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Headmistress’s Newsletter Make sure you follow us

Issue 223 6 October 2023 on Instagram for more

photos and videos….

Harvest Festival
This week Bronte School celebrated our annual ‘Harvest Festival’. The Head Boy, Head Girl and Prefects helped to
collect donations of various essentials, assisted by many members of the Year 6 team. We then took the produce to
the Gravesham Foodbank where it will be used to tackle food poverty in the local area. After storing each item in the
correct area, we had a tour of the organisation and learnt all about the great work the foodbank does to support
individuals and families in crisis.

In school, we held an Upper and Lower School Assembly for our school community. We had joyful songs, expressive
poems and even a news report showing how each class had reflected on the true meaning of harvest.

Reverend Jim then spoke to us about the importance of giving and sharing. Bronte School would like to thank you for
all of the very generous donations and for joining us to celebrate this important event.
Amazingly, our donations totalled 161.5kg in weight.
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Year 3 are studying the well-known book, The Owl who was Afraid
of the Dark by Jill Tomlinson. They have been researching facts
about owls in preparation for writing a factual report. Did you
know, the smallest owl is called the Elf Owl and the largest owl is
called the Great Grey Owl? It is the size of a small child!

Did you also know, a group of owls is called a parliament?

GRAND TOTAL of monies raised for Macmillan…

❤ Thank you ❤
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Make sure you follow us

Forest School….part 2 on Instagram for more
photos and videos….

Reception were so excited to return to Forest School and were keen to play and explore. This week the
children explored sticks, hunting to find “the longest stick ever.” They found curly sticks, “it’s like a wild

More swinging, climbing and lots of laughing on the hammock. Some of the children tried wax dipping,
choosing leaves to dip in melted beeswax. The wax preserves the leaf.
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Rice in Year 4!

Do you know what 10,000 grains of rice would look like?

Year 4 counted grains of rice to 10, 50, 100, and then made a pile of 1,000 grains. By the end of
the lesson children had estimated what 10,000 grains of rice would look like by combining the
various piles from around the room.

We are now wondering how many grains of rice there would be in a 1 kilogram bag...? What do
you think?
Celebration Page 5

Nidhi in Year 6 should be congratulated for taking part in a classical form of dance called Kathak. This was
part of an important festival to celebrate the Lord Ganesh, and I know her Year 6 classmates enjoyed
watching a video of her performance. James in Y2 proudly showed us a special medal and his level two gym
skills certificate from Meapa. He is clearly working very hard honing his skills and we really enjoyed
celebrating his success.

Children from all year groups continue to work on their maths skills at home and more children this week
celebrated completed their bronze level in Mathletics: Leonardo and Kobe in Reception, Ranveer, Tade and
Rohan in Year 1, Martha, Ishan and Jude in Y3 and Isabela, Zak and Dayisi in Year 4.

When children achieve their 5th certificate at any level (which means they have finished that level, and are about to
progress to the next), this will be presented in Assembly (whenever possible).

Year 3 were once more the class winners – with 15 certificates in total!

Well done Year 3!

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Match Report by Mr J

On Friday seven boys from Years 5 and 6 took part in the ISA South Eastern 5-a-side football
competition. Twenty teams played in 4 separate groups on a glorious day at Lingfield
Preparatory School in Surrey. The tournament was brilliantly organised by our hosts and the
standard of football on show was excellent.

Although the Bronte team did not manage to progress to the knockout stages of the
tournament, we played with real desire and passion and were unfortunate not to pick up a
couple of victories

Well done to Jack, Lucas, Henry, Luke, Oscar, Anand and Arran for playing so well!

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