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Bagao, Janneva C.

12-Tolkien Modular World Religion Written Work 1

1. The most fundamental aspect of the Christian faith is that God created the world and He made us
in His image to be like Him. However, we sinned and so someone had to pay for our sins,
because God is just. Therefore, God sent His son Jesus who was perfect and sinless, to die on a
cross for us. If we believe that this is true, then we can be saved and be perfect and we can have
eternal life. That in itself is the most fundamental aspect and is basically what Christianity is all

2. It’s a living relationship where I can speak to God and pray to Him and I know He loves me and
guides me through life. The personal relationship you can have with God is something I want
people to know about.

3. Because in Christianity, Christians offer no violence to violence, we look at love as a whole,

weather you are weak or not, rich or not. Christianity also promote peace rather than division, and
more so we accept everything as a whole

4. God answers prayers and He’s very real, and that’s what makes me a strong believer. I remember
when I first got married I had no money, no nothing, and yet God provided for me. Sometimes
when I don’t know what to do or when I’m afraid, God fills my mind and heart.

5. Praying is a very significant tradition which we can do anywhere and anytime. God listens to us
and speaks to us. Scripture reading is also very important, and we encourage people to read the
Bible all the time, which fills us with God’s words. We believe that’s how God speaks to us.
Another tradition is coming together at a church to worship. I think I favour praying the most,
because I can tell God how I feel and I know God listens to me.

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