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Kirby explains dives into the reason behind Putin’s attack on Ukraine and explains just how far

Russia will go to obtain its goal. He then goes into Putin's demands and the growth of Nato after
the past years.

Ukrainians have grown more confident in their country’s ability to repel Russia’s
invasion. Zelensky made a direct appeal to the German people, asking for further
restrictions against Russia and support for Ukraine’s bid for European Union
membership. The White House is urging U.S. businesses to increase their cybersecurity
capabilities, citing intelligence that the Russian government is exploring options for potential

NATO and UN trying to come to an agreement with Putin, similar to hitler going back on
agreements and prompting war?

Are we on the brink of WW3?, should the US get involved/more involved?

We are getting close and if the US intervenes with more than financial support war will likely
Final Essay
By Johnny Keeling
With the start of 2022, the world was launched into a troubling feeling of uncertainty
when Russia invaded Ukraine. A

World War One started in 1914 when Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was
assassinated by the Black Hand in Sarajevo. The Black Hand was a terrorist group set on the
creation of the pan-Slavic Kingdom. This event directly led to the conflict between Austria and
Serbia which ended up causing war.

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