Soul Contracts, Karma, and Justice

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A soul contract is an agreement you make with another being before incarnating on the
planet. Some soul contracts are for the good of humanity as well as our own personal
growth, and other soul contracts can be used to subjugate.

In order to incarnate on this planet, many of us took on many contracts, vows, oaths and
agreements which were out of alignment of our higher self and due to memory wiping,
holographic inserts, and etheric technology implemented by the false matrix, we forgot our
histories, as well as our original mission and reason for incarnating on this planet at this

The human race is full of master creator beings. Our ability to imagine and create provides
us with unlimited potential, but we have been suppressed in a variety of ways, and this
suppression has been done with our consent whether we are conscious of this or not.

The false matrix is an institutionalized thought paradigm which keeps us trapped in

ideologies of fear and lack, leading to duality and exhaustion. The human collective has
been trained to adopt the belief that the only way to thrive is through the suffering and
sacrifice of other beings in order to make a living, to belong and to be socially accepted.

Heather Archer Copyright 2023, All Rights Reserved


Many of us have adopted soul contracts to be victimized, to be controlled, and to be

subjugated by institutions, governments, and even our our own spouses, family members
and friends. These soul contracts have been created out of unhealed trauma cycles and
old dramas that continue to play out in our lives from other timelines. Until we make the
conscious and courageous decision to choose another path, we will be subjugated by
fallen timelines and trauma loops which only benefit the beings who sustain themselves
from vampirizing off of our unhealed wounds.

Rewrite Your Script

We can make the conscious decision to rewrite the most energy draining dramas of our
lives and create another narrative that is more beneficial to our highest vibrational
timeline. As the consciousness of the planet continues to raise, it behooves us to learn
more about the contracts, vows, oaths and agreements we have consented to and to
revoke the ones rooted in 3rd and 4th dimensional frameworks which are usually prone to
the most manipulation and fallen timelines.

If the vibration of the planet is able to shift, then the scripts of our lives should be able to
shift as well. No one else but us can make these changes for us. We must revoke all
consent and agreements that we have made to our oppression. This can be a tedious
process, but the reclamation of our God power makes the process worth it.

When we revoke soul contracts and reimagine karma, we are able to embrace our
multidimensionality , see beyond, and think beyond, the constructs of energetic
vampirism and narcissistic projection and weave a new reality into being. We co-create
with source consciousness and build a new matrix of love, abundance, and expansion.
Rewriting our script enables us to reclaim our power to create a reality of our choosing.

Karma is a 3D Pain Trap

Karma is the manifestation of the law of cause and effect and is the result of personal,
familial, institutional, and planetary behaviors. The notion of karma has been distorted on
planet earth as it’s been used as a tool to manipulate, imprison, and oppress. Healing
karma is necessary for humanity to move into our next stage of evolution, and thus, is
inherently humanitarian.

Feeling judgment and shame about karma takes us away from zero point, or flow state,
and keeps us in polarity consciousness and out of our power. Healing karma and revoking
soul contracts out of alignment with our highest vibrational timelines helps us to return
back to zero point.

Heather Archer Copyright 2023, All Rights Reserved


Western society usually does not validate the existence of karma. This is by design,
because it has been traditionally used to keep humanity trapped within a cycle of
death and reincarnation which is an infringement of universal law.

The false matrix has been able to thrive for quite some time as a result of energetic
vampirism from false light programming, which keeps awakening individuals on a
hamster wheel of thinking they are reaching spiritual evolution while getting
immersed in consciousness traps. These consciousness traps are perpetuated by
false ascended masters on the astral realm (4D) and corrupt spiritual teachers on the
earthly plane (3D), who invert sacred teachings in service to self as opposed to
service to others.

An essential way that the controllers of the false matrix has vampirized off of the
human population has been through the false umbilicus connected to humans on
the astral plane, which had kept souls in a cycle of death and reincarnation,
constantly being manipulated to reincarnate to “learn lessons” from past lives
through karma while at the same time having their minds wiped and being unable to
remember actions they are atoning for which keeps them stuck in a constant cycle of
death, rebirth, and karmic burden.

Karma and the War on Starseeds

This issue is especially relevant to starseeds, beings who are currently incarnated to
raise the collective consciousness during planetary ascension. Starseeds have
traditionally been targets for karmic superimposition through Karmic Containment
Units or KCUs. These serve as a containment device within a person’s etheric
template and influences a person’s perception of themselves through the lens of

These devices can cause humans to collect karma which is not really theirs. This is a
process called karmic superimposition which has been used as a spiritual warfare
tactic on starseeds to block them from ascending of off planet earth and keeping
them in a parasitic relationship with the controllers of the false matrix by consenting
to living in a dense reality full of economic hardship and strife while being
brainwashed to believe that they need to pay for karma that many times doesn’t
belong to them.

Heather Archer Copyright 2023, All Rights Reserved


For example, many times, the perpetrators of war crimes are aware of universal law
and refuse to acknowledge the scales of balance for engaging in harmful behaviors
such as war, murder, and other victimizing behaviors, so they will superimpose the
karma onto someone else who they see as an enemy which many times can be
individuals who identify as starseeds since many times starseeds incarnate on planet
earth in order to expose and deconstruct the false matrix, so these same controllers
invert the universal law of cause and effect in order to “get away with” service to self
behaviors and scapegoat starseeds to take the fall for their actions through the
implementation of karmic containment units and karmic transference.

This can explain the age old question of “Why do bad things happen to good
people?” “Why does evil seem to go unpunished?” Many times it’s because the
current controllers of the society we are living in are subverting universal law so they
don't have to be accountable for their actions and scapegoating beings of light to
“pay for their sins.” We can also see this drama play out in the highly publicized
crucifixion of Jesus Christ. This is textbook narcissistic projection in a massive scale.

In this regard, the human population has been used as batteries to power up the
consciousness of extra dimensional beings and entities living in a fallen state of
energetic vampirism and karma has been weaponized for this purpose.

Healing through Zero Point

The way to heal from this injustice is to see beyond the veil of karma as it relates to
the fallen system governed by the false matrix. This requires us to be in the world,
but not of it and to question the implementation of karma in society.

When we carry heavy feelings of guilt, shame, and judgment as it relates to karma, we
are in essence, feeding into the energy harvesting scheme of the controllers of the
false matrix by feeding our negative and dense emotions to this fallen system. This
feeds into victim/victimizer programming which feeds the negative ego and keeps us
cycling through trauma loops.

Moreover, soul contracts have been developed all throughout the human population
to keep karmic cycles going and to keep us out of alignment from our highest
purpose: The key to decreasing suffering is to reach zero point energy, or non-duality
so that we are living in harmony with the law of one and universal love.

Heather Archer Copyright 2023, All Rights Reserved


Being in a state of neutrality, we become aligned with our hara line or core soul
template, and our true life’s purpose. Maintaining zero point also ensures that we are
in a state of mental, emotional, and spiritual balance which makes us less susceptible
to manipulation by false timelines and external agendas. This helps us to discern
which agreements have been made for us to learn and grow, and which agreements
have been made out of fear and oppression.

Heather Archer Copyright 2023, All Rights Reserved

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