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Jaimini SJC

A Vedic Astrology resource based in Frederiksberg, Denmark: devoted to the teaching and practice of
Vedic Astrology.

Chandra bhava
Chandrabhava - Bhavas from Chandra and how to analyze these houses in the chart. Examples are given
of Britney Spears, Prince Charles, Anders Kofoed, Visti Larsen, Sanjay Rath, etc. Also some mention of
Nakshatra parivartana.

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Posted in 2007, Basic principles, Jaimini SJC | RSS 2.0

10 Responses to “Chandra bhava”

1. Sharat Says:
February 27th, 2007 at 1:41 pm

Hare Ram Krishna

Dear Visti,

Interesting concepts in this class esp Nakshatra parivartan.

I have Ju in 3rd and Su-Ve-Me in 8 th from Moon, with nakshatra parivartan between Ju and Su and
running Ju mahadasa.
This means that I am connecting with people who are learned Gurus(Budh-Aditya yoga is getting
activated in 5H with Lord Vishnu’s blessings) and using occult(Jyotish)sciences; whereas Guru in
MKS was denying me this.

Can you please shed some more light on this parivartan.

Yours sincerely,

2. Tarun Garg Says:

March 1st, 2007 at 7:07 am

Hare Rama Krishna

Respected Visti Ji,

1 af 6 18-03-2009 21:15 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

Thanks to the excellent discussions that you have posted on this site, I am able to understand the
concepts around Jyotish much better and clearer than reading books only. However, I am getting
confused when i have to give remedies. I can identify the curses, I can identify the planets which
are giving malefic effects and also why…(Placed in Rasi sandhis, debilitated, curses and even the
sequence of events comes out loud and clear)

However, what good is a doctor who can only identify the problem for you and tell you that you
have this disease but not give you medicine for it?

Can you please have a discussion around the whole philosophy , techniques and approach that we
must take when suggesting remedies to the native. I believe giving the remedies blindly without a
proper approach can be dangerous and also bad karma for the Jyotisha.

Thanking you in anticipation. And for all the knowledge that you have posted on this website.

May god bless you always

Tarun Garg

3. Visti Larsen Says:

March 1st, 2007 at 12:55 pm

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Tarun, Namaskar
You have an excellent point.
I promise that I will take up a discussion on the same in the future.
Yours sincerely, Visti.

4. Sharat Says:
March 4th, 2007 at 10:00 am

Hare Ram Krishna

Dear Visti,
Please can you comment on the nakshatra parivartan I mentioned in my earlier post on this page.
Thanks and regards
Yours sincerely

5. Visti Larsen Says:

March 5th, 2007 at 11:03 am

2 af 6 18-03-2009 21:15 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Sharat, Namaskar
Ok ok.
Eighth from Moon relates to your ability to take loans and borrow money from people. Its your
access to other peoples funds.
Being that a parivartana exists between third and eighth it shows that people will seek your
company in matters of finances… too many friends from business.

Now the dasa is also relevant. During Jupiter dasa who is in the third from Moon, Jupiter will
be bringing an increasing social circle/partnerships, and will do so for the sake of augmenting

Whereas in Suns dasa the income is being augmented to increase the social circle… i.e. the

In such a scenario i would be very interested in seeing the positions of these planets from
Arudha lagna to see exactly how your role in the whole scheme of things is… i.e. are you
doing these things consciously or is it happening merely due to others action.

Hope this helps.

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen.

6. Sharat Says:
March 5th, 2007 at 11:38 am

Hare Ram Krishna

Dear visti
1. Mo has eighth from it 5H( With Su-Ve-Me posited), this shows loans I can take, the planets
represent such people, right?( Su= govt/authorities, Ve/Me: Business)
Doesnt 8 th also mean transformation/change/tapasya?
2. AL is 12 th from Mo; and 5 th from Su-Ve-Me and 10 th from Ju
3. Mars is 11 th from Moon( source of wealth) but also 12th from AL(spending on self)

Chatursheeti sama dasa (which works well in my chart) is currently of Ju MD/Ma AD.

You have seen my chart: 13/03/57;Kanpur,India;20:59:08

Please advise.


7. Visti Larsen Says:

March 5th, 2007 at 12:18 pm

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Sharat, Namaskar
Eighth from Moon relates to people as you have mentioned, but not your peronal (lagna)
tapasya/transformation. To study the moon keep in mind the sunapha and anapha yogas.
Check out these discussions for more:

3 af 6 18-03-2009 21:15 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

I remember seeing you chart, but I don’t remember where i saved it.
The planets are well placed in ninth and fourth from your arudha lagna, but what is Rahu’s
aspect doing in all this? Always check the muhurta before engaging in a new business/project.
Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen.
p.s. use vishottari when analyzing the effects of nakshatra parivartana. We need to see the
whole society, not just those whom you like to associate with.

8. Sharat Says:
March 7th, 2007 at 6:34 pm

Hare Ram Krishna

Dear visti,
I have understood the Chandra bhavas now with help of abovementioned talks but 2 queries
1. Moon alone in a kendra from lagna(10H) with a nakshatra dispositor which is favorbale, is it not
enough to cancel a partial kemadruna yoga( no planets in 2,12) & earn wealth?

2. What role do the houses 3 and 11 show?. Does 11 th lord show the source of gains from the
Also Mars placement as 10 th lord from Moon, you did say shows engineering , does it also show
Medical specialty which involves some instrumentation? I ask as I have Mars as 10 th lord from
Moon placed in 11th, and I have been trying to understand what it signifes!!

Thanks as always for your valuable insights.

I hope the volume of mails which this website has suddenly seen a spurt of do not wear you off!:)


9. Sharat Says:
March 10th, 2007 at 12:10 pm

Hare Ram Krishna

Dear Visti,
Please do read my above message and help to clear my doubts, I know youre flooded with Qs on
your website.:)
Thanks and regards

10. Visti Larsen Says:

March 10th, 2007 at 2:40 pm

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Sharat, Namaskar
I will give you an easy moon formula.
Whenever there is talk of Moon and Arudha lagna think in terms of KENDRA, as the Moon
controls high and low tide in four positions from the Sun.
I.e. Hightide is during New and Full Moon (first and seventh houses), whilst the low tides are
the equidistant positions therefrom (fourth and tenth houses)

Now, with these four houses in the kendra see the trines to see the related areas of life: trines

4 af 6 18-03-2009 21:15 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

to lagna is the self and the (mis)fortune which follows the native. Thus malefics in trines to
Moon are always very bad for the persons happiness in life.
The trines to the seventh house are all about the persons relationships with people.
Similarly the rest can be seen.

The wealth bhavas from the Moon are only the

1) full and new moon bhavas - 1st and 7th.
2) the houses adjacent these bhavas - 2nd/12th & 6th/8th.

Reason is that only where there is a rise in the tide can there be fortune/wealth.

So… the trines to the seventh house shows your associations in the community through whom
which you achieve your desires.

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen.

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Re: (a) Saturn or Rahu? (b) What if Palana Devata is the Atmakaraka Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Visti Larsen
Re: Kindly Explain Visti ji-A6(6th house's arudha)Vs 6th house from Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Visti Larsen
Re: Kindly Explain Visti ji-A6(6th house's arudha)Vs 6th house from Friday, March 13, 2009
Raman Deep Singh
(a) Saturn or Rahu? (b) What if Palana Devata is the Atmakaraka hims Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Kindly Explain Visti ji-A6(6th house's arudha)Vs 6th house from AL Friday, February 27, 2009
Raman Deep Singh

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