SWOT Analysis Matrix Essay Marked LMS

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Exercise 4 on SWOT analysis --- We read this case together in the class and discussed the

same. I asked you all to complete the matrix and write your essay.

All those of you who completed and mailed the answers --Thank you

I have corrected and pointed out areas in red for the students with some comments. Two scripts are


Read the case, draw and complete the SWOT Matrix/ table. Write an analytical essay.

Colgate is a popular in all homes. It is not only for oral hygiene but it has a range
of products for personal care as well. Colgate being the household name has high
brand recall & visibility. With extensive distribution network it has reached all
urban markets. Product categories include oral care, personal care, household
surface but fabric care and pet nutrition is missing across the product categories.
In spite of this the brand’s toothpaste category is only highly successful. Through
word of mouth, doctor's prescriptions and advertisements people need to be
made aware about the optimum usage so that these products are used better in
the market Unfortunately majority of its properties have been on rent basis
resulting into high cost of operations due to which its profits are decreasing. Due
to high cost of operations, Colgate products are also priced higher than the rivals.
Increasing price of raw material will result in further increase in the price of
Colgate. Counterfeit products are also destroying its brand image in the market.

(adapted: https://www.marketing91.com)

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Below are two answers by different students: My comments are in RED

Student A

Colgate SWOT Matrix

Strengths Weaknesses

1) Colgate has an extensive range of products 1) Colgate hasn’t expanded its

including both oral hygiene and personal care. network to rural areas.

2) Colgate has a renowned goodwill 2) Colgate does not include

and fabric care market visibility. and pet
nutrition products in its range.

3) Despite a wide range of product

categories, the toothpaste category

only enjoys the success.

4) Colgate does not have

many effective
advertising methods to
spread the
product’s usage awareness.
Good points, but only two strengths
5) Since Colgate’s
majority property is
leased, it results high cost
of operations
due to which they are
unable to maximize

6) Colgate prices its

products relatively
higher than its
(Well Done!)

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1) Colgate could extend its distribution 1) If the cost of raw material

increases, it
networks to rural areas. will result in increase in the
price of
2) Colgate could expand its product categories
to more diverse lines such as fabric care and 2) Counterfeit products are harming
pet nutrition. the goodwill of the
company in the

3) Colgate needs to switch to better
advertising methods.

Good, instead of "needs to switch" write Colgate can ----

Do not number as it will give an impression that what is labelled as 1 is the most important
point. Use bullet points.

Where is your essay??

Student B

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Strengths Weakness
• Colgate is not only for • Major of its properties
oral hygiene but it has a have been on rent basis.
wide range of products ( SO ? complete the
for personal care. idea)
• It has reached all the • Other oral products
urban areas with extensive are not successful.
distribution network. • It is not available in
• It has a high brand recall S rural markets.
• In spite of having a wide
range of products the
only product successful is
the toothpaste. (This is
Weakness) Instead write :
• Colgate toothpaste is
very successful and
• It is only available in the
urban market. ( Rewrite as :
It is available in all urban
Opportunities Threats
• It can go to the • Increase price of raw
rural markets. materials will result
• Colgate should invest in in the price of Colgate.
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advertisements for • Counterfeit products are
wider range of also destroying its
customers. (not image in the market.
advertising well is a • Due to Colgate’s rent
weakness, add it there) based properties its
• Colgate can expand its profits are decreasing
product line and (This is a weakness, it
introduce new products does not have its own
like fabric care and pet property --internal --not
nutrition. a threat, it does not
come from outside.)

Colgate is well-known brand in all

homes. This essay aims to analyze
the internal and external environment
of Colgate, using SWOT framework
and to provide recommendations for
further actions.

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Colgate has many strengths.√
Strengths are the quality, resources
or reputation of a business which
gives it an advantage over its
competitors. They represent the
companies’ greatest weapons.√
Colgate, the popular product, is found
in all urban areas has a wide range of
products. The product line includes
toothpaste, mouth wash, toothbrush
and, floss in the oral hygiene
category along with the - products for
personal care and household surface
care. It is seen easily and customers
remembers remember- the name.
The toothpaste is a highly successful
product that is liked by all.
Although, Colgate has many
strengths, there are some
weaknesses.√ Weaknesses are the

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areas in which an organization lacks
necessary qualities required to do
better than its competitors. √ Though
Colgate has a wide range of products
including oral care, personal care,
household surface , the but fabric
care and petr nutrition is missing.
and in spite of this the Though there are so many products
in the oral care, only the brand’s toothpaste is

only - highly successful. Also,

Aalthough, Colgate is found in all the
cities it is not available in the rural
market. Another
weakness is that all its properties are rent based which costs Colgate heavily and affects its profit.
Further, Colgate does not advertise sufficiently which can have a negative impact on the
popularity of all its products.

Even though, Colgate has some

weaknesses there are opportunities
too. √Opportunities are chances
available in the external environment
like expanding the market or the
product line to gain more
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Colgate can expand its product line
and introduce fabric care and pet
nutrition. Also, it can reach its products to the rural markets where it can
many customers.

Colgate must consider the threats

that come to it from the external
environment. Threats are those
factors that can harm the business.
√Colgate’s Iincreasing price of raw
material will also result in increase in
the manufacturing price price of Colgate. It can help itself by producing its own raw
material to manufacture different Colgate products.

Also, Colgate is threatened by fake products with replicas of both label and name which is
destroying its image in the market. The research and development team of Colgate must come
up with solutions to this problem.

In conclusion, the essay has

analyzed the internal and external
environment of Colgate using the
SWOT framework. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats have been identified and discussed. It is

recommended that Colgate must

invest in their advertisements for
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wider range of

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customers and also expand its market
and reach the rural areas all over the
globe. This way Colgate can increase
both customers and profit.√√

Good luck ☺

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