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Bagao, Janneva C.

12-Tolkien Modular World Religion Written Work 3

1. The Battle of Tours near Poitiers, France, Frankish leader Charles Martel, a Christian, defeats a
large army of Spanish Moors, halting the Muslim advance into Western Europe. ... He expanded
the Frankish territory under his control and in 732 repulsed an onslaught by the Muslims

2. The Battle of Hattin took place on 4 July 1187, between the Crusader states of the Levant and the
forces of the Ayyubid sultan Saladin. ... The Muslim armies under Saladin captured or killed the
vast majority of the Crusader forces, removing their capability to wage war.

3. Galileo was ordered to turn himself in to the Holy Office to begin trial for holding the belief that
the Earth revolves around the sun, which was deemed heretical by the Catholic Church. ...
Standard practice demanded that the accused be imprisoned and secluded during the trial.

4. In the trial that followed, Joan was ordered to answer to some 70 charges against her, including
witchcraft, heresy and dressing like a man. The Anglo-Burgundians were aiming to get rid of the
young leader as well as discredit Charles, who owed his coronation to her.

5. The Israeli–Palestinian conflict is one of the world's most enduring conflicts, with the Israeli
occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip reaching 54 years of conflict. ... The current
Israeli-Palestinian status quo began following Israeli military occupation of the Palestinian
territories in the 1967 Six-Day War

6. Another war broke out in 1965. In 1999, India and Pakistan battled along the Line of Control in
the Kargil district of Kashmir, leading the United States to intervene diplomatically, siding with
India. Since then, official U.S. policy has been to prevent further escalation in the dispute

7. Many historians trace the origins of hostility between Somalia and Ethiopia to this war. Some
scholars also argue that this conflict proved, through their use on both sides, the value of firearms
such as the matchlock musket, cannons and the arquebus over traditional weapons

8. The Nigerian Civil War (6 July 1967 – 15 January 1970; also known as the Nigerian-Biafran War
or the Biafran War) was a civil war fought between the government of Nigeria and the Republic
of Biafra, a secessionist state which had declared its independence from Nigeria in 1967.

9. Buddhists have been involved in violent conflicts pretty much since the religion first emerged.
Justifications for such actions have typically been based on defending the Dharma (the Buddhist
teachings), occasionally demonising or dehumanising the enemy to make it less karmically wrong
to kill them.
10. The war is generally divided into two phases with an interlude: from August 1927 to 1937,
the KMT-CCP Alliance collapsed during the Northern Expedition, and the Nationalists controlled
most of China. From 1937 to 1945, hostilities were put on hold, and the Second United
Front fought the Japanese invasion of China with eventual help from the Allies of World War II.

11. The Lebanese Civil War was a multifaceted civil war in Lebanon resulting in an estimated
120,000 fatalities. There was also an exodus of almost one million people from Lebanon as a
result of the war.

12. The Yugoslav Wars were a series of separate but related ethnic conflicts, wars of independence,
and insurgencies fought in the former Yugoslavia from 1991 to 2001, leading up to and resulting
from the breakup of the Yugoslav federation in 1992

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