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Ecological Engineering 47 (2012) 209–213

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Short communication

Municipal wastewater treatment using vertical flow constructed wetlands

planted with Canna, Phragmites and Cyprus
Sohair I. Abou-Elela ∗ , Mohamed S. Hellal
Water Pollution Research Department, National Research Center, Giza, Egypt

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A pilot scale vertical flow constructed wetland unit (VFCW) with a surface area of 457.56 m2 was built
Received 20 February 2012 within the vicinity of a wastewater treatment plant, North Cairo, Egypt. The wetland unit was planted
Received in revised form 23 May 2012 with three kinds of plants namely; Canna, Phragmites australis and Cyprus papyrus. The wetland unit was
Accepted 22 June 2012
fed with primary treated municipal wastewater at influent flow rate of 20 m3 /day and surface loading
Available online 24 July 2012
rate ranged between 26.2 kg BOD ha−1 day−1 and 76.5 kg BOD ha−1 day−1 and a detention time of 7.7 days.
The efficiency of VFCW after two years operation was evaluated in terms of both mass removal and water
quality improvement, both physico-chemically and biologically. The biological analysis was carried out for
Constructed wetlands
Vertical flow
total coliform, fecal coliform, and Escherichia coli. The accumulation of the elements in the plants organs
Wastewater treatment and their uptake with the harvested macrophyte were also measured. The results obtained showed that
Reuse the average removal efficiency of COD, BOD and TSS in the final effluent were 88%, 90%, 92%, respectively
with corresponding residual values of 30.60 mg/l, 13.20 mg/l and 8.50 mg/l. The amount of nutrients accu-
mulated in the plants which represented by total phosphorus and total kjeldahl nitrogen were 32.55 g/m2
and 68.10 g/m2 . Also, significant reduction of total coliform, fecal coliform were achieved. To conclude, the
quality of treated effluent proved that the use of VFCW as a post treatment step is an effective technology
for wastewater treatment and use for irrigation in rural areas and small communities.
© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction be very useful in developing countries since they are simple tech-
nology and involve low operational costs (Zuritaa and De Andab,
Many countries all over the world face water shortage problems, 2009). Constructed wetlands can remove most of pollutants like
Egypt is not exempted. It is expected that in the next few decades, pathogens, nutrients, organic and inorganic contaminants as well
Egypt is going to water shortage. Poor sanitation in Egypt is part of as the protection of the public health to prevent transmission of
this problem especially in rural areas, villages and small commu- waterborne diseases (Kivaisi, 2001). Most CWs systems operated
nities where only 5% are served by wastewater treatment plants. with horizontal flow and can provide a reliable secondary level
However, 95% of rural areas and villages are served by what is so of treatment with regard to biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
called “trenches” which is a way just a bottomless cesspool, which and total suspended solids (TSS) (Vymazal, 2009) but frequently
causes environmental and hygienic problems. Disposal of poorly are less effective for nitrogen removal; unless a longer hydraulic
treated wastewaters from on-site systems serving households and retention time and enough oxygenation are provided (Liu et al.,
small communities can lead to hydraulic failure of soil infiltra- 2005). Recently, research works were directed toward the vertical
tion and pollution of ground and surface waters with consequent flow constructed wetlands (VFCW) since it is very effective not only
risks to human and environmental health (Tanner et al., 2012). for the removal of BOD and TSS but also for nitrification even at a
The alternative solution for the villages and small communities high loading rate in a cold climate (Arias et al., 2005, Cooper, 2005;
are the decentralized treatment systems. These systems include Prochaska et al., 2007). VFCW systems are intermittently flooded
and not limited to up flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB), septic and drained, allowing air to refill the substrate pores within the
tanks, oxidation lagoons, constructed wetlands and others. Con- bed (Prochaska and Zouboulis, 2006) and improving, in this way,
structed wetlands (CWs) are effective treatment systems that can the oxygen transfer from the atmosphere to the system. The use
of plants in CWs also serve to stabilize the bed surface, increase
porosity throughout the wetland volume, absorb and store plant
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +20 21223118891; fax: +20 233367319. nutrients, prevent channelized flow and improve wetland esthet-
E-mail address: (Sohair I. Abou-Elela). ics. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performances of a pilot

0925-8574/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
210 S.I. Abou-Elela, M.S. Hellal / Ecological Engineering 47 (2012) 209–213

2.4. Physico-chemical and biological analysis

Physico-chemical and biological analyses were carried out for

raw, treated wastewater and harvested biomass. The biologi-
cal parameters covered total coliforms, Escherichia coli and fecal
coliforms. All the analysis otherwise specified, were carried out
according to Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
Wastewater (APHA, 2005).

3. Results and discussions

Fig. 1. Design of VFCW.

3.1. Characterization of influent wastewater

plant vertical flow constructed wetland for the removal of organic
compounds, nutrients and pathogenic microorganisms from a real Analysis of 25 samples of influent wastewater to VFCW indi-
municipal wastewater. In addition, the possibility of using the cated that the organic loading rate varied during the period
treated effluent for irrigation purposes was also evaluated. of this study. The COD ranged between 185 mg/l and 335 mg/l,
while BOD values varied between 59 mg/l and 175 mg/l. The
2. Material and methods average suspended solids concentration was 94 mg/l, while the
average concentration of ammonia, TKN and total phosphorus
2.1. Description of the site were 16.7 mg/l, 30.7 mg/l and 3.15 mg/l, respectively. The aver-
age bacterial indicators counts were 2.8 × 107 MPN/100 ml for
A pilot plant vertical flow constructed wetland for treating total coliform and 2.3 × 106 MPN/100 ml for fecal coliforms and
real wastewater was designed, constructed and operated for dura- 2.4 × 106 MPN/100 ml for E. coli. Analysis of heavy metals such as
tion of almost two years and still running. The pilot plant was mercury, lead, cupper, cadmium, and chromium indicated that the
located within the vicinity of a wastewater treatment plant. The concentration each metal did not exceed 0.001 mg/l.
treatment system included the following successive steps: coarse
screen, oil removal, primary settling tank then a wetland basin. 3.2. Efficiency of VFCW for the removal of pollutants
The total surface area of the basin was 457.56 m2 . The influent flow
rate was 20 m3 /day and the surface loading rate varied between 3.2.1. Removal of COD, BOD and TSS
26.2 kg BOD ha−1 day−1 and 76.5 kg BOD ha−1 day−1 with a deten- The concentrations of COD, BOD and TSS in the treated efflu-
tion time of 7.7 days. The VFCW was fed with influent wastewater ent are shown in Fig. 2. The average removal values of both COD
using submersible pump and distributed through a net work of and BOD were 88%, 90%, respectively with corresponding residual
PVC pipes. The water flow was measured by electromagnetic flow values of 30.6 mg O2 /l and 13.16 mg O2 /l.
meter. The flow rate and the run off of the pumps were controlled The high removal values of COD and BOD may be explained
using SCADA software. All the main climatic parameters affecting as in wetland systems, settleable organics were rapidly removed
the CW hydro-balance such as temperature, wind speed and direc- by deposition and filtration, while the organic compounds were
tion, humidity and atmospheric pressure were also monitored on degraded both aerobically and anaerobically by the heterotrophic
daily basis and recorded with Solar Radiation Sensor. Fig. 1 shows microorganism depending on the oxygen concentration in the bed.
the design of the pilot scale VFCW. According to the wetland design, the oxygen required for aerobic
degradation can be supplied by diffusion, convection and oxygen
2.2. Plantation leakage from the macrophyte roots into the rhizosphere. Thus,
treatment efficiency of the constructed wetlands for the removal of
Young plants of Canna and Phragmites australis were planted at organics was, generally, highly dependent on the oxygen concen-
the beginning of winter of 2009, while Cyprus papyrus was planted tration in the bed, the wetland design, the treatment conditions
in October 2010. The bed was divided into four sections; only and the characteristics of the bed medium (Vymazal et al., 1998).
three sections were planted with the three kinds of plants. The Moreover, the presence of several plant species provides a more
plants were fixed in the bed at a density of four rhizomes per effective distribution of the roots and a more propitious habitat
square meter. At the beginning of spring 2011 Canna and P. aus- which encourage the development of a great diversity of micro-
tralis were harvested, while Cyprus was kept as is since it was so bial communities. Furthermore, the diversity of roots delayed the
small to be harvested at that time. The plants were cropped approx- wastewater passage through the system which in turn increases
imately 10 cm from the gravel surface. All the harvested plants the retention time and as a consequence, the removal efficiencies
were weighed on site. Wet:dry weight ratio was used to estimate (Zuritaa and De Andab, 2009). The average TSS concentration was
the biomass. The harvested biomass was collected and weighted 8.5 mg/l with a percentage removal of 92%. In addition, complete
and the water content was calculated as well as the concentration removal of TSS in some samples was recorded.
of nutrients. One day prior harvesting, representative samples in
one square meter were analyzed for dry weight and nutrients con- 3.2.2. Behavior of various forms of nitrogen
tents in both Canna and Phragmites plants. However, only nutrients The results depicted in Fig. 3 show that both nitrification and
measurement was carried out in Cyprus. denitrification occurred during the two years study period. The
average concentration of ammonia decreased from 18.3 mg/l to
2.3. Sampling 7.9 mg/l. This also confirmed by the increase of nitrate concentra-
tion in the treated effluent from 0.12 mg/l to 0.52 mg/l. Also, it is
Wastewater samples were collected on weekly basis from the obvious from the results obtained in Fig. 3 that denitrification pro-
inlet and outlet of the bed. Also, different parts of the plants were cess took place. The nitrate concentration decreased from 1.3 mg/l
collected on monthly basis for analysis. The samples were collected to 0.22 mg/l. it is well known that the sources of NH4 + –N in the
and analyzed for duration of almost two years. wetlands are ammonification and ammonia originally present in
S.I. Abou-Elela, M.S. Hellal / Ecological Engineering 47 (2012) 209–213 211

Fig. 2. Concentrations of COD, BOD and TKN in treated effluent.

the wastewater. NH4 + –N may be removed by nitrification, adsorp- of 53%. The average TKN removal efficiencies throughout this study
tion, plant and bacteria uptakes, and volatilization. According to were within the removal range reported in other studies of con-
Reddy and Patrick (1984), volatilization is not expected to have structed wetlands (Vymazal, 2002).
contribution to this reduction. Brix (1994) also shows that removal
by plant uptake is low. This means that nitrification followed by 3.2.3. Removal of phosphorus
denitrification is most probably responsible for NH4 + –N reduction. The phosphate concentration in the treated wastewater ranged
Nitrate–nitrogen (NO−3 –N) in the treated effluent could be con- between 0.4 mg/l and 2 mg/l with an average percentage removal
sidered as indication for nitrification process. The main source of of 62%. These results were much better than those recorded in
(NO−3 –N) in the wetlands, in addition to nitrate originally present other studies carried out using VFCW (Brix and Arias, 2005). They
in the influent, was due to nitrification and denitrification. The pH reported that only 20–30% removal of phosphate was achieved. The
value of the effluent was just above 7, which indicated that the high removal rate of phosphorus in our study may be attributed to
conditions were suitable for nitrification within the wetland bed. the long contact time within the wetland (7.7 days) and the use of
In an intermittently loaded vertical flow system, oxygenation in three different plants in the same basin which increase the uptake
the wetland matrix was increased several folds compared to other of phosphorus (Klomjek and Nitisoravut, 2005).
wetland systems, which may result in efficient nitrification pro-
cess. The nitrate produced can subsequently be reduced to nitrogen 3.2.4. Efficiency of VFCW for the removal of bacterial indicators of
gas by biological denitrification if there is readily available carbon pollution
source (Vymazal et al., 1998). The higher nitrification capacities of The geometric mean of the bacterial indicators counts namely;
the vertical flow wetlands may be attributed to enhanced oxygen total coliform (TC), fecal coliform (FC) and E. coli in the treated
transfer from the atmosphere to the beds (Brix, 1997). Vegetation effluent were 2.60 × 103 , 1.25 × 103 and 1.11 × 103 MPN/100 ml.
might have slightly increased nitrification through the oxygenation The average removal efficiency of all bacterial indicators varied
of the substrate. Moreover, the root system might have facilitated between 94% and 99.99%. The removal efficiency of coliform bac-
the establishment of a rich and productive community of attached teria was in good agreement with Soto et al. (1998) and Vymazal
nitrifiers by providing higher surface area. Great variability in the et al. (2000). The high removal rate may be explained by the high
TKN removal was observed along the monitoring period. The TKN oxygen concentration in the VFCW, as well as the high tempera-
concentration in the effluent ranged between 8.6 and 36.4 mg/l ture (25–30 ◦ C) that causes aerobic environment. Different research
with an average value of 17.8 mg/l. The TKN removal efficiencies works have demonstrated that anaerobic conditions prolong the
varied between 31% and 70% with an average percentage removal survival of coliforms in constructed wetlands (Decamp and Warren,

Fig. 3. Concentrations of NH4 , TKN and nitrate in treated effluent.

212 S.I. Abou-Elela, M.S. Hellal / Ecological Engineering 47 (2012) 209–213

Table 1
Average concentrations of TKN, T.P, heavy metals and bacterial counts accumulated in the roots of the three plants.

Parameters Unit Canna Phragmites Cyprus Raw W.W mg/l

TKN g/kg 8.96 5.61 19.26 31.3

T.P g/kg 2.6 1.86 2.21 4.7
Heavy metals
Lead mg/kg 0.02 0.0 0.15 <0.01
Cupper 2.70 1.7 5.64 <0.01
Cadmium 0.38 0.0 0.26 <0.01
Nickel 0.06 0.1 0.12 <0.01
Chromium 0.08 0.0 0.29 <0.01
Biological analysis
Total coliform MPN/100 ml 4.3 × 104 3.6 × 104 1× 104 2.86 × 107
Fecal coliform 2× 102 45× 10 2× 102 2.49 × 106
E. coli 1.6 × 104 5.1 × 103 2.8 × 102 2.32 × 106

2000) and in contrast, aerobic conditions, such as those predomi- the treated effluent. No odors or insects were detected during the
nant in VFCW enhance the removal rate. two years operation of VFCW beside a beautiful landscape view.

3.2.5. Plants uptake and biomass production Acknowledgements

Hill and Payton (1998) reported that during the cold win-
ter months a translocation of nutrients from stems to rhizomes The authors are very grateful to Consorzio Universitario di
occurred which results in an increase of nutrient content in the Economia Industriale Manageriale (CUIEM) for their financial and
wastewater. For that purpose, plant harvesting must be practiced technical assistance during the course of this study.
in order to remove organic matters and nutrients from the system.
Since the aim of this study is to achieve the highest removal of
pollutants, biomass was harvested after 12 months operation for
Canna and P. australis, while Cyprus was not harvested as it was so APHA, 2005. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th
short. The dry biomass of P. australis was 3.26 kg/m2 . This biomass ed. American Public Health Association/United Book Press, USA.
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