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What does dic stands for

D) Disrupt: Take their attention with being a different post from other
stuff they are watching.
I) intrigue: Use fascinations, Create unanswered questions, Etc. The
reader should be yours and you should guide them to take actions and find
those interesting answers.
C) Click: Now direct them to take action , Use call to action(CTA) where
you ask them to click on a link to find those answers, DO not reveal the
answers to them before that (Like don’t tell them to click on the link to
purchase the course, you’ll ruin the surprise and curiosity they have to find
out what's in the link themselves). You can also add a P.S section at the end
of your DIC to amplify their pain/desire, it's optional.
Dic works great when you are talking to cold
traffic (people who have never heard of your
brand) or people in your audience who are
not familiar with your product, Dic can also
be used to direct readers to your free
content like podcasts,youtube,blogs,Etc so
you get views.
Topic: A program of exercises that increases people height

Get 3-12 CM taller NOW!

Did you know that you can easily grow 3-12 CM in 3 months?

Height is all genetics, right? Wrong! Genetics plays a role on

how tall you are, there are other things that are far more
important than genetics which impacts your height.

Increase your confidence more than ever before!

Become at least 3 up to 12 cm taller without consuming any

drugs! . NO drugs, no substances, no risks, no side effects.

The truth about human heights that no one has ever told you.

Doesn’t matter how old you are, you can always grow taller

The single step you must take to be the tallest version of


Click here to learn the secret of getting tall

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