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October 6, 2023 • Volume 108, Issue 10 • nique.



. .

technique ‘Ni Do To’ exhibit p13 Basketball schedules p20

News 2 Opinions 5 Life 8 Entertainment 12 Sports 20




On Sept. 29, the fire pits be-

LIFE hind West Village were aglow,
surrounded by groups of students
roasting marshmallows and mak-
ing s’mores. Live singing, guitar
playing and poetry readings by
student musicians and artists on
the open mic stage filled the back-
ground air and set a relaxing and
comforting atmosphere.
“Buzzy Bondfire” was hosted
by the Student Center Programs
Council (SCPC) this year as a
night event to promote com-
munity through music, laugh-
ter and, as the event description
on the SCPC website describes
it, the “simple joy of savoring
s’mores by the firelight.”
Shreya Jayaswal, fourth-year,
CS, is the Ramblin Nights Com-
mittee Chair in SCPC. She de-
scribed the planning process
behind this event saying, “for
Buzzy Bonfire, for example, we
started planning it at least one to
two months before just figuring
out exactly what we want at the
event, how many people we can
accommodate, things like that
logistically, and then also trying
to look for a student volunteers
to perform at the event.”
While some SCPC events are
long-standing traditions on Tech’s
campus, they also have the op-
portunity to create and host new
ones or expand on previous ones
to present original and refreshing
events every semester.
“This particularly isn’t one of
those traditional recurring events
but we have done a bonfire type
event in the past. It’s basically up
to the SCPC committees for the
semester; they get to plan which
events they want to do again. So
See BONDFIRE, page 8

Top L: Photo by Tyler Parker Student Publications; Top R: Photo courtesy of GTAA; Above: Photo by Alexey Tatarinov Student Publications


Fulton County Jail living conditions deteriorating

ALEC GROSSWALD and bedbug bites. He passed lent violence has resulted in seri-
NEWS EDITOR away days later due to “severe ous injuries and homicides and
neglect,” according to an au- that officers are being prosecuted
Located on 901 Rice St. NW, topsy report. The situation there for using excessive force.”
just three miles away from Tech’s has worsened to such a degree Devin Franklin is the South-
campus, the Fulton County Jail that the U.S. Department of ern Center for Human Rights’
houses around 3,600 inmates, Justice (DOJ) launched an in- (SCHR) Movement Policy Coun-
which is almost double their op- vestigation into the jail and its sel, an organization that works to
erational capacity. Despite grow- conditions in July of this year. reduce mass incarceration through
ing public scrutiny, the jail’s “The Department has found criminal justice reform. He spoke
facilities continue to deteriorate. significant justification to open with the Technique about his ex-
Since Sept. 2022, the Rice this investigation,” reads the DOJ periences from the perspective of
St. facility has had 17 in-custody press release, “including credible his current role and as a former
deaths. They made headlines allegations that an incarcerated public defender in the county.
last year when inmate LaShawn person died covered in insects and “They have a leak from the Photo by Alex Dubé Student Publications
Thompson was found unrespon- filth, that the Fulton County Jail roof that is constantly dripping,” The Fulton County Jail’s main facility is located just a ten minute
sive in his cell, covered in sores is structurally unsafe, that preva- See JAIL, page 4 drive from Tech. All people facing charges are processed here.
NEWS EDITOR: technique
Alec Grosswald Second Republican debate
Havisha Murukuntla
The second Republic debate occurred last
week, but Trump, who continues to lead in the polls, was notably absent . 43 October 6, 2023

New space for BSOs opens in the Flag Building

the college. Recently, however, serves as an administration hub board, and it can serve as a lounge the goal of increasing retention
HAVISHA MURUKUNTLA with every incoming class, the for the various BSOs and in- for those of us who serve within and graduation rates, facilitate
ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR proportion of Black students has cludes office spaces, a lounge those organizations so that our student belonging and mattering,
been rising steadily. There are and a kitchen. Each organization impact is greater and we are also as well as community and connec-
On Sept. 15, the Smithgall many Black Student Organiza- has desk storage, and bulletins able to directly tap into the stu- tions with fellow students, as well
Student Services Building cele- tions (BSOs) on campus such as to put up their events and the dent life here,” said Cyphers. as with alumni, faculty, staff and
brated the opening of a new space the African American Student future director of the initiative An important aspect of the public and private sectors, by le-
initiated by the Black Culture, Union (AASU), Society of Black will have a main office there. space was the ability to provide veraging culture, history, arts, sci-
Innovation and Technology de- Engineers (SBE) and the African The Technique had the op- resources for current students to ences and other fields of inquiry as
partment. Notable Alumni who Student Association (ASA). Addi- portunity to interview Azalia thrive, whether it be financially, the catalysts and foster synergies
were previous leaders of their re- tionally, the recent establishment Cyphers, fourth-year BME, who academically or emotionally. between Georgia Tech and the
spective Black Student Organiza- of the Black Culture, Innovation serves as the current president of “The importance of this broader community to support
tions (BSOs) as well as current and Technology department is a the AASU and was present at the space is to connect and com- innovation and entrepreneurship
leaders were present to witness the new milestone for Tech as well. ribbon-cutting ceremony. She ad- municate us to those resources in technology and related fields,”
ribbon-cutting ceremony. Tech In 2021, the Black Alumni vocated strongly for the creation because they exist but we [the Hong said.
has prioritized the increased ac- Organization (GTBAO) and the of a safe space for Black students, general student body] don’t Cyphers talked about how the
cess and success for students from Department of Student Life pro- and she emphasized the impor- know that,” Cyphers said. benefit of providing spaces for
historically underserved commu- posed a specific initiative that the tance of maintaining a strong While it is meant to be an ad- organizations that didn’t have
nities, with a particular emphasis Black Culture, Innovation and Black community on campus. ministrative place, all students are much of a voice before could
on students who identify as Black Technology department could “The intent behind it is for us welcome and encouraged to visit. cause a snowballing effect.
or African-American, but in 2021, pursue: the creation of a new to ultimately organize our organi- “The idea is that a Black stu- “When you have a tangible
the Institute only had around space for Black students. Now, zations there. We can plan events, dent walks in and sees all these space like this now that is prog-
5% of Black students enrolled in two years later, the new space we can bring in our executive organizations that they can be ress, and when the organizations
a part of that they didn’t know that benefit from access to such
about. One of the newest projects spaces go out and do the work,
is the creation of a huge calendar do outreach and community ser-
and bulletin board to be put up vice such as scholarship funds and
in the space. The idea is to have MLK day service, that is the em-
every event and opportunity listed bodiment of service, and I can’t
out so that any student can walk wait to see how Georgia Tech’s
into the space and see exactly motto of progress and service can
what Georgia Tech has to offer be amplified and exemplified by
them. Students are welcome to Black Culture, Innovation and
tap in if they want to see the work Technology,” Cyphers said.
we’ve been doing or if they want Tech students should expect
to join the executive board, that’s to see new events and opportu-
the place to go,” Cyphers said. nities come up in the upcom-
The opening of the new space ing months such as the Annual
is just the first in line for all National Pan-Hellenic Council
the goals the Black Culture In- Step Show, the Taste of Africa
novation and Technology de- and a Thanksgiving dinner.
partment has in mind. Dr. Lu- Cyphers encouraged stu-
oluo Hong, the VP of Student dents, especially freshmen, to
Engagement and Wellbeing go to the BSO lounge in the
(SEWB), outlined several achieve- John Lewis Student Center. This
ments that the opening of the gives them the opportunity to
new space would bring forward. meet other students and to im-
“The new office will enhance merse themselves in the culture
recruitment and yield in the en- that is active on campus. She
rollment management process, also encouraged students to go
increasing our competitive edge to the space in the Smithgall
with top-tier peer institutions, Student Services Building to
Photo courtesy of Student Engagement and Well-being Marketing and Communications support academic learning and take an active role in develop-
An office for GT Black Culture, Innovation and Technology is now open in the Smithgall Student success at the undergraduate, ing and enriching these various
Services building. Students and faculty from SEWB and various BSOs attended the ribbon cutting. master, and doctoral levels with organizations and initiatives.

sliver // your thoughts
Itssssss first down Georgia Tech!!!
Some advice from a senior- it just gets worse.
when’s the last time you ate a plum? The South’s Liveliest College Newspaper
keep calm and carry on. remember those memes haha
Tired Evenings Have Renewed Energy Even Mornings Yashvini Deva EDITOR-IN-CHIEF NEWS EDITOR
POV ur me giggling at the joke I just sent in to the sliver Tehreem Hussain MANAGING EDITOR Alec Grosswald
are you guys voting for Vivek? I’m torn. OPINIONS EDITOR
Yellow Apple Soup Has Van In Nights Inked Founded in 1911, the Technique is the student newspaper of the
Nithya Jameshenry
you sound great, but unfortunately, it’s a no from me dawg Georgia Institute of Technology, and is an official publication of LIFE EDITOR
I want to lead a Ted Talk on yapping at this point the Georgia Tech Board of Student Publications. The Technique Jessamyn Lockett
braving the cold in my emotional support blankey publishes on Fridays, weekly in the fall and spring and biweekly in ENTERTAINMENT
everybody on mute challenge but all the men in my ethics class the summer.
Shout out subway veggie patty, idk what you are but ur great Aanya Sawhney
bento sushi is lowk foul (just my personal opinion) ADVERTISING: Information can be found online at nique.
Dreaming about Brusters’ chocolate raspberry truffle rn net/ads. The deadline for reserving ad space is Friday at 5 p.m. one
Matthew Kistner
sponsor us brusters ^^^ love you!!! week before publication. To place a reservation, for billing infor-
when did it end, although enjoyment :,( I’m sad again mation or for any other questions please e-mail us at ads@nique. DESIGN EDITOR
In my filler arc rn, this week is not canon net. You may reach us at 404-894-2830, Monday through Fri- Clara Templin
FALL BREAK IS HERE WOOOOOO day from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. PHOTO EDITOR
why do teachers make things due during fall break. Copyright © 2023, Yashvini Deva, Editor-in-Chief, and the Alex Dubè
I feel like the girlies from “Click Clack Moo” rn writing this Georgia Tech Board of Student Publications. No part of this pa- ONLINE EDITOR
ok... its time to clean the library ai art exhibit up now per may be reproduced in any manner without written permission Sydney Gordon
the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog from the Editor-in-Chief or from the Board of Student Publica-
tions. The ideas expressed herein are those of the individual au- TECH EDITOR
“I like to see everything in neon” Rish Desai
menty b counter off the charts this week thors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Board of
Student Publications, the students, staff or faculty of the Georgia HEAD COPY EDITOR
mustache man :{
did you hear the News? It’s ok, you can read it right above me!
Institute of Technology or the University System of Georgia. First Emily Russell
copy free; for additional copies call 404-894-2830.
OK have a good break everyone byeeeee!!!! GBM NEXT TUE
// NEWS technique • October 6, 2023 • 3

ARPA-H launches a health network program

both her bachelor’s and doc-
TEHREEM HUSSAIN toral degrees in applied biol-
MANAGING EDITOR ogy from Tech and is one of the
Institute’s notable alumni.
On Sept. 26, 2023, the Ad- Wegrezyn provided the Tech-
vanced Research Projects Agency nique with a statement highlight-
for Health (ARPA-H) provided ing the importance of ARPA-H
notification for the creation of and said, “Modeled after the
the Advanced Research Projects unique and ambitious business
Agency Network for Health (AR- practices of DARPA, ARPA-H
PANET-H), a nationwide health serves a unique role in the health
innovation network. ARPA-H is ecosystem that allows us to pursue
a special agency delineated under high risk projects that have the
the U.S. Department of Health potential to deliver asymmetrical
and Human Services (HHS) advances in health, including [p]-
and ARPANET-H will operate residential priorities like the Biden
in tandem with the presence of Cancer Moonshot Initiative.”
three ARPA-H regional hubs. ARPA-H was developed as a
According to the press release, means to bolster the growth of
the establishment of the regional biomedical research that directly
hubs is an effort by ARPA-H to develops sustainable and equitable
account for the “diversity of peo- health solutions. The operational
ple, settings and capabilities that model of ARPA-H utilizes pro-
encompass the American health gram managers who lead teams of
ecosystem.” The primary focus of performers that focus on specific Photo Courtesy of U.S. HHS
the new network will be coupling health-related issues. The program Dr. Rene Wegrzyn, Tech alum, got sworn in as the first director of ARPA-H by HHS Secre-
scientific discoveries with medi- is unique in that measurement and tary Xavier Becerra in 2022. Now, she is spearheading a new network under the department.
cal practices that are centered evaluation are core tenets of each
around bettering health outcomes research focus, setting it apart Degradome Atlas (CODA) proj- NET-H, the ability to tap into the was estimated to be at 30% by the
for diverse patient populations. from commercial research activity. ect, led by the Georgia Institute best resources whether it’s in your International Diabetes Federation
Dr. Renee Wegrzyn is cur- The new network is an effort that of Technology, which focuses on backyard or across the country.” (IDF). The consolidation of the
rently serving as the director for aligns with President Biden’s Uni- mapping cancer cell biomarkers With the network’s aim to network under ARPA-H will cre-
ARPA-H and assumed the role in ty Agenda, a four-part program to help improve cancer detection span across all 50 U.S. states, the ate a centralized system to address
2022 following her appointment focused on cancer research, obli- rates at the very earliest stages of project’s reach will be important such challenges through medical
by President Joe Biden. Prior to gations to veterans, the national the disease,” Wegrezyn said. in ensuring that states with under- research and scientific discovery.
this position, Wegrzyn was em- mental health crisis and opioid Wegrezyn then described resourced healthcare systems are Finally, reminiscing on her
ployed as the vice president of and overdose epidemic. The Insti- how ARPANET-H will incor- included in the dialogue for health roots, Wegrezyn spoke of the rel-
business development at Gingko tute is a large stakeholder in these porate the national goals of equity and advancement. Accord- evance of Tech’s ideals in inform-
Bioworks. According to her pro- new initiatives championed by the ARPA-H into their practices. ing to St. George’s University, ing the mission of ARPA-H.
file, “Wegrzyn comes to ARPA-H ARPA-H and the ARPANET-H. “We envision many ARPA-H the functions and mechanisms “As a former Yellow Jacket, the
with experience working for two “We recently announced a few programs and projects to work behind the current healthcare sys- principles of ‘progress and ser-
of the institutions that inspired new efforts that demonstrate the with the ARPANET-H hubs — tem in the U.S. are resulting in 83 vice’ of the Georgia Tech motto
the creation of the agency — kinds of revolutionary concepts depending on the needs of the million people occupying regions come alive every day through our
the Defense Advanced Research we are here to pursue that are programs, projects and the hub’s regarded as Health Professional work at ARPA-H. It has been an
Projects Agency (DARPA) and too high risk for other public or capabilities. That might be work- Shortage Areas (HPSAs). Addi- eventful first year leading this
Intelligence Advanced Research private funding to pursue, but if ing with a hub in the same re- tionally, according to the Ameri- new agency, and I’m so proud of
Projects Activity (IARPA).” successful, have the potential to gion as an OpenBAA awardee or can Cancer Society, there were 1.9 the incredible team and culture
Wegrezyn’s educational change the trajectory of a given with a hub or spoke in another million new cancer cases in the we are building at ARPA-H and
background can be traced back field or health care challenge. This geographic area. It’s one of the U.S. in 2022 alone, and chronic and am excited that Georgia Tech
to the Institute. She received includes the Cancer and Organ strengths of the evolving ARPA- metabolic condition prevalence is a part of it,” Wegrezyn said.

Republican debate unfolds with Trump absent

and received some criticisms
COLE MURPHY from his colleagues for it. Dur-
CONTRIBUTING WRITER ing this debate, however, par-
ticipants fired shots at the former
The leading GOP candidates president with a greater intensity.
met last Wednesday at the Ronald “Donald, I know you’re watch-
Reagan Presidential Library for an ing. You can’t help yourself,” said
impassioned and, at times, chaotic former Governor Chris Christie,
second Republican debate. Nota- addressing the camera directly.
bly absent, however, was former “And you’re not here tonight
President Donald Trump, who is not because of polls and not be-
currently ahead in the primary cause of your indictments. You’re
polls by over 40 points. not here tonight because you’re Photo courtesy of Mark J. Terrill Associated Press
Only seven contenders took afraid of being on this stage and FOX Business Network and Univision hosted the debate last week. From left to right are former
the debate stage compared to defending your record. You’re U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, Gov. Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy and Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C.
the first debate’s eight, with Asa ducking these things. And let
Hutchinson announcing last week me tell you what’s going to hap- safety of TikTok, in which she which one of you on stage tonight ing a slight boost from the debate
that his campaign failed to meet pen, you keep doing that, no one remarked, “Every time I hear you should be voted off the island?” but still finding herself in third
the Republican National Conven- up here is going to call you Don- I feel a little bit dumber.” Whiteboards were provided place behind DeSantis.
tion (RNC) polling requirements. ald Trump anymore, we’re gonna She also had a tense exchange for the candidates to write their Haley’s campaign states that
Candidates sparred over a call you ‘Donald Duck.’” with Tim Scott, in which he ac- answer, but all refused. DeSantis Trump sees them as more of a
wide variety of issues, including Gov. Ron DeSantis levied a cused her of spending federal called it “disrespectful to [his] threat than before. Coinciden-
unions, healthcare, energy, immi- similar criticism, albeit in a more funds to buy curtains for her of- fellow competitors.” Chris Chris- tally, picture was released on
gration and the economy, with a muted tone than Christie. ficial United Nations residence, tie took the opportunity to write Sunday of a birdcage and bird-
significant focus on the perceived “Donald Trump is missing in seemingly referencing a 2018 New “Donald Trump” on his white- seed left outside of her door with
failures of President Joe Biden’s action. He should be on this stage York Times story that the outlet board, but he declined to write a note that said “From: Trump
administration and its heavily tonight,” said DeSantis. later retracted. “You’ve got bad the name of someone on the stage. campaign,” seemingly referencing
touted “Bidenomics” policy. The debate quickly shifted information,” Haley said. And with that, the debate end- Trump’s pejorative nickname for
“Bidenomics has failed,” said into candidates attacking each Overall, there were fewer pol- ed. It looks as though the night Haley, “Birdbrain.” The Trump
former Vice President Mike other directly. Several arguments icy discussions than in the previ- will do little to upset the estab- campaign has not confirmed or
Pence. “Wages are not keeping up devolved into unintelligibil- ous debate, with the moderators lished order, as a 538/Washing- denied responsibility.
with inflation. Auto workers and ity, with the Fox Business and forgoing closing statements in ton Post/Ipsos poll conducted in The state primary elections
all American workers are feeling Univision moderators straining favor of asking the candidates the days after the debate found for the 2024 season will begin
it. Families are struggling in this to regain control of the room. who they thought should drop Trump’s support only declining this January in Iowa, and only
economy. … Joe Biden doesn’t be- Former Governor Nikki out of the GOP race. “It’s now 0.1% with 63.8% of likely Repub- time will tell whether anyone will
long on the picket line — he be- Haley found herself at the cen- obvious that if you all stay in the lican primary voters considering dislodge Trump’s lead. Tech stu-
longs in an unemployment line.” ter of many of these arguments, race, former President Donald voting for him. Each of the other dents who are Georgia residents
Trump was also not present including a memorable one with Trump wins the nomination,” candidates’ support remained can register to vote before the
at the first Republican debate Vivek Ramaswamy regarding the said moderator Dana Perino. “So steady as well, with Haley receiv- primaries at
4 • October 6, 2023 • technique // NEWS

JAIL FROM FRONT at the Rice St. facility pose se-

says Franklin, “and instead of re- vere mental and physical health
pairing it, they just keep putting risks for its inmates. Dr. Amy
empty trashcans under it to catch D’Unger is the Interim Direc-
the water. This leak was there years tor and Associate Director of the
ago when I was a public defender, GT Honors Program and a soci-
and it is still there to my knowl- ologist with an expertise in social
edge. If that was visible to the policy and crime. She discusses
public, then you can only imagine the ramifications of this issue for
what the rest of the jail is like.” inmates and the local community.
Just over a month ago, former “The great paradox of the
president Donald Trump was criminal justice system is that,
booked and processed at the Ful- while the vast majority of people
ton County Jail due to his Georgia who suffer from mental illness
indictment charges. Shortly after, — including substance addiction
he publicly detested the condi- — do not get involved in crime,
tions of the facility in a fundrais- many of the people who are in-
ing email to his supporters. carcerated are experiencing men-
“It’s worse than you could tal illness,” says D’Unger. “This
even imagine,” said Trump. “It’s is especially true in jails, which
violent. The building is fall- are the holding pen for people
ing apart. Inmates have dug after arrest and before trial. …
their fingers into the crumbling Jails tend to have more transient
walls and ripped out chunks populations and fewer resources
to fashion over 1,000 shanks.” than prisons and often become
BBC estimates that Trump “overflow housing” for the men-
was in the jail for around 20 tally ill, substance addicted, and/
minutes, accompanied by a full or homeless. … The conditions Photo by Alex Dubé Student Publications
security team. Other persons in in an overcrowded jail — loud According to the SCHR, the Fulton County Jail is currently operating at almost double its
custody are not so lucky. The Ful- noises, violence, inadequate food, capacity. With increasing scrutiny, responsibility for a solution lie with Sheriff Patrick “Pat” Labat.
ton County Jail is meant to be a overcrowded conditions — can be As the issue grows more severe by diverting those with mental dress the human rights violations
temporary facility that detains particularly triggering from those each day, Fulton County Sher- health issues, substance abuse is- occurring at the jail, but it is likely
individuals awaiting trial or sen- suffering from mental illness.” iff Patrick Labat, who maintains sues and a lack of housing/shelter that the results of the DOJ’s inves-
tencing or individuals serving She adds that the jail’s lack of jurisdiction over the jail, grows into community-based treatment tigation will affect their efforts in
small sentences, but many end adequate medical resources and desperate to find a solution. He is a more viable long- term solu- the coming months.
up there for months or even years facilities is a root of the health is- stated last month that his current tion. … Most people in Fulton “Jails are ill-suited to provide
without being convicted. This is sues that occur within the facility. plan is to farm around a thousand County Jail are poor — their rehabilitation. To the extent that
the root of the jail’s overcrowd- “At Fulton County Jail, a pri- inmates to other facilities as far families may not have the means rehabilitation as opposed to pun-
ing issue, which only exacerbates vate health care company, Naph- away as south Georgia or Mis- to travel to see them in a jail that’s ishment is part of the US crimi-
its deplorable conditions. Care, Inc., provides services, but sissippi. However, there has been farther away. … Moving prison- nal justice system, it’s much more
“Everyone who’s held in Ful- the company is seeking to either no news of the plan’s enaction ers to other facilities is a short likely to happen in prison than in
ton County Jail is being held pre- terminate its contract or get a since the Sheriff’s statement. term bandage for a very gaping jail. … I don’t think any rehabili-
trial,” says Franklin. “They should significant increase in pay be- Both D’Unger and Franklin wound,” D’Unger says. tation is happening in local jails
be able to expeditiously get to cause of the level of violence in agree that this is a temporary solu- “Potentially moving [persons like Fulton County. I think ware-
court and resolve their case… or the facility, including targeted at tion that could end up causing more in custody] has implications un- housing of the poor and mentally
be able bond out of the jail. We health care practitioners, [whose] harm to the inmates than good. der the Sixth amendment right to ill is happening,” D’Unger says.
informed [the jail] that there are contract was recently renewed “I don’t know the specifics of counsel. Clients need to be able The Futon County Jail retains
a lot of inmates in custody for a over the summer. NaphCare it- this plan, but the Fulton County to meet often to review discov- jurisdiction over a large portion
variety of reasons such as not self has been the target of several Jail is incredibly overcrowded. ery with their counsel. … This of Atlanta’s metropolitan area. If
having a trial date or not hav- lawsuits for negligence, including Moving some inmates to other frustrates the ability to develop any Tech student is arrested in
ing bond placed, and these are in the recent death of LaShawn jails could temporarily improve relationships between client and Fulton County, they will most
factors that affect overcrowding.” Thomas, a schizophrenic inmate the conditions, but it’s not a attorney,” Franklin says. likely be processed through Rice
Coupled with overcrowding, who died of severe neglect in long-term solution. Reducing Fulton County has yet to offer St. and could be detained there
the severity of the conditions September 2022,” says D’Unger. the number of people in the jail a more permanent solution to ad- for an extended period of time.

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攀砀瀀攀爀椀洀攀渀琀愀氀 夀伀唀
渀漀椀猀攀 䐀伀一ᤠ吀
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Opinions technique
OPINIONS EDITOR: Nithya Jameshenry
I’d rather float over other people’s

minds as something strictly fluid
and non-perceivable. Friday,
— Franz Kafka October 6, 2023

OUR VIEWS | Consensus Opinion

Free lunch for all
Political satire increase this potential burden.
Some school districts only accept
How has the role of satire shifted over time? applications at the beginning of
the school year while others accept
With the recent New Yorker exposé of po- about where he went to high school and college, applications at any time.
However, most project at
litical satirist and comedian Hasan Minhaj, lied about working on Wall Street, lied about least a 10 business day waiting
there has been increased discussion on the role founding a charity and lied about many of his period for families to hear back.
political satire holds in American politics and other accolades that awarded him his position. In the event a family is suffer-
ing from a financial emergency,
news dissemination. Through the Trump Ad- However, rather than acknowledge his wrong- this leaves them and their chil-
ministration and during the transition into the doings or feel embarrassed about his lies being dren in an unnecessary struggle
Biden Administration, the role of such satire exposed, he displays no remorse. He simply CAROLINE BETZ while they wait to hear back.
STAFF WRITER Implementing a universally-
has shifted. We at the Technique wish to dis- states that he was embellishing the truth. provided school lunch policy
cuss the circumstances surrounding this shift, Most lies are simply embellishments of the In the wake of a government would remove this enormous
shutdown threat that nearly put burden from families toeing the
as well as what niche political satire has settled truth. However, at what point do we need to a halt to free and reduced lunch poverty line by providing a much-
into of recent. Additionally, we would like to hold public figures accountable for their seem- programs in public schools across needed safety net program.
assess the standard to which we, as a society, ingly unharmful digressions from honesty? America, impacting up to 31 mil- By providing school lunches
lion children, the question of who for all children, a major class
hold satirists and comedians to, in terms of Hasan Minhaj has long capitalized on dramatics should be paying for school lunch- marker is removed from schools,
honesty and embellishment of the truth. and using the shock value of his stories to make es is more pertinent than ever. and many students are protected
If students are required to be from potential bullying that could
The purpose political satire holds has indubi- people connect. However, in lying about certain
in a public school building until stem from a students’ family eco-
tably shifted. However, the reason for this shift stories, such as those surrounding police brutal- the age of at least 16, then it is en- nomic status being on display dur-
is not due to changes within political satire. The ity, he takes away from people for whom those tirely reasonable to require public ing lunchtime every day.
schools to provide children with a Whether a student has al-
genre, the nature of its comedy and its jokes have are true, lived experiences. In doing this, he is free and nutritious lunch. ways been on free lunch, starts
stayed stagnant over the years. The real change no longer focusing on the larger social problem, Food insecurity has continued at the beginning of a school year
has been within the political climate itself. but rather putting the focus on him. Black and to rise in American households as or suddenly is on the free lunch
many struggle to recover from the program in the middle of the
Modern politicians have come into the habit brown communities have consistently faced economic toll they have suffered school year, it undeniably puts
of utilizing extremes and ruthlessness in order such issues and it is inappropriate for him to due to the long reaching impacts that student on display if their
to garner attention. Former President Donald capitalize on their struggles. As a figure who of the COVID pandemic. Over classmates notice this change.
51% of students rely on free or re- Children deserve a school
Trump is a notable example of this phenom- has worked on “The Daily Show” and hosted his duced lunch to be able to eat. lunchroom free from bullying
enon. He originally came into power through own political satire show, “Patriot Act,” Minhaj These children deserve a based on circumstances entirely
guaranteed meal, regardless of out of their control.
propagation of large and radical ideas. He con- must uphold his honesty levels, even in his com- whether or not Congress can By giving all students free
tinues to maximize attention, which works in edy, in order to maintain his authority and effi- choose to agree with each other lunch, a student’s financial situ-
his favor. On the Republican presidential ticket, cacy at disseminating news. His admissions of to prevent a government shut- ation, or sudden change in fi-
down or whether local lawmakers nancial situation, is no longer
he is still polling the highest of the candidates, dishonesty have taken away from that. are feeling extra generous. on display for their classmates
despite being indicted multiple times and It is imperative to recognize the value of po- Infamously, some school dis- to nitpick during lunch.
refusing to show up to debates. litical satire. While it has an informative ele- tricts have a policy that instructs In a political climate where
cafeteria workers to throw out a bipartisan issues are few and far
Political satire fails to reflect and accom- ment, it also functions as a way to spread heavy student’s lunch if they are unable between, providing free school
modate such extremes. They require creative and important news in a palatable manner. to pay for it at the cash register at lunch for all public school stu-
the end of the lunch line. dents is an issue that unifies
ways to be funny because a lot of their work is In the future, satirists can include a call Not only does this cause ex- the majority of Americans.
being done for them. With politicians mak- to action as part of their shows. A good ex- treme embarrassment for the After witnessing the feasi-
ing more and more egregious comments, ample of this is “Last Week Tonight” with child whose lunch debt is now bility of universally provided
being advertised to the entire school lunches during the pan-
like Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene John Oliver, who offers actionable options for school cafeteria, this adds to the demic, 60% of Americans sup-
blaming a “Jewish Space Laser” for the 2018 contributing to alleviating social issues. How- massive food waste issue that port free lunch and 57% sup-
California wildfires, it is difficult to satirize ever, viewers should not develop their views plagues American schools. port free breakfast provided
Nearly 530,000 tons of food to all students in public schools.
figures who bring shock and comedic factors. from comedy shows, because it is still some- are thrown out in school caf- Whether a student is in kinder-
In the past, embarrassment was an important one’s opinion and commentary. This informa- eterias every single year — a garten or their senior year of high
figure that is certainly inflated school, they deserve access to a
component of political satire. Politicians were tion has already been digested, and while it by policies such as the one above. free meal while they are attending
once held to a standard where they had to be- might introduce an idea, it should not be the Almost 40% of Americans school. Students deserve to avoid
have diplomatically. This is no longer the case. end of one’s research on a topic. are a single paycheck away from being embarrassed by cafeteria
dropping below the poverty line, staff advertising their lunch debt
Embarrassment is no longer an effective means Political satire has a dual purpose: to inform leaving many children at risk of to the entirety of the cafeteria.
of criticism because politicians have become and to entertain. Just as we have been forced to no longer having reliable access to They deserve to not have
unembarrassable. Representative George San- take the word of politicians with a grain of salt, filling and substantial meals. their lunch signal their family’s
The current policies in place sur- finances. Most of all, students
tos has lied to Congress, lied to his donors, lied we must treat political satirists in the same way. rounding the application process deserve access to free lunches
for free or reduced school lunches in American public schools.
The Consensus Opinion reflects the majority opinion of the Editorial Board of the
Technique, but not necessarily the opinions of individual editors. Write to us: are responses to or commentaries on
content found within the pages of the Technique. Along with these letters,
we are open to receiving letters that

technique editorial board Got something to say? Then let

your voice be heard with the Tech-
focus on relevant issues that currently
affect Tech as an institute, including
nique. Sliver at, tweet us its campus and student body.
Yashvini Deva EDITOR-IN-CHIEF @the_nique or check us out on Face- When submitting letters we ask
Tehreem Hussain MANAGING EDITOR book at We that you include your full name, year
want to hear your opinion and want (first-year, second-year, etc.) and ma-
to make it known to all of campus. jor. We ask that letters be thought
Nithya Jameshenry OPINIONS EDITOR Rish Desai TECHNOLOGY EDITOR We also welcome your letters in provoking, well written and in good
Emily Russell HEAD COPY EDITOR Alec Grosswald NEWS EDITOR response to Technique content as well taste. We reserve the right to both re-
as topics relevant to campus. We will ject or edit letters for length and style.
Matthew Kistner SPORTS EDITOR Clara Templin DESIGN EDITOR print letters on a timely and space- For questions, comments or con-
Jessamyn M. Lockett LIFE EDITOR Alex Dubé PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR available basis. cern, contact the Opinions Editor at
Aanya Sawhney ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Sydney Gordon ONLINE EDITOR Each week we look for letters that
6 • October 6, 2023 • technique // OPINIONS

Personality tests: pro-growth or anti-identity?

in Carl Jung’s research, namely age examinees to broaden their having a personal understanding for inauthenticity as people tin-
his book “Psychological Types.” horizons and answer questions of the individual. Putting labels ker with their characteristics to
This initiative led to the identi- about themselves free of bias. The on individuals without an im- fit into a specific stereotype or la-
fication of Myers–Briggs Type irony lies within answering the proved grasp of them contributes bel. Stereotyping prohibits diver-
Indicator (MBTI) types, which questions themselves. to a broader societal issue. Many sity among different personalities,
opened a gate for thousands Subconsciously, test-takers will choose to oversimplify certain which results in a uniform mind-
of new identity tests. select options they want to under- human traits, which results in set regarding personality.
With the expansion of internet stand themselves as, disregarding individuals’ complex personali- One way to combat these la-
browsers, these tests are easily ac- their image in the eyes of outsid- ties being overlooked by a reduced bels is through counseling, often
cessible and a form of entertain- ers. Very few people have enough label. People are often identified an outlet for self-discovery and
ment or self-discovery for all. self-awareness to confidently agree by others with oversimplified social awareness. Opening up to
These surveys and questionnaires with the statements that could personality traits, which stick to a therapist or a trusted individual
KATIE STRICKLAND have a common determinant; fol- trigger feelings of inadequacy. an individual, thus disregarding for advice opens a window of pos-
CONTRIBUTING WRITER lowing submission, the test-taker Users tend to take tests to re- the need for self-discovery. sibilities. Complex personalities
supposedly fits into a boxed cat- ceive the desired results rather In this age of insecurity and can shine through face-to-face
The concept of self-discovery egory related to the topic. than answering questions with longing for personality, most peo- interactions rather than limited
has undergone critical changes Although many use these authenticity. This concept en- ple have low autonomy, meaning interpretation through broad, bi-
and shifts along with the rise of tests for entertainment, it is courages individuals to con- they cannot govern themselves. ased questionnaires.
the internet. As media consum- crucial to note that these re- sider whether personality tests Those with low autonomy tend to Meaningful advice is offered
ers eagerly attempt to fit in with sults can subconsciously alter promote growth or hinder take others’ thoughts into more specific to an individual’s situa-
trends and change themselves for the user’s self-perception. authenticity among test-takers. consideration than their own, tion, counter to the automated
public approval, personality tests The creators of personality Many believe these tests which results in an unhealthy results personality tests provide.
have been a determinant in the tests tend to advertise them in a are solely for entertainment or mindset of appealing to outsid- Another outlet for personality
spread of superficial identities. way that appeals to those who are self-discovery. Within the past ers’ expectations. These closed la- exploration is journaling, which
As individuals rush to learn emotionally vulnerable. decade, some employers and bels on different personalities and creates a sense of self-awareness
about themselves, from their Individuals who lack a sense managers have considered per- characteristics can hinder human through personal dialogue and
16Personalities type to what of self or hope to explore multi- sonality tests during job applica- growth as people conform to their reflection. Completing this ex-
kind of pasta they are, no- faceted sides of themselves tions or other important deci- labels rather than choosing to ex- ercise individually without
body is immune to curiosity may conduct these surveys to sions. Many employees fill out plore new sides of themselves. other distractions or stereo-
regarding self-discovery. grasp new sides of themselves, personality questionnaires or Wholly, personality tests and types enhances mindfulness and
The most popular person- which ultimately becomes inef- surveys to discover their strengths limited labels do more harm than prohibits outside judgment.
ality test is the classic Myers- fective when strict labels only and weaknesses in exchange for good — without a personal con- In a world defined by ste-
Briggs test, more well-recognized leave less room for development. unsolicited advice from websites. nection with an individual, as- reotypical labels, the path to
as the 16Personalities test. In- These test-takers are likely to All personality tests have au- signing them different traits and genuine self-discovery remains a
dividuals take a 93-question be clueless about the underlying tomated responses according to listing their weaknesses will only unique journey. By blocking out
survey answering questions biases of these surveys, as many the personality of the best fit. The confuse them more, hindering the uniform labels encouraged
about themselves and receive a are desperate for some sort of out- lack of personalization among self-exploration. These tests of- by personality tests and practic-
four-letter determinant. sider analysis about themselves. these test results can lead to un- ten describe one’s shortcomings, ing self-discovery exercises, each
The test’s creators, Katharine Survey-based personality tests necessary suggestions or com- which utilize emotional appeals individual can truly become
Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs with defined results rather than ments. Meaningful advice cannot to take advantage of the test-taker. free of stereotyping through
Myers, were especially interested open-ended descriptions encour- be offered by these tests without This defect only creates an outlet mindfulness and self-reflection.

Reading between the lines of book bans

school book bans rose about 33% It helps us think more critically attacks are not just an attack on to squash threatening ideas as
in the last year, with Florida being about the fast-paced world we live education, but on democracy the first step followed by more
at the forefront of these actions. in. The problems characters in and the freedom of speech and control in people’s individual
Many conservative groups books face can help provide clo- identity itself. America’s “Free lives. They feared the ideas in
claim that children are too naive sure for life-changing events that Speech Problem,” as quoted by the novels, and the fear got out
to possibly understand certain many teens face, and by remov- the New York Times, coincides of hand. As history has proved
complex themes such as abuse, ing access to these books, schools with America’s long history of again and again, fear leads to con-
LGBTQ+ identities, and race are preventing these students squashing people’s opinions trol. The public school system is,
or racism, leading to confusion from achieving a conclusion. that continues to haunt today. overall, a government agency.
about what is and is not appro- At the end of the day, books are Look to the founding of this When a government agency
priate. After all, certain issues are meant to tell a story. country, when the poor were decides that it has the power to de-
hard to read about — no one of Banning a book destroys the prevented from having a vote. termine what information a per-
DHANYA MUPPALLA any age is really ever ready to face value and validity of a person’s Observe the past two hundred son has access to based on one per-
CONTRIBUTING WRITER them, but by banning these ideas stories. Parents may try to ask years where the voices of people son’s personal beliefs, that is when
in schools, students are not only that their teacher not teach a of color, women and other mi- the exchange of free ideas is killed.
I am forever grateful for the prevented from having the sup- certain book, but how can pub- norities have been squashed on We must, with a steadfast
idea of free speech, or I would port to face these ideas, but these lic access be removed for all stu- a day-to-day basis for speaking will and determination, stand
have to be writing this article authors are legally being prevented dents? The rate that this has been their minds, for disagreeing and against all sources of governmen-
from the dark depths of a pris- from expressing their ideas. occurring is unprecedented in contradicting the status-quo. tal restrictions of the free flow
on. As Oliver Wendell Holmes The purpose of an education American public schools. Today, the ideas of cancel- of ideas. We must learn to love
once said, “it is not free thought is to provide the foundation to The core purpose of an educa- culture, as well as Republican- criticism, for it is the greatest
for those who agree with us but develop, analyze and perpetuate tion is to perpetuate the cold, hard led restrictions imposed in pub- guide we have to advancement.
freedom for the thought that we free ideas. Without this, an edu- truth to younger generations, so lic schools, continue to distort The ban of free literature is
hate.” And yet the First Amend- cation just creates identical ma- what are these leaders trying to the truth. It’s not a liberal ver- the first step to the death of free,
ment made to the Constitution, chines. Controversial literature say by banning books related to sus conservative issue; the truth independent ideas in a democ-
a hallowed document protecting not only builds empathy and the some of the largest social issues is that it is difficult to speak racy, and it is imperative that
the freedom of Americans, finds ability to comprehend the gray of today? Are they attempting to your mind anymore without we as students stand up to this.
itself once again under attack with areas of current world issues, but mold students that fit their own fear of cancel culture’s impact. As the founders of this country
the recent surge in the banning of it is highly effective in provid- agenda? Are they implying that Dictatorial regimes across urged, we must fight for “freedom
books. According to NPR news, ing a third person point of view. these issues do not exist? These the world have used censorship for the thought we hate.”


// OPINIONS technique • October 6, 2023 • 7

Crush the cringe culture crisis

typically manifest in the form of ing a fictional character by wear-
grimacing, turning one’s head or ing costumes and emulating the
wrinkling one’s nose. These are character’s personality. Cosplay
physical indicators of “vicarious is considered a performance art,
social pain,” according to a jour- and portraying a character suc-
nal published by Social Cognitive cessfully takes time, effort and
and Affective Neuroscience. talent. However, when cosplay
Despite its negative connota- artists would display the fruits
tion, the act of cringing dem- of their labor on social media,
onstrates our empathetic nature they mostly received comments
as humans. In fact, the degree calling them cringy. This may
to which we cringe at some- not be a universal phenom-
one depends on how much we enon, but I have observed peo-
ALEC GROSSWALD relate to the person directly ple consistently being shamed
Birthday Time! Krispy Kraze NEWS EDITOR receiving the embarrassment. for practicing an art form
Time for a monumental Doughnut lovers rejoice! The The more we relate to an in- that is known for its inclu-
birthday celebration! Former Krispy Kreme on Ponce de Everyone who has TikTok is dividual, the more we are able to sive community because others
President Jimmy Carter Leon Avenue is reopening bound to come across a video visualize ourselves in their shoes believe it to be cringy.
turned 99 years old on Oct. soon. Backed by Shaquille whose audience has deemed it and experience their pain or plea- Cringe culture perpetuates
1st. Born in 1924, Carter O’Neal, the new location is cringy, whether it be a 13-year- sure. Therefore, cringing at a harmful social norms that do not
has spent seven months in honoring the location that old dressed in their favorite co- video online establishes an emo- have a place in modern society
hospice. Carter served as the was previously destroyed by splay or a micro celebrity embar- tional link between the viewer and others members of margin-
39th U.S. president, the 76th arson in 2021. The shop offers rassing themselves in a public and the video publisher. This re- alized groups, particularly the
governor of Georgia and a in-store purchases, drive-thru interview. Anonymous accounts action itself is not problematic; neurodivergent and LGBTQ+
Georgia state senator. and online ordering. fill the comments section with it is an involuntary reflex result- communities. According to stop-
backhanded remarks like “Look ing from our brain interacting, “more U.S. high
guys, we found the original” or with established social norms. school students who self-identify
“cuteness overload,” often gaining The problem with cringe as lesbian, gay, or bisexual (LGB)
more likes than the actual video. culture lies within its name — report having been … cyberbul-
Although cringe is an innately social media users have devel- lied (27%) in the past year than
human feeling, projecting that oped a culture of shaming oth- their straight peers [13%].”
feeling onto others is a form of ers for acting in a manner that Cyberbullying, even if users
cyberbullying that mainly targets does not harm or disturb others. participate in it unknowingly,
Ticket Terror marginalized groups. Though it started in the late has serious ramifications for vul-
Scooter Surge Let it be known that I neither 2010s, cringe culture escalated nerable youth. Saying something
Beyoncé’s fanbase, “BeyHive,” This year, Tech’s campus
is surely ecstatic to witness detest cringing, nor do I think notably during the pandemic. or someone is cringy is simply an
boasts more scooters than ever!
“Renaissance” once again. that everyone should stop doing With no other outlet for expres- indirect form of shaming oth-
Anywhere you turn, there is at
However, the ticket prices are it. The feeling of secondhand em- sion, teens turned to social media ers. Social media gives users the
least an electric scooter or two
definitely not quite as exciting. barrassment is universal and is an to discuss their special interests unique opportunity to freely dis-
in sight. However, etiquette
Ranging between 22 and important facet of our social na- and join communities with other play their hobbies and interests,
surrounding these personal
24 dollars depending on the ture as human beings. like-minded individuals. Sudden- and it is imperative that we pre-
transportation vehicles has
theater, “Renaissance: A Film The Cambridge Dictionary ly, they became victims of intense, serve this privilege by striving to
been on a downward spiral.
by Beyoncé,” while pricey, will defines cringe as feeling “very unjustified cyberbullying. A no- create a tolerant and inclusive on-
Recently, many scooters have
be in theaters on Dec. 1st. embarrassed, and often [show- table example of this is the pro- line community, even if it means
even been found in trees!
ing] this by a physical movement liferation of cosplay on TikTok. toning down the sarcasm. Cringe
or expression.” These movements Cosplaying is the act of represent- culture needs to end.

Grande Cinnamon Cookie Butter Almond Hair

ter latte with cream, Splenda and color is not the first offense made is as far as I’ll go. After all this, When this happens, people are
oat milk in a compostable, clear by Bieber’s team. Before “cinna- I am left wondering why every- left scrambling to achieve some
cold cup” hair is, don’t worry! mon cookie butter” hair was a thing has to sound like a Bath new idea of beauty. Brown hair
If you just tell your hairstylist trend, there was “glazed donut” and Body Works candle scent. can no longer be just brown hair;
that you’d like to dye your hair a nails (a sheer white color), “latte” Why are we writing fanfiction instead, we are left with “cin-
warm brown color, you’ll receive makeup (literally just brown titles to refer to brunette hair? namon cookie butter,” “cowboy
the same results as Bieber. eyeshadow), “strawberry girl” Why are we using random word copper” or another ridiculous
I’d like to intermission to em- makeup (some pink blush and generators for a simple mani- name the Internet conjures up.
phasize that I have no issues with freckles), “tomato girl” makeup cure? Should I start listing a Star- I am curious to know how much
Bieber herself — seven-year-old (I have no idea how this dif- bucks secret menu drink every money people have spent buy-
Emily might be ugly sobbing fers from the previous example), time I get my hair done? ing these makeup products or
on her bedroom floor upon dis- “lemon meringue” manicure Beyond being a silly trend sprinting to their hairdresser.
EMILY RUSSELL covering that she would, in fact, (any yellow nail polish at your to laugh at, the “lactose-free, Regardless, I hope that
not be marrying Justin Bieber. local Target) and even “blue- probiotic vanilla blonde shot Bieber’s marketing team seri-
HEAD COPY EDITOR However, my 20-year-old self is a berry milk” nails (any blue nail with an almond biscoff on the ously considers going for a nice
According to an article pub- casual follower, even fan, of the polish at your local Target). side” hair phenomenon exempli- lunch break or an Erewhon trip
lished by People Magazine this two. I am simply confused, yet Even worse, the tendencies fies our desire to be a Pinterest before coming up with her next
August, model and social media also intrigued, by the creative of Bieber’s team have infiltrated search term or an aesthetic ex- trend. If hunger is not the root
influencer Hailey Bieber has de- genius (or ridiculousness) of her the rest of the Internet. As I was tension of whatever “blank-core” cause of the issue, then I am
cided to “spice up her life” — and marketing team. I am choosing scrolling on TikTok last week, I is trending at the moment. glad they have discovered their
everyone else’s — by debuting to believe that they are either encountered something deeply Nothing is meant to be at- talent for creating incredibly
her new “cinnamon cookie but- messing with all of us or are just profane. It was none other than tainable anymore. We cycle niche names for things.
ter” hair color just in time for really, really hungry. “cowboy copper” hair. Spoiler through trends so rapidly that It is truly a gift. I think Cray-
pumpkin spice season! For those Anyways, the “high protein, alert: it is just red. If you want predictors feel the need to reach ola is hiring people to name their
wondering what in the world organic overnight chocolate oats to feel a little more niche, I’ll or repackage normal ideas into crayons; I might send her team’s
“grande cinnamon cookie but- with subtle notes of Nutella” hair call it ginger or auburn, but that something incredibly obscure. applications their way.
Jessamyn M. Lockett
Staying fit during the fall
Ashika Srivastava
Read about the Technique's tips and tricks on how to main- 8
tain and achieve fitness goals as the seasons transtion.410
October 6, 2023
“I think it’s very well put to- students and a low-key, calming and off campus throughout the about upcoming SCPC events on
BONDFIRE FROM FRONT gether. The vibes are good. It’s atmosphere for free and without school year open to students and campus, visit studentcenter.gat-
nice,” said Demings. requiring registration. SCPC will the greater Atlanta community or follow SCPC on
-the bonfire, it kind of has been “I think they’ve done well; it’s be hosting more events both on alike. To learn more information Instagram at @gtscpc.
done before but we wanted to fairly organize. It doesn’t seem
bring it back because it’s kind to be too chaotic, so it’s pretty
of like a community vibe,” said good,” added Otebele.
Jayaswal, reflecting on the event. The event was a nice way to
The larger goals of SCPC close out a busy week for students;
remain dedicated to Tech’s com- reminding them of the little plea-
munity, from alumni to student. sures and slower moments in life.
“It’s just to first improve stu- The open mic portion was another
dents’ experiences in college and great opportunity to showcase the
also kind of facilitate community diverse talents of Jackets, provid-
within Georgia Tech. [To] show ing both an outlet for creative
everyone like the inclusivity and expression and a space for cre-
welcomeness within our college atives to network in the normally
and also just to provide enjoy- STEM-dominated environment.
able opportunities so students can As one of the largest orga-
take breaks, just like hang out nizations on campus, SCPC
and chill,” said Jayaswal. often works in collaboration
While some of the larger with Tech students as well as
SCPC events are higher-energy higher administration. Their
and more involved, this night was multitude of events through-
one for pleasant and cozy memo- out the year range from smaller Photo by Alexey Tatarinov Student Publications
ries. Sitting around a fire, roasting socials to campus-wide ones. A student toasts a marshmallow by the fireside in order to make a s’more. SCPC’s Buzzy Bondfire provided
marshmallows and eating s’mores “SCPC serves to put on events students with a relaxed, on-campus event to enjoy each other’s company and a sweet treat after the long week.
brought back a sense of nostalgia for campus students, faculty and
for many students. Sidney Dem- staff. They have a bunch of dif-
ings, third-year, BMED shared ferent themed events. Some are
her perspective, saying, “I haven’t like night time events like ram-
been to many [SCPC events] in bling nights; we do traditional
the past but I’ve been meaning to events like Homecoming, fall
come to this one in the past years. concert types and stuff like that.
I’m loving it, it’s very chill and a Also the off campus large scale
good way to end the week.” events like aquarium night, so
Nina Otebele, third-year AE we just serve as an enjoyable as-
spoke on the event, saying, “it’s pect to build the college experi-
been kind of fun to see just so ence for students and even other
many different ways people are ac- people who are associated with
tually roasting the marshmallows. Georgia Tech,” Jayaswal said.
I just saw a guy put his stick in it As fall continues to roll in at
in the fire and then use that stick the Institute and across the city,
to roast his own marshmallow. students found themselves gath-
Like it’s just the creativity.” ering around the hearth for a fun
Students commended the filled night of s’mores, laughter
SCPC on their organization and and friendship. Differing from
the substance of the event, refer- other events this semester such
encing the program’s timely ex- as GT Night at Six Flags, the Photo by Alexey Tatarinov Student Publications
ecution and seamless transition Buzzy Bondfire was hosted on A student plays their guitar while another serenades the event attendees. In addition to providing food, the
from its beginning to end. campus, providing easier access to event served as a platform for musicians, poets and other artists to show off their skills for the commumity.

Generative Futures symposium at the Institute

systems, some may wonder, what versation about the morality and
MADISON WINSTON makes ChatGPT so different? use of artificial intelligence. When
CONTRIBUTING WRITER “It feels more human,” said Dr. asked about these situations,
David Joyner, Executive Director Harmon invoked the title of an
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has of Online Education within the article by Karim Lakhani, a pro-
recently come to the forefront College of Computing, the key- fessor at Harvard School of Busi-
of the cultural and societal con- note speaker of the symposium. ness, saying, “AI will not replace
sciousness. As such, any signifi- As keynote speaker, Dr. humans, but humans with AI
cant change or shift in technology Joyner focused on the changes will replace those without it.”
is bound to make an even bigger AI can have in education, start- Harmon cited productivity or
impact on the Institute. ing his presentation by discussing the lack thereof as being central
To address this change, on how previous technologies have to the conversation and that AI
Sept. 28, the Center for 21st Cen- caused similar outbursts. For ex- could be the answer.
tury Universities (C21U) hosted ample, he pointed to calculators “There are certain sectors of
Generative Futures: Revolution- and autocorrect as technologies society that don’t enjoy the same
izing Learning with Artificial In- that are used by students every- increase of productivity that oth-
telligence, a symposium focused where and drew criticism from ers do. It takes a string quartet the
on AI and its implications on educators in the past who be- same amount of time to learn a
education and the arts. lieved the inventions would make piece of music as when it was writ-
C21U hosts the Generative education lose its meaning. ten hundreds of years ago. AI can
Futures symposium every year The second part of the sym- help,” said Harmon.
with topics focused on changes posium focused on the impli- Both students and profession-
in education. C21U’s goal is to be cations of generative AI on the als attended the symposium.
“the catalyst for transformation in arts, another controversial topic “I’m here to support my pro- Photo courtesy of Georgia Tech
higher education,” said Stephen brought to the forefront re- fessor, Dr. Lisa Yaszek, and hear Speaker David Joyner is an Executive Director at the College of Comput-
Harmon, Director for educational cently by the strike of the Writ- her speak as part of a panel,” said ing. Joyner spoke on historical pros and cons of developing technology.
innovation of C21U. ers Guild of America (WGA). Amanda Lang, fifth-year AE.
AI has existed long before the One of the major demands of Harmons hopes for more stu- the future of AI, hoping it has a tutoring is the most effective. The
introduction of ChatGPT, with the guild was protection from dents at the Institute to continue smooth integration into higher- future of AI could be building in-
examples including search recom- the use of generative AI, such as to invest time and energy into AI education across the country. dividual tutors for students.”
mendations, autocorrect, and nav- ChatGPT, to write scripts. “Georgia Tech students and “There is a more positive out- Only time will tell how AI af-
igation systems. While these tech- Issues with generative AI have faculty are very innovative. We look on how it will change the fects education in the long run,
nologies also made great changes also merged in the visual art space will not only think of new ways way we work and how can we maybe it will become as central to
to the way people work and live, with work produced with AI win- to use AI, but we will also become teach students to use it the most learning as calculators. The Insti-
they seem to have caused less ning the Colorado State Fair art the creators of it,” says Harmon. effectively,” said Harmon, he con- tute has the students and faculty
panic than ChatGPT and similar competition, sparking the con- He adopted an optimistic look at tinued, “studies show one-on-one prepared for an innovative future.
// LIFE technique • October 6, 2023 • 9

Liran Razinsky speaks ethics and AI over coffee

Additionally, Razinsky spoke volved in several different AI proj-
PARKER AVERY about how humans take time for ects across campus, including the
CONTRIBUTING WRITER reflection and interpretation af- National AI Institute for Adult
ter receiving a question, unlike Learning and Online Education
The modern world is becoming AI, which returns its responses (AI-ALOE), the National AI Insti-
ever more dependent on artificial almost instantly after receiving tute for Advances in Optimization
intelligence (AI), but there are data. Razinsky said that due to (AI4OPT) and The AI Institute
potential philosophical issues that these factors, “AI fails to sense for Collaborative Assistance and
come with the increasing use of an inner perspective that we have Responsive Interaction for Net-
AI. On Sept. 28, the GT Ethics, of ourselves,” and therefore, does worked Groups (AI-CARING).
Technology and Human Interac- not surpass the bar of knowing “We have three AI institutes
tion Center (ETHICx) hosted a humans better than they know headquartered here at Georgia
gathering focused on just that. themselves. He also believes that Tech, which means the discussion
According to the ETHICx AI will never expand to this lev- within ETHICx developed into
website, the center was founded el of knowledge partly because artificial intelligence,” Hoffmann
in collaboration with the Ivan Al- of the human inability to fully said on the projects’ roles.
len College of Liberal Arts and the understand ourselves. ETHICx addresses many chal-
College of Computing and works In Razinsky’s view, every hu- lenges directed at promoting di-
to provide a space to connect dis- man lacks complete self-knowl- versity and inclusion in AI. Ad-
cussions of the ethics of technol- edge, making humans distinct ditionally, there are privacy and
ogy across campus. At the event, from AI. For example, humans security issues when AI systems
guest speaker Liran Razinsky, often do not know the source of collect large amounts of data.
senior lecturer at Bar Ilan Univer- their emotions and fail to recog- Beyond these more well-
sity in Israel, presented his views nize their own omissions of in- known issues that designers need
on the popular notion that AI formation in their thoughts. In a to consider when implementing
algorithms know humans better way, the failure to completely un- AI technology, Hoffmann and the
than they know themselves. derstand ourselves is a part of who other ETHICx members want to
During the event, Razinsky we are, according to Razinsky. address more niche topics.
took the position that AI will “The absence of full self- “Not only do we have an in-
never be able to understand the awareness characterizes each hu- ternal ethical analysis, but we are
intricacies and complexities of hu- man. Our individual uniqueness also organizing stakeholder en-
mans, arguing that algorithms do is rooted in our own blindspots,” gagement meetings to learn what
not have the full depth and com- said Razinsky, on humanity. He the impacts of the technology are
plexity of humans’ knowledge. concluded his presentation by say- on wellbeing: positive or nega-
“Algorithmic knowledge is ing, “algorithms will never know tive,” Hoffmann said.
that of a distinctly different kind us completely, even if we barely Hoffmann noted that imple-
to human knowledge. We can’t know ourselves at all.” menting ethical policies in AI
compare algorithmic knowledge The Technique spoke to Mi- technology does not stifle inno- Photo by courtesy of the Buber Institute
to self-knowledge,” Razinsky said. chael Hoffmann, Professor of vation rather they compliment Event speaker Liran Razinsky is a lecturer at Bar Ilan University in
The complexity of human Philosophy and Co-Director of each other, as he explained, “I Isreal. His studies center around hermeneutics and cultural studies.
interpretations of the world, ac- ETHICx, about this event and think it’s not slowing innova-
cording to Razinsky, is a result of what ETHICx is doing to pro- tion because technology teams to be monitored and regulated by and staff a place to discuss ethics
humans using all of their past ex- mote ethics across campus. are interested in what we’re do- humans for the forseeable future. issues as campus becomes increas-
periences to interpret new stimuli. “Ethics is an issue many people ing. The technology teams are get- “I think it’s just a great tool, but ingly involved in the development
Razinsky explained that, un- have to deal with and are happy ting feedback that was very hard it is important to observe what’s go- of AI technologies.
like an AI system, two humans to deal with, but what’s missing is to get. It’s a synergy.” ing on and ensure that nothing bad Anyone looking to learn more
could have the same experience some forum for communication Looking to the future, Hoff- happens,” Hoffmann said. about ETHICx and future events
and walk away with a different ex- and exchange,” Hoffmann said. mann expressed his belief in the ETHICx hopes to host more can find additional information
planation of the event; he chalks Hoffmann and others associ- good AI can do when used as a events in a similar manner to con- on their operations at www.eth-
this up to the human condition. ated with ETHICx are also in- tool, but that it should continue tinue providing students, faculty
10 • October 6, 2023 • technique // LIFE

Tips and Tricks: Staying fit during the fall season

USE A FITNESS APP and pumpkin — all of which are way, whether it is running your creates a support system that pro-
Similar to language-learning packed with essential vitamins first 5K, achieving a personal best motes motivation and account-
apps, fitness apps can be invalu- and minerals to support your at the gym or simply remember- ability, making it easier to priori-
able tools to help you stay on overall well-being. Furthermore, ing to exercise for the day. Recog- tize your health and fitness amidst
track with your health and well- do not underestimate the impor- nizing your accomplishments not the demands of academic life at
ness goals. Apps like MyFitness- tance of adequate hydration, even only keeps you motivated but also while in school and beyond.
Pal, Strava, Caliber and All- as the temperatures drop. Staying reinforces positive habits.
Trails offer guidance, tracking well-hydrated not only supports PRACTICE SELF CARE
capabilities and daily motivation strong performance and recovery TEAM UP Amidst the hustle and bustle of
right at your fingertips. They help but also helps to maintain your When deciding to embark on college life, it can be easy to over-
you to monitor your progress, set energy levels during your work- your fall fitness journey, it can look the importance of rest and
fitness goals, maintain consisten- outs and many busy days. be difficult to stay accountable to self-care. As you embrace your
cy and even connect with other yourself — especially when col- fall fitness journey, remember that
ASHIKA SRIVASTAVA like-minded individuals. STAY DETERMINED lege life becomes hectic. Having adequate rest and recovery are es-
ASSISTANT LIFE EDITOR Remember that progress in fit- a workout buddy can make fitness sential. Incorporate rest days into
MAINTAIN A BALANCED DIET ness requires patience and persis- more enjoyable and help you stay your fitness routine to allow your
As the academic year kicks Your fall fitness journey is not tence. Therefore, it is necessary to committed even when schedules body to heal and regenerate. Use
into gear with the summer season complete without the proper nu- set achievable fitness goals tailored get busy. Consider teaming up this time to participate in self-care
quickly turning to fall, many stu- trition. During the fall season, to your abilities and preferences, with a friend, roommate or class- practices such as reading, social-
dents are on the quest for main- you can incorporate nutrient-rich, allowing you to advance toward mate for workouts or outdoor ac- izing with friends or any activity
taining a healthy lifestyle amidst seasonal foods into your meals your desired level of fitness. Cel- tivities. Sharing your fitness goals that helps you relax.
the frenzy of classes, clubs and like apples, sweet potatoes, kale ebrate each milestone along the and achievements with someone A well-rested and rejuvenated
social activities. body is better equipped to tackle
College life comes with its own the challenges of both academics
set of challenges, from late-night and your personal wellness.
study sessions to an abundance
of assignments, projects and mid- TRACK YOUR PROGRESS
terms to maintaining your health Monitoring your fitness prog-
in the upcoming cold and flu sea- ress not only provides motiva-
son. As the leaves change color tion but helps you identify areas
and the academic calendar fills for improvement. Try keeping a
up, the Technique provides a few fitness journal where you record
of its tips and tricks to help stu- your workout plan, diet and how
dents stay fit this fall. you feel physically and mentally
after each session. You can also
ENJOY THE OUTDOORS use fitness trackers and apps to
With cooling temperatures monitor your steps, heart rate
and the sight of bright fall colors, and overall progress.
now is the ideal time to take your Sharing your goals and
workouts outdoors as being in na- achievements with friends or a
ture can offer a captivating back- support group can provide an
drop for your fitness journey. Take additional layer of accountabil-
a walk, run around campus, em- ity, encouraging you to stay on
bark on a long bike ride along the course and make strides towards
scenic routes of West campus or your fitness aspirations.
practice yoga amidst the tranquil- Beyond the traditional gym
ity of Couch Park. You may find workouts, the fall season offers
that the beauty of outdoor work- a variety of unique fitness op-
outs lies not only in the health portunities. Take advantage of
benefits but also in the connection these opportunities by engaging
you make with nature. With cam- Photo courtesy of Novant Health in activities that not only keep
pus’ walkability, you will not have Jogging can be a good source of exercise, especially when done as a group. Working out together can be use- you moving but also allow you
to go far to find your route. ful for staying motivated and accountable. Jackets can utilize the CRC or E Roe Stamps IV Field to stay active. to savor the beauty of fall!
// LIFE technique • October 6, 2023 • 11

GTC hosts a photography workshop in Skiles

Akbar Khan, fourth-year
CONTRIBUTING WRITER plained that “we wanted to pay
more attention and go one-on-one
Grainy videos, baggy clothes with everyone” in reference to the
and new music. The newest workshop’s structure and purpose.
“cool kid” on the block, Georgia However, the workshop was
Tech Creatives (GTC) hosted a not conducted in a typical sit-
photography workshop on dou- down setting with lectures and
ble exposure and motion blur notes, going beyond the act of
techniques on Friday, Sept. 29 clicking a shutter button.
in the Skiles building. Proving a social element, the
The workshop required no ex- event saw photographers ex-
perience and was open to the en- change socials, share projects and
tire Tech community. While the gain more appreciation for their
first half of the event went over the work, all while the latest music
basics of double exposure and mo- played in the background.
tion blur, photographers had the Although the Institute’s gen-
opportunity to put this knowl- eral focus is towards technology,
edge into action by practicing on the event went beyond the typi-
the in-house models on a white cal STEM topics, which students
canvas during the second half. like Joe Gaffigan, fourth-year
For novice photographers who IAML, reported enjoying.
usually use their phones as their “Not only are they inclusive
cameras, professional digital sin- to all levels of skill and knowl-
gle-lens reflex (DSLR) cameras edge, but they are a great way to
and strobe lighting was provided. network and meet other photog-
GTC also went through a Power- raphers in Atlanta,” Gaffigan said.
Point presentation that explained GTC is one of the campus
the exposure triangle and other outlets that helps its members dis-
basics of photography. cover and indulge in their creative Photo by Alexey Tatarinov Student Publications
A group of photographers passions. With no required expe- Students practice their newfound camera skills with one another during the workshop. In alignment with GTC’s
also ventured beyond Skiles and rience, dues or applications, their goal of inclusivity, the event was open to all regardless of their level of experience and welcomed beginners.
stepped out to capture the campus events attract Jackets, dressed in
during the golden hour. Photogra- their best to groove to new music, ator’s Collective, will be hosted on out,” said Khan when asked about 2022 and have gone on to col-
phers experimented with different enjoy exhilarating performances Oct. 20, and those interested can the formation of GTC. lect 2,100 followers since. Speak-
angles as the models tried differ- or hone their creative skills. find more information on their “There is nothing that [has] ing about the future, Gowda and
ent poses to experiment with their Their past events have featured Instagram at @gtcreatives. brought us together besides [our Khan are determined to make
individual artistic styles. Atlanta-based rappers, artists and GTC president, Lekha Gowda creative passion] ... that wasn’t be- GTC an Atlanta name. “The goal
When asked about the inspira- designers and have hosted art pop- 4th-year CS, and Khan met at a ing fulfilled on campus,” Gowda is to just get bigger and bigger and
tion behind this workshop, Cal- ups. Last year, they sold the work photoshoot. They started talking added to the conversation. bigger,” Gowda said.
vin Jaguna, third-year BMED of over 18 of their creatives at the about their creative passions, and GTC has a knack for connect- Through GTC, the Institute
who led the workshop, reported Atlanta Streetwear Market. Col- the lack of a community and op- ing like-minded individuals with now has another community that
that GTC had received positive laborating with GT Arts, they also portunities for creative-minded similar goals — musicians have prioritizes creativity, artistic ex-
feedback on their last photogra- hosted Beyonce’s choreographer, individuals at the Institute. met producers, and photographers pression and a good time.
phy workshop held in fall 2022. Joe Brown, for a dance workshop “You would think that it have forged relationships with Students looking to get in-
“This time, we wanted to be outside of Ferst Art Center in [would be] hard because [Tech is] models through the organization. volved can attend their weekly
a little bit more niche and teach May. Their fall 2023 kickoff saw so STEM-focused … but since a “We wish to promote such col- General Body Meetings every
some more stylistic aspects of approximately 230 people turn creative community on campus laborations via our organization,” Tuesday at 6:30 in room L1255 of
photography,” Jaguna said of the up, filling the theater to capacity. was really lacking, people jumped said Gowda. They started their the Ford Environmental Science
recent event’s goals. Their next event, called the Cre- on our idea when we got our name Instagram account in February & Technology building.

Aanya Sawhney
Emily Piper Friday,
12 October 6, 2023

‘Passing Strange’ lets you make your own reality

lent rebellion of sleeping
AANYA SAWHNEY in on a Sunday.
STAFF WRITER The Youth reluctantly obliges
and heads to church, where he
The lights dimmed; drums, faces the judgment of “church
bass and guitar took stage left moms” who nag him to join the
– another sleek guitar and a key- youth choir. At this moment, he
board took stage right. A wall of has an unprecedented revelation;
retro stereos cleaved the stage, he sees “The Real.” However, this
creating the perfect backdrop revelation is hardly religious, to
for Theatrical Outfit’s rendition the dismay of his Mother and the
of “Passing Strange,” a comedy- rest of the church moms, who sigh
drama rock musical about a in disappointment as the Youth
young African American, called exclaims, “[Feeling the spirit at]
only “Youth,” on his journey of church ain’t nothing but rock and
self-discovery through artistry. roll… I can’t hear the difference.”
The show opened to the public While the Youth temporar-
last Friday, Sept. 29. ily submits to joining the church
Opening weekend welcomed youth choir to soothe his Mother
October into the intimate venue and get the attention of his crush,
– though it was hardly chilly. The Edwina Williams (India Tyree,
Balzer Theater’s charming atmo- “Incredible Book Eating Boy”),
sphere warmed an already pleas- his initiation into the prayer circle
ant weekend, and as the Narrator involves him smoking a joint of
(Brad Raymond, “Legacies”) took marijuana. The leader of the youth
the stage with a sunny smile and choir, Franklin (Trevor Rayshay
shimmering purple silk shirt, the Perry, “Head Over Heels”), is
venue grew warmer still. the minister’s son and the gold-
Raymond began by asking en boy of the church. However, Photo by Casey G Ford Photography
the audience to listen carefully, Franklin has other dreams. The Youth is in Berlin flanked by members of Nowhaus during a performance of “The Black One.”
drawing them into the show even “We’re all freaks just look- The song refers to his tokenization of his identity as he is trying to fit in with revolutionaries.
before its start. “This is not just a ing for a home in this philistine
play, this is a concert,” Raymond of a fishbowl,” Franklin tells the Franklin and the Youth tried In Berlin, the Youth tokenizes shows his versatility in this scene,
said, opening up the performance Youth over a joint. and failed to put themselves in the Black identity he once cast showing the audience his belting
with a welcoming invitation to Franklin tells the Youth about the box of others’ design. Their aside in order to appeal to his rev- and ballad capabilities.
dance, sing along and move to the the freedom of Europe and his Blackness — the very identity olutionary friends. He adopts sto- The Youth responds, “It’s not
beat during the show to come. dream of finally being himself. the Youth left America to escape ries of oppression that he person- love if somebody has to change.”
With that, Raymond disap- Unfortunately, Franklin’s dream — became a tool of tokenization ally had not experienced, though Something trembles within the
peared off-stage, the backdrop remains unrealized: “Cowards in his journey abroad. people in his community had. The audience. We are the Youth. We
wall of stereos opening up to re- don’t have options… only conse- As the Youth builds his “found play took a humorous approach are the Mother. The Youth’s very
veal him once again in the cen- quences,” he tells the Youth. The family” abroad in Amsterdam, he to this situation by juxtaposing character — nameless — lends it-
ter with a guitar, opening up the tables turn for the Youth; he is not becomes “bored of paradise.” For his tales of violence and entrap- self to this embodiment.
show with its first song “Prologue like the others. He wants to play the purpose of composing music ment that he told the Nowhaus We were all no more children
(We Might Play All Night).” rock and roll. He casts aside his borne of pain and sorrow — the members against the truth chasing The Real, but at some
Through the opening, Ray- friends and family to travel to Eu- only muses the Youth has ever of his childhood. point, we have also been those
mond sets the scene: the Youth rope in search of The Real. known — the paradise of Am- In his personal reality, his lonely souls cast aside in someone
and his Mother live in South But what is The Real? Ironi- sterdam’s freedom wears thin. Mother was his warden — his else’s journey. During this mo-
Central Los Angeles in 1976. cally, The Real is a construct — Next he travels to Berlin, creating identity, the shackles. When Desi ment, the poignant emotion and
The lead guitarist (Joel Saidi) a whisper of a secret truth we all another family for himself and calls him out for trying to “pass” viscerality of it all reveal the alle-
trills the strings softly as the scene search for. For some, The Real is falling in love with Desi (Arian- once again, the Youth runs away gorical Youth and Mother.
unfolds. The Youth (Christian religion; for others, academia. For na Hardaway, “Zombie Prom”), from his crisis — just as he ran During the phone call, the
Magby, “The Flash”) sleeps as his the Youth, it is his rock music. Ev- a Marxist from West Berlin and away from Amsterdam. Youth is aloof and defensive,
Mother (Latrice Pace, “Shakin’ eryone is drunk on something. the leader of Nowhaus, a collec- The crisis culminates in a but the Narrator’s facial expres-
the Rafters”) struggles to wake The central conflict of the play tive of revolutionaries. The Youth phone call between the Youth and sions during the scene show the
him for church. is the idea of “passing.” Franklin has finally found his new fam- his Mother. She confronts him for audience the Youth’s true feel-
It is a familiar scene close says to the Youth, “We’re pass- ily — but again, he must become fleeing his home in Los Angeles, ings. Raymond gives a spec-
to many hearts — the si- ing for Black folk.” In America, someone he is not. crying out, “Why don’t you want tacular and meta performance
to be around your own people?” as the narrator, reflecting the
With the confrontation from inner condition of the Youth
both Desi and his Mother, the through his distraught gaze.
Youth crumbles. The stories of The ability of Raymond to
oppression he had told his friends put himself in the shoes of both
— though not truly his stories — Magby and the Youth’s char-
reflected the pain within him. The acter as a whole solidify Ray-
turmoil within him is something mond’s ability to bridge the
much less concrete. performance and audience.
It is the struggle of identity — The final scenes of the show
of losing yourself in the journey transcend the stage, speak-
to find yourself. ing directly to the audience:
His pain is the reason he has “Your life becomes evidence
chased The Real so far away from of the need to feel.”
home, so how can he let it take The actors delivered the core
shape? To let his pain out is to message of “Passing Strange” flaw-
let it go, and if he mends himself, lessly. Theatrical Outfit’s showing
how can he make art? of Passing Strange is not to be
The phone conversation missed, and the show’s unique, in-
the Youth has with the Moth- timate atmosphere and masterful
er is heartbreaking. As stu- performance create an unforget-
dents, we can almost feel the table experience.
conversation ourselves. The show will have you asking
At this stage in our lives, we whose Real you are living in and
have all left our home in some who you are passing as. Theatrical
way. The Youth is yelling — cry- Outfit’s performance grabs you by
ing — into the phone, but Mother the shoulders, imploring, “Who
no longer answers. Her last words are you, really?”
were “I don’t want to be [your] “Passing Strange” is showing
Photo by Casey G Ford Photography song, I want to be loved.” from Sept. 27 — Oct. 22. More
The youth choir and the Mother circle around the Youth while the Narrator backs up the band Magby and Pace gave a moving information can be found at the-
from the background. The Youth realizes that religion is actually just rock and roll to him performance. Magby especially
// ENTERTAINMENT technique • October 6, 2023 • 13

TikTok’s Tube Girl starts an international viral trend

anxiety. I like tube girl,” admiring ful, but it is only attractive when
YASHVINI DEVA Tube Girl’s unbothered attitude. they don’t know it. Movies con-
OPINIONS EDITOR However, not all responses to her stantly convey the idea that beau-
videos have been positive. tiful women do not know they are
A choppy video of a lipsync in Users have also claimed that beautiful, and those who do know
a full car in the London Under- the trend has been cringy or that they are beautiful must be dan-
ground, also known as the Tube, Bahsoon’s actions are annoying. gerous (turning them into femme-
shot with 0.5 perspective, does not Comments like these speak to a fatales) or are reduced to just their
sound like it has the makings of larger backlash that women who appearances (playing into stereo-
a viral video, yet it has made Sa- outwardly portray confidence, types such as the dumb blonde).
brina Bahsoon, known to most as whether it be in their looks or While all of this may seem
“Tube Girl,” an internet celebrity. their ideas, seem to constantly distantly removed from com-
Bahsoon, a 22-year-old stu- face on the internet. Women’s em- ments on one girl’s post of a dance
dent in the UK, originally started powerment has been around since on a subway, they are in fact
posting videos of her lip-syncing the first wave of feminism in the intrinsically connected. Why was
and dancing to upbeat songs on a 19th and early 20th centuries. It a woman, showing confidence and
Tube filled with passengers. focuses on promoting women’s having fun, so groundbreaking?
She explained in an inter- self-worth and allowing them to Why were so many other women
view that she spends a significant feel empowered in their choices; in the comments treating a silly
amount of time on the Tube, es- something that self-esteem and moment as an unachievable ideal?
pecially when visiting friends, and confidence play an integral part Why did such a small moment of
that listening to music and taking in. This idea of empowering wom- a woman’s happiness spark out- Photo courtesy of @ sabrinabahsoon
these videos has allowed her to en to make their own choices has rage? Women are allowed to be Sabrina Bahsoon poses for a photo on her Instagram. She
enjoy the trip more and feel safer. become more and more ingrained confident but only in ways that has become viral for her videos of her dancing on the Tube.
Many of the comments on her into popular culture; however, the preserve the status quo. With
original post, which now has 9.6 way the information is conveyed trends constantly pushing women believed. Social media trends like tation in the media. A choppy vid-
million views, praise her for her to the general public often com- into the spotlight and then damn- “Tube Girl” that center women eo of a lipsync in a train car may
bravery with users like @alyssak municates a rather different idea. ing them from wanting to be on being confident in the small day- seem like a small moment, but it
saying “tbh…this is actually re- Romance novels and pop songs the stage, women’s empowerment to-day moments are the necessary may be exactly what the women’s
ally healing to parts of my social remind us that women are beauti- may not be as far along as initially push to seeing that same represen- empowerment movement needs.

‘Ni Do To’ tell powerful story through interactive art

her likeness. Mirikitani was a re-
SLOAN SALINAS nowned Japanese American poet
STAFF WRITER and activist in San Francisco until
her passing in 2021. A year after
Beyond the front doors, the she was born, she and her family
atrium of Ferst Center for the Arts were forcefully moved to the Ro-
transforms into an interactive ex- hwer War Relocation Center, an
hibit that takes viewers through internment camp in Arkansas. In-
the experiences of people with stead of dispensing fortunes, the
Japanese ancestry in the United “Ni Do To” machine dispenses
States after the attack on Pearl Mirikitani’s poetry on textured
Harbor during World War II. paper, speaking aloud in what is
Called “Ni Do To,” which trans- [presumably, her voice.
lates to “Never Again,” the exhibi- In yet another exhibition area,
tion is another segment of dancer, behind black-out fabric walls, is
choreographer and artistic direc- the “Spirit of Obon Hologram.”
tor Yayoi Kambara’s “Sankei,” a A video of musician and activist
three-part multimedia project Nobuko Miyamoto invites visitors
that began with the perfor- inside a small open space where
mance of “IKKAI Means Once” they can learn a folk dance called
at the Ferst Center for the Arts “Kangie” (pronounced “KAHN-
in early September. Gee-Eh”) from dancers on a
“Ni Do To” is a self-described small television screen. Alongside
“XR pilgrimage,” XR being short the visitors is a colorful holo-
for extended reality. The different gram of a dancer projected onto a
areas within the entire installa- special kind of gauze.
tion utilize various storytelling Integral to the success of the
methods, spanning from digital holographic exhibit is Noah Pos-
to physical formats. ner, a Tech researcher and lab Photo by Tyler Parker Student Publications
In one area, singular chairs manager at the School of Indus- Viewers take photos of a fortune-telling machine that houses a likeness of Janice Mirikitani,
and desks form a circle around trial Design’s Interactive Prod- a Japanese American poet. The machine dispenses Mirikitani’s poems on textured paper.
an abstract sculpture made to uct Design Lab (IPDL). Posner
look like an invisible force is offered the IPDL’s resources who worked with the students in get them and make them the is- one with Japanese ancestry from
throwing clothing and assorted for the high-tech parts of the her “Oral Traditions to Screen- sue, as opposed to the deeper, real their homes to “relocation cen-
belongings into a suitcase. show, namely the high-bright- play” class to create origami for- issues and the structural issues.” ters,” Manzanar held over 10,000
Here, visitors can participate ness projector that displayed the tune tellers filled with pictures, On the same tables as the men, women and children of
in an activity on iPads where they dancer onto the gauze. quotes and stories of Japanese fortune tellers are paper luggage Japanese descent; over half were
receive mere minutes to decide Regarding the use of Tech American incarcerees. tags and pens, on which visi- U.S. citizens by birth.
what things they would find most equipment within the exhibit, Yoshinaga challenged her stu- tors are encouraged to reflect on “Out of the Dust” poses the
important to bring if they had to Posner believes that the produc- dents to strengthen the bond be- what they saw and how to pre- question, “[a]fter the closing of
leave their homes. The exercise in- tion will show students not only tween “low tech” and “high tech” vent it from happening again. the camps, who and what memo-
tends to simulate how hard it is to what kind of resources they have mediums by asking “how do you These tags get hung up in another ries were left behind in the windy
determine which parts of your life access to but also that the blend bring culture into technology, or art installation. dust-laden desert of Manzanar?”
matter more than others. of technology and arts is reflective how can you use technology to Also included in the over- As a whole, the “Ni Do To” ex-
Japanese Americans faced of the idea that “the creativity in- reproduce culture and communi- all experience of the exhibi- hibit and the “Out of the Dust”
the same decisions following the volved with arts-type thinking is cate the good stuff about culture tion is the dance film titled film conjure memories and lega-
signing of Executive Order 9066 really somewhat similar to a lot of and community?” “Out of the Dust.” cies of the thousands of people
in 1942, which forcefully re- the [creativity] required for prob- While talking about the im- The short movie combines mu- incarcerated during World War II
moved them from their homes, lem-solving…if [they think] more portance of “Ni Do To,” Yoshina- sic, poetry and elements of the because of prejudice and fear.
businesses and land. like artists, [they’d] come up with ga explained that lessons learned Japanese American folk dance “Ei The interactive nature of
Several feet away, a recreation better engineering solutions.” from the unjust incarceration of Ja Nai Ka” to conjure the ghosts each element creates an immer-
of a vintage “Zoltar” fortune- The possibilities that come Japanese Americans in the 1940s of those incarcerated at Manzanar sive cultural experience for visi-
telling machine stands against from collaboration between art extend to the marginalized people Detention Camp in California tors to participate in rather than
the wall. However, instead of and technology are often over- of today’s day and age. during World War II to tell their just observing, resulting in a
a vaguely culturally insensitive looked, but the different parts of “When we have vulnerability stories through purposeful, emo- powerful experience.
animatronic inside, “Ni Do To’s” “Ni Do To” show the powerful ef- and people who don’t have full ac- tional expression. “Ni Do To” and “Out of
machine is made in memoriam fects that interactive art can have. cess to political power, economic By September 1942, less than the Dust” are open Tuesday to
of Janice Mirikitani and contains Someone who shares that sen- power and cultural presence, then one year after President FDR Saturday at the Ferst Center
an old-school animatronic with timent is professor Ida Yoshinaga, it’s easy to beat up on them, to tar- authorized the removal of any- until October 27.
14 • October 6, 2023 • technique // ENTERTAINMENT

Stephen King’s ‘The Shining’ adapted for the opera

mystery to interpret and making it discovering Jack’s rough draft infamous “redrum” mystery but drive the story. Without it, the
ELLA ROWSEY feel like a childish narrative. that read “all work and no play never resolved it. The audience opera felt like it was lacking any
CONTRIBUTING WRITER The dialogue only added to makes Jack a dull boy” repeatedly. never got to experience the fear sort of fear. The idea of a horror
this immature feeling. The overly Instead, the opera skipped Wendy felt when she realized the novel adapted into an opera with
Stephen King’s “The Shining” exaggerated bliss between the the plot point and went straight phrase her son was muttering for beautifully ominous notes and
is a horror novel on the bestseller characters during the opening to locking him in the pantry. the last few weeks actually spelled eerie depth sounds like a great
list. Director Stanley Kubrick came off as frivolous for the topic The other half of the storyline “murder” backwards. idea, but wishful thinking is all it
picked this novel to portray the of the story. They sprinkled in hu- about Danny and his gift was These key moments in the was. The opera version of King’s
imaginative, creepy world of Jack mor which landed poorly among also underdeveloped and confus- book and the movie established novel “The Shining” undoubtedly
Torrence and the Overlook Hotel, the audience, in part because the ing. They briefly mentioned the the fear and horror needed to missed the mark.
as the story holds all the elements expectations were for a suspense-
of a haunting as well as the realis- ful thriller — not an awkward
tic struggles of a fatherhood. The genre-mash of comedic horror.
narrative follows Jack Torrance as The transition from unencum-
he takes a job as a winter caretaker bered “bliss” to cruel insanity was
of the Overlook Hotel. Unde- a hard sell. One moment Jack and
nounced to him, the hotel holds Wendy alluded to sex jokes in
secrets of death, murder and even front of their child, and the next,
the hidden secret that the previ- Jack was trying to kill everyone.
ous caretaker went insane and The opera rushed the storyline in
murdered his family. The strange an attempt to maintain the audi-
mystery and quiet isolation of the ence’s attention; however, in doing
hotel take hold on Jack and drive this, they drained the story of its
him to thoughts of murdering his most valuable asset: suspense.
wife, Wendy, and son, Danny. Much of the mystery and in-
When it was announced the op- trigue not only relies on Jack’s slow
era would be performing this hor- decline into insanity but also on
ror classic, fans ran to the ticket Danny’s strange psychic power. If
booth in hopes of securing a seat. there is going to be an adaptation
As the rows filled up and the of a story that relies heavily on a
sold-out-show began, all the ex- young boy, the actor needs to pos-
citement flipped to disappoint- sess the prowess required for the
ment. The themes of King’s novel story. Danny, while vital to the
are extensive in thought and plot; movie and the book, is deemed
however, the Alliance Theater Op- unimportant in the opera.
era chose to focus on only one: the His moments on stage were
family and the roles and respon- brief and undeveloped. He hardly
sibilities of the father. The lack of spoke and barely gave any indica-
depth in the showing left the au- tion about his gift and the weight
dience feeling let down. it carried. His performance left
Everyone was prepared to be on the audience confused and apa-
the edge of their seat to experience thetic, feeling like onlookers to a
the awe of transforming horror poorly-written comedy show.
into song. The opera producers Even worse, the most famous
took a complex story, one studied parts in the book were not even Photo by Ken Howard Minnesota Opera
among academics, and stripped it mentioned in the opera. The most Classic moments from Stephen King’s “The Shining,” such as the twins staring at the audience,
to one perspective, removing any notable was the lack of Wendy are recreated on an operatic stage in this retelling. The show left many fans dissapointed,
// ENTERTAINMENT technique • October 6, 2023 • 15

Doja Cat’s new album, ‘Scarlet’ offers a fresh take

ARTIST: Doja Cat
GENRE: Pop, Hip-hop/Rap


After the incredible success of

her albums “Hot Pink” (2019)
and “Planet Her” (2021), fans
were itching to see what pop icon
Doja Cat would release with her
fourth studio album. Doja Cat,
however, took an entirely different
approach with “Scarlet” (2023),
focusing on a much darker aes-
thetic and announcing to the
world, “No more pop.”
Leading up to the release of the
album, Doja Cat took to X (for-
merly called Twitter) provoking
fans with false rumors and online
trolling, which led her to fame in
the first place with “MOOO!”
Doja Cat rejected her fans’ proc-
lamations of love, claimed her
old music was just a cash grab
and explained (in three different
instances) that her new studio Photo by Pitchfork
album would be hardcore rap, The cover art of Doja Cat’s newest album, “Scarlet,” sees two spiders intertwined on the front. The cover represents a
experimental jazz and 1990s Ger- departure from the artist’s usual aesthetics. With 17 tracks, the album is meant to be a departure from her original pop roots.
man rave music.
The “Scarlet” album cover her soul to the devil or otherwise she had ever released, outside of some of the other tracks. She suc- and surrounding the album with
features two pearlescent spiders succumbed to Satanism. Doja its visual aesthetic, “Scarlet” is a ceeds in songs like “Gun,” which confusion, Doja Cat created a set
— the beginning of the album’s Cat, not one to be out-trolled, lot of the same. As a response to although good, do not break of expectations around “Scarlet”
spooky imagery. In the music embraced this with the release those that called her previous rap the mold that she established in that was not met.
video for her leading track, “Paint of her second single “Demons,” verses “corny,” Doja attempted to “Planet Her.” With 17 tracks, The sharp genre shift would
the Town Red,” Doja Cat donned saying, “how my demons look/ create an album centered around the album meanders, looking for be a learning curve for even the
devil horns, held slabs of raw meat now that you bitches shook” and the genre, as a sort of counterpart something to say but lacking the most experienced of artists, and
and danced with the Grim Reap- “how my demons look/now that to her previous “Planet Her.” direction needed to say it. the growing pains are definitely
er. She continued the aesthetic my pockets full?” Even with (or The album starts strong with Where Doja succeeds is in evident within the album.
outside album rollout — from an maybe because of) the controver- her leading singles “Paint the creating internet phenomena — While Doja Cat’s shift to a
Illuminati themed 27th birthday sies surrounding Doja’s behavior Town Red” and “Demons,” each first with her initial rise to fame darker aesthetic and genre ex-
to a red Swarovski crystal look at on X and potential devilish asso- of which capture Doja’s new aes- and now with “Scarlet.” Except, perimentation with “Scarlet”
Paris Fashion Week. ciations, the singles each received thetic in a catchy way that diverges while it skyrocketed her to star- created a whirlwind of contro-
Doja Cat’s darker aesthetic chart-topping status. from her previous albums. Track dom with “MOOO!”, it acted as a versy and anticipation, the al-
was the target of criticism from However, despite teasing an 3, “Wet Vagina,” has an undeni- detriment with this album. After bum ultimately fell short of the
many that claimed she had sold album different from anything able flow to it that Doja loses in shrouding herself in controversy expectations it generated.
16 • October 6, 2023 • technique // COMICS

XKCD by Randall Munroe

Bunny by Huw Davies

// COMICS technique • October 6, 2023 • 17

Lio by Mark Tatulli

Sarah’s Scribbles by Sarah Andersen

Pearls before Swine by Stephen Pastis

18 • October 6, 2023 • technique // SPORTS

Football collapses, loses to Bowling Green 38-27

nized showing of the game, they
ROHAN RAMAN could not get off the field on third
ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR down. On third-and-16, the Jack-
ets could not stop Bazelak from
Coming off an ACC road win using his legs to pick up the first
against the Wake Forest Demon down. Redshirt senior cornerback
Deacons, Tech returned back to Jaylon King later broke up a slant
Bobby Dodd to take on the Bowl- over the middle to force third-
ing Green Falcons. Since Tech and-12, but a defensive holding
entered the game as 21 point fa- call gave Bowling Green an au-
vorites, this was expected to be a tomatic first down. Falcons wide
clean, simple win for the Jackets receiver Odieu Hillaire picked up
in their pursuit of a bowl game. 28 easy yards on a Jackets cov-
Instead, it was the exact opposite. erage bust, and Bowling Green
The Jackets won the coin quickly scored from the six-yard
toss and took the ball, setting line on a stretch run that no Jack-
up redshirt sophomore quarter- ets defender had a chance at.
back Haynes King to continue Down 31-14, the Jackets badly
his performance from last week. needed to generate an explosive
He took about 17 seconds to get play to get back into the game. At
comfortable, finding true fresh- first, they looked to be on track af-
man receiver Eric Singleton Jr. on ter King fired a 19-yard deep shot
an explosive 53-yard throw for the to Blaylock, who had a solid game
early touchdown. With the score, despite the offensive struggles.
Singleton extended his games That same aggressiveness did not
with a touchdown streak to five pay off for him on the next play —
games, which also happened to be his pass was intercepted for a frus-
the first five games of his career. trating pick-six that put Bowling
The Jackets’ defense also im- Green up by four scores: 38-14.
pressed early. Sophomore defen- Photo by Nick Andrews Student Publications In spite of the score, Tech’s de-
sive tackle Eddie Kelly, junior Senior tight end Dylan Leonard steps past a would-be Bowling Green tackler. Leonard and fense rallied and forced a Falcons
defensive tackle Zeek Biggers and the Jackets finished with 417 total yards of offense in the game, but only mustered 27 points. punt. King then kept driving the
junior defensive tackle Makius offense, finding Blaylock on sub-
Scott burst into the backfield to back Camden Orth to score on a sack, but the Jackets defense start- However, the second half sequent long gains through the
take down Bowling Green quar- one-yard touchdown run. A poor ed to soften up. started with more of the same air. The Jackets were able to get
terback Connor Bazelak, forcing a defensive drive coincided with The offense did them no fa- defensive issues. Bazelak carved to the Bowling Green five-yard
long third down that the Falcons the first three-and-out for the vors — after a King overthrow to through the GT secondary with line, but then turned the ball over
could not convert. In their second Jackets offense and put the de- Rutherford, a botched snap was a 50-yard throw to Hogan. The again on a crushing interception.
appearance, King and the offense fense right back on the field. The fumbled and recovered by Bowl- Falcons had little trouble moving Even though the defense held
kept rolling. Redshirt sophomore tackling issues persisted as Bowl- ing Green. The Falcons capital- the ball and converted two big on fourth down against the Fal-
receiver Malik Rutherford took ing Green running back Terion ized on the short field after Baz- third downs before Bazelak scored cons offense and King subse-
a screen pass for an additional Stewart broke a Tech tackle for elak connected on a 14-yard strike on a run play, making the score quently hit redshirt junior wide
19 yards while redshirt sopho- an explosive 11-yard run. Thank- to receiver Finn Hogan, making 24-14. Tech actually responded receiver Abdul Janneh for a 16-
more running back Jamal Haynes fully, Tech’s secondary held firm; the score 17-14 in favor of Bowl- fairly well - King was able to find yard touchdown, the Jackets need-
tacked on the same amount af- redshirt junior cornerback Kenan ing Green. King then led the of- redshirt junior receiver Dominick ed a miracle onside kick recovery
ter surging through the Bowl- Johnson had an excellent pass fense back onto the field in an ef- Blaylock for two consecutive 15- to have any chance of winning
ing Green defense. King capped breakup on third down. fort to get points before halftime. yard passes and extended the drive this game. Down 38-27, the ball
off the excellent five-play drive However, the offense, once The Jackets were able to drive to with a timely three-yard scramble. did not bounce their way and the
by hitting junior receiver Chris- again, stumbled on the ensuing the 21-yard line, but King took a The offense’s execution in the red Jackets fell to 2-3 on the season.
tian Leary in the end zone to go drive. On first down, Haynes was sack on first down and got flagged zone could have used some of that It is difficult not to draw com-
up 14-0 in only two minutes of quickly brought down for a one- for intentional grounding. The sharpness. King got stuffed on parisons between this game and
offense. From their first two of- yard loss and the Falcons were penalties pushed the Jackets out the quarterback keeper, and Head the loss to Northern Illinois two
fensive drives, the Tech offense able to tee off on the pass. They of field goal range and they were Coach Brent Key made the deci- seasons ago. In both scenarios,
looked organized, sharp and en- forced two straight incompletions forced to punt. Throughout the sion to go for it. He put the ball in the Jackets compensated their op-
tirely overwhelming for the weak- from King, and the Jackets punt- half, the Jackets showed an in- King’s hands once again on fourth ponent with a million-dollar fee,
er Falcons defense to handle. ed from their own 19-yard line. ability to recover from their mis- down and the Bowling Green de- expecting to win, and came out
Unfortunately, the Falcons of- Sensing an opportunity, Bowl- takes. They found themselves in fense sniffed it out. They stopped flat. It is a worrying trend for the
fense found life. Even though the ing Green mounted a methodical a 17-14 hole against an opponent him at the line of scrimmage, and program to play down to compe-
Tech defense played off-coverage 11-play, 42-yard drive that ended they clearly underestimated. Still, the Jackets turned the ball over to tition. The Jackets will now head
to prevent bigplays, they strug- in a field goal to make the score a three-point deficit is hardly in- Bowling Green on downs. to Miami, Florida, to take on the
gled with tackling and allowed 14-10. Junior defensive lineman surmountable for a Tech offense From there, the Tech defense No. 17 Miami Hurricanes on Sat-
backup Bowling Green quarter- Kevin Harris got to Bazelak for a that was moving at will earlier on. collapsed. In their most disorga- urday, Oct. 7 at 8 p.m.

lead was sustained until the Jack- so vital. The Jackets now boast a continue this record setting start day, Oct. 6. The Jackets will then
VOLLEYBALL FROM PAGE 20 ets started to make a run. Senior 13-1 record, their third best start against the highly ranked Uni- travel to take on the Virginia Cav-
hit at a dominating .345 rate. Not setter/defensive specialist Liz Pat- in program history, with only versity of Pittsburgh Panthers in aliers before returning to O’Keefe
only did the hitting improve con- terson led the way with a pair of the 2003 and 1996 teams having Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at the Gymnasium for matches against
tinuously throughout the match, aces, and the set began to tighten better starts. Tech will hope to Fitzgerald Field House next Fri- Florida State and Miami.
so did the defense under the lead- up. But every time the Jackets
ership of Boezi, who had a career would try to pull off a comeback,
high of eight blocks on the game. the Deacons did not back down
While both replacements and would respond with a run of
played stellar, Bertolino was the their own. Eventually, Wake For-
player of the match, leading the est would go on to win 25-21 in
team with 22 kills, five of which the fourth set to extend the match
came sporadically throughout the to a final, all-deciding fifth set.
third set. In what proved to be a The Jackets could not have
smart decision, Head Coach Mi- asked for a better start to the fifth
chelle Collier decided to utilize ju- set. With the score at 2-1, Bertoli-
nior outside hitter/right side Leia no came up to serve and rattled off
Harper during the third set. A three aces in a five-point run. But
Harper kill gave the team a 22-19 that was not going to deter the
lead and then a Pimentel service Deacons. Even with a six-point
ace provided the momentum for deficit, the Deacons fought back
the Jackets to capture a third set all the way to 11-8, but ultimately,
victory 25-22. Neither side was their slow play to begin the set was
ready to back down in the match. too much to overcome. Kills from
The highly competitive sets did Bertolino and Mendes clinched
not cease as the Jackets entered the highly contested match 15-12
the fourth set up 2-1, needing a in favor of the Jackets.
win to secure the match. In the Once again, Bertolino was the
fourth set, the Demon Deacons story of the match with 22 kills, Photo courtesy of GTAA
jumped out of the gates, growing four aces and 14 digs, proving Sophomore middle blocker Liv Mogridge and freshman outside hitter Larissa Mendes go up
a quick five point lead at 13-8. The to the Jacket faithful why she is for a block in the Jackets’ victory over the Virginia Tech Hokies in Blacksburg, Virginia.
// SPORTS technique • October 6, 2023 • 19

Hockey back, now offering bus to games

Perhaps the team’s biggest an- down season and we’re not cur- take on Tennessee on Oct. 27 and
MATTHEW KISTNER nouncement and most anticipated rently where we want to be. Part 28. Following the October home
SPORTS EDITOR part of the season comes with the of that is from our roster turnover series, the team has another really
arrival of an easier way for stu- because we turned over 50% of exciting opportunity. In a partner- STUDENT MEDIA POLL
Tech’s most popular club dents to get to the team’s home last year’s rosters, so team chemis- ship with the Atlanta Gladiators, WEEK FIVE
sport, based on Instagram fol- games. The Jackets’ home games try is still coming along.” a local minor league hockey team,
lowing, has officially begun their take place at the Atlanta Ice Fo- However, the Jackets return the Jackets will face off against
2023-24 campaign. Founded in rum in Duluth, Georgia, which for a long home stretch over the Georgia in an exciting pregame The Student Media Poll is a col-
1973, the club hockey team is cel- is 25 miles away from campus, month of October which may competition at Gas South Arena laborative poll with student jour-
ebrating their 50th season, mak- or what is typically around a 30 give the team just the momentum before the Gladiators take to the nalists. New polls release weekly
ing them the longest continuously minute drive. Regardless, the they need. A rowdy home crowd ice against the South Carolina at
organized hockey program in the Jackets have long had a noisy, mixed with a familiar rink could Stingrays on Nov. 5.
southeast. The Jackets compete in high energy student section cheer- give Tech just the edge to mount Club hockey has quite the sea-
the College Hockey South Con- ing them on for every game and a solid winning streak. The team son lined up with the combination Rank Team (First) Points
ference (CHS) within the Divi- want to keep the energy up going will match up with Clemson first of the new bus deal for students, 1 Georgia (31) 1719
sion 2 tier of the Amateur Athletic into this season. To do this, club on Oct. 6 where Clougherty says, a Gladiators pregame match and 2 Michigan (24) 1706
Union and will take on notable hockey announced on July 31 that “[he is] looking to see a consoli- an enticing home lineup against 3 Texas (12) 1627
teams from around the southeast. they would be offering bus tickets dated effort throughout all three the southeast’s best programs. The 4 Ohio State (2) 1556
The team is under new leader- for every home game in order to periods where people don’t let off Jackets hold hopes high for anoth- 5 Florida State (1) 1463
ship this year as fourth year for- transport as many students as pos- the gas against Clemson. If every- er season that leads to a national 6 Penn State 1435
ward Zachary Jacobson will be sible to the rink. The bus tickets one gives a full effort, we’re gonna tournament appearance and look 7 Washington (1) 1390
the captain with fourth year for- are round trip, include a ticket into come away with a win.” The team to mount an amazing run in their 8 USC (1) 1356
ward Declan Clougherty, fourth the game with a valid Buzzcard, will then host Auburn for two historic 50th year. Tech will take 9 Oregon 1292
year defender Alexander Dubé come at $15 per game and can be games on Oct. 13 and 14. After a to the ice next against the Clem- 10 Notre Dame 1105
and third year Keegan Goodell found on the club hockey Insta- two week break, the Jackets will son Tigers on Oct. 6 at 8:30 p.m. 11 Alabama 1085
serving as assistant captains. In gram account: @gthockey. 12 Oklahoma 960
an interview with the Technique, Tech’s official return to the 13 North Carolina 821
Clougherty, who also serves as the ice came on Sept. 15 at the Mid- 14 Washington State 811
club’s president, shared some opti- South Ice House in Olive Branch, 15 Oregon State 756
mism for the season, stating “[the Mississippi, for a pair of matchups 16 Ole Miss 711
team’s] biggest strength this year is against the Ole Miss Hockey Club. 17 Miami (FL) 751
depth. We have three competitive The team lost their initial match 18 Utah 496
forward lines and three goalies up 5-1; however, Tech bounced 19 Tennessee 485
that we feel great about perform- back the following game on Sept. 20 Duke 378
ing at the top of our expectations.” 17. The Jackets went faceoff for fa- 21 Missouri 352
Clougherty also said “We have a ceoff and found the goal five times 22 Kentucky 317
good defensive core, even though throughout the match, emerging 23 LSU 315
they’re inexperienced. I really like victorious 5-3. Since that, Tech 24 Fresno State 171
the growth I’ve seen out of them.” has played three matches. The 25 Louisville 117
Looking to spark some energy, home opener came on Sept. 22
Clougherty highlighted two new in a rivalry matchup against the
players to the team, exclaiming Georgia Club Hockey team where Others receiving votes (min 1):
that “[first year forward] Cullen the Jackets were unable to prevail Maryland (107), Kansas State
Dorcas had a sensational game in a tightly contested game. Tech (74), Clemson (56), Wisconsin
against Ole Miss while [graduate took to the road on Sept. 29 for (36), UCLA (35), Texas A&M
goalie] Brendan Germano is step- two matchups with Vanderbilt; (23), Air Force (20), James Madi-
ping into his role really well.” The however, the Jackets were unable son (19), Kansas (13), Tulane (13),
team is riding a two year streak of to find a rhythm offensively and Iowa (11), Colorado (10), Liberty
qualifying for the national tour- fell in both games. Clougherty ex- Photo by Tyler Parker Student Publications (7), TCU (5), North Carolina
nament and hope to boost the pressed his thoughts on the season Tech club hockey is celebrating their 50th season, making them State (5), Florida (2), West Vir-
count to three this season. so far, saying “It’s been an up and the longest continuously organized program in the southeast. ginia (1)

The art of the NBA rebuild shifting after new CBA

The NBA and the NBA Play- cause of the “second tax apron” tom of the Western Conference give contracts to. If they make
ROHAN RAMAN er’s Association recently agreed to — teams are allowed to spend and used high draft picks. As a re- the wrong move, they will not
ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR a new collective bargaining agree- over the salary cap maximum, but sult, they had $60 million in 2023 have the luxury of undoing their
ment (CBA) that has important spending more than $17.5 million cap space and splurged in free move in a salary-dump trade to a
The NBA off-season prior to consequences for player finances. over it would limit their methods agency. Portland will not be able rebuilding team. Therefore, Port-
the upcoming 2023-23 season This agreement sets the hefty rules of player acquisition to re-signing to go on a similar spending spree. land will not be able to clear cap
was defined by two names: James for labour pay in the NBA and homegrown players, signing draft Having that much cap space is go- space like Houston will.
Harden and Damian Lillard. mandates several important rules, picks and picking up veterans on ing to become more rare because However, Portland is poised to
Lillard, the stalwart point but the one most pertinent to re- minimum deals. Therefore, draft teams need to hit the salary floor take advantage of other rules in
guard of the Portland Trail Blaz- building teams is the elimination picks become incredibly valuable earlier and will accumulate larger the new CBA. For example, teams
ers, was traded to the Milwaukee of cap space aggregation. because it is a way to collect high- salaries even if they are far away can retain young talent after their
Bucks on Sept. 27. It is one of the All 30 NBA teams are subject level talent while staying below from a championship season. rookie deals run out on five-year,
biggest superstar moves of the past to a salary cap that sets the spend- the second apron statutes. The NBA is essentially forcing non-max contracts when non-max
few years, considering the 33-year ing parameters for the roster. There After getting rid of all their teams to maintain a competitive contract players were previously
old Lillard averaged a career high is a salary cap maximum of $136 high-priced veterans from the roster while rebuilding. Con- limited to four-year deals. If the
32.2 points and 7.3 assists on an million, but rebuilding teams Harden era, the Rockets went tending teams are going to have Trail Blazers have a young player
efficient 46% shooting from the are more worried about the cap through two seasons at the bot- to be very careful with who they who does not qualify for a maxi-
field and 37% shooting from the floor of $122 million. Rebuilding mum extension, they can com-
three-point line in 2022-23. teams often populate their rosters pete with offers from more com-
James Harden, the starting with young players on rookie-scale petitive teams. Portland will also
shooting guard for the Phila- contracts or inexpensive veterans. likely place an emphasis on their
delphia 76ers, is no stranger to This keeps cap space open for two second-round draft picks. Teams
trade requests. Back in 2021, he reasons — paying the talent that will now be looking to build their
requested to leave the Houston they acquire through the rebuild rotation at a discount with good
Rockets, after leading the NBA and acquiring picks from more second-round talent because the
in scoring the season prior, and talented teams. Before the new new CBA creates an exception in
joined the Brooklyn Nets to team CBA, rebuilding teams just held the salary cap where second round
up with the superstar duo of for- onto their cap space and acquired picks can be rewarded for their
ward Kevin Durant and guard salary — if necessary — to reach performance at little cost.
Kyrie Irving. When the situation $122 million by the end of the While all the focus is on the
in Brooklyn became unsatisfac- season. Under the new CBA, this winner of the Larry O’Brien
tory, he demanded out of Brook- practice will be significantly cur- Championship Trophy, it is
lyn and joined the Sixers. Now, tailed because teams are required equally important to track how
his desire for a new contract and to spend up to the cap floor by the those teams were built. Teams like
Philly’s refusal to give him one start of the season. Portland and Houston are enter-
prompted his third trade request Furthermore, teams will not Photo courtesy of Morry Gash AP Photos ing uncharted territory — it will
in as many years and fueled talk be able to enter a rebuild with a Damian Lillard poses in a Milwaukee Bucks jersey for the first be fascinating to see if they can
about his new destination. bounty of high picks. That is be- time. Lillard’s trade is one of the biggest moves in recent years. get back to the top of the league.
SPORTS EDITOR: technique
Matthew Kistner Football downed
Rohan Raman
The Jackets suffered their third loss
of the season to the Bowling Green
Falcons last Saturday.418 October 6, 2023

2023-24 schedules drop for basketball programs

disappointing 13-17 record over-
JOE HENDERSON all and 4-14 conference record,
STAFF WRITER the Jacket women are looking
to bounce back this season. The
Tech’s basketball schedules Jackets will be boosted by the ad-
have been released for both the dition of two fifth year transfer
men’s and women’s teams with guards, Sydney Johnson and Cait-
over 33 home games for Jacket’s lyn Wilson, who were prominent
fans to enjoy. The men’s team will scorers on their previous teams.
play 16 games in McCamish Pavil- There are prominent games
ion with 10 of them being against throughout the year for the wom-
ACC opponents. The women’s en’s team with the most important
team has one more home contest coming in conference play. The
than the men with 17 for the sea- first home game of large interest
son with nine being against ACC will be the contest against North
opponents. The competitive home Carolina. The Tar Heels are pro-
openers for the Jackets are on jected to be one of the top teams
Nov. 6, as there is a double header in the country and will be a good
with the women’s team playing at test for the Jackets on Jan. 18.
11 a.m. against Coastal Carolina In the very next game, Tech will
and the men playing at 7:30 p.m. take on is Boston College who
against Georgia Southern to com- knocked them out of the ACC
plete a full opening slate for both tournament last season, and the
Tech basketball programs. Jackets will look to exact revenge.
The men’s team is undergoing Tech taking on Louisville on Feb.
a big change as they are moving 25 will be another important test
on from former Head Coach Josh for the team, and the game will
Pastner to former Celtics assistant Photo courtesy of GTAA be fascinating to see how an un-
and now Head Coach Damon Tech men’s and women’s basketball will tip off for the first time on Nov. 6 in an excit- proven Louisville squad performs
Stoudamire. The coaching chang- ing double header. The women will play at 11 a.m. while the men take the court at 7:30 p.m. without last year’s star players.
es have brought a lot of interest The upcoming basketball sea-
to the Jackets. Alongside Coach throughout the season, but some is coming off a first round knock and return to being a top 10 team son will be fascinating to follow
Stoudamire, junior guard Miles of the most exciting come when out in the NCAA Tournament in the country. The Tar Heels will on both the men’s and women’s
Kelly returns after being last year’s Tech tips off against a few of the last year and have long been pe- come to McCamish Pavilion to side. For the men, the season will
leading scorer and looks to elevate nation’s top programs. After the rennial powerhouses in the ACC, face the Jackets on Jan. 30. Tech’s open Coach Stoudamire’s tenure
his level of play. With all the buzz home opener, Tech will take on on Jan. 20. One more exciting match up against Florida State on and show fans the program is
around the men’s program, the Duke on Dec. 2 which should be match up will be the game against March 2 is also sure to be a thriller trending upward. For the women,
games are sure to give Jacket fans an intriguing game as Duke is pro- the North Carolina Tar Heels, as Tech managed to overcome the the team needs to show that last
something to keep an eye on. jected to be one of the top teams who are off the back of missing Seminoles in the ACC tourna- season was a fluke and that they
The men’s program will have in all of college basketball. Tech is the NCAA tournament last year ment last year and looks to win are able to bounce back to the
many intriguing match ups also due to take on Virginia, who and are projected to bounce back over a familiar ACC rival. After a winning ways of previous seasons.

Volleyball tops pair of ACC foes on the road

Mogridge and D’Amico, but in-
DANIEL WOOD stead with junior right-side hitter/
CONTRIBUTING WRITER middle blocker Anna Boezi and
Soares. In the first set, the Jack-
Coming off wins against ets swarmed, opening a quick 6-4
Clemson and NC State the previ- lead with the help of a four-point
ous weekend, the Jackets traveled service run from Pimentel. Even
up to Blacksburg, Virginia, Friday with this fast start, the Demon
night to face off against the Vir- Deacons were there to compete,
ginia Tech Hokies. While Vir- quickly fighting back and retak-
ginia Tech opened the season on ing the lead 12-10. The Demon
a hot streak, winning in their first Deacons’ lead grew to as much
10 matches, they entered the Tech as four, but the Jackets swung
game on a three game skid. again, bouncing back using two
The first set was a quick indica- kills from Pierce as momentum.
tion of which team had the con- The back-and-forth affair contin-
fidence entering the match. Tech ued until the set was tied at 20,
opened up to a quick 11-6 lead and then a four-point run gave the
thanks to a great service run from Jackets a triple set point. Bertolino
fifth year libero Paola Pimen- closed the set with a kill to nar-
tel that included two aces. While rowly win the first set 25-22.
Virginia Tech tried to battle back Photo courtesy of GTAA The Jackets struggled to back
to all square, another long ser- Freshman setter Heloise Soares celebrates after an assist versus Wake Forest. Soares had her up their first set performance
vice run from senior setter Bella first start in the match and earned the title of ACC Freshman of the Week for her performance. throughout the second set. After
D’Amico and multiple kills from hitting at a .256 clip in the first
emerging superstar freshman out- fined much of the rest of the set. went on a run with the help of D’Amico’s successor, also had 13 set, Tech only hit .128 in the sec-
side hitter Larissa Mendes gave Not only did Mogridge have three kills from Manyang and junior assists of her own. Overall, Tech ond on the same amount of total
the Jackets a commanding lead kills, but she also had a couple of middle blocker DeAndra Pierce fully displayed their talent in a attempts. These hitting woes gave
that they would not relinquish. A critical service aces to help lead to take a four point advantage. great team performance to knock the Demon Deacons an opportu-
timely, decisive kill from graduate the Jackets to a dominant second At that point, it was too late for off a struggling Hokies squad. nity to capture the second set and
middle blocker Afedo Manyang set victory by a score of 25-14. the Hokies to mount a comeback. After a commanding victory in they did not miss that opportu-
closed out the convincing opening The Hokies were not going to Even after a four point run of their Blacksburg, the Jackets continued nity. An attack error from senior
set in favor of the Jackets 25-16. roll over and go down without a own, the Hokies were down too their road trip in Winston-Salem, outside hitter Tamara Otene gave
The second set was much the fight though. Unlike the first two much as the Jackets had too large North Carolina, taking on the the Deacons the second set 25-22.
same as the first set. Tech started sets, Virginia Tech came out of the of a lead and an attack error from Wake Forest Demon Deacons. Following the hitting woes in
with the serve, and junior outside gates hot, cruising to an early lead. Virginia Tech clinched the match The Demon Deacons had ac- the second set, the Jackets didn’t
hitter Bianca Bertolino roped off Tech was able to even it square at 25-21. Mendes led the team in cumulated a ton of momentum change their game plan as they
three aces with her powerful top- 10-10 after a Bertolino kill on an kills with 12 while Mogridge fol- coming into the match, beating came out swinging hard again
spin serve and opened a quick 5-0 assist from freshman setter He- lowed closely with 8. D’Amico ACC foe Clemson in a three-set in the third set. Tech committed
lead. Great play from sophomore loise Soares. The back and forth led the team with 21 assists, but sweep. The Jackets would have considerably less attack errors and
middle blocker Liv Mogridge de- affair continued until the Jackets Soares, who many believe to be to win without the talents of See VOLLEYBALL, page 18

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