligamentolysis, this procedure works by severing the ligaments that attach your penis to your
pubic bone. Normally, the penis is attached to the pubic bone, giving it that arched appearance. By
severing some of the ligaments that hold the penis, the penis drops outward on a straighter path, giving
it a longer appearance.

After surgery, the penis is then stretched out to prevent the ligaments from healing and the penis from
going back to its original position

And now, the risks:

1. Over 70% dissatisfaction rate. In one medical center in London, they found out that over 70% of
men who’ve undergone this surgery are unhappy with the results.

2. Erectile dysfunction. This procedure carries a very high risk of ending up with erectile
dysfunction. In fact, this procedure is usually done on men who are already suffering from
erectile dysfunction.

3. Not recommended for men with a normal, functioning penis. Due to the high risks associated
with this type of surgery, it is not routinely recommended for men who just want a bigger penis.

Inflatable Balloon Implants

Inflatable implants work by replacing the body’s corpora cavernosa with inflatable balloons that are
larger. The corpora cavernosa pertains to the 2 chambers that run the length of your penis. During an
erection, these chambers fill with blood, creating an erection. Because of this, they are primarily
responsible for the size of your penis when it is erect. By replacing these chambers with inflatable
balloon implants that are longer and larger, you can end up with a bigger penis.

Here are the risks:

1. Not primarily for men with a normal, functioning penis. This procedure is primarily done on men
who are suffering from erectile dysfunction. With these implants, they can now fill these
balloons by hand using the pump that was also implanted with the inflatable balloons, allowing
them to achieve an erection.

2. Unnatural. These implants, which will also require you to “pump” the balloons by hand, will feel
very unnatural, especially if you’ve had a normal, functioning penis before opting for this

Penis Enlargement Exercise Programs

These programs work by teaching you techniques, exercises and massages designed to stimulate the
corpora cavernosa to generate new cells, which will cause your penis to grow thicker and longer. These
self-applied methods are considered to be the safest among the various options available to men who
want to increase their penis size.

As previously mentioned, the corpora cavernosa are the 2 chambers that run the length of your penis
and they are primarily responsible for how big and how thick your penis gets when erect. The corpora
cavernosa are composed primarily of soft tissues which can be encouraged to renew itself, creating a
bigger penis naturally.

Aside from exercises that encourage cell growth, marketers of these programs also offer exercises for the
other areas and muscles in your penis that are designed to enhance your performance. Some of the
bonuses that you get include exercises to increase blood circulation, ejaculate control and staying power.

As for results, testimonials of men who’ve tried these programs gain up to 3 inches within 3-12 months
of doing the recommended exercises. Usually, you should aim for the lower figure of 1 extra inch so you
don't dissappoint yourself, but there are lots of testimonies from men who gained much more – some
even claim 4 inches+. If using the right program, gains are also permanent once achieved, even if you
stop doing the exercises.

Now, the downside:

1. This method requires your committed participation. This method makes use of exercises that you
need to do regularly.

2. Outcome is operator-dependent. By this I mean that the quality of the program is dependent on
who’s providing it. A great operator can guide you through amazing methods, whereas one who
isn’t that knowledgeable may promote techniques that are not 100% effective or 100% safe. So
choose your sources with care.

3. Improper exercises could potentially cause damaged blood vessels for example by exercising too
vigorously or doing certain exercises with a fully erect penis. But the great thing about this
exercise is they are applied by your own hands, so you can easily gauge the amount of pressure
that you need to apply. Like I mentioned earlier, getting the right operator to guide you through

the program will make sure you effectively and safely apply the exercises. One such operator
that I have personally got the fastest, most impressive results from is Penis Advantage I highly
recommend them.

How To Spot Legitimate Operators & Avoid

the Scammers
Once you’ve made up your mind on what method is right for you, it’s time to shop for operators – who
you will be getting your products and services from. There are a ton of options available to you, a lot of
price points to consider and enticing packages to choose from. But the most important choice you will
make, undoubtedly, is who to buy from.

When it comes to penis enlargement products, the products or the services are only as good as the
people behind them. Being an unregulated industry, you will rely on integrity and reputation to base
your choices on. Here are some tips to help you evaluate and find great operators and avoid the shoddy

1. Evaluate feedback and testimonials. If you want to know if you are going to be a happy and
satisfied client of a certain company, then find out what their previous and current clients have
to say about them. Check out testimonials on the product page. But don’t just leave it at that.
Google the company name. Check out forums. Find out if there are any complaints about this
company. Previous results are the best indicators of future results.

2. Money back guarantee. Companies that are confident of their products will offer a money back
guarantee. But check the fine print and the conditions of this guarantee. Some companies that
sell products will allow a refund, but you have to pay for the cost of shipping the products back
to them. Make sure thought that the guarantee being offered is an unconditional guarantee so
you can get a full refund if the promises prove false.

3. Customer service and support. This is especially important if you’ve decided to buy a service or
an advice. This is because to properly implement the advice, you may have questions,
clarification or seek guidance. If you want to test their customer support, why don’t you send
them an email asking something about what they’re offering? How they respond should give you
an indication of what kind of customer support to expect once you are a paying client. This will
also tell you whether the site is still active.

4. Find out how long the operator has been in business. Avoid companies with no track record to
speak of. You don’t want to be their guinea pig, do you? Choose to purchase only from
companies that have been around for a while.

5. Peer review and recognition. Companies that offer great products and great service are often
praised by independent reviewers, recommended by happy clients, and given recognition by the
industry. If you find an operator that has this, it’s a great indication that you can put your
confidence in them. One such site is Penis Advantage and I highly suggest you check them out if
you are interested in natural penis exercise programs.

6. Evaluate the competitors. Always check out the competitor site. Don’t just settle at evaluating
one site. That way, you’ll really know you’d made a wise choice. Check out the pricing, the offers,
and the benefits you will gain from these sites and find the best one that matches your needs
and requirements.

With these tips, you should be able to make a careful choice as to where to get your penis enlargement
advice from.

This concludes our report on the various penis enlargement methods and devices. I hope that you have
learned a lot about your options and that from this report, you’ll be able to make a wise and informed
decision when it comes to choosing the best method that works for you.

Food For Sexual pleasure,Sexual stamina

and Long lasting erections
Your diet is the main determinant of your health and your biological age. This is also the reason why
there are people who look younger than they actually are. A diet that concentrates highly on
antioxidants will result in a skin complexion that is smoother and younger looking. This will also result in
a more active sex life. There are foods for sexuality for men that improve virility and libido. These are
considered the best alternatives to drugs and dietary supplements because they are natural and have no
preservatives or chemicals added in them (as long as they are bough organic).

Here is a list of the best foods for sexuality for men that will resolve their concerns regarding erectile
dysfunction and loss of sexual stamina and energy. Eating these aphrodisiac foods for men regularly will
make sure that you are still on top of things when you try to please her in bed.

Oysters these are one of the best choices when it comes to foods for sexuality for men. Oysters
have a high concentration of Zinc, which is a known mineral that increases testosterone levels and
improve sperm production. If you are going to eat raw oysters (which are better), make sure that the

oysters are thoroughly cleaned. Soak the oysters in strong vinegar before swallowing. Eat moderately, as
oysters are known to upset the stomach if eaten in large amounts.

Bananas alright, the shape is phallic, but interestingly, it also helps

improve your erection! Bananas have a very high concentration of potassium, and contains bromelain
enzyme, which is responsible for increasing the male libido. Two bananas a day will keep your sex life
happy, healthy, and strong.

Almonds Oysters and bananas are hardly your nibble foods, especially
when you are sitting in your office desk. Almonds are one of the foods for sexuality for men that are
convenient to keep with you as a snack. You can have them in your car, or in a packet with you in your
office. They have essential fatty acids that help promote sex hormone production in men.

Asparagus Your mother was right when she told you to eat more
vegetables after all! The asparagus contains Vitamin E, and is also one of the boosters of your sex
hormones. It also improves the condition of your skin. Enough of this will make your penis more

Avocado This fruit contains folic acid that helps metabolize the protein
in your body. Doctors also recommend avocado as a natural food that increases libido. You can make
this fruit into a salad. Just add milk and honey. Yum.

Red Meat You know the reason why monks and priests avoid red meat?
That is because they want to preserve their chastity, and red meats are known to increase the sexual
appetite of men. Whether it is kangaroo meat or beef, the redder the meat, the better. Red meats are
known aphrodisiac foods.

Honey Bees add special enzymes to the honey that is helpful in

preserving the food. Moreover, honey has amino acids, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, potassium
sodium, phosphorus, and zinc, making it a truly golden syrup. Ideal replacement for your maple syrup at
home. It is also one of the foods for sexuality for men and women.

Salmon Fresh salmon contains Vitamin B complex, which is crucial to

reproductive health. Studies show that men who eat salmon and other fish on a regular basis have less
chance of developing erectile dysfunction, making salmon one of the best foods for sexuality for men.

Recipe for Long Lasting Erection

This is a salad recipe that will help you have a full erection. You will notice that you will have a good hard
erection when you are in bed with your partner. The ingredients will also help improve your stamina and
sexual appetite, literally a full salad bowl of sexual tension! This salad recipe will consist of the following

1 Bundle of Asparagus

1 Whole avocado, small

1 Cup crushed almonds

Some Lettuce

1 Lemon

½ Cup Olive Oil

3 Cloves garlic, pounded

½ Cup Vinegar

For the dressing, combine the vinegar, garlic, and olive oil in a bowl. Squeeze in the whole lemon, mix
well. In a separate, bowl, lay down all the greens: lettuce, asparagus and avocado meat. Sprinkle the
almonds on top of the mix. Add dressing, and enjoy! You will find that the mild taste of the avocado
balances the tangy flavor of the dressing, while the almonds provide an extra crunch to your leaves.

The dressing itself is a healthy combo of healthy foods for you. The Olive oil is one of the healthiest oils
that lowers cholesterol. the garlic is also good for your heart, and prevents heart attacks and stroke.
Lemon is good for cleansing. The bowl of salad is a bowl of antioxidants, keeping your cells young and

Chocolates are also one of the best foods for sexuality for men and women. Not only is cocoa a natural
anti-depressant, it also boosts sexual appetite. Other foods that are passionate are strawberries. Buy
fresh strawberries and dunk them in a chocolate dip. Delicious, sexy, and enticing, you and your partner
will enjoy eating these before your intimate action.

You do not really need to buy those expensive drugs and dietary supplements to enhance your sexual
performance because all you really need is available in the grocery. Eating the right foods is the key to a
long lasting sexual life with your partner. Nature has all the answers to your problems. When selecting
the ingredients to your foods for sexuality for men, make sure that you buy them all ORGANIC.

The value of organic foods way surpasses those dietary supplements surpasses all other dietary
supplements because they are free from chemicals and preservatives that limit their nutritional value.
Organic foods are a little more expensive, but they are healthier and will make sure that your sex life is
always good.

Some Everyday Tips To Enhance Your
Reproductive Health
Keep Yourself Well Hydrated

For all living things, water is an extremely essential requirement for good health and
effective body functionality. Water also has an effect on your prostate health, and more
than ever for overall health of the male reproductive organs. Roughly 60% of your body
consists of water. About 3 - 4 liters of water a day is often recommended for a very good
reason. Water assist to eliminate toxins from your body, help controll your body
temperature, and also an important element for chemical and physiological processes,
amongst various other things in your body.

The quality of water you consume should also be very important. Plain tap water could
possibly contain some chemicals and toxins, of which might have a negative impart on your sperm life
mortility and count. The simplest way to deal with your water is by filtering it. Some bottled water may
not be as clean as you think, therefore at all times it's best to filter your water. The objective here is to
maintain your system properly hydrated. It has shown that, people who drank a lot of water some hours
before ejaculation, had increased seminal volume dramatically.

Try To Reduce Your Stress Level

As you may have known, stress has many negative affects on your body as
well as on your reproductive system and it's abilities. Studies show that
ejaculation and orgasm is an effective way of reducing stress. Therefore it's
very important to manage your stress level in order to allow your body and
your reproductive system to perform properly.

Try To Eat More Organic Foods

Conventional food items are often very high in processed
elements, chemicals, and various hormones. Many of these are
capable of producing deleterious affects. Best way of boosting
your general health, together with your reproductive health is to
transition from inorganic to organic and natural foods. Organic

foods basically mean the food items that are not grown with various pesticides, chemical fertilizers etc.

It’s additionally a smart idea to cut back on processed food or junk food since these kinds of foods
normally lack in good nutritious components. Rather, try to eat raw vegetables and fruits, because
they're an excellent source of vitamins and minerals and high in nutrients. It is recommended you try to
eat uncooked vegetables, atleast few portions each day. Stay clear of fatty foods and eat lean meats
which are high on proteins, especially fish. Whole grains are exceptionally good, including whole wheat
and brown rice.

Keep a Daily Exercise Routine

A low to medium exercise routine is strongly recommended, because it
enhances the blood circulation to your body’s sex organs and increase
muscle tonus. Reduced blood circulation can cause damage to your sex
organs and reduce your sperm production. Exercise also boosts your
testosterone levels which are extremely important to your sexdrive.
Workouts such as sits and squats will strengthen your pelvis, and increase
crucial blood circulation to improve your sperm production along with a
healthy sexual function.

Take In Lots Raw Seeds and Nuts Daily

Consuming lots of seeds and nuts is an excellent approach to enhance
your reproductive organ's abilities. They're loaded with essential
proteins, minerals like calcium, zinc, phosphorous, iron etc. They are
also high in Vitamins E and B. Raw and organic seeds and nuts offer the
most benefits. Pumpkin seeds together with sesame seeds are also
strongly recommended for their zinc content, and walnuts for their
Vitamin E and Calcium. Make a habbit of supplementing your diet plan
with raw and organic seeds and nuts because it's a fantastic and simple
solution to increase your seminal volume level.

Get The Best Cum Of Your Life By
Drinking This Milkshake!
This is an excellent milkshake which is crafted to help you increase your cum at full throuttle and give
you a full load you’ve never come before. So, before you proceed, please bear in mind the lifespan of a
sperm and how long it takes to become mature. Studies have shown that some sperms may live inside
the Fallopian tubes as long as 7 days, but as an average, they live upto about 3 to 4 days. So, try to drink
this milkshake for at least 4 weeks, for you to see effective results.

O p t i o n al t hi n gs Y o u M a y Ne e d

B elow A r e T h e I n gr e d i e nts Y o u
N e e d F o r J uici n g

Put in celery, garlic, and ginger into the juicer. Remove the juice and pour it into a glass and add it into
your blender

H o w To B l e n d

Add the juices of garlic, celery stalks and ginger root.

Add some ice cubes.
1 cup of soy milk or whole milk.
About 30 pumpkin seeds (without salt and unroasted).
About ½ cup of powdered lecithin.
½ teaspoon of wheat germ oil or ¼ cup raw wheat germ.
Mix well, and add it into a glass and drink it and enjoy your Cum

For a good extra taste you can add some honey.

Now that you’ve read this report, don’t get lazy and put this ebook in your hardrive and postpone to
take action. If you want a rewarding and a positive outcome, you need to take action starting from
today. I heard you say yes…that’s great

Thank you
Naseem Jabir

Disclaimer: The material in this particular e-book is provided as information only. It's not to be utilized as a medical
cure or solution in any circumstance. The author, publisher and associated company make no claims expressly or
implied and no warranties regarding the contents of this report as being completely accurate, and it specifically
disclaims any implied warranties for any purpose, and shall in no event be accountable for any kind of loss or
damage, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, physical, or other damages.


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