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Passion and Perseverance Throughout everyone’s lives

they have dreamed of having the perfect job, house, or

life in general. Many people think that the only way to
accomplish these dreams is to have a great talent for
something, so they spend their time trying to find the
things they are naturally good at. When people are
talented at something, however, it does not always
mean they will be willing to keep working at it or
continue to strive after they have accomplished their
goal. There are tests and studies that people use to
determine how successful they will be either socially
or academically like the ACT, SAT, and IQ. However,
there is another factor in each person’s life that can
determine success for something, and that is grit.
Angela Duckworth, in her book Grit the Power of
Passion and Perseverance, talks about her life and how
she has studied passion and perseverance in people.
Through studies Finding the purpose is the third asset
of grit. Someone’s experience from working is their
reason for doing it because it makes them feel good
about its purpose. Regardless of what goal they have:
helping people, making a difference, or changing
something, the reason people do it is because it is
beneficial to everyone. Finally, the last and most
important asset is hope. Hope ties every aspect of grit
together because it is the easiest feeling to gain or
lose. It is the driving force of almost everyone to help
see the bigger picture, but it is easy to see the
negatives of a situation.

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