A Choice Between What Is

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A Choice Between What is Right & What is Easy

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/47893144.

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Movies), Harry Potter - J. K.
Relationship: Albus Dumbledore/Gellert Grindelwald, Tina Goldstein/Newt
Scamander, Queenie Goldstein/Jacob Kowalski
Character: Albus Dumbledore, Gellert Grindelwald, Aberforth Dumbledore, Newt
Scamander, Tina Goldstein, Queenie Goldstein, Jacob Kowalski, Vinda
Rosier, Aurelius Dumbledore
Additional Tags: Sudden Death, No Smut, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt No
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-06-15 Updated: 2023-08-10 Words: 5,222 Chapters:

A Choice Between What is Right & What is Easy

by Ship_it_honey


Albus Dumbledore, the most powerful wizard of the era. Gellert Grindelwald, the most
powerful dark wizard of the era. Ex-lovers Albus and Gellert go through life facing struggle
after struggle. But what happens when one turns and joins the other's side?

Once again written by me and my friend. And this universe isn't completely canon so the
timeline will be different and so will the events.

This is also on my wattpad account @AnimatronicSenpaiXD

Chapter Summary

What's an iconic part of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone? The letters. And
what's an iconic part of this prologue? You guessed it! Letters.

Love can make you do crazy things~

Albus’ P.O.V

He left. Again. This is the last time. I am ever going to send him a letter. But this time. I’m telling
him that if he doesn't come back and change, it's over. I can't be caught up on someone who doesn't
care enough about me, or how I feel. But I can’t help but feel as though the boy I met in the
summer of 1899, is not the same man I see on wanted posters for murder.

He really needs to get himself together. Or is that something I need to do?

Gellert’s P.O.V

An owl flies through my window and whacks me in the face with its wing. “Wow, cut the
attitude.” I mutter under my breath. The pissed off owl drops a letter in my lap with a red wax seal
with a familiar bird printed upon it, as the owl pauses to take a sip of my coffee before leaving
aggressively out my window. “Bloody owl, drinking my coffee.” I grumble in disgust, because I’m
definitely not drinking anymore of that. I look at the letter addressed to myself in lovely cursive
writing that I feel like I've seen somewhere before. I turn over the letter and open it.

Dear Gellert,

I need you to say something I'm giving up on you. You know I’ll be the one if you want me to.
Anywhere I would've followed you , but not anymore . Please, I’m begging you! Say something I'm
giving up on you. And I am feeling so small. You left like I didn’t even matter. It was over my
head, I was too naïve to see that. I know nothing at all about who you are as a person . And I will
stumble and fall on every single word you have ever said to me . I'm still learning to love just
starting to crawl. But you may have broken me.

Say something I'm giving up on you. I’m sorry that I couldn't get to you. I feel as though I failed
you. Anywhere I would've followed you. Say something I'm giving up on you. And I will swallow
my pride, pick myself up and ponder. But you're the one that I love, and I'm saying goodbye. Say
something I’m giving up on you. and I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you. And anywhere I would've
followed you, say something I'm giving up on you.

But you would never listen, would you? And not even surprised if you don’t listen to this either.

As if you would say anything! I don't even know why I'm writing this letter! I guess I just hoped that
this time you'd care enough to stick around, I guess I was wrong. Why did you decide to date me
anyway? Do you realise that maybe, just maybe, I fell in love with you? That leading me on like
this would have an effect on me?
I should have known you couldn't care less about me. Goodbye Gellert.

Yours and only Yours, Albus Dumbledore; though not really.

“Shit.” I curse, feeling empathy for the man I once had called my lover. “What do I do? I thought
he’d wait around!” I look over the letter again and hope that what I read was all a lie. It's not.
“Doesn't he realise I love him too?” I say to my cat Sherbies (fur baby name courtesy of Alby) who
is sitting at my feet licking her grey tabby paws. “I just have to leave every now and again, (with
the whole being wanted by lots of different ministries). Why doesn't he understand that? It's not
like he'd want to lead the life I’m living alongside me.” Sherbies looks at me like, ‘have you ever
asked him? because if you’re complaining to me and you haven’t. I might just hit ya!’

‘I’ve gotta stop letting my cat be my therapist. It really won't work out for me in the end.’ Giving a
light scratch upon her petite head, I gave her a look of consideration, put on my cloak, and

It’s time to show Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore how I really feel about him. Because
he’s got it all wrong.
The First Sign of Regret
Chapter Summary

Tightrope by Michelle Williams - Because we will never know how far we could fall~

A few weeks before~

Albus’ P.O.V

One would argue that I am a very simple and planned out man. Others more close to me would say
I play to the beat of my own drum, yet I am also tied together in an unbreakable ribbon of the past.
Or should I say pact. Though I cannot blame them for thinking so. It’s been thirty years since we
met, loved, bonded, and fell apart. We had spent three months together, and by the first week, I
was already head over heels for him. I guess that says a bit about how easily swooned I am. How

But someone once said that some people won’t sail the sea because they’re safer on land. Afraid to
venture new possibilities. Unwilling to step out in the great wide unknown even just for a second.
My brother is one of these people. After the death of our parents and our sister, Aberforth has
heavily resented me for what has happened. And I don’t want to sound selfish but what’s so wrong
with wanting to live the life I want? I don’t want to follow a fate that has been pre-written out for
me already. I want to choose what I want. Be who I want. But who and what is that?


Sometimes, when I’m lonely. I like to look back at old letters and photos. Memorabilia that
reminds me of some of the happiest moments in my life. To every picture, then to every one of
many love notes. I’ve cherished and kept all that he has given me. Grateful for the love he did give
me. Last night I sent him a letter. I know I shouldn’t have, but I did. I was so caught up in my own
anger and frustration that I didn’t think. Did he love me? Or is it the voice in the back of my mind
that tells me he didn’t? Well. There’s no going back now. What’s done is done. I have to accept
that it is unlikely that I will ever go back to that fantasy world we had called our own.

Gellert’s P.O.V

Another day, another morning of trying to enjoy what I have, but feeling as though it isn’t enough. I
look upon my calendar and read the date in my mind. ‘June, 16th , 1929. I can’t believe it’s been
that long since I met the little pebble in my shoe known as Newt Scamander.’ I take a sip of my
piping hot cup of tea, sighing at the relaxing taste that burns on my tongue. I place the ceramic cup
upon the saucer. They make a clink noise as they collide. I think back to the date. ‘June, 16th ,
1929.’ Why did it sound so familiar to me? My eyebrows raise, trying to find what makes today so
memorable. My eyes widen slightly, but quickly soften. On this day, thirty years ago, I met Albus

A single droplet of salty sorrows leaks from my eye. I never usually cry. No. Scrap that, I never
cry. I wipe the singular tear off my face. But I hesitate, holding my hand against my cheek. In the
back of my mind, I can feel his presence. Caressing my face with his hand, telling me that I’m
going to be alright. I hold his non-existent hand in mine. Lightly kissing the air as if he was here in
front of me now. “What happened to us, my dear? You promised me you would never let go. But
you did. The only thing that binds us together now, is the magical blood pact of promise, truth, and
love. Or whatever’s left of it anyways.”


Nights have been restless lately. My seer visions have been popping up more often, and it’s giving
me headache after headache. I can’t even tell what’s visions, and what’s just my imagination. But
they all have to do with Albus. I imagine him and I ruling over the weak, loving just like we used
to, fighting against our enemies. And the one that broke my heart into a million pieces. My most
recent vision. Albus dying beside me. Blood spurting from his chest as he smiles at me, a single
tear leaves his eyes. He tells me that he loves me, and then darkness. This vision has recurred in
my mind so many times, I’m afraid it may be true.

Albus’ P.O.V

My mind has been running circles ever since I sent Gellert that letter. I hate to say it, but I’m
regretting it greatly. I was thinking more so, about others' opinions rather than my own. I mean,
what’s the worst thing that could happen? I didn’t even think about his plan! I really am a horrible

No one’s P.O.V

Albus paced back and forth in his office, contemplating what he should do. Gellert means so much
to him, but he’s worried about what his friends and family would think. Anxious, Albus decides to
get some sleep, and come up with what he should do in the morning.

Time skip to the morning

As Dumbledore awoke the next morning, he was determined to come to a conclusion. His biggest
decision would have to be his choice between his friend’s and family’s opinions, Gellert’s, and his
own. In all honesty, other people’s opinions and needs always seemed to come first to Albus. But
when weighing out family and friends over Gellert, he can’t seem to choose one over the other.
Wrong choices have consequences. And making the right choice was always more important, even
if it wasn’t easy. Albus thought of his brother; Aberforth. He had always hated Gellert with a
burning passion for no absolute reason. But Albus never understood what was going through his
mind at that time.

Next in Albus Dumbledore’s decision operation! He had to think of his choices and the pros and
cons of each option. This would be the easy part. Albus retrieved a piece of parchment from his
draw, an ink pot, and a quill. He had begun.

First, his options. Keep going on as if nothing had happened (that’s the easy choice) , address
Gellert about what he’s doing but don’t join him (I don’t know how I feel about that one) , or find
him and join him…. (might think about this one, not sure it’s right though) .

After a long and well thought process of what Albus should do. He had finally made up his mind.

Gellert’s P.O.V

I’ve never felt so alone. Everything seems to be in the way of me and Albus, and there’s nothing I
can do about it! Usually in a moment like this I would be blaming Aberforth. But this time I have
no one to blame but myself. How much longer will this go on before the relationship between
Albus and myself fully ceases to exist. Walking into my bathroom, I feel a heavy weight of grief
upon my shoulders. Looking into the broken mirror, I look at my hair. And without thinking I grab
a shard from the broken mirror and cut off a couple inches. And I’ve never felt so alive. I feel
something move in my waistcoat pocket, and find that the blood pact is glowing. I’ve read little
into the mechanisms of the pact but it’s safe to say glowing is a good sign.
Old Feelings, New Era
Chapter Summary

I knew you were trouble by Taylor Swift - I realize the blame is on me~

Albus’ P.O.V

I knew he was trouble when he walked in. So shame on me now. I should've known it would come
to this but I desperately want to be with him. I guess this might be one of the only choices. I'm
going to find him and tell him I want to be with him no matter if I have to join the dark side. This is
the right choice. I whiz around my house, efficiently packing a bag that I had enchanted to be able
to fit anything. I have absolutely no idea how I'm going to find him but I'm going to try. I will try.
That's all I can do. But I’m held back with a thought, “what if he doesn’t want me?” And I realise if
that's true then the blame is on me.

I shake my head, ridding my mind of those thoughts. But the thing is, when I fell hard and hit rock
bottom, he took a step back without me. He left me when I needed him most, and that made me
angry. I'm sick of people leaving me. By death or by coincidence. And I want him, I want him so
bad. I'm sick of being good. I want to be bad. It doesn’t matter what they say. Aberforth, my
friends, the ministry. No one. And for all I know is that he’s long gone, he's not next to me, and
once again I realise the blame is on me. But I won’t hold that against him. I will find him. And I
will make this right.

I take a deep breath and sling my bag over my shoulder. I turn on my heel. And disapparate. I
apparate at the entrance to a misty, yet beautiful forest filled with willow trees and wild yet
harmless fungi. Fireflies of every colour buzzing about this strange and mystical wonderland. This
was one of the places we used to hang out as teenagers to get away from it all. It's a great place to
hide because only him and I would know how to get here, and only I would know where to find
him. And he knows I wouldn't give him up. Ever. Right?

Gellert's P.O.V

We’re moving today. The new place is going to be an upgrade from where we are now. A decent
sized castle in Austria. I sigh, thinking of all the good memories Albus and I had as I walked
through the forest that only he and I can access. We would play hide and seek just like children,
have romantic picnics, read. Anything our brilliant minds could conjure up. Or whatever we could
do to pass the time. I packed the last of my things in my bag and reached down to grab my grey
tabby cat, Sherbies. She wriggles in my arms for a moment, almost making me drop her before
settling with a purr. “Don't move so much Sherbies, you'll make me drop you.'' I mutter into her
fur, not caring if my perfectly tailored suit got covered in the soft grey cat hairs. Sherbies gives me
a look like, ‘I will wriggle as much as I want to thank you very much!’ I smile and sigh giving up.
“Merlin, she is so sassy.” Before picking up my bags and disapparating.

Albus’ P.O.V

I stride through the forest looking for anything. Any sign that he was here at all. I stumble across a
large clearing, there are multiple dark spots with coal and ashes telling me immediately that there
was someone here. I clutch my chest where the blood pack necklace would normally lie under my
deep purple suit, knowing in my heart that he was here.

I turn and disapparate, heading to the next spot I think he might go. I apparate on a dingy side
street in Hogsmeade. I briskly stroll up the steep incline making my way towards a certain cave
that is very good for hiding things … and people. A certain cave that Gellert would hide in when
he came to visit me. We’d have all sorts of secret rendezvous when we were there together.
Without anyone knowing, obviously.

Gellert's P.O.V

We had just settled in when Vinda came striding towards me. I turn towards her and ask, “what is
it Vin?”

“There is a stranger approaching. We don't know who they are, but they are heading in this
direction.” She replies.

“Okay, tell everyone to pack up and get ready to leave. We are going to the next place slightly
ahead of schedule.” Within seconds everyone is running around with their bags packed and
hurriedly putting out the campfires. “Okay everyone move out.” I called just before turning and
disapparating to the next destination.

Albus’ P.O.V

I reach the summit of the mountain containing the cave in it and enter. There are a bunch of
smoking remnants of campfires, “he was here,” I mutter to myself. “And recently.” I turn and walk
back down the steep slope. I walk into the pub known as the hogshead and walk up to the bar and
ask the bartender for a nice big drink of butterbeer.

- Time skip -

I've been searching for weeks. I can't find him. I've looked everywhere I can think of and I'm
always just too late. I turned from the shack I had just searched. I give up and I'm going home. I
can't catch up to him and I'll never be able to. I will put all my attention in my teaching and drown
my sorrows in making sure that the next generation succeeds and doesn't end up like I did.

Gellert P.O.V

“I’d be pleased to let you know that our stalker has ceased to follow us.” Vinda informs me
smugly. “Good,” I say, “but keep the security up until then we don't want the ministry finding us
and arresting us.”

“Of course, I'm not stupid.”

“I know you're not, I'm just making sure you're doing what I would do.”

“You're my boss, it's my job to do what you'd do.” Sherbies meows. “See even the cat agrees,”
Vinda finishes smugly knowing she has won the argument. I just roll my eyes. I swear those two
are such drama queens. And I’m sure of it! It's definitely not me. Is it?

Albus’ P.O.V

I fucking give up. I'm done. He somehow keeps slipping through my fingers. And he’s long gone,
when I think of him I realise the blame is on me.
Brothers at War
Chapter Summary

Be With You by Mondays feat. Lucy - Listen to your heartbeat don't you know that I
just wanna be with you~

Once I had returned home, I collapsed against the soft fabric of my hazelnut coloured sofa. I rubbed
my temples as if I had a headache, (which I didn’t, but I was about to). Disappointment filled my
being as I got up and decided to retire for the night. I ascended up the stairs, and once I reached my
room I stopped outside the old mahogany door to hear the rustling of paper from the other side. My
curiosity peaked. Someone was in my room . As quietly as I could, I entered my room to find none
other than my younger brother going through my things that I had laid out on my desk.

It wasn’t a surprise that he was snooping through my room. Ever since Ariana passed, he lost all
trust in me. When he turned to face me, he looked like I just killed every single one of his goats,
gruesomely. His face went white, and I was just about to have it. “Albus. What is this?!” His voice
trembled. He sounded confused, yet scared. I cocked my head to the side, and just stared. Wrong
move. That just made him even more furious than before. “Don’t look at me like I’m not making
any sense, Albus. You have papers all over your desk, contemplating whether you’re going to get
back with the murdering bastard or not!” Aberforth looked defeated, betrayed even.

“You’ve got to listen to me, Al. Are you going to leave me? I don’t need much, but what I do need
is my big brother to open his eyes, and realise what he’s going to be risking. Our parents are gone,
our sister is gone. The only people we have left are each other. And I don’t want to lose my brother
to a man such as Gellert Grindelwald. So please, Albus. Don’t leave me alone.”

I had never seen Aberforth so vulnerable before. Despite being a grown man, I could see his
younger self, scared with tears welled up in his crystal eyes, begging me not to leave him by
himself. I sigh, giving in to his sorrow filled face. I hold out my arms to him, gesturing an embrace
which he gratefully accepts. “You know I’d never leave you, right? What kind of a brother would I
be if I just packed my things and left you for some guy?” A horrible brother, that’s what I am .
“Come on. We should get to bed. Can’t have us staying up all night now can we?” Aberforth nods,
we both go our separate ways, and bid each other a good night. But despite my promise, I was not
prepared for what was to come the next night.

Gellert’s P.O.V

We had moved out of the cave, and finally reached the new place we’d call our home. Nurmengard
Castle is a large and beautiful structure. I sent my followers inside to set up the castle to be a bit
more homey. While I stand outside admiring the view of the castle with my second in command
next to Sherbies; Vinda. And my sort of nephew; Aurelius. We all stand side by side taking in the
summer breeze that whisks through our hair. “This is it.” Vinda breaths, “this is our future, our
brand new life to a greater future.”

“A greater good.” Aurelius finishes. I turn to stare at him with slight shock upon my face. “Where
did you hear that?” A single drop of sweat falls from his brow, and his eyes dart from left to right.
“I may have looked at some of your stuff while you were away, b-but it wasn’t anything bad, I
swear! I’m sorry.” Aurelius looks down at his feet and fiddles with his thumbs in embarrassment. I
sigh, resting my hand upon his head, then wrapping an arm around him in a sideways embrace.
“Don’t worry about it, Aurelius. Besides, I’d rather spend my time with my family rather than
arguing with them.” I let out a sorrowful breath, remembering the greater good that I could’ve had
with Albus, and the fact that Aurelius doesn’t have much time left until he passes.

“Meow~ - let’s go inside, there is much to be done .” Sherbies communicates, rubbing her fur all
over my new, perfectly tailored trousers, but I could never be mad at her. Even though I don’t
speak cat, I feel as though sometimes she speaks to me in English. But that just might be the dark
magic kicking in. The four of us entered the castle through the dark wooden doorway, stopping as
soon as we were inside.

No one’s P.O.V

Nurmengard Castle’s interior was too beautiful for words to describe. The dark academia feel to the
whole place brought a sort of peace to the ‘villain’ family of four. All that they need is right here
with them. Once rooms had been allocated to each member of Grindelwald’s army that would be
living in the castle, Gellert and Aurelius stood on the main balcony that towered over the courtyard.

“This is it. The place we have gotten to, and the place we will stay. Our new home.”

“Of course. You’re a part of our family now, Aurelius.” The boy with raven hair looks down. He’s
still not used to his name that was given to him at birth. Being a part of the infamous yet powerful
family of Dumbledore was one of the last things he expected when trying to find his parents.
“Imagine what the winters will be like here. I bet the snow will shine under the light of day, and at
night it will look so soft you wish you could sleep on it.” Gellert states, trying to defuse the
uncomfortable tension that was in the air. The young lad chuckles. He always found that
Grindelwald was a bit odd, but he admired that.

“Gellert. You know how you always tell me to listen to my heart.” The Blonde man nods,
remembering his words exactly. “Well, I lied. I did see more than I was supposed to when I looked
through your stuff. I’m sorry. But it got me thinking. If you and Albus Dumbledore were going to
change the world, why continue when it backfired? Are you really listening to your heart? Or are
you listening to what your brain thinks is your heart?” Gellert pauses for a moment. He never truly
thought about it like that before. Was this really all for nothing?

He looks back at Aurelius. Thankfully he didn’t have a single feature that represented his father.
All he could see was the boy’s mother. Gellert had only seen her, but he could tell she had a kind
and gentle soul. She might’ve been the only muggle that he could tolerate. Such a shame that she
died, but that’s the past and you can’t change death. You can’t change death, nor the past. But the
actions you have in the present can alter the future . Then a light bulb went off in Gellert’s mind.

As the sun began to set he raced down the stairs. With the Elder wand, and the blood pact in his
pockets, he knew what he must do. “Listen to your heart. Feel it beat in your chest. What does it
say?” Gellert apparated, using as much power as he could (which was a lot). He listened. He
finally listened to what his heart was saying. But it wasn’t ‘stop this madness’ it was more along
the lines of ‘find a way to show Albus who he can be’ .

So many things crossed the German man’s mind. But once he reached the front door to the
dumbledore home, only one thing went through his mind. ‘I just want to be with you.’
The Doors That Separate You & Me
Chapter Summary

The last time by Taylor Swift feat. Gary Lightbody - No reasons why, just you and

Gellert's P.O.V

I seem to find myself at your door, and just like all those many times before; I'm not that sure how
I got there. All roads seem to lead me here. In a perfect world I imagine that you are home in your
room all alone, and when you open the door, you open your eyes into mine and then everything
will feel better. I hesitantly reach out and knock three times on the door and stand back breathing
deeply, trying to think of what to say. What on earth could I say to someone who I would keep on
leaving and leaving. How can I get him to believe me? I reach hesitantly towards the door and
knock three times. A clattering sound comes from within the house, but so much that it seems he is

A set of bright blue eyes appear in a crack of the door “Gellert?” Albus’ voice comes from within,
muffled by the door. And right before his eyes I'm breaking, no past, no reasons why, just the
thought of him and me. “Albus,” I say back.

Albus’ P.O.V

You seem to find yourself at my door and just like all those times before your face wears your best
apology, but I was there to watch you leave. “Albus. May I please come in?” Gellert says softly.
“But all those times I let you in just for you to go again. You disappear when you come back and
everything things not going to be better.'' I replied. Right before his eyes I'm aching, I could run
fast but there's nowhere to hide, just you and me.

Gellert's P.O.V

“This is the last time I'm asking you this, please just let me in. I will explain myself. Just please let
me in.” I plead. He looks at me for a few seconds with pain in his eyes. He sighs and opens the
door wider, stepping back to let me through. We walk through his house and end up in the drawing
room. “My brother's not home so relax” Albus mutters. I turn and look at him staring into those
deep blue eyes. He looks like he's about to cry. “Albus, I just wanted to come and say that I'm
sorry. I hurt you so many times, and I don't expect you to take me back, but I miss you. Every scrap
of my being aches when I'm not with you, and it aches knowing the fact that I've hurt you too
many times to count. But.” I take a deep breath before asking him. “I want you to join my side. I
know that when you asked me to join you I said no but, I believe you would be a great help to the
cause as my boyfriend and my right hand man.”

“Are you being serious right now? I followed you for weeks! And you were always out of my
reach. I. Gave. Up. Ok? I gave up a while ago.” He finishes with tears in his eyes. “That was you? I
thought you were a ministry person trying to capture us!” I gasp, that was him? He was in my reach
the whole time? I feel so stupid. “You knew? I thought you guys were moving fast. You know I
was going to join you. I stopped caring, okay? I was willing to join you and fight by your side. But
of course again, you left.”
“I didn’t know that it was you Albus!”

Albus P.O.V

“I think that maybe you should leave” I sigh knowing I will have to go back to that cold emptiness
of being without him. “No. Albus. Please. I’m not leaving until you come with me”

“Then this is the last time I'm asking you this. Put my name at the very top of your list, above
everything else. This is the last time I'm asking you why you seem to break my heart in the blink of
an eye.”

“Albus, I'm telling you I won't. I'm telling you I will never leave your side.” He blurts out
desperately. “How do I know you won't leave again? That you won't take your followers and ditch
me overnight?”

“Remember that summer, Albus? The summer we met? I told you one of those nights that I would
never stop loving you. I never stopped. And I never will. This is my solemn vow, I will never
leave you until the day my cold dead body gets ripped out of your hands.”

“It was a cruel summer wasn't it? With you?”

“Albus please.” he begs

“Gellert. I really think you should leave.”

“Fine. This is the last time. I won't hurt you anymore.” He says as a tear leaks out of the corner of
his eye. He turns and heads through the doorway of the living room and heads through the hallway.
My mind whirls with all that he said. I follow him just as he's stepping through the door. I lunged
for his hand grasping my hand around it. He turns abruptly. “Gellert, why should I trust you? How
can I know that you wont leave me again?”

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