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Inst. Juan Pablo Machado Vélez

Taller de Condicionales tipo 1, 2 y 3

50 preguntas sobre condicionales 0, 1 y 2 en inglés.

Completar las oraciones (15 preguntas):
1. If it rains, I will take my umbrella.
2. She will go to the party if she receives an invitation.
3. We will go to the beach if the weather is nice.
4. If you don't study, you will fail the exam.
5. If they are hungry, they will eat dinner.
6. He will come if you invite him.
7. She will go to the gym if she has time.
8. If I feel tired, I'll take a nap.
9. We won't go to the park if it rains.
10. If you arrive late, we'll start without you.
11. They will be happy if they win the game.
12. If she loses her keys, she won't be able to open the door.
13. I'll call you if I find my phone.
14. If it's cold, I will wear a jacket.
15. If he misses his flight, he'll be here tomorrow.

Opción múltiple con única respuesta (15 preguntas):

16. If you __________ your homework, you'll get a good grade. a) do b) did c) will do
d) are doing
17. She'll be upset if you ____________ her. a) didn't call b) don't call c) won't call d)
aren't calling
18. If he ____________ his car keys, he won't be able to drive. a) lost b) lose c) will lose
d) losing

Inst. Juan Pablo Machado Vélez

Taller de Condicionales tipo 1, 2 y 3

19. We won't go to the park if it ____________. a) raining b) rains c) will rain d) rained
20. If they ____________ hungry, they will eat dinner. a) were b) are c) will be d) would
21. She ____________ the job if she has the right qualifications. a) get b) gets c) will
get d) getting
22. If it's hot, we ____________ to the pool. a) will go b) go c) going d) goes
23. I ____________ you if I need help. a) will call b) call c) calling d) called
24. They won't come if you ____________ them. a) invite b) invited c) will invite d)
25. If she ____________ early, she can finish her work. a) leaves b) leave c) will leave d)
26. He ____________ if he's tired. a) will rest b) rests c) rested d) resting
27. I ____________ dinner if I'm hungry. a) will eat b) eat c) eating d) ate
28. If they ____________ the movie, they will enjoy it. a) watch b) watched c) will
watch d) watching
29. She ____________ if she has time. a) will go b) goes c) going d) go
30. They ____________ happy if they pass the exam. a) are b) will be c) being d) be
Organizar oraciones con palabras en desorden (20 preguntas):
31. if / late / I / be / will / the train
I will be late if the train
32. won't / she / unless / the weather / go / good / the beach / to / is
She won't go to the beach unless the weather is good.
33. pass / we / the exam / if / hard / study / the / Will
We will pass the exam if we study hard.
34. happy / they / if / win / the game / will / be
They will be happy if they win the game.

Inst. Juan Pablo Machado Vélez

Taller de Condicionales tipo 1, 2 y 3

35. movie / I / watch / the / it / if / like / I
I will watch the movie if I like it.
36. you / call / will / me / if / need / you / help / any
You will call me if you need any help.
37. go / will / they / shopping / if / have / money
They will go shopping if they have money.
38. invite / we / won't / if / her / to / the party / she / doesn't
We won't invite her to the party if she doesn't come.
39. take / she / a / if / nap / tired / is / she
She will take a nap if she is tired.
40. it / we / won't / if / find / dark / the / be / very / in / cave
We won't find it if the cave is very dark.
41. won't / we / if / be / leave / early / the traffic / there / is
We won't leave early if there is traffic.
42. the / if / fix / it / we / will / if / computer / know / how / to
We will fix the computer if we know how.
43. arrive / they / time / the / will / if / on / the / flight
They will arrive on time if the flight is on schedule.
44. I / if / cold / a / put / jacket / will / on / it's
If it's cold, I will put on a jacket.
45. miss / will / the / they / show / if / don't / it
They will miss the show if they don't watch it.
46. hungry / eat / they / will / if / are / dinner
They will eat dinner if they are hungry.

Inst. Juan Pablo Machado Vélez

Taller de Condicionales tipo 1, 2 y 3

47. to / the / she / gym / will / if / time / has / go
She will go to the gym if she has time.
48. her / keys / find / can't / she / if / won't / open / the / door
She can't open the door if she doesn't find her keys.
49. get / will / a / I / taxi / if / can't / find / my / car
I will get a taxi if I can't find my car.
50. we / tomorrow / if / he / will / here / be / his / flight / catch
He will be here tomorrow if he catches his flight.
¡Buena suerte!

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