Welcome Email Sequence

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Topic: A program of exercises that increases people height

Get 3-12 CM taller NOW!

Discover the untold secret about increasing your height at any age

Become the tallest version of yourself without any drugs!

See the full potential and what your body is capable of

Sign up now to receive a Free guide

Welcome sequence

Take the landing page you wrote for you last mission,
And write a welcome email sequence (3-5 emails) driving readers to
purchase the associated product

Email1:intro and welcome

Email2: HSO type where they learn about the brand discovery and
shift some beliefs

Email3: is pure value email that gives the reader new knowledge
about their roadblocks and what needs to happen if they want to
get into their dream state, this can be done in DIC format but you’ll
give the answer to them or direct them to another page or video.

Email4:Usually a DIC email, focused 100% on driving the newly

educated and excited reader to the sales page
Email5: is usually a PAS style email for readers who are on the
edge on sales page to go to upsell page

You must make the reader addicted, so even if they don’t buy your
product they are impressed and follow you. And may buy your
product in future

Email 1:
You are a warrior , there is no doubt in it

You are willing to become the BEST version of yourself

You are willing to obtain an endless confidence that will help

you achieve whatever you want in Life

I’ll give you a promise, in only 3 months, you’ll be at least 5 cm

taller up to 10 cm from the height you are right now

Without any drugs, no injections, no side effects

Stay tuned , you’ll learn the secret of height growth very soon

I Achieved what i wanted

I was always curious about how the height growing process

works in humans

People used to tell me that it's all genetics, there is nothing that
the human itself can do to amplify that process.
But if that's the case, why are there twins out there who have a
huge height difference?

People used to tell me that because I'm 27 , my growth age has

passed and there is no chance for me to get any taller.

I proved them all wrong, i got 6 cm taller in only 3 months at 27

Without any substances , no side effects

Now i'm looking forward to see every day of my life, now my

chance of being successful in anything is much higher than

You may not know it but it's true, height has a huge effect on
how people see you, interact with you, and respect you

If you are the tallest version of yourself, your chance of getting

the person you have a crush on, getting your dream job and
ETC… will hugely increase.

You only live once, let's make sure you live the life you dream of

I'm here to help you warriors to become the tallest version of

Email3: How are you going to get taller?

We helped more than 300 people to get to the height they

always wanted.

The Human brain releases growth hormone from age 12-25 , if

your age is in this range i have great news for you , you are
going to gain a significant amount of height ! (10cm or more )

However, if you are not in this age range ( like most of our
clients ), you are still going to gain a significant amount of
height ( at least 5 cm ).

The methods we use are different for each group, but overall,
most of the people are not short, their bones are compressed
and not revealing their full potential

Let me give you an example, why most of the old people are
shorter than their young version? Because their bones are

As we are young our bones are still compressed but we don’t

know it yet, so if we work those parts our body form will
completely change to another level which boosts our height

Warning: If you are not serious and disciplined about improving

your body form to another level and getting tall , living the life
you always wanted, increasing your chance of success in any
field, then ignore this Email , this is not for you.

We’ll be in touch soon. Great things are about to happen

Email 4 : Break the chains! Get Tall NOW!

Break the chains that are stopping you to become the tallest and
the best version of yourself!

Many of us regret that we didn’t bought bitcoin back in 2010

Many of us regret that we didn’t took action in the past in

different fields

If only we were all disciplined and brave enough to take action

in order to become the BEST version of ourselves, then there
would be no sad person on the planet

But that's the beauty of the world! You can choose to be either
sad or happy. If everyone were in the best version of
themselves, then it wouldn’t have any value

You can choose to take action now, Increase your height ,

confidence, Respect , and your overall status and live easy for
the rest of your life

Or you can stay where you are, and maybe in future you’ll regret
that you didn’t took action when you had the chance

As Muhammad Ali says: Suffer now and live the rest of your life
as a champion

Click here to learn about our height growth packages

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