Cse320 MCQ

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CSE320 OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS www.GeeksforCampus.


1. What is the purpose of a software requirements specification?

A) To specify the hardware requirements for the software

B) To specify the functional and non-functional requirements for the software

C) To specify the programming languages to be used in the software

D) To specify the testing strategy for the software

Answer: B

2. What is the difference between black-box testing and white-box testing?

A) Black-box testing is performed by the developers, while white-box testing is performed by independent testers

B) Black-box testing focuses on the internal workings of the software, while white-box testing focuses on the external
behaviour of the software

C) Black-box testing is a functional testing technique, while white-box testing is a structural testing technique

D) Black-box testing is automated, while white-box testing is manual

Answer: C

3. What is the purpose of a software design pattern?

A) To make the software easier to maintain and modify

B) To make the software more efficient

C) To make the software more secure

D) To make the software more visually appealing

Answer: A

4. Which of the following is an example of an agile software development methodology?

A) Waterfall

B) Scrum

C) Spiral

D) V-Model

Answer: B

5. Which of the following is not a software development life cycle model?

A) Waterfall

B) Agile

C) V-Model
CSE320 OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS www.GeeksforCampus.com

D) Structured Programming

Answer: D

6. What is the purpose of version control software?

A) To prevent unauthorized access to the software

B) To manage changes to the software codebase

C) To optimize the performance of the software

D) To debug the software codebase

Answer: B

7. Which of the following is a non-functional requirement for software?

A) The software should be easy to use

B) The software should be fast

C) The software should have a user login feature

D) The software should have a search bar

Answer: B

8. What is the purpose of a software prototype?

A) To create a working version of the software

B) To identify and eliminate defects in the software

C) To communicate the design of the software to stakeholders

D) To test the software on a representative sample of users

Answer: C

9. What is the purpose of a software testing plan?

A) To identify defects in the software

B) To track progress and ensure that testing is complete

C) To specify the requirements for the software

D) To optimize the performance of the software

Answer: B

10. Which of the following is an example of a software development tool?

CSE320 OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS www.GeeksforCampus.com

A) Microsoft Word

B) Adobe Photoshop

C) Eclipse

D) Google Chrome

Answer: C

11. What is the main purpose of software configuration management?

A) To ensure that software requirements are met

B) To manage changes to software artifacts

C) To ensure that software is free of defects

D) To test the performance of software

Answer: B

12. Which of the following is a software development methodology that is heavily focused on documentation?

A) Scrum

B) Extreme Programming (XP)

C) Waterfall

D) Kanban

Answer: C

13. What is the purpose of a software architecture?

A) To specify the programming languages to be used in the software

B) To specify the hardware requirements for the software

C) To describe the high-level structure of the software system

D) To identify and fix defects in the software

Answer: C

14. Which of the following is a commonly used software development framework?

A) Test-driven development (TDD)

B) Behavior-driven development (BDD)

C) Object-oriented programming (OOP)

D) Procedural programming
CSE320 OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS www.GeeksforCampus.com

Answer: C

15. Which of the following is an example of a software development tool used for version control?

A) Apache Maven

B) Git

C) Jenkins

D) Selenium

Answer: B

16. What is the purpose of a software development plan?

A) To specify the design of the software

B) To identify defects in the software

C) To describe the testing strategy for the software

D) To track progress and ensure that development is on schedule

Answer: D

17. Which of the following is a testing technique that involves executing the software with different sets of input

A) Unit testing

B) Integration testing

C) System testing

D) Acceptance testing

Answer: C

18. What is the purpose of a software maintenance plan?

A) To specify the design of the software

B) To identify and fix defects in the software

C) To optimize the performance of the software

D) To test the software on a representative sample of users

Answer: B

19. Which of the following is a software development methodology that emphasizes the importance of frequent
communication and collaboration between developers and stakeholders?
CSE320 OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS www.GeeksforCampus.com

A) Waterfall

B) Agile

C) V-Model

D) Spiral

Answer: B

20. What is the purpose of a software requirements review?

A) To identify defects in the software codebase

B) To ensure that the software meets the requirements of stakeholders

C) To optimize the performance of the software

D) To test the software on a representative sample of users

Answer: B

21. Which of the following is a testing technique that involves testing the individual components of the software in

A) Unit testing

B) Integration testing

C) System testing

D) Acceptance testing

Answer: A

22. What is the purpose of a software quality assurance plan?

A) To specify the hardware requirements for the software

B) To describe the testing strategy for the software

C) To identify and fix defects in the software

D) To optimize the performance of the software

Answer: B

23. Which of the following is a software development methodology that emphasizes the importance of adapting to
change and responding to feedback?

A) Waterfall

B) Agile

C) V-Model
CSE320 OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS www.GeeksforCampus.com

D) Spiral

Answer: B

24. Which of the following is a software development methodology that involves iterative and incremental

A) Waterfall

B) Scrum

C) V-Model

D) Structured programming

Answer: B

25. What is the purpose of a software architecture review?

A) To identify and fix defects in the software codebase

B) To ensure that the software meets the requirements of stakeholders

C) To optimize the performance of the software

D) To evaluate the software's high-level design and identify potential issues

Answer: D

26. Which of the following is an example of a software development tool used for continuous integration?


B) GitLab

C) Confluence

D) Slack

Answer: B

27. What is the purpose of a software design document?

A) To specify the testing strategy for the software

B) To describe the high-level structure of the software system

C) To identify and fix defects in the software

D) To optimize the performance of the software

Answer: B
CSE320 OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS www.GeeksforCampus.com

28. Which of the following is a software development methodology that emphasizes the importance of
documentation and planning?

A) Scrum

B) Extreme Programming (XP)

C) Waterfall

D) Kanban

Answer: C

29. What is the purpose of a software risk management plan?

A) To identify and fix defects in the software codebase

B) To ensure that the software meets the requirements of stakeholders

C) To identify potential risks to the project and plan ways to mitigate them

D) To optimize the performance of the software

Answer: C

30. Which of the following is a testing technique that involves testing the software with a representative sample of

A) Unit testing

B) Integration testing

C) System testing

D) Acceptance testing

Answer: D

31. Which of the following is a technique used to analyze and evaluate the quality of software?

A) Software verification

B) Software validation

C) Software testing

D) Software inspection

Answer: D

32. Which of the following is a type of software testing that involves testing the software's ability to recover from

A) Recovery testing
CSE320 OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS www.GeeksforCampus.com

B) Performance testing

C) Security testing

D) Compatibility testing

Answer: A

33. Which of the following is a measure of software quality that refers to the ease with which a software system can
be modified?

A) Maintainability

B) Usability

C) Reliability

D) Efficiency

Answer: A

34. Which of the following is a type of software testing that involves testing the software's ability to handle a large
amount of data?

A) Load testing

B) Stress testing

C) Performance testing

D) Compatibility testing

Answer: A

35. Which of the following is a technique used to manage the risks associated with software development?

A) Agile development

B) Risk management

C) Waterfall development

D) V-Model development

Answer: B

36. Which of the following is a type of software requirement that describes the specific functionality that the
software must provide?

A) Functional requirement

B) Non-functional requirement

C) System requirement
CSE320 OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS www.GeeksforCampus.com

D) Performance requirement

Answer: A

37. Which of the following is a type of software testing that involves testing the software's ability to operate on
different hardware, operating systems, and networks?

A) Compatibility testing

B) Performance testing

C) Security testing

D) Usability testing

Answer: A

38. Which of the following is a measure of software quality that refers to the degree to which the software meets its
specified requirements?

A) Maintainability

B) Usability

C) Reliability

D) Correctness

Answer: D

39. Which of the following is a type of software development methodology that involves a continuous integration
and delivery process?

A) Waterfall

B) Scrum

C) DevOps

D) Spiral

Answer: C

40. Which of the following is a type of software requirement that describes the constraints and criteria that the
software must meet?

A) Functional requirement

B) Non-functional requirement

C) System requirement

D) Performance requirement

Answer: B
CSE320 OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS www.GeeksforCampus.com

41. Which of the following software development models is known for its iterative and incremental approach?

A) Waterfall model

B) V-Model

C) Spiral model

D) Agile model

Answer: D

42. Which of the following is not a software testing technique?

A) Inspection

B) Mutation testing

C) Alpha testing

D) Specification testing

Answer: D

43. Which of the following software engineering principles advocates for breaking down complex problems into
smaller, more manageable sub-problems?

A) Abstraction

B) Encapsulation

C) Modularization

D) Polymorphism

Answer: C

44. Which of the following software development practices involves making frequent changes to the codebase and
integrating them into the main code repository?

A) Continuous Integration

B) Continuous Delivery

C) Continuous Deployment

D) Continuous Improvement

Answer: A

45. Which of the following is a software requirement that describes the conditions under which the software must
CSE320 OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS www.GeeksforCampus.com

A) Functional requirement

B) Non-functional requirement

C) System requirement

D) Business requirement

Answer: B

46. Which of the following software development models involves a sequential, non-iterative approach?

A) Waterfall model

B) V-Model

C) Spiral model

D) Agile model

Answer: A

47. Which of the following is a measure of software quality that refers to the software's ability to maintain its
performance under varying workload conditions?

A) Maintainability

B) Usability

C) Reliability

D) Scalability

Answer: D

48. Which of the following software development practices involves automating the process of building, testing, and
deploying software?

A) Continuous Integration

B) Continuous Delivery

C) Continuous Deployment

D) Continuous Improvement

Answer: B

49. Which of the following software engineering principles advocates for reducing the complexity of software
systems by abstracting away unnecessary details?

A) Abstraction

B) Encapsulation
CSE320 OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS www.GeeksforCampus.com

C) Modularization

D) Polymorphism

Answer: A

50. Which of the following is a type of software testing that involves testing the software's ability to handle
unexpected inputs and inputs that are out of range?

A) Boundary testing

B) Equivalence partitioning

C) Regression testing

D) Fuzz testing

Answer: A

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