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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen, Multi
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Fantastic Beasts - JK Rowling
Relationship: Tom Riddle et personnage(s) original(s), Nott père et Tom Riddle, Le
père de Lestrange Tom Riddle et le camarade de classe. de Tom
Riddle, Tom Jedusor et Albus Dumbledore, Albus Dumbledore & Gellert
Grindelward & Tom Jedusor, Le camarade de classe de Tom Riddle, le
père de Lestrange camarade de classe d'Avery, Grindelwald et ses
partisans, Grindelwald et Tom, Quennie Goldstein / Jacob Kowalski,
Newt Dragonneau et Thésée Dragonneau, Credence Barebone &
Gellert Grindelwald, Abraxas Malfoy & Tom Riddle
Character: Tom Jedusor - Character, Abraxas Malefoy, Le camarade de classe du
père Lestrange Tom Jedusor - Personnage, Père Nott ( Harry Potter ) -
Personnage, Le camarade de classe d'Avery - Personnage, Mort (
Harry Potter ), Albus Dumbledore, Enseignant ( Personnage ),
Credence Barebone, Gellert Grindelwald, Newt Dragonneau, Queenie
Goldstein, Thésée Dragonneau, Employés du Ministère de la Magie (
Harry Potter ), Orion Black, Mulciber Sr. | Tom Riddle's Schoolmate
Additional Tags: Young Tom Riddle, Tom Riddle Redemption, Time Travel, Orphanage,
Dark Past, Tom Riddle Needs a Hug, Second Chances, Love Hate -
Freeform, Friendship, Slytherin, Parseltongue and Parseltongue (Harry
Potter), Magic, Blood Pacts, Tom Riddle is Bad at Feelings, Dynamic
Alpha/ Beta/Omega, Half-Blood, Mudblood, Dynamic Book, Tom Riddle
Discovers Dynamics, Mystery, respect, You Find Out Why, The Alphas
Caused the missing dynamic, knight of walpurgis freeform, Omega Tom
Riddle, Omega Gellert Grindelward, focus on tom and grindelwald, Love
Problem, Happy Ending, the world changes, No Dark Lord, Well almost,
Ministry of Magic (Harry Potter), Alternate Universe, Omega Albus
Dumbledore, the dynamic only applies to wizards, Manipulative Tom
Riddle, time lag relative to years so that Tom are in the events of the
fantastic beasts
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-08-22 Updated: 2023-08-30 Words: 11,043 Chapters:

by Auteur_ronchon


The Dark Lord loses his last battle. Death gives him a second chance to change. However,
there is one condition. Death sees this as an opportunity for Tom Marvalo Riddle to not
face the same mistakes again.

He was quickly projected into those early years where it all started, starting in an
Orphanage and then Hogwarts.

He will find himself in a different world and make unlikely encounters.


Lord Voldemort aka Tom Riddle will have redemption because he had a miserable life.
Then Death sends him to an alternate world with dynamics and will meet many people, like be continued

(Warning: there will be a time shift, see Note)

so that Tom Riddla follows Grindelwald and the others when they are young.


(Warning: there will be a time shift, so that Tom Riddla follows Grindelwald and the others
when they are young.)

Then, about alpha beta and Omega dynamite there will be a special chapter. Because Tom
Riddle won't know what world he's fallen into. AND the dynamic only applies to wizards.

The sky is gloomy with scattered dark clouds, a cold and heavy atmosphere reigns in the outer
courtyard of the ruined castle. This court no longer being one. Indeed, the stones and decorations
of the castle being reduced to dust scattered on the ground. People on both sides are physically and
emotionally exhausted from the fight, they only hope for one thing.

In the center courtyard, good and evil clash in a decisive duel.

The silence cut by two spells throwing one on the other produces a shock wave, the powers of the
two individuals collide. It was all happening at that very moment. The black-clad evil supporters
behind this one, smile ear to ear apart from some. Teachers and students try to believe in their
hope, with tears in their eyes.

The two wizards in the center put all their strength into their spells hoping for Victory. If the
youngest wins then it would be the end of a tyranny and fear of evil that has plagued the wizarding
world for decades. If the dark wizard wins then it would be chao Access auisiteiWeba magic, and
killing would be considered leisure.

The green of hope meets the chaotic red.

The young wizard whispers, his enemy not listening, too focused on his victory at hand. He
clenches his jaw in a grunt, his, if it was his for a second, chops and backs away. But Voldemort
determines to win, advances in his wand all the power that has. On the side of the young wizard
the same reaction.

Unfortunately, for the dark wizard, luck is not on his side. Sure enough, the Elder Wand begins to
shatter. This one fights against its false possessor. And what the dark wizard had also forgotten and
that he had left his last Horcrux lurking in the castle. The snake was cut by a sword and then
disappears. At this moment before quincunx utters a word, the spells break, one of them touches its
own owner.

The green spell backfires on whoever casts it, penetrating Voldemort's body abruptly snatching his
life. He definitely dies in sight of his destroyed seventh Horcrux.

His life and his soul break and stop here. Voldemort tries one last move, he lifts his head and tries
to scream, but all that happens is just bricks of himself splitting and flying through the air like
ashes of a lifetime finished and of a corrupted soul.
When the black wizard had received the spell of death on himself, he had felt his life being brutally
torn away and his soul, if there was one left in him after having divided it into seven, had burst into
flames in a brazier. particles in the air.

The pain was extreme. He will have to go to a place like Hell to be punished for his sins. But that
wasn't what scared him the most. If he had divided his soul into seven it was for a reason, his
phobia is the same as all living beings.

That's why when he finds himself in a place as white as white, his features wrinkle and he kills his
lips. He had done everything not to die and here he is. In front of a white mirror. He appeared in
the form of a young boy, of his early years.

Suddenly white becomes terms and gray. He felt freezing cold and a tall, pale-skinned figure
dressed in black with a scythe appeared. There she is, The Dark Lady. The wizard says nothing,
still in front of the mirror which perfectly reflects the person waiting for him, She speaks. - Don't
be afraid, wizard. I came to talk. She slowly approached him, he didn't do anything, I've never met
a wizard or witch like you before. Although he or she never went shattered his soul into multiple
fragments. She almost laughs

Voldemort doesn't know if this is a joke or a way to relax him. - You don't look like what I expect,
or what a human imagines. She smiles under her black hood and replies. - If I reveal myself in my
true form, humans will scream in fear and won't even be able to speak properly. So, I am in a
reassuring form.

The wizard does that with his eyebrows, he doesn't assume that the chosen one the human being
fears the most would want to be reassuring to them. He doesn't say anything and doesn't care
He asks what he is doing there.

- You have used black magic from a very young age. Splitting your own soul into multiple pieces
to enclose them in inanimate objects or in the form of animals. All this in exchange for a longevity
longer than death. The mirror in front of it makes all the horcruxes appear in order of time to the
sorcerer, those intact in the reflection. Tell me, sorcerer. Why did you do such a thing to your soul
so precious as well as kill individuals to achieve that ? She finishes calmly

On the large mirror images scroll like a television showing the times when the wizard had done
everything the Veiled Voice said.

Voldemort didn't know what exactly this one was asking for, confession or regret ? None of this he
wishes to say. He had cast the spell to split his soul for good reason. He says ; - Is that a rhetorical
question ? It seems obvious to me why I did all of this. And...why does Death himself grant me
such an opportunity ?

She replied - Well, I was compelled to give you this opportunity. To understand why you did this
before your judgement. Maybe if you have good reason to do everything you did, maybe your pain
will be less. The dark wizard says nothing, look in the mirror, you didn't answer, wizard. Why
fragment your precious soul ?

The wizard's fists and jaw clench, Death could not understand that his soul, that of a cold and
distant orphan without any uselessness, is not so precious as She thinks. So fragmenting a soul
useful to no one and as cold as the child Voldemort was, isn't something anyone would worry
about. He only desires power so using dark magic on a non-precious soul like his is no problem for
her. Especially when she is afraid of dying.

He reports everything he thinks of it to La Mort. But, this one does not seem to agree with him. She
said nothing, then spoke darkly - My child, I've never met a soul that isn't precious. Each is unique
in its own way. Fragmenting it won't help matters. Understood, wizard ?

The wizard is not convinced but he nods all the same, he looks at the mirror and the memories it
contains. - My Horcruxes were destroyed, so how? How did I survive, Veiled Lady ?

The Lady in Black hummed then gestured with her finger so that all the horcruxes the young
wizard had created would gravitate around him. - You fragmented your soul into seven pieces, and
those pieces were destroyed. Fortunately to fragment a soul he assumed that one part remained in
you to connect the other seven.

The wizard too shocked by the explanation said nothing. Then he clenched his fists in his palms,
only the name of the wizard he hated echoed in his head. - That Potter should have died! Yet I was
the one who had that...curse. Twice !

- Death is just the End of the cycle of life, a blessing not a cure. And this young man did just the
right thing.

The dark wizard loses patience - What was needed ? I was only doing...

Death inside him - ...that destroys part of your world, wizarding world. Now stop and listen to me.
The wizard just clenches his teeth, no death ignores and continues :
- My child, I have never met a lone soul that is not precious in this world. Each is unique in its own
way. Humans believe that they can extend their life cycle with black magic but The End must
come. Otherwise the cycle of Life and Death no longer continues for that soul and is out of balance
Every serious living thing has a soul that is precious , so fragmenting it is not an option . Humans
fear me for I don't know why, and so do they. Perhaps for the end of their souls? But still, a soul is
given precisely to not be fragmented or but broken to live as such. Understood, Wizard ? Say death
gently but sternly so that he understands that the subject brought is important.

He unclenches his teeth and his fists, he doesn't dare look Death in the face. - You will then leave

- ...a chance, indeed. Smiled Death under his hood .

The youngest not allowed, he only asks what made death do such a thing. She does nothing for a
moment, then smiles at him, putting her hand, as pale as the moon, on the wizard's shoulder. - I'm
going to send you to your younger years, and to be sure that everything will go as I expect. You
may not harm or kill your fellow man. Wizard or non-wizard. This is non-negotiable. Clear Tom
Riddle? She finished as she lightly squeezed his shoulder.

He shivered. She hadn't mentioned his name from the start, saying that meant it was important. He
clutched the points in his palms, unfortunately this condition is a very big constraint for him and
his plans. He won't be able to do what he did before, where he's going to be. If he can't kill then he
doesn't want to create a horcrux, but all is not lost. He is thinking of other projects.

Death removes his pale hand then lifts his faith a few feet from the gray floor, the mirror opposite
buzzes then in view goes mad and waves, multicolored pastel clous reflect. - Ready to go, wizard ?
She said in a high, soft voice. The wizard isn't sure, he frowns. This is all still new, he still didn't
believe he was given a chance.

Death rests his free hand on the little wizard's back, pushing him lightly, encouraging him to move
towards the mirror that has become a portal. She smiles and says : - Come on. As if encouraging a
suspicious little child to go to school. The portal being his door. Then, it's not so different, the
sorcerer will learn to rediscover a different world for a different life experience. He ends up
advancing slowly but surely until he rushes into the portal.

Death peered into the portal, then pulled an orb six inches in size out of its sleeve. This one is dark,
unfortunately it is extremely cracked in seven by the Horcrux ritual exercised by its owner. Only
one piece is connected to the seven large fissures, it is of a gray shade. From the orb came a dark
mist through the cracks.

Death admires the Soul, She makes something like a sigh. - A person's past reflects his future, She
says simply, I hope he finds the thing that makes a soul more powerful than the black magic, as
well as redemption.
She put the Orne away from her sleeve. /
The portal in pastel shades and multicolored slowly closes in on itself, shrinking, until it disappears
with a small thud. Death stays for a few moments before turning around, she walks defeated behind
her dark clouds, she sets off towards her next destination. She has completed her mission.

His master's wish is fulfilled, for now.


The broken mirror in the shared bathroom reflects it.

Gis average height, his raven hair combed on the side without a strand protruding, his brown eyes
and his pale skin. His unsmiling face is cold and stoic. His outfit in this place that he hedges has
not changed: dark shirt, cold blue jacket and wearing shorts.

He couldn't take the fact that he was alive again, taken in again, the fact that his witch mother had
become pregnant by a muggle through a filter of love she gave him gave for him to love her. May
his mother be rejected by the man she loved when the filter stopped being drunk by him. Her
mother was finally rejected by 'the father' of her child and condemned to give birth (without even
the father knowing it) in the hall of the orphanage and ended up dying by giving the name and
surname of the man she loves, who did not love him, to his newly born child.

This child born, half-blood, to end up here, to come back here by mysterious opportunity to relive
those picturesque years in this dark, isolated, poor and cold place like this building. Shelter only
despairing unhappy souls, without love and above all without family. (Notably poor, but don't talk
about it) Like him. In any case, it was his opinion, perhaps La Mort doubts it. But the future wizard
still does not understand how he could "change" his future (perhaps even that of the wizarding
world) by still living his miserable young years. He could cry with rage, but he no longer knows
the proverb of crying.

He raises his left hand and touches her cheek, stroking it, his cold touch against her young flesh.
He feels alive again. A body neither thin nor too pale nor a face without nose or hair. He feels
everything. He's just him.

He doesn't know if this is a chance for him to change, but he misses thinking about it, even though
Death has forced a condition on him that he despises. He keeps his anger and thought as he walks
the gray halls of the orphanage. The few lost young souls open their bedroom door ajar hoping to
see some adult there but were disappointed to see one of their own. The light in their eyes
disappeared as soon as they closed their door.

The coldness of the place and its poverty is not like the Malfoy manor, which is the opposite. The
young wizard now remembers what it's like to be in that orphanage again. He remembers each of
his corners, from the most traveled to the narrowest, from the coldest and cleanest to the poorest
and dirtiest. After all, how could he have forgotten after wandering around so many of his younger
years. Here he is just a ghost, like Them.

He clenches his jaw and his face turns dark.

In his bedroom, everything is the same as in these memories, a very small, cold and drab room
made half of brick and light beige wallpaper. The dusty wooden desk and wardrobe, creaky bed
when you sit on it, and rectangular window overlook a brick street. The rain slams against it like a

p> Tom walks slowly towards his desk and pulls out of the only drawer, fortunately still in good
condition and pullable, a small notebook. A notebook recently acquired by the money of a rich
drunkard on the street, if the money fell, is it stealing?

He took this little notebook with a fountain pen, acquired not by stealing but by request by Mrs.
Coole, and he sat down on the edge of the window then Tom wrote down all the spells he
remembered that would be useful to him. Unfortunately, he can't remember the forbidden spells, as
he never learned them. At this he frowns.

He found it strange but didn't dwell on it, probably a death blow from the

condition she imposed on him. He wants to curse her but that won't help and Death surely wouldn't
appreciate it. Anyway, he decided that when he got back to Hogwarts he could find some books
about those spells, or get someone to spill the beans. He would see.

He writes, the letters then the words and sentences appear little by little on the notebook, filling the
first pages with an elegant, dark and precise handwriting. He writes until he can no longer and so
the pen no longer stinks for lack of ink.

A few days have passed, albeit slowly for Tom, but he knows how to be patient. After all, he
waited well over a decade to have his body again by Peter Pettigrew or Wormtail, whatever his
nickname was. He doesn't have to wait any longer before this cursed director comes, he has waited
in this orphanage since his birth, he can certainly wait a few more days. But, at this moment, his
patience is starting to run out.

Here, he is waiting near the window, one foot on the edge and another dangling in the void a few
centimeters from the ground. The rain had stopped recently and the sun offers these few rays to his

Here, he is waiting near the window, a foot on the edge and another pandouille in the void a few
centimeters from the ground. The rain had stopped recently and the sun offers these few rays to his

A weak knock on Tom's door brings him out of his thoughts, it opens without his permission, his
head is still heading for her window, not looking at the little person who entered. He already
knows who it is. A low, high-pitched voice confirms to him.

- Ms. Colle on sight that you weren't there, so... a noise of dishes against the desk was heard, so I
asked to bring you your plate... good appetit , Tom.

The nomer thanks her with a whisper decides not to stare through his window anymore but the wall
in front of him. However, by the absence of the sound of his door closing, he sighs.
- I thanked you, why are you still here ? If it's Mrs. Colle again then tell her... The little blonde girl
cut him off, Tom grits his teeth at the rudeness but says nothing, better do it.

- Mrs. Colle didn't ask me to tell you anything but you know... the high pitched voice became
clearer which meant she was approaching Tom. Tom I know I got there. I haven't had much time,
but I want to tell you that it's normal to isolate yourself and be sad when no one asks us. However,
could you come with us ? You're not alone then...

Tom grits his teeth then turns to the girl, blonde with hazel eyes, dressed in a simple beige dress
with a brown belt, she carries with her her faithful little soiled teddy bear. Surely for only warm
memory of his parents. She must be probably a year or two younger than him. What luck. Such a
young innocent and naive child so luminous in . a hopeless place, she does not yet know the
despair of this place. So he answers her:

- We are alone in the dark, nobody wants children like us, make up your own mind.

She leaves a few seconds later, frowning, she will understand later, Tom thinks to himself fixing
the few foods on the plate.

Tom couldn't understand why Mrs. Colle stinks of allowing a man to come here. Indeed , recently ,
a man is there , speaking kindly to the children . Tom smiles, someone is trying to give false hope
to lonely souls. Pathetic, thinks Tom, really.

This man has been strangely attracted to Tom, probably because Mrs. Cole told him Tom's
dramatic story, except that Tom doesn't want his story be publicized as it is news from the
newspaper. Unfortunately, people are too curious and personal intimacy does not yet exist. This
man has skin as fair as Tom's, he wears an eye patch showing only his brown left eye, he hides his
hair. The man is dressed in dark, elegant clothes that smell so strongly of cologne that Tom is sick
of it. Probably it serves to hide a possible bad smell, Tom thinks, after all in the 20th century
showers or baths are not so frequent. Then, soaps only wash, not smell good, so perfumes and
colognes are strong and appreciated.

Anyway, cologne is repugnant according to Tom. He is sure that this man is so rich that he wants
to know at all costs, a second thing that Tom can't stand. The rich like to buy, show off, buy, show
off and buy again, they don't even count their Shiling, while people in need don't even have a
single Shiling to feed themselves or even maintain a roof on the head. It's better not to say anything
for the moment, the bourgeois don't appreciate big mouths giving their opinion to advise a balance
in a society, let's say it as it should, of shit.

However, this man does not seem to be in this category, according to Tom. No, the man is richly
dressed but nothing more, the cologne is strong but not like that worn by men, he speaks softly, the
man does not boast for a moment of what he possesses, in the opposite. He even donates money to
the orphanage but rarely comes. The strange man speaks to the children, they smile slightly, Tom
does not know if the man is benevolent, he does not wish them any harm in any case, what is
certain is that a certain aura of protection brings 'Strange man but no more.

The man has appeared repeatedly for some time and even accompanied by two people, a man and a
woman dressed in black. One person in front of the strange man and the other in front, act as
protection around the visitor. This one goes to see Tom, even encourages him to play a ball sport,
football as the boys of the orphanage call it. Tom doesn't see the point of it, kicking an old ball isn't
fun, doesn't bring him any joy, or even talk to these boys. He doesn't really feel any emotion or
feelings, the ones are close to him. Instead he stays away, the darkly dressed man tries desperately
to talk to him, but Tom speaks to him dryly and coldly. Maybe like this he would get sick of Tom
and go away thinking he's hopeless and rude.

Such was not the case, strangely, this man is familiar to Tom, being sure that he sight somewhere
in his old life. Tom no longer knows. That's why he asks visitors his name but the one smiles at
him either we change the subject or laugh and leave shortly after.

Strange person.

Then, the more the days advanced, the more the days shortened for the famous visit of Dumbeldor
would arrive in little time. Strangely, the visitor no longer showed up. Tom doesn't think about it

Dumbledore's visit finally arrived and instead greeted a man with shoulder length curly silver hair
dressed in a strange ancient tunic. Tom, saw a man between his thirties and forties with neatly
combed red hair with a light brown coat. Tom didn't understand but remembered Death's words:

- ...Never forget that in the world you will be in, this is not the world you were originally born in.
The weather may be different there, young wizard.

He then realized that the Dumbledore he remembered, the one in the purple tunic with the silver
hair falling to his shoulders, was replaced by a younger version of Dumbledore. He understood
that the years must be less advanced.

The visit itself went well, Dumbledore gave him the speech about a magical world, Tom obviously
pretended not to believe it, then the director set fire to his wardrobe and it had no damage. Tom
hesitated to confess that he was a parseltongue as well as the power to torture. He didn't, damn
Dumbledore already knew enough about Tom and he'll find out the truth later. This amused Tom,
he was eager to let the world know that he was the descendant of one of the four founders of
Hogwarts, be Salazar Slytherin. Everyone will make the connection between parseltongue, Tom's
mother's surname, (direct descent) of Slytherin house.

Oh, yes, how excited he was. He smiled when Dumbledore left.

Unfortunately for our dear Tom Riddle (Riddle for the French), he forgot that Death had
mentioned that THIS world is far from being like Tom's, quite the contrary, the world of wizards
witch is not quite the same. And a new tune will come, and it will change the, maybe, dark lord.
Obviously, Tom hadn't listened to Death's last words when he walked through the portal.
Direction Hogwarts

Tom remembers how he appeared in the orphanage, when he walked through the gate, his sight
was blurry and full of color, he heard dull ones like wind or energy unleashed without just as
dangerous. There was no smell, it was neither cold nor hot, he felt "strange" and he was propelled
forward in this strangest multicolored whirlwind.

His life had flashed before his eyes and then there was more than calm.

Then he woke up with a start, his heart pounding, his eyes popping, his pupils dilated, his body
filled with spasms and he was in pain. Sound pulsated in his skull, it sent chemical impulses from
the brain and neurons hoping to give some logic to the sudden, strange and painful change. His
brain is trying to record as much data as possible about the state he is in now.

He ends up quickly closing his eyes and opening them hoping to stabilize, he repeats these actions
several times, not caring where he has been. He falls his head on something soft, his body relaxes,
calms down, without thinking. He raises his head slowly, it's been a long time since he did not relax

He is breathing normally as if straight out of a nightmare when suddenly next to the bed he hears a
crash. The dark wooden door slamming open on the wall. An old woman appeared, her gray hair
tied in a small bun behind her head, her eyes clear, her wrinkled face angular and exhausted. Her
long woolen dress black with small dark green checks from the treite years.

He recognizes her among a thousand, Mrs. Cole director of the Orphanage where he was born and
where he had grown up when his poor mother giving birth in this one died shortly after giving birth
to him as well as his identity as the only inheritance. He didn't know what to say in front of the old
familiar woman.

- Tom, God of heaven ! she prayed, rushing as soon as her gaze landed on him. She takes him in
her arms tilting the cold little body against her chest.

Rays of light dazzled her as the woman sat down on the bed, swinging it towards the window
opposite. The younger's dark eyes blinked at the large amount of light, he realized which room he
was residing in. Half red brick wall and half beige wallpaper, gray stone floor, rectangular window
and equally dusty furniture how miserable. He recognized this air smelling of abandonment and
mustiness mixed with the dust of the unfortunate orphans.

- I heard you screaming as you walked past your door, I thought you were...well you got the flu,
like the other kids, and you were at the end of your tether and you were. Anyway, you're alive the
young man interrupts the woman in her sentence when he asks for the date. The old woman was
staring at him, she put her hand on his forehead.

- You must surely still have a fever to ask me for such a choice.

she said but was surprised to find that the young man's forehead was as cold as ice, a few hours
before she would have sworn, even if it is not very Catholic, that the boy was as feverish as hell.
Nevertheless, she said nothing believing that it was a miracle from heaven, the boy pushes her
away without brutality making sure that she is not more worried than that. After all the contact and
the cuddles repel him.
- I'm nothing, I just asked. I think I fell asleep too much but I'm now 'waking up' and

The old woman gets up, rubbing her woolen dress with her hands. She pays no attention to the
double innuendo. She smiled at him then left, making sure Tom was okay before leaving to close
the door.slowly, looking for food, Tom hugs the meager blanket under him trying to put his head in

It was now a few months since he was cured as Mrs. Cole had said, he was the only one, among
some, to have escaped the flu. Apparently many children had been affected, in particular by the
enormous lack of hygiene in the orphanage. Tom would have thought he would have a second
reason: lack of money to afford a doctor which would have caused the disease to spread in the
orphanage. After all the thirties in England were not the best for its economy.

If he had run out of money, it wouldn't have surprised the young wizard, Mrs. Cole used to buy
enough alcohol for herself before spending it on the children she had to take care of first . But he
had quickly discovered that this one, in that orphanage, did not do that. Indeed, she took good care
of the children in her care instead of drinking alcohol. Tom had discovered that not a single bottle
was in the office, the kitchen, or even hiding anywhere in the orphanage. Maybe that Mrs. Cole
quit, or quit drinking, when the kids at the orphanage all got seriously ill.

But that's not what Tom cares about, he's been waiting for Dumbeldor to come back for a while.
Indeed, the latter came to the orphanage a second time and now he is discussing with Mrs. Cole.
It's been going on for a while.

Now a week had passed since Tom had been there, he had been looking out the window of the old
term living room of the orphanage for a while, the window showed him the wretched gray muggle
world polluted by vehicles and vehicles. factories. Suddenly he recognized the sound of Mrs. Cole's
heels treading on the floor, she caught his attention and said.

- Today is a great day, Tom. Dumbledore has a place for you at his prodigious school. Do it
quickly. your suitcase! She said optimistically with a smile as she clapped her palms together.

Space will be able to yield ! Less money wasted by his long tomporary presence, he translates
himself, after all he will come back during the holidays at the orphanage. Tom is disgusted by the
fake smile displayed by Mrs. Cole. He knows she didn't mean what she said because Tom is the
only child who is practically like her. A distant person with a heart of ice and stone. Well, that's
what he would have thought in his real world. Yet that Mrs. Cole was different, Tom thought he
heard in Mrs. Cole's voice and saw in Mrs. Cole's eyes, that she was serious and really cared about
him, but he didn't care. He doesn't need love, at least he believed it.

He walks quickly and arrives in his room, he takes his sticky bag which serves as his suitcase then
puts his only clothes as well as his most personal belongings like his black notebook hiding there
where no one could find it. His suitcase quickly packed, he opens the door to leave, he will miss
his snakes.

His suitcase in hand, he walks hard against the stone floor with an emotionless face. He stinks of
looking at the desperate heads of the young children racing from their door. He stinks in their eyes:
Why is it wrong that he is the one leaving when there are more hopeless children looking for kind
parents here ? Tears were in the children's eyes as they grit their teeth and their wooden door.

This place reeks of desperation.

Tom arrived quickly at the entrance of the orphanage, this one far from being dark and cold than
the rest of the building, Mrs. Cole was still discussing with the director, the man ended the
conversation as soon asthat he saw the young man. Tom stinks of Dumbledore's few gray hairs in
view of his haircut, those blue eyes looking at him benevolently and dressed similarly a long, mid-
calf navy blue jacket with dark trousers and shoes, maybe boots, brown. The headmaster of
Hogwarts greets him by smiling kindly and stroking his short red beard.

- Good morning Tom, do you remember me? Albus Dumbledore. I've come to pick you up in
person, I think that would be better than just someone other than me. He laughs in the sweet way
Tom hates. They both look at each other, Tom remembers the name perfectly.

Dumbledore thinks he's stupid? Tom tightens the straps of his suitcase want to leave as soon as

- We have to go, I think I've delayed too long talking to you Mrs. Cole. I'm too talkative, he laughs.
It was nevertheless pleasant to talk to you Mrs. Cole, thank you for your warm welcome and your
tea .

Now the orphanage has tea for guests? How ironic to spend money on such a trivial thing, even
though it is quintessentially English.

The old man greets Mrs. Cole, Tom takes him into account and leaves overhearing a few sentences
of their little conversation. The old man follows him a few seconds later down the stairs. The
director repositions his brown jacket correctly before walking towards a gray vehicle. Tom looked
up at the dark windows of the upper floors of the orphanage, a few young children are at their
windows looking at him with glazed or tearful eyes.

He notices that the little blond girl who had kindly provided him with food is not there. She who
was pacing the orphanage, jumping happily, greeting and discussing with possibly that she crossed
paths even if they were sick. Now he remembered that she had also fallen ill and he has never seen
her since. Everyone had gone quiet since then, that didn't surprise Tom. He had a feeling of
melancholy, after all that was not uncommon that some of the kids don't make it every winter or
every pandemic. Unfortunately, angels do not last long in such a world.

Tom is nostalgic not to be here anymore, he won't miss the rats and misfortune of others.

Before starting to start the 1930s Model S vehicle, Dumbledore offers the young boy a lemon
candy. He rolls his eyes as he refuses, the ride remains silent despite the teacher's many questions
to which Tom responds coldly or sometimes unanswered. The vehicle parks near a bar called
Leaky Cauldron, a plump man seemed to be waiting for them. Dumbledore gets out of the car
carrying Tom's trunk in his hand, Tom says nothing .

- Your trunk is rather light Tom. He smiles.

- Being in a poor orphanage can only make a trunk light, Sir.

Replies the boy assisting on the last word with disdain. Tom didn't like the director in his old days,
changing the timeline won't change that. The old red-haired man didn't say anything more
uncomfortably until he was talking to a rather round, well-dressed man with dark hair.

- Thank you for letting me borrow your vehicle, Mr Kowalski. London's magic bus is a real
concern at the moment and if people see me it will make headlines in view of the events. I hope
that didn't that interfere with your work?

The man, given the vehicle he owns and the name is most likely a Muggle. This one smiles while

- Don't worry! Today is a rather quiet day and I only need my car in the morning when I leave for
work at the bakery or in the evening to return. And then called, me just Jacob! We're friends now!
Aren't we?

The muggle hesitated, Dumbledore chuckled then nodded.

- I'm going to have to go because this place doesn't inspire confidence in me! Good day to you and
the little one, be good. smiled Jacob, ruffling Tom's dark hair.

The latter refrains from growling at the touch and to Tom's surprise, the muggle, Jacop, crouches
down in front of him and pulls out of his jacket pocket a small clear package and a cardboard card.

- I haven't had time to put it in a box, it's for you little man, you deserve it. Dumbledore explained
your situation to me.

- He smiled offering the pastry and Tom took it shyly, Jacop handed him a card with the pattern of

- If you come around, since you have lived in our world, mortal or whatever, you can come to my
bakery and you'll have pastries! The muggle laughed as he ruffled Tom's dark hair a second time.
This time Tom doesn't think about it, he just stares at the wrapped pastry.

Before the Muggle leaves, Dumbledore calls out to him.

- Send my regards to Quennie and Newn if you see this one! See you soon Jacop and good
afternoon. Shouted smiling at the Muggle, already that he was uncomfortable being in his presence
and staring at the headmaster didn't help. Luckily before Tom can think of anything else,
Dumbledore drags him into the bar.

- I suggest you put that package out of sight Tom, you can eat it after we're out, okay?

Tom shakes his head as he tucks the package away but quickly realizes he's out of pocket, the old
man mistaking him for himself.

- Don't forget Tom, stay close to me, don't go a meter away from me. The Leaky Cauldron is
certainly welcoming to many people but most can be little strange. Advises the man of forty years.
Why get there a child then? Thinking Tom but if he knows the answer. The man is
really not very careful with children.

The location is the same as Tom's early memories of when he left Hogwarts. The Leaky Cauldron
is not very dusty and dilapidated like the late 20th century one. It is lit by a few candles and a
lantern. Unfortunately the place is half full of wizards and witches something bit doubtful.
Dumbledore squeezes his right shoulder telling him not to walk away, the wizard lowers his hat on
his head to hide his face from those present. After all his notoriety rose in view of the events with
Gridelwald, Tom knew well.

Dumbledore passes by the side of the bar, against the box of the walls, watching over the young
orphan. Tom's sure the man must have been throwing some noise canceling stuff. After some
jostling they finally made it to the back of the bar unnoticed, until one person knocked off
Dumbledore's hat and looked up at him, the person shouted.

- Mr. Albus Dumbledore! He who defeated Grindelwald lord of the magic election! What a
pleasure to see you in flesh and blood! Your being becomes.

Before the person is even finished everyone rushes towards the man. And unfortunately for
Dumbledore there were journalists present, each took out their notebook and their flying magic pen
asking questions to Dumbledore even if it meant jostling the others.

The two wizards run towards the back of the bar, Dumbledore takes out his wand and casts a spell
on the door. Three red stone walls faced Tom, Dumbledore touches with his wand the few stones
which scatter to leave a passage towards the street of the magic shops. The passage closes as soon
as the duo passes.

- Why did you try to enter a bar where a lot of people can recognize you?

Tom asked, the stupidity and the fact that Dumbledore is Wacky doesn't surprise Tom. The man

- I thought I was getting there! And I'm sorry Tom for all of that. I wanted to impress you for your
first magic show in that aisle, this is a miss. But here we are! Welcome to wizard's aisle and
witches, young Tom Riddle! Said the man continuing.

Surprisingly the street was almost empty. Only a few duo were still present.

- Obviously, in view of the events in the magical world, people are on the lookout for the slightest
information. Then, it is the day of the return to magical schools. I was so taken by recent events
I've been delayed, Tom. I hope you forgive me.

Nervously laughed the red-haired man, the young boy asked him about the events and Dumbledore
answered him happily while doing school lessons. Obviously, without being noticed and if that is
the case, the owners of the stores are silent. After all, Dumbledore knows everyone.

In his old days, Tom didn't listen to rumours, gossip and stories about the crimes and fights of
Grindelwald as well as the one with Dumbledore. Well, he was doing it but only because his
pureblood followers were talking about it and Tom needed to know if Dumbledore was busy and
away to avoid him getting tangled up in Tom's plans for immortality. As well as meetings with his
death eaters so he never knew the details of why the fights were happening. But now he can take
the time, after all he had to.

All Dumbledore was allowed to say to him was only what Tom had spoken with his Death Eaters.
That is to say, a dark mage, being clairvoyant, is called Grindelwald who wanted to dominate the
wizarding world and apparently the Muggle world, which he allegedly saw happening in one of his
visions. He was imprisoned in his own prison in the topmost cell. And the mage had recently
escaped under the noses of the Aurors. Tom was proud to have leaked the information to
Dumbledore. He realized this and stopped walking.

- I have trusted people who care about this. And you are still too young to know the woes of the
wizarding world. school stuff, you're late enough.

Tom nodded grimly, the old man walked into a shop that looked like a strange old pet store.

- Only toads, mice cats and owls are allowed at Hogwarts. What do you want?

Tom thought about the last option, he can buy a reptile later.

The woman at the cash desk widens her eyes in the presence of the red-haired man, the owner goes
to speak but Dumbledore puts his intex over her mouth. The woman smiled and took the request.
Once outside with the float with the stuff and now the dark owl in the cage, Tom spoke.

- Could we discuss the wizarding world later, sir? I need to know what's going on, at least one
minimum. It interests me and I would look somewhat stupid without knowing the main things.

The old man smiles as he enters Ollivender's.

- Your curiosity is admirable, we'll see, Tom. He smiled.

Once all the things ready, the black wizarding robes bought and the wand case in his pocket, Tom
went to the entrance of the station. This one is crowded with people, especially by wizards in dark

Tom recognized some as the grandparents of his 20th century followers. Grandparents of the same
age of Tom, to whom this one would again know and reform his sect of death eaters. Too bad Tom
is going to bond again, but he loves Hogwarts. A castle full of food, warmth, comfort and above all
books of magic making him feel at home. Unlike the orphanage look like a frozen prison with little
food and comfort.

Tom looked at Dumbledore at the entrance to the station and asked him.

- Can I stay at Hogwarts?

He was hoping not to go to the orphanage anymore even though he knows that is not possible.
Dumbledore looked at him with sadness and pity, an emotion that was completely rejected with
hatred making him feel worthless. The man crouched down to face Tom and looked at him sadly.
- You are only in school, Tom. You have no legal guardian and I cannot adopt you for my
obligations. be impossible, I'm sincerely sorry...

Tom lowered his head, clenching his teeth and his palms against the metal of the cart. He had
asked a rhetorical question and yet he had asked it anyway, he didn't know why he had even asked

He turned towards the station and started walking towards it, he thanked the old red-haired man
curtly without looking at him. Before he was too far for Dumbledore, the latter spoke to him aloud
with his hands in his pockets.

- You can stay for the holidays! At these words Tom's palms and teeth loosen slightly. He left for
the 9 3/4 station.
Ghost of the past. Part 1
Chapter Summary

Tom meets some "old" friends from a long time ago. He's going to have to convince
them that he's not just a mudblood. he must first put himself in the pocket the leader,
Abraxas Malfoy.

Chapter Notes

I hope that you all are ok. I wrote this chapter because I had set myself the goal of
finishing it before the end of August. It was the case but since I have trouble
translating, it took longer than expected in the end.

PS: I finished this chapter instead of resting.

By letting the autumn landscapes pass by, Tom saw the forests, the mountains, the water sources,
but the sky is distinct and gray with its clouds moving thanks to the winds. It's not cold on the train
despite everything, the soft crimson armchairs are as comfortable as a bed and the air is warm.
You can hear the sounds of the train wheels moving on the creaking rails and the shaking of the

Suddenly, the transparent sliding doors of the carriage suddenly slam open. The high-pitched
laughter of boys and girls fades as they watch Tom, a boy is racing through the door, his hair is a
platinum blonde that could shine in the sun, his clear gaze faces Tom's dark gaze , the gang that
accompanies the young blond glare at Tom, as if he had violated one of their rules, maybe he was
sitting in their wagon. Obviously, Tom knew this, which was why he moved there in the first

- Hello, who do I have the honor of meeting? Said the blond with a charming smile revealing
beautiful rows of white teeth.

The boy, grandfather of Draco Malfoy and father of Lucius, is named Abraxas Malfoy. Tom can't
forget that he was one of her most devoted and faithful relatives, even after he was mature enough
to be arranged into a pureblood marriage (according to his parents) in the 1940s. . Tom
remembers that Abraxas was different compared to these male heirs, being a little more polite
verbally as well as his parverbal without dismissing others out of pride or verbally attacking them.
Besides, he wasn't scared of Tom when he talked to him, after all they were close. Even if Tom
has a lot of difficulty understanding the word "near". Nonetheless, he's still a Malfoy by blood and
name so it's no surprise Tom that he surrounds himself with snobs and people of the same
pureblood line.
- Hello, my name is Tom. And you... He said, getting interrupted restrained.

- Just Tom, no last name? Are you afraid to develop your surname? Defiantly exclaims a raven-
haired boy, Black, according to Tom.

Most of the posh band. Tom stares at him with a sigh.

- You seem to refuse to say it, are you ashamed of it? So you can only be a blood bo---!

The blonde smiled even after his friend's unpleasant remark as he stomped on his foot with all the
force of the right heel of his probably expensive dark shoe. Orion's small moan of pain was
ignored, the words retained by the gang glaring at him or bored.

- Well, not quite Black---

Before Tom could finish, the high-pitched sounds of a bell shaking were heard by a loud-voiced
elderly woman who asked if the children wanted sweets, everyone refused except Orion who took
the most expensive sweet. a blooming lollipop dripping with light-colored steam, he takes a
galleon from the pocket of his wizard's robe and throws it at the poor woman without looking.
This gesture made Tom's dark eyes squint, he did not appreciate people of wealth, family who
waste their valuable coins to throw them in the face of people who had nothing especially if it is to
buy a chose of as little value as candy. Tom was not compassionate and empathetic towards the
elderly lady as he does not know these feelings and does not find them helpful.

Nevertheless, if this situation would have been with a mudblood, it would probably have made
Tom laugh. He knew that the heir of the Blacks wanted to impress his fiancée by birth by buying
the most expensive candy that presented the Rosier family the most to the witch, Orion Black
courted him and it was obvious that the heiress of the Rosier family didn't know what to do with
it. The proof, Orion gave the candy to his promised witch smiling at him, she rolled her eyes
before taking the lollipop from her hands and stuffing it in her mouth, she demanded to go to
Malfoy then she followed the band that moving around in the other carriages with her fiancé who
smiles after her like a dog to her mistress. Of course Malfoy had held Tom back before leaving.

Tom continues his contemplation of the landscape with his elbow on the edge of the window and
his chin resting on the palm of his left hand. He thinks then smiles, he pulls out of his wizard's
robe a tiny notebook and a green book that he had bought in one of the book stores with
Dumbledore without the latter's voice. This naive man did not notice the few extra books hidden
below the pile of school books.

Once he's made sure no one will disturb him, he performs a kind of silence with his wand as well
as the enlarge object spell. Indeed, Tom had shrunk this book and his personal notebook to be
easily hidden, he discovered the book on his ancestor and leafed through it. He would make sure
the purebloods knew who he was, because after all a good-for-nothing half-blood wouldn't do him
any good, especially if he wanted to seduce the heirs of famous pureblood families. Too bad the
pact with death cost her some of her memory and abilities to avoid any harm done to others, but she
never identified that he couldn't circumvent the pact.


The cold autumn wind greets the witches and witches exiting the Hogwarts Express, the leaves
falling from the trees form a soft and beautiful tricolor carpet on the muddy path. Once all the
students have their luggage, they set off on foot to the river. Once the students embarked on board
the boats, the crossing on the lake to carry out, they arrived and entered the castle on the hill. The
very high towers percent of the sky, the motionless knights in the ancient walls protect and
decorate the castle, the stained glass windows in the great hall shine with the sunlight, the
hundreds of candle stones float in the air do not leave no darkness in the large room just like the
magical sky on the ceiling and the long tables of several meters where the students are attended
and the teaching is noisy. Tom burns with a desire to defile this place and all its resources with a
magic so black that only her would remain among the darkness. This time will come but he must
be as patient as possible, he has been given a chance, it is better not to rush. The song of the
sorting hat resounds in the room like everything at the beginning of the year, Tom grimaces at this
song. A few minutes later, the group of young eleven-year-old wizards and witches advance into
the middle of the large room, between the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw tables, Tom looks smaller
than the others in the group but his smile on her charming face when the distribution begins. The
young names parade, those known are applauded then applauded, those unknown recognized as
half-blood or muggle-born are hissed in disgust then shoved and the teachers intervene. Then came
his name:

- Riddle! Called McGonagall, her name echoing through the room, pureblood laughter being

Tom comes forward clenching his fists and exhales then sits down on the stool, McGonagall puts
the sorting hat on his head, he thinks then speaks:

- Hmm, I distinguish a deep desire to restore your injustice between pure blood and voice a great
cunning, a lot of ambition as well as a spirit of proud leader. He says in a loud voice then it
becomes a whisper that only the young wizard can hear.

- I had a hard time reading you young if you want to be sorted I have to read you young Riddle.
Harry grimaced at the name and muttered that he hated the Muggle name for him.

He rolls his eyes before releasing part of his mind to the sorting hat.

- GOOD ! I distinguish an immense nobility on the side of your mother who oh! It's been a long
time since I've seen the descendants of such a line. So it will obviously be Slytherin!

The young man smiles as he gets up from the stool, McGonagall rushes towards him to grab the
sorting hat then he goes to the Spts table where the children of pure families smile at him, the gang
of Abraxas. This one gave him a place near him even if it meant jostling the others on his right
side (not being of his band, that goes without saying), this action made some people frown.

Indeed, Abraxas Malfoy is well known for spotting potential children of good family such as his or
of extraordinary talent, yet the others do not discern why this Riddle is so special for Abraxas.
Sure, the hat had said it had been a while since he'd seen any descendants of Tom's line, but that
didn't mean she was popular, or good family.

Also, the surname "Riddle" is unfamiliar to them, so that means his family is lower-class or
Muggle. Just at the thought some of Malfoy's gang grimaced in disgust but didn't say anything to
their leader.

Two hours passed and Malfoy spoke to Tom as if he were just a longtime friend, most of the time it
was Tom who talked about his magic skills and always answered correctly the questions Malfoy
asked and corrected the answers to trick questions. So Abraxas convinced himself that this boy
must surely come from the wizarding world.

Once out of the table, each group from the Fourth Houses goes to their reserved common room.
The Slytherins head for the dungeons under the Hogwarts lake, the first to arrive speaks a
password and a door hidden in a bare, damp wall opens.
The first to enter are the youngest wizards and witches, those curious about their new "home".

All are amazed by the elegant but gothic room it has, each widening their eyes and looking all
around under the gaze while amused and while bored by the larger Slytherins.

In fact, the only Slytherin commune is a long underground room with walls and ceilings clad in
raw stone. Round, greenish lamps suspended with chains. Also equipped with a fireplace with a
mantle engraved with various complicated figures and works, there are a few black and also shaded
leather armchairs. The room is decorated with skulls and other similar objects, which gives it an
unwelcoming appearance. Due to the fact that the Slytherin common room is located under
Hogwarts Lake, it is constantly illuminated by the green light coming from it.

Abraxas expected Tom to face the same thing as the younger ones, that is to say to be speechless by
the beauty of this place despite it being somewhat gothic, but to his great surprise Tom did not.
not. Quite the contrary.

- Aren't you amazed by this beautiful place which is now yours, well ours I should say.

- I am, believe me. I just missed her beauty.

- Yet you heard it for the first time. Said Rosier.

- I'm afraid I expressed myself badly. What I meant was that I missed that atmosphere. My home
is also made up the same way, greenish, gothic but elegant and serpentine. He said, smiling at his
interlocutor sitting on one of the armchairs.

- Please stop looking at her like that, Riddle! Furiously Orion Black, positioning himself between
him and his cradle bride, she rolls her eyes.

- He only smiles, Orion. Don't be so aggressive when a man looks at me and smiles.

Black said nothing while looking at his promise, this making him understand that their exchange
ends here, the young man looked at the new Slytherin, staring at him, then left next to Rosier,
remaining seated next to his armchair. . So would a couple for a 20th century photo, except that
the young woman is sitting lazily.

- I wouldn't want to upset him. Tom said, although he didn't mean it, but he must have looked like
a normal person with feelings.

- He acts this way with all other males, except those in his family. Reply to a boy in the group.

Abraxas turns his gaze away from Tom, signaling to his gang, then he advances near the black
sofa, his gang places themselves on the sides and their leader who is in the center with a friend and
Tom on the second seat facing the remains of the comfortable furniture. Before Tom can speak,
the blond introduces himself.

-My name is Malfoy, Abraxas Malfoy. Meet Nott, Avery, Orion Black, Mulciber and Druella
Rosier. Malfoy smiled, his eyes narrowing as he put his arms on his chest.

- Nice to meet you Malfoy, Nott, Avery, Black, Mulciber and Miss Rosier or should I say Mrs

- Miss Rosier, please. I generally don't like being called ma'am, it sounds a little too old. And I
like my last name, thanks for asking.
- I voice, I think that these magical patterns of magic flower on you will look great. The brunette
smiled at the compliment, moving slightly to show off her outfit a little more.

Tom had seen at first glance the patterns of gray and shiny rose that moved slowly on the witch's
dress as well as the necklace with its oval garnet stone and the shape of a black rose embedded
inside. These two timid things of the Rosier family, woman and man.
However, out of the corner of his eye, Tom notices the shadowed look Orion gives him.

Tom smiled inwardly remembering that the Rosier and Black family had united their child - while
still a child - by a marriage contract, marrying them once their magic studies were completed.

- I do not desire Druella, Black, I am only paying an obvious compliment for a young woman as
well dressed as Rosier and highlighting her. No worries. Tom clarifies, staring at him slightly.
This seems to relax the fiancé's shoulders but he doesn't stop staring at Tom.

- Tell me Tom where are you from? Asks the black man with a smirk.

- I come from the muggle world unfortunately, Black. Tom sighs, crossing his legs.

- Muggle, huh? I thought your name was unfamiliar to me, blood of b---

- "Unfortunately" ? Are we to understand that you don't really like your surroundings there?
Interron Malfoy.

He knew that the Black family is obsessed with the purity of the blood of wizards so it would not
surprise him if Orion did the same with their newcomer but he was not going to do him this evil
pleasure. Abraxas knows that this Tom looked very interesting, which is why he glares at Orion
after he finishes asking his question. It moves uncomfortably behind Druella's seat.
- You're right, the environment there disgusts me to the highest degree. Whether it's hygiene level
or muggles who live there.

- I sense disgust and contempt in your voice, do I understand that you don't like them?

- Nothing escapes you, Malfoy. I despise them to the highest degree.

He smiles back at him.

- If you come from the wizarding world, are your parents wizards and moved to this world or is
one of your parents muggles? Your name sounds...very unfamiliar.

- My mother is a witch and my father is a molfu. Woe to me that my mother fell madly in love
with him. And since in the Muggle world last names are only given by the father, my name is a
good Muggle and comes from my father. I'm really outraged.

- De is therefore half-blood, a mixture of a wizard or a witch and a Muggle. Malfoy explains.

- And I didn't know muggles worked that way. Take the father's name exclusively.

- Another point that differentiates us from them only by biology. Avery said.

-Biology? Which ? Tom asks.

- Nothing important, it's just a myth, believe me. Answered Avery.

Tom wasn't one to give up quickly when it came to the wizarding world, but he wondered what
Avery was talking about. He, Tom Riddle, who knew everything there was to know about the
wizarding world, wondered but he didn't pay any more attention because Avery continued.

- Anyway, if we all understand correctly, you come from the world of muggles but you hate them
and your father. You acquired her name but not your mother's because she is a woman, what an

- For what ? Asks Tom, pretending not to understand.

- Because a surname is not given by the day where the origin of a person but by their importance,
their notoriety and many other things which pay homage to them. For example, if a dark-colored
woman comes from a remote and poor country and she marries a rich white man living in a
developed country. Well, this is the man who will take his wife's last name. But this is not the
case for everyone, how sad. Explains Rosier.

- Yes. Confirm their leader by nodding. What a waste, fortunately the Ministry of Magic enforced
a law regarding this centuries ago.
- Speaking of popular last names, yours isn't very familiar. Nott intervenes.

He did not speak during the entire exchange, he was only observing the new guest that his leader
had brought into their group. If he had temporarily invited him, it was because he was important.

- Oh well that's just ---

Before he can finish, Tom is cut off by the voice of their new tutor teacher. Nott looked very
frustrated but didn't say anything about it, everyone got up and walked towards the teacher who
explained how the classes were going and gave them each a timetable which would take place
tomorrow. This causes everyone to return to their respective rooms. Fortunately Tom doesn't end
up with Nott, he unpacks his suitcase while the Malfoy gang enters their room chatting. Rosier had
burst into that of his boss. Many Slytherins could have barred her access but many know that she
is part of Malfoy's gang so they wouldn't be able to say anything about it. The same goes for what
happened to Black who had also interfered in the room. The teachers obviously didn't know.

Abraxas plays cards with Druella, Black and Avery while Nott stares out the big window looking
totally bored and more. While Mulciber quietly leafed through a grimoire on his bed.

- What can you find relevant, Abraxas? Don't ask looking bored.

- Who is that ?

- You know well, this Ridde.

- Riddle. Correct Druella.

- I was waiting for someone to ask me this question. You see, during the banquet he seemed to
brag about his talent for learning and knowledge in magic. So I tested it. Three Ten and two Ases
so Full for you Black, you are definitely unlucky.

This one frowned and gave up his game.

- I hate your tests, more and more difficult. I fail regularly.

- Then study Nott. said Mulciber.

- I prefer creating or repairing magic objects, books aren't really my thing, nor are girls. Sorry,
Abraxas keep on going.
- Thank you, I asked him some difficult level questions. Then, finally on to next year's courses. I
was pleasantly surprised not by the fact that he managed to answer my questions but also because
he answered my trick questions in a surprising and precise way. He even managed to answer
questions that weren't even in the books we are taught. His maternal family must have many
interesting and developing works. Thus, a rigorous and advanced learning.

- Oh, if I expected it.

- Quinte Flush Royal, Abraxas. Black's gallons of gold and your spell book are mine! Druella
smiled as she reported the party.

She took Black's money at stake and Abraxas went to get the books and loans to her friend, telling
her to return them in a few weeks. She smiles and leaves hanging as the blond sits on his bed while
Black grinds his teeth in the corner of the room for having lost half his money in a stupid card

- I couldn't even ask him his mother's last name. He didn't specify and I'm curious which
wizarding family he comes from. It's not serious.

- It's a half-blood, Malfoy! How can you welcome him with us from pure blood, when my parents
know that I am dating mudbloods, I...what a disgrace. Black said as he flopped down on
Mulciber's bed.

- Black, should I explain to you who decides here?

Orion said no more and remained silent. Nott intervenes.

- He is very polite and knowledgeable about the wizarding world for a "half-blood". I like it.
Declares Druella.

- How ironic. Said Black, gritting his teeth just thinking about this Riddle who pricked the heart of
his beloved.

- Her mother's name shouldn't be too telling since it says her mother met her father in the wizarding
world, which means she probably lived there, maybe she was ashamed of her name. family ?

- Or hide it. Riddle didn't say his wizarding last name once. Said Muciber.

- Especially not, I observed the way he dressed and his belongings. They are low-end and his
suitcase is very used and far from elegant. Answer Druella.

- It doesn't really matter at the moment, we'll investigate later.

- You don't tell us everything, Abraxas. When we were on the train you acted in a special way and
at the banquet you treated him like one of the other. What do you plan to say to your parents to
justify your attendance?

All eyes turned to him instantly, his gang staring at him in such a deep and curious way that put
pressure on him but they know that no one can make a Malfoy confess so easily. Their leader had
found someone special, someone they themselves didn't suspect was anything worthy of attention.

- I felt it.

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