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Name : Otto Kozmin Palaka

NPM : 201200022

Resume : Summer Camp Experience with USA Students

I had the opportunity to participate in the Summer Camp organized by the

University Catholic Darma Cendika (UKDC) as a committee member representing the
Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty of Economics. Alongside my fellow
committee members, we were appointed just five days before the camp began.

Our journey started on Monday with the first committee meeting, where we
gathered with faculty members to discuss the camp's logistics. On Tuesday, we held our
second meeting and started decorating the venue. Over the next two days, Wednesday
and Thursday, we focused on transforming the campsite into a vibrant and culturally
immersive environment. We adorned the venue with Indonesian cultural elements such
as batik patterns, Javanese script writings, and captivating photographs showcasing the
diversity of Indonesian culture.

Friday marked the beginning of the Summer Camp, where students from the
University Catholic Darma Cendika joined their counterparts from the United States. As
a committee member, my responsibilities included guiding the American participants to
the meeting room and acting as a timekeeper, ensuring smooth transitions between
activities for both international and UKDC students.

Throughout the camp, I had the opportunity to engage in conversations and share
cultural experiences with Micaiah, one of the international students. We discussed and
exchanged insights about Indonesian and American cultures, fostering a deeper
understanding and appreciation between our countries.

Saturday was the second day of the Summer Camp, during which I accompanied
the participants on a trip to the mangrove forest and the Heroes Monument. It was an
exciting opportunity to explore the natural beauty and historical landmarks of our region
alongside the camp attendees.
Even after the conclusion of the Summer Camp, our connections and communication
remained strong. I maintained contact with the participants, inviting several American
students to experience Indonesian cuisine and purchase batik, a traditional Indonesian
fabric. Additionally, I, along with Jacob, Dean, and Drew, some of the American students,
went out together to hang out, share insights about religious scriptures, and explore
various aspects of our cultures. We also organized movie outings, where the American
students introduced us to games from their home country.

The Summer Camp experience not only allowed us to create lasting memories but
also fostered cultural exchange and friendships between students from Indonesia and the
United States. It was an enriching journey that broadened our horizons and deepened
our appreciation for global diversity.

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