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Crime Search

textbook pg. 79
Read the writing task below and write your essay in
140-190 words. Use the plan and the Language Bank
to help you.

Some people say that young offenders should be

sent to an army camp for a while instead of being
sent to prison.

Is this a good or a bad idea for young offenders?

Language Bank

Crime Prison

break the law send someone to prison

commit a crime go to prison
turn to a life of crime prisoners
arrest someone for a crime cells Results
find someone guilty of a crime do time
minor/serious offences education programmes a sense of responsibility
a sense of right and wrong
Skills self-confidence
be proud of (one) self
dealing with people know what they are capable of
discipline, self-discipline
working in a team
physical/survival training
obeying orders
learning a life/work skill
Some people say that young offenders should be sent to an
Plan army camp for a while instead of being sent to prison.
Is this a good or a bad idea for young offenders?

Paragraph 1 Introduce the topic and your opinion.

Paragraph 2 Make a point about punishment to support your opinion.

Paragraph 3 Make a point about learning life skills to support your opinion.

Use your own idea in support of or in contrast to the other points,

Paragraph 4
or to show why an opposing viewpoint is wrong.

Paragraph 5 Summarise your opinion and add a comment.

Paragraph 1 Introduce the topic and your opinion.

Many people who pirate music
from the internet think they are vs.
loyal music fans. However, I
believe what they are doing is bad
for music and musicians.

bad = does more harm than good.

Paragraph 2 Make a point about punishment to support your opinion.

In the first place, downloading
music without paying is wrong
because it means that musicians do vs.
not get properly paid for their
work. This is unfair as they might
have spent many months writing
and recording it.

it means that = this will result to

Make a point about learning life skills to support
Paragraph 3
your opinion.

Moreover, if people really value
music then they should pay for it. If vs.
it is wrong to steal CDs from shops,
then it is just as wrong to steal from
the Internet

if it is ... then it is just as ...

Use your own idea in support of or in contrast to the other
Paragraph 4
points, or to show why an opposing viewpoint is wrong.

In addition, although some people say
they are helping musicians to become
famous by sharing illegal downloads vs.
with friends, this is not the case. There
is no need to download because they
can send their friends links to music
they have discovered.

this is not the case = this is not true

Paragraph 5 Summarise your opinion and add a comment.

To sum up, pirating music damages
the music business. If fans started vs.
paying for their music, it might reduce
the prices of downloads and CDs,
which would be good for everyone.

damages = does harm

Use linking words & connectors
to help you to think better.

1 2 3 4 5

In the first place, However, although As a result, so

Firstly, But, even though because hence
To begin with, Nevertheless, though as thus
To start with, while since therefore
First thing first, That might be
true to some
Secondly, extent, but,
In addition, If ... then, ...

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