Fantastic Beasts and The

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Fantastic Beasts and The great triangle of hope

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of
Category: F/M
Fandom: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Movies), Fantastic Beasts
and Where to Find Them (Movies) RPF
Relationship: Newt Scamander/Original Female Character(s), Theseus
Scamander/Original Female Character(s), Tina Goldstein/Newt
Scamander, Leta Lestrange/Theseus Scamander, Queenie
Goldstein/Jacob Kowalski, Newt Scamander & Theseus Scamander &
Original Female Character(s)
Character: Bunty Broadacre, Newt Scamander, Theseus Scamander, Leta
Lestrange, Tina Goldstein, Jacob Kowalski, Queenie Goldstein, Aurelius
Dumbledore, Albus Dumbledore's Aunt Honoria, Credence Barebone
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-09-07 Words: 13,401 Chapters: 7/?

Fantastic Beasts and The great triangle of hope

by makerofimagination


Ophelia, fresh from Hogwarts, Dumbledore recommended her highly to Newt Scamander
as a Magizoologist in training. Takes place after the first movie. Follows the main story line
with added content for Ophelia and of course. A juicy love triangle!


Hi, sorry I’ve neglected all my stories. It I’ve been working hard on this one and I’m hoping
you all enjoy it, I’ve tried to leave Ophelia open to imagination so picture her as yourself if
you’d like. I just wanted a love triangle story.
Chapter 1

I’ve always felt like i’ve never belonged anywhere, except when i’m at home, or working.
Hogwarts was definitely an experience, until my parents passed. Then something in me changed, it
died, and blossomed into something new. I was a Slytherin who was treated like a hufflepuff or a
ravenclaw; Not no one of importance. Perhaps now i can make a difference.

I closed my journal and took a big sigh, it’s always so hard righting about what’s really felt.
“Ophelia? Have you seen Teddy?” Time to get to work. “Yes Newt he’s up here in the loft with
me” i called down to him. Newt had hired me after his whole new york thing. We got a long really
well and he even opened up to me. He tells me things, like how he really feels about aurors, or his
brother, and even tina and leta. I’ve never had a person open up this much to me before. It’s very
Dumbledor had written my recommendation after i finished hogwarts and now I’m on the road
with Newt. I travel with him in his suitcase he even conjured up a private room for me to bunk in,
the loft. Whenever i’m on break or down time i usually come up here, i asked newt to make it so i
can see all the creatures from up above and make it creature accessible so when a creature wants
some attention or cuddles there free to come up here to me. At nights i usually have teddy the
niffler, Robert the Wyvern, a bow trickle or two even a few of the Occamy’s come to cuddle from
time to time. Newts just glad he found an assistant who loves these fantastic creatures as much as
he does. Teddy in particular is very attached to me, sleeps with me almost every night now. He
follows me around too when he’s not bothering newt, what a cute little fellow he is though.
“Ophelia? have you fallen asleep?” I sat up and floated down to the shack where i can hear newt
whisper calling out to me.
“No Newt i’m still awake, Teddy just went down and so have two of the occamy’s in my loft.”
Newt smiled his crooked smile, He kept writing down a few things in his book and then he turned
to me.
“Dumbledor has requested that Myself, Theseus, and you meet him right away.” I was puzzled
“I wonder why he’s requested my presence” Newts faced flashed with a look of worry, he knows
“Newt?” I asked gently. He turned his face down towards the floor and then looked back at me.
“It’s about Grindelwald, he wants you on our team.” I’m surprised, after hearing the stories of what
Newt told me of what happened in New York I would think it would be people that Dumbledore
and Newt trusted. I didn’t think I was on that list.
“Oh well, okay” Is all I said, I don’t even know why I said anything because I didn’t know what to
say. Gosh I get nervous about silence when I’m expected to reply.
“Don’t worry Bunty will be looking after everyone is our absence” That’s good Bunty is a lovely
women, who obviously is in love with Newt, he doesn’t notice though even though Bunty hasn’t
been very subtle, shes even kind to me but I could always sense tension because she sees me as
competition. I do have feelings for Newt but, I can’t move on from Theo… Oh I can’t start
thinking about him now, he’s all I’ll think about for a week.
“Ophelia? Are you okay?” I looked back up at Newt.
“Oh I’m fine!” I blurt out, It’s hard to hide my feelings from him sometimes, I get so awkward. I
started walking to my loft and started to grab things I’ll need to put them in my enchanted purse,
Hair brush, toothbrush, some money, My IDs. It’s time for another adventure. Just then there was a
sound in Newts house, He looked and ran out of the suitcase. I climbed out slowly and looked
around downstairs but Newt ran up to the main part of his house. Bunty was grabbing her coat and
she noticed me and gave me a small wave before evaporating. I made my way upstairs where I
could hear a holly voice and a soft feminine voice speaking to Newt. Then I could hear Newt call
out for Tina, was she here?
“Newt, Tina’s not here sweety” I came out from the doorway and caught Newts faced in
disappointment, then he caught my eye and tried to wipe it from his face. “Newt who’s this?” The
platinum Blonde women asked. Newt guided me to the pair “this is the newest member of the
team, Ophelia” I smiled and shook both there hands,
“I’m Queenie, and this is my fiancé Jacob!”
“Fiancé?” Newts asked
“Yes we’re getting married!” And then Queenie threw confetti from her wand.
“I’m married Newt!” And then Jacob threw some champagne on his head, must be a muggle
Then Queenie went silent and started wiping the liquid off of Jacob.
“I have not” said queenie out of no where
“Queenie could you not read my mind.” Newt asked. Read minds? Is she a-
“Legitimines, yes” Woah.
“I have not newt” she then said
“Then you won’t mind if I lift the enchantment.” Newt pointed his wand at Jacob.
“Please don’t” Queenie asked, then slowly she stepped back into the living room. Newt lifted the
enchantment and Jacob woke up. Newt then congratulated him and Jacob was so confused,
Queenie turned to walk out and left.
“Good to see you, where the hell am I?” Jacob asked
“London” Newt stated
“Oh!” Jacob said stomping “I’ve always wanted to go here!” And then he stormed out.
Newt noticed a ripped up post card
“Repairo” and he read it. Newt then bolted downstairs. I stood there dumbfounded on everything
that had occurred. I thought we needed to meet Dumbledore, but now I don’t know what’s
happening. So I went downstairs after Newt confused and I was going to ask him what was
happening. As I came down the stairs I could see that he was packing, we must be leaving now.
“Newt are we to leave right away?” Is what I asked instead of an explanation of what occurred.
“Yes, are you ready?” He turned and asked me “Yes” I whipped my wand to my long overcoat and
my green scarf from my days in Hogwarts, I was a Slytherin. After putting on my coat and scarf
The man-Jacob came downstairs. Newt finished putting some things in his suitcase “Tina’s post
card says they’re in Paris!” Jacob called his hands once “Excellent!” Newt then turned to him to
dry him off with his wand. They filled the time with chatter while we left. I was thinking about
Newt, and Tina, and Theo.. I new I wasn’t gonna be able to stop thinking about him. Theo and I
were together when we were in Hogwarts, right from year 3. He knew I liked him and he liked me
too. Over the years our love grew strong, but he couldn’t stay committed. Before we graduated
barley a week after we split he was with someone else. The last few weeks of Hogwarts were
torture. The only love I knew didn’t want to be with me, because he didn’t get to play the field.
Theo was everything to me at the time. All of our classes, Theo was also a Slytherin so we would
spend a lot of time in the common room together. I used to watch his Quidditch practices and then
suddenly I had to be alone and hang out with other people. When Theo was my everything at the
time. He truly broke my heart. After that I spent a lot of time in the woods taking care of creatures.
Hagrid would often teach me about the various creatures I liked to look after. That’s when
Dumbledore learn how much I cared about magical creatures and after graduating he wrote a letter
to Newt. Since then I’ve been here. What an adventure, right?
Secret Letters
Chapter Summary

Wasn’t that first chapter just heartfelt! You’ll love this story, hope I didn’t push the
plot to far along hope y’all enjoy!

The Next day we were in a vast field walking towards a cliff. I was following behind while Newt
and Jacob talked. I knew they were talking about Tina. I slowly reached inside my coat and pulled
out a letter

Theseus Scamander.

Newts brother. He’s written me a few letter asking about Newt. I knew their relationship was
strained because of Leta. Theseus loved Newt a great deal, but they could never be close because
they let the awkwardness surround any topics of conversation they have together. I quickly opened
it and read it


How are you? I’ve written to ask about Newt and how he has been doing since they denied is travel
documentation. I know how he is and he probably hasn’t thought about it but it still might bug him.
Could you ask him please, I hope he bears no hard feelings. I tried to help him out but my job has
been very trying in recent times. Anyways Ophelia I really appreciate you keeping me updated on
Newts general life. Anyways how have things been for you? How has it been working for Newt
been? I trust it’s been quite an experience so far. As children I knew Newt was very in tuned with
all kinds of magical creatures. I myself have never been able to be so trust by a magical creature
but they are delightful in the best of times. Anyways hope this letter finds you well as I will be
travelling to Paris Ministry of Magic and won’t be back right away hope you are well.

-Care of Theseus

He seems so different in his letters than in real life, I suppose that’s the only way he can truly
expose his feelings to someone. I already new that Newt had his travel documentation denied but
he already was expecting it so It was bugging him that much, he knew his connection with
Dumbledore and what happens in New York was what was gonna prevent it. But I could tell what
was really on his mind was Tina, and possibly Creedence. Newt told me he’s alive and is in Paris.
He met with Dumbledore after he was denied travel documentation. Newt does tell me everything
but I try not to push on his feelings. I’ll write back to Theseus soon. It’s not like I don’t hide that
we write to each other I just, don’t want Newt thinking that I spy on him for his brother. One day
Newt sent me to the ministry to give a copy of his book to someone, and I ran into Theseus. He
offered some tea and we had a nice chat and he asked about Newt. Then he asked if he could write
me just so he knows Newts well being is taken care of, I agreed and we’ve been in correspondence
since. He talks about Leta a lot but I suspect that Leta still has feelings for Newt as wel. The kind
of “First Love” feelings. The kind that doesn’t go away… my thoughts were cut short and Newt
had asked me a question but I was too deep in thought. I looked at him and then quickly shoved the
letter in my hand back into my coat.
“Are you alright Ophelia?” Newt asked. I nodded and swallowed to hard, probably indicating that I
was indeed, not fine.
“50 Galleons” The smuggler spoke.
“No we agreed on 30” Newt stated.
“50 Galleons for not saying I saw Newt Scamander leaving the country illegally. Newt nodded and
the mad looked down “10 seconds” and he started to count down I stood on the other side of Jacob
and reached out my hand and Newt reached out his hand, once Jacob held on to the both of us
Newt stepped into the Bucket and away we went into the port key.
Within seconds we were in Paris. We followed Newt as he started to walk around Jacob holding
the bucket in his arms looking wheezy from the travel. I suppose muggles aren’t accustomed to
travel through port key. But I think Jacob handled it rather well. Newt started investigating, using a
powder spell to reveal the night before. It was truly a sight to see that Newt knew all these different
spells, spells I still have yet to learn. He then accio’d Teddy out of the briefcase and told him to
start looking. The spell along with Newts wand revealed that a Japanese water dragon was there!
“Newt is there any chance that the creature was illegally obtained?” Newt looked at me almost like
he forgot I was here.
“Most likely, but we will need to do something about that at another time.” That’s not like Newt,
but I guess his sole occupation currently is looking for Tina. During the spell Tina’s footprints
were released and a glimpse of her was seen casting a spell while walking away.
“Tina?!” Newt called and chased after her but-nothing. Then not a moment later the spell revealed
A Zouwu!
“Newt! A Zouwu!” I pointed out and then the powder flew away as the Zouwu fled the scene. And
Newt was looking at a feather and following it.
“Newt?” I asked”
“That feather follow it!” And we took off after the feather. After a little walking we ended up at a
tea shop, Newt used a glass bowl to cover it and we sat and waited.
“Newt I think I better check up on all the creatures to see how they are doing, do you mind if I go
into the suitcase?” I asked. I felt kinda left out, My feelings were taking a little bit of a hit as we
were looking for Tina, I could see how Newt looked worried and excited.
“Oh yes of course, Jacob just give us a few minutes and watch the case I’ll assist Ophelia quick
and I’ll be back up.” Jacob nodded and sat there as we climbed down into the suitcase.
Once we were in the shack I walked out into the open space, I could see a lot of the creature were
having a mid day nap right about now but the the occamy’s needed to eat.
“I’ll feed the Occamy’s Newt” and Newt was putting away a few viles away and replacing them
with other ones. As we did our jobs in silent I couldn’t be quiet.
“Newt can I ask you something?” And Newt mumbled a yes of course under his breathe while he
gave some drops to Pickitt.
“Are we in Paris for Creedence as well?” Suddenly he stopped to think about it. I could tell that
wasn’t part of his plan.
“I suppose so yes” then he definitely didn’t think about it at all. He was here for Tina.
“Ophelia, Im sorry” Huh?
“For what?” I asked
“I know of your feelings.” Oh….
“I’m sorry Newt I couldn’t help myself….” I quietly answered.
“I’ll admit I was starting to… Feel some things myself but-“
“No need to explain yourself Newt it’s quit alright.” I cut him off.
“Ophelia I read your journal” oh no! It was a dead silence between us.
“I’m sorry I invaded your privacy but I was worried you might have been a spy, I know that’s no
excuse but I was getting paranoid and I’m very sorry” I nodded and tried to think about all the
things I’ve written in there
“Who’s Theo?” Oh shit.
“Theo is-was my first love” I spoke softly.
“We split during my final year at Hogwarts. Don’t worry I don’t believe we will ever be back
together. There’s no need to worry about that now.”
I could feel my heart ache.
“If I’m being totally honest that’s the reason why I’ve never left myself feel my true feelings”
“Newt it’s really- it’s okay you have no need to say anything more” it was quite again. I feel
incredibly embarrassed.
“I’m going to stay in the briefcase for now just knock if you need anymore assistance.” And I
walked to my loft without saying anything more…
“Ophelia, I still feel those feelings, but I also still feel those feelings for Tina, I’m sorry.” I turned
back to him.
“You don’t need to apologize Newt. It’s totally okay” I smile and he put his head down slightly, he
did that whenever he was unsure about something
“You better go and make sure Jacob is well” I spoke, Newt nodded and headed back up.
I need a cigarette
Unapologetic Love

After I played with my cigarette smoke that I enchanted I fell asleep with Teddy right next to me.
When I could hear something, A loud bang like a jail cell. I sat up and looked around. I was all
alone so I made my way to the shack and out the entrance. Then I could hear a thud like a body
dropping. Oh no! Newt! I practically jumped out of the suitcase and to find we were in a sewer.
And then just as I turned around I heard a loud lock turn over. And I could see Jacob as he laughed
quite loud and Newt and- Tina. They found her. I wonder if that’s why Newt didn’t wake me. I
looked over at the body laying on the ground. It was a man, I didn’t know who he was.
“Newt what happened?” I asked
“Ophelia thank Merlin you came out. We were brought down here looking for Tina and he just
locked us up. Newt said as he was walking over quickly grabbing Pickitt and hovered over the man
on the ground. Tina looked at me with a serious face and walked right passed me.
“What do you think it was?” She asked Newt. Jacob looked at me with a concern stare, and then
shrugged his shoulders.
“Most likely a parasite that was in the water.” I started to look around as they talked about what to
do next but then I remembered something Newt told me.
“Newt, didn’t you say Dumbledore gave you a card?” His eyes remembered the memory of his and
Dumbledores conversation.
“You’re right Ophelia! Let’s go” he grabbed the suitcase and away we went carrying the strange

Shortly we arrived at Nicholas Flammels hide out. Once we got there Tina then turned to me
“Who are you?” She asked very fast.
“I’m Ophelia” I answered unsurely.
“I know your name I want to know who you are” she stated rather rudely I’d say
“I’m a magizoologist in training” I answered again this time with more confidence. She huffed and
turned on her heal
“Mr Scamander do you have anything in your briefcase that might revive this man?” For someone
Newt talked about a lot she didn’t seem like she cared about him, or maybe cared too much. They
started to get to work and Newt asked me to get some tweezers, once I gave them Newt quickly
worked and pulled a water creature out of his eye. Newt passed it to me and I went to put it into a
jar for him to examine later on. A few moments later as I finished Tina when storming out of the
hideout, Newt walked into the room where me and Jacob looked at Newt
“Where is she going?” Asked Jacob
“I don’t know” Newt answered
“You didn’t say nothin about no salamanders right?” Newt shook his head
“So go after her!” Jacob rushed Newt out of the Hideout and Newt asked Jacob to watch the
strange man. I stood there a bit dumbfounded about what to do. I felt kept out of a loop, but I know
that they all bonded over Creedence and Grindlewald. Maybe it’s time I go for some tea.
“Jacob I’ll be back, I need some air and tea. Please apologize to the host as he should be around
soon” Jacob nodded. I grabbed my pouch and headed out into the brisk wind. I walked and walked
until I found myself at the hidden entrance to the French ministry of magic. I took the elevator
down and there I was in the busy foyer of the ministry. It seemed to be quite busy just as the
ministry was back home. I walked to the main entrance desk. It seemed to be quite a line up. For a
second I thought I saw Queenie leaving. I must be wrong, Im often wrong and mistake people for
people I think I know. I waited in line and when it was finally my turn it was a short women with
visually French facial features.
“Bienvenue au Ministère de la Magic” Oh my French is not well.
“Bonjour, je recherche un Auror, Theseus Scamander” I spoke with broken French
“Je vais le prévenir, s'il vous plaît, attendez là-bas, s'il vous plaît” she pointed to a waiting area. She
said she will get him, now I gotta wait.I walked over to the waiting area and sat there and watched
as all the busy people went by. After waiting awhile I grabbed a poetry book out of my enchanted
“Ophelia, hello I wasn’t expecting you here” I looked up and met Theseus’ eye contact. My heart
fluttered. He’s engaged , he’s engaged I cannot be thinking of him like that.
“Hello Theseus!” I smiled and tried not to seem so obvious of my new found feelings.
“I was in Paris and I received your letter and thought I’d drop by for some tea, if you not busy” I
stood up and straightened my dress. For women I cannot wear heels all the time so I wear pointed
toe ballet flats. I thought I seemed plain wearing a peg top black skirt and a Forrest green Blouse.
But I couldn’t help but notice he looked me over. I’ll admit it made me feel very pretty.
“It’s wonderful to see you, did Newt send you?” Oh, I didn’t think of what to say. Newt is banned
from international travel.
“I’m, here because… Well Newt is banned from international travel, so I’m here in his place”
Theseus easily saw threw my lies. I didn’t want to disrespect him like that but at the same time I
wasn’t a spy for Newt.
“Ophelia you can-“ he was cut off by another man, I assumed another Auror.
“Theseus, Grindlewald is calling all of his followers! They are gathering at the cemetery! We need
to go now!” Oh no. Theseus looked at me.
“Ophelia.” He grabbed my arms and looked into my eyes
“Is Newt here. Please I won’t say a word to the Ministry, I just need to know where he went” He
stared looking for an answer
“I don’t know, he went after Tina Goldstein.” He then grabbed my forearm and started to walk
“We need to go, come with me” and we started to walk. We walked through the various bustling
areas of the Ministry and then before I knew it a dozen men maybe more met up with us and we
continued to walk. Theseus stopped and then I stopped in my tracks before I could bump into him.
“We are on our way to Grindlewald’s rally” oh, okay. I took a few steps back so they could
continue their conversation in private. But after a moment I could hear Leta ask who I was.
“That’s Newts assistant, I found her and She’s going to take me to him” she nodded and glared at
me very slightly, but Theseus already looked away and nodded to all of us and continued to walk.
As we started passing the open floor showing the lower floor Theseus stopped and looked down.
And lo and behold there was Newt, with Tina. Within a moments notice Theseus started running.
Newt making direct eye contact with me, he looked hurt. Tina pulled him away and they started to
run. What the bloody hell was going on?
“Theseus wait!” I yelled and started to chase after him. We reached stairs and started to run down
them as fast as we could. When we finally caught up with them. Theseus threw a spell but Tina
blocked it as it sent books flying into the air and the stayed there, until Tina threw another spell
back and hit Theseus with a non verbal binding spell into a chair. Newt stopped to look at me, I
didn’t know what to do. Run with them or stay. Tina made my decision for me, as they ran away I
could hear her say to Newt.
“I told you that she wasn’t trustworthy!” Ouch. I felt my heart drop. After they got away I realized
that Theseus was still stuck to the chair. I pulled my thoughts and feeling’s together and walked
towards him with my wand.
“Relasio” and the ropes were free. He stood and took a big breathe from running so fast he needed
a breather. He stood up and straightened his clothes. He turned to face me with a stern look on his
“So where you just here to distract me?” I accused. He took a few steps close to me and looked
into my eyes.
“No, I didn’t know he was in the ministry, like I said he went after Tina, so that’s why I came to
find you.” He stared into my eyes and scanned my face to see a hint of a lie. But once he found
nothing he backed off. His was visibly upset over something. Maybe at the fact that he just wants
to protect him. A brother bond is special, at least I always thought so. But it seemed after Lita that
bond was strained.
“Ophelia, I’m just trying my best to look after him. To make sure he’s safe, and hopefully he
doesn’t get into anymore trouble then he is right now.” He ran his hand threw his hair.
“I still have a job to do, Newt is a grown man he can make his own decisions so I need to make
mine.” I wasn’t sure if he was expecting an answer from me but I stayed silent.
“I’m head of Aurors in the British Ministry for crying out loud” was he venting? I think this is
“I have a job to get back too, and you are coming with me. Any chance of finding Newt maybe he
will come for you, he cares about you.” Excuse me? He cares about me? Theseus met my confused
look. He nodded and shook his head, looking at his feet he said quietly.
“I wasn’t supposed to tell you that” he huffed and shook his head yet again.
“Ophelia there’s a lot you don’t know do you.” He looked back at me.
“No, there’s a lot I’m left out on.” I answered plainly. He started to take a few steps closer. I
realized there was no one around anymore. My breathing increased and Theseus seen that.
“Do I make you nervous?” He whispered. My heart started to beat faster. My head was trying to
find the words.
“Tell me, what do you feel? For Newt? For-” He asked quietly. And then he looked down at my
lips. We were only a few inches from each other.
“I feel-“ my breathe hitched.
“Theseus, I have feelings for you. I cannot lie” did I really have to say that? He’s ENGAGED.
“Theseus I-“ I couldn’t say anything more. Theseus was starting to kiss me. My eyes closed and my
heart jumped. His arm wrapped around my waist and the other up my back. I felt myself let him in.
I didn’t hold back. My head was spinning and my heart was pounding now. The kiss was hot, and
slow. Slow and passionate. My chest swelled with the new feeling and my hands wrapped around
his neck. I felt him pick me up as my legs were wobbly. And I didn’t protest, I didn’t break the
kiss, I just let myself let go. I wanted this. Really, really bad. Theseus walked while holding me
into a room. He put me down on the desk and started to undo his pants. Taking off his jacket. I
started to pull up my skirt and pull down my panties. My god what was I doing? But for some
reason I couldn’t stop. I wanted more, I was craving more. We undressed what was necessary
without breaking our kisses. Finally he broke the kiss looked down at his dick, my god it was
magnificent. I made sure to pull up and skirt and my legs. He lined up his head to me and just him
slightly touched my pussy was sooo good. Then he slid in. My god it was an amazing feeling.
“Uhhhh” I felt myself moan. And then Theseus started a steady rhythm. I didn’t realize how much
time had passed but we didn’t stop we went all the way. I could feel an organism reaching its peak.
“Theseus, I’m gonna-“ Then he started to go hard and holy Merlin the force of the orgasm ripped
threw my body and my shaking was enough to show I was cumming. Then Theseus started to slow,
his grunts becoming louder. “Oh fuck” then he stopped and his chest fell into mine. Suddenly we
were just panting, trying to catch our breathe. Trying to breathe, trying to comprehend.
“Ophelia, oh my god I’m so sorry” Theseus started to panic. He pulled up his pants. And started to
walk back and fourth.
“Ophelia I finished in you- I didn’t mean too it just felt so good. Oh my god Leta!” Oh my god.
“Theseus, It’s okay, I’m sorry too!” I started to babble.
“Everything just happened so fast and it just felt so good I couldn’t stop myself” I admitted to him.
Then he stopped and looked at me.
“Ophelia. I really really enjoyed what we did. But I can’t keep this from Leta. I need to tell her, and
I’m very sorry I finished, but that’s something we can worry about another time” that’s good but
what will that mean.
“Ophelia, I like you a lot, like bloody hell. I just felt like I could be myself with you, without
holding back. Without… feeling guilty” he admitted. I pulled up my panties and pulled my skirt
down. I fixed my hair with a quick spell.
“Theseus, because we are being honest.” I can’t tell him how I feel it’s wrong, right?
“I love you” I felt my chest tighten at the words. I closed my eyes trying my best to hide my pride.
But then when I thought I was going to be rejected, I felt Theseus wrap his arms around me.
“I think I love you too” I slowly wrapped my arms around him, I felt, different. Like I was finally
wanted and accepted. It felt a bit like home.
“I’m sorry, under these circumstances” I apologized.
“I’m sorry too” He took a deep breathe in and held me tighter and then he let go.
“Don’t say anything until I tell Lita” he spoke softly. I nodded and we went to leave the office.
A Fate Sealed and Bound
Chapter Summary

Chapter Notes

Since it got Spicy real fast last chapter this one is very long and heartbreaking so
prepare yourselves

After we walked back to meet the other Aurors Theseus explained he got caught up in some other
business, he got a few strange looks but other than that no one protested or said anything.
“Alright we are heading to the Cimetière du Père-Lachaise, we will be waking the streets as to tell
other witches and wizards to stay indoors tonight there has been an announcement already so it
shouldn’t be too much people out” everyone nodded and we evaporated out of the French ministry.
As we were walking a enchanted paper airplane came floating towards me. I held out my hand and
gave a quick shrug to Theseus as I didn’t know who it was.

Dear Ophelia,

It was from Dumbledore! I read his message, and then I read it again, and then again and again
until I was able to comprehend what I was reading. As I looked away from the note at Theseus the
note burned up and was instantly gone.
“What’s wrong?” Theseus was genuinely concerned. He noticed the tears in my eyes
“Nothing, Dumbledore just wanted to see how things were going” I knew Theseus was able to see
through that lie. And my brain was still trying to think, I felt like I was going to fall over. My chest
tightened and my breathing picked up. Dumbledore wrote me a specific request. No doubt part of a
plan, I wonder how long he’s being planning this, maybe that’s the whole reason he recommended
me to Newt in the first place.
“Ophelia-“ Theseus reached out
“I’m fine, let’s continue” I stood straighter and started to walk. Theseus knew something was

The streets were very quiet and the air felt calm. We walked and walked only seeing a few people
out hurrying back home. One lady even asked what was going on. Theseus said that’s matters of
the ministry, sounded like something the minister made him say.
“Ophelia, I hope I don’t cause you too much-trouble with your work with Newt” I looked up at
him, wondering what he meant by that.
“It’s just that, I don’t want Newt to feel like I take things away from him” he kept explaining, now
I understood.
“You mean like Leta?” I asked bluntly, I’ve never really known when to keep my mouth shut but, I
think I should’ve that time.
“Yes like Leta” He said quietly. We kept walking on towards the cemetery, it was starting to get
dark. I wonder where Newt is. I wonder how the creatures are doing. I miss Teddy.
“I’m sorry Ophelia, I didn’t realize my feelings, I should’ve have put you in a situation like this”
Theseus apologized again.
“Theseus it was my choice as well, we are both equally parts guilty. But being honest and moving
forward I think you’re right in telling Leta the truth, I need to tell the truth to Newt as well. The
letters, the fact that I love you. But it doesn’t mean I’m not going to stop my job working for Newt.
That’s my living, and I’m not going to let Newt or Dumbledore down. I’m a Magizoologist in
training.” I stated clearly, I wasn’t going to loose myself completely to Theseus, he’ll I don’t even
know if he will break up with her, maybe he’ll just come clean and tell her it was a mistake. Maybe
Theseus shouldn’t throw away his impending marriage.
“Theseus maybe you should tell Leta it was a mistake. That you’ll never do it again” Theseus
stopped. We were out of earshot of the other Auorors anyways.
“What are you talking about?” Theseus demanded.
“I’m not going to just let you go, It’s clear my love for you means something, I don’t want you
thinking that was just a fling.” Did his face show… sadness? Worry? A combination of a bunch of
“Theseus, you shouldn’t throw away what you and Leta have, you love her too do you not? We
need to think clearly and smart. What we have will it last? Do we want to hurt two people we care
about? We didn’t stop to think about the consequences of our actions. And we need to think about
what it will cause if we do decide to move forward together.” Theseus needed to know, that love
isn’t easy and shouldn’t easily be thrown away so carelessly.
“We will talk about this after”
“Fine” I swiftly turned on my heel and started walking at a fast pace to catch up. We should be at
the cemetery soon. And soon a fate I will have to carry out. For the sake of the ones I care about.
My eyes started to water and blinking only made it worse. Theseus looked at me and could see the
tears but before he could come close to me he noticed the raven overlooking the cemetery. He
looked at me once last time and then started to talk to all the Aurors.
“It isn’t illegal to listen to him, use minimum force on the crowd. We mustn’t be who he says we
are.” Everyone nodded and concealed their wands. I stared at Theseus one last time before we
headed down to below. There had to be over a hundred people down here. People all talking
amongst themselves, I could hear Pure blood and Grindelwald brought up a lot in conversations. I
was looking around at people when Theseus bumped into me and whispered
“Stay close, I don’t want you to get hurt” I looked up at him,
“And I don’t want to hurt you” his faced changed to confusion fast but before he could say
anything he caught a glimpse of something, or someone. Then his attention was focused on that, so
quietly I slipped away into the crowd. I stood and kept my posture, but I just felt like crying. It’s so
hard to keep it together. Grindelwald knows, he knows and he’s going to reveal my past.
“Ophelia?” I looked over to my left and it was Newt.
“Oh Newt!” I have to keep it together.
“I’m sorry Newt” he kept staring at me I could see questions popping up in his head.
“Why were you with Theseus?” He asked.
“It’s a lot to explain Newt” I spoke softly.
“Has Dumbledore reached out to you?” I need to know if he knows.
“No he hasn’t. Have you been spying on me for Theseus?” He’s totally left in the dark. Maybe it’s
suppose to be that way.
“No, we write on occasion, he loves you Newt. He would check up on you just to know you were
safe and taken care of” I put my hand on his. But as newt was about to ask another question
Grindelwald appeared on the Center stage. And a roar of applause burst out as he spread out his

“My brothers. My sisters. My friends. The great gift of your applause is not for me. No! It is for
yourselves. You came here today because of a craving, and a knowledge that the old ways serve us
no longer. You came because you crave something new. Something different. It is said that I hate
le Non-magiques. The Muggle. The No-Maj. The Can't-Spells. I do not hate them; I do not. For I
do not fight out of hatred. I believe that the Muggles are not lesser, but other. Not worthless, but of
other value. Not disposable, but of different disposition. Magic blooms only in rare souls. It is
granted to those who live for higher things. Oh, and what a world we could make for all humanity,
we who live for truth, for freedom... and for love.”

Grindelwald went on but all I could think about is what I had to do.

Then I snapped out of my thoughts as Grindelwald blew out huge clouds of smoke revealing what
his plans were, for our further, and for the muggle future. Another War. Then the roar of
Grindelwalds voice ripped throw the auditorium.
“That! Is what we are fighting. That is the enemy. Their arrogance! The power lust, their barbarity.
How long will it take before they turn their weapons on us? Do nothing when I speak of this, you
must remain calm and contain your emotions. There are Aurors here among us” a fleet of gasps and
whispers spread threw the auditorium and Grindelwald raised his arms out invitingly.
“Come brother wizards join us” oh no Theseus. I hope he doesn’t get hurt. I looked around as
Aurors were coming down the steps, and there he was Theseus was at the very front Grindelwald
continued talking but I was hoping Theseus looked over at me.
“It’s okay Ophelia, I won’t let you get hurt.” Oh Newt, I hope you don’t get hurt. I wish I could tell
him, I wanted to so badly. But then one of the Aurors attacked a witch. Her body falling echoed in
the walls of the auditorium. Grindelwald yelled out and went running to her aid, but she was
already gone. He spoke more quietly on instructions on what to do. I turned to Newt and then I
noticed Queenie and Jacob were here.
“Queenie, Jacob!” I went to point but then everyone started to evaporate out of the auditorium. One
by one the people were gone and it left myself, newt, Theseus and his Aurors, Tina, Jacob and
Queenie, and surprisingly Leta. There where a few people left, loyal followers no doubt. My god,
the guilt pelt like a pang to the chest. Then Grindelwald cast a spell of blue fire around him. And
suddenly people were walking through the fire and then evaporating out of the auditorium. One
man went to walk through the fire but the fire lit him up and burned him in seconds, then he was
gone. That must be what happens when the loyalty isn’t true. It was quiet and all you could hear is
the sound of the roaring flames that lit up the area.
“Aurors, join me in this circle. Pledge to me your eternal allegiance or die. Only here shall you
know freedom, only here shall you know yourself.” Grindelwald opened his arms invitingly once
again. I looked over to Newt, he looked scared. If only he knew what was about to happen. Then a
few Aurors went to make a break for it but Grindelwalds flames went after them
“Play by the rules! No cheating children.” He stated calmly while the flames ate up the ones who
tried to flee. Across from where me and Newt stood I could see a man and a women, she was trying
to hold him back as he went to Grindalwald, that must be Creedence.
“Creedence!” Newt yelled from across. I went to stop him but he was too fast and took off running
fighting off Grindelwalds powerful blue flames. But Newt was no match and they sent him flying
back. I went running to him him up. “Newt it’s too late!” I pleaded. But Newt only met my solemn
stare with a face of fear. Then Grindelwald welcomed him in with a hug and whispered words
which only they could hear. Then Queenie caught my eye. Jacob was trying to stop her.
“Newt Queenie and Jacob!” But we can only look on as queenie yelled at Jacob.
“Walk with me!” In a voice I can only imagine was never seen before in her life. But as she walked
down the steps through the fire she screamed an aweful scream but then stopped, I looked back at
Jacob and his face was absolutely mortified by what he was seeing. Tina yelled out for her sister
but Queenie evaporated and was gone. Tina started to fight off spells and Grindelwald started to
wave his wand as if he was a conductor for an orchestra. The flames grew and grew and anyone
who tried to evaporate was whipped away before they could leave. Newt stood up and grabbed my
hand and walked over to Theseus.
“Ophelia are you alright?!” Theseus asked me. I nodded, tears where starting to come down my
face as what I had to do came closer.
“Mr.Scamander” Grindelwalds voice rang out and the two brothers looked.
“Do you think Dumbledore will mourn for you?” He asked slyly. Then within a moment he threw a
fire flame right at them and Theseus pushed me away. It just missed me as they both tried to fight it
off. Not a moment later a voice rang out from above.
“Grindelwald stop!” It was Leta. Grindelwald let up the spell and all of us looked at Let’s coming
down the steps every so graceful.
“Leta” Theseus said as he picked himself up off the steps, he went running towards her but a blue
flames wicked in his direction blocking him from reaching her as he started to fight off the growing
flames I ran over to Newt to help him up, my eyes were starting to fill with tears as what I was
about to do pained me deeply.
“Newt I-“ I couldn’t finish. All three of us looked at Leta, and we heard her last words.
“I love you”. She threw a spell at Grindlewald. I looked away. I couldn’t see this. I stood slowly
and made my way down the steps, each step filling my heart with hurt.
“Ophelia!” I heard the brothers yell. I turned back on last time.
“Nothing is as it seems” I gave a weak smile as more tears left my eyes. Newts face looked
shocked and Theseus looked incredibly hurt. Merlin’s beard how I wish I didn’t have to do this. I
turned away and there he was staring at me, clearly I sparked his interest.
“Ophelia Grace, oh my I do know you” he started. I reached the brink of the blue flames. Magical
heart radiating all around me now.
“Your poor mother, killed while you watched. Then your father, took his own life. All because you
revealed your mother infidelity.” My heart tore open. I have to clear my mind and my heart.
“Now join me, no one will ever blame you for what happened. No Aurors, no Ministry to pin the
blame all on you” That sounded so amazing, I never wanted to be judge the way I was in school. I
stifled a sob as he reached out his hand for me.
“Ophelia no!!!!!” The voices were starting to sound distant.
“Ophelia please don’t do this!” Theseus, oh how I didn’t want to break his heart, or Newts. I
looked back on last time as they were fighting off flames trying to get to me. I made eye contact
with both of them.
“I’m sorry” I whispered “But I have to do this” I looked at Grindelwald and let everything go, I
took a breathe and closed my eyes as I stepped into the flames. For a moment I felt peace, like
everything was absolutely okay. When I opened my eyes I was stepping out of the flames and my
hand reached out for Grindelwald. His hand felt warm, and so inviting. Like he was the most gentle
person on earth. He bent down to kiss my hand so softly it felt like as if I was made of glass.
“You can’t have her Grindelwald!” Theseus yelled and it echoed throughout the auditorium. My
heart ached at the sound of his voice.
“My dear Ophelia” He whispered coming close.
“Go to Nurmengard Castle, you will be welcomed with open arms” I smiled with tears streaming
down my face and I evaporated.
Chapter 5
Chapter Notes

Did I break your hearts? Well the story goes on! Also new character!!! Enjoy TW‼️
Miscarriage I know but I couldn’t post it without warning you

See the end of the chapter for more notes

When I arrived at Nurmengard Castle, Grindelwald didn’t lie, there where dozens of people there
clapping, I looked around. And some people came and padded me on the shoulder and I even got a
few hugs. It was very welcoming.
“Ophelia?” I expected to see Queenie but it was a man’s voice. I turned to look as to who called my
name. It was Theo.
“Theo?” My voice was shaky. My face was cool from the tears that streamed down my face.
“What are you doing here?” He asked. He still had the same dark curls that framed his beautiful
face. His tall and slender form came close to mine. My silence was deafening but, he gave me a
hug. I starting to sob into his chest.
“Hey it’s okay” he whispered and caressed my hair. I felt truly alone.

After awhile I got settled, there were a lot of people staying with Grindelwald. So Theo made sure
I shared a room with him. It was a really elegant room, Victorian Bed and Couch, a very beautiful
Vanity and an incredibly large mirror, it had to be about ten feet tall! It was such a gorgeous room.
The bed looked incredibly comfortable.
“Well this is home” Theo said as he opened his arms to the room, he’s always been able to lighten
up my mood, no matter what. But for some reason I was only able to give a small smile.
“It’s incredibly nice” I walked around the room looking at the finer details.
“Ophelia, I need to apologize. For everything that happens at Hogwarts.” I nodded, trying not to cry
more. I felt so much dread with the events of today. Everyone was taking downtime in our rooms.
“Ophelia, I never should have hurt you like that. I was young and stupid. There’s no excuse for it
but, I still love you” my heart felt like it came to a full stop.
“I’ve always loved you, you hold an incredibly special spot in my heart, but I was scared. Of the
commitment and over the fact that I didn’t know what I was doing in life” I nodded and raise my
hand for him to stop.
“We were both young, but that’s the past. And I think it needs to stay there” he looked in my eyes,
he then reached out and softly caressed my hand with his thumb.
“Is there any chance you can forgive me?” I looked up at him and nodded he slowly reached down
to kiss me. I let him. Theo was my first everything. And Theseus wasn’t here, my heart ached as
Theo kissed me. Then it felt like everything wasn’t gonna be okay. But at least Theo is with me.

A few months passed and I learned to be useful is my knowledge as a Magizoologist. Grindelwald

had be collect varies things for remedies and for healing as well. Theo, well we never made
anything official but we were together. I told Theo I was with an Auror after we split up but I
wouldn’t say who. He didn’t try to push but I could tell he was curious. But I was hiding a huge
secret. I’m pregnant, and I know it’s Theseus’. I’m not showing yet which is good. I’m pretty
skinny so I’m hoping it will take awhile for it to be noticeable, Im only about two months I think.
But, there is a chance when everyone finds out Theo might think the baby is his. I’ve been hoping
he hasn’t noticed my monthly’s have disappeared.
“Ophelia love, Grindelwald wants a chat with you.” I put down my book I wasn’t reading and cup
of tea. I nodded and smile at Theo. And walked out of our room. I wonder if it’s another poly juice
potion he wants to make. I made my way down the halls and was met with queenie. She doesn’t
read my mind or tries her best not too at all cause whenever I see Queenie I think of Jacob and his
mortified face. I know it hurts her she she avoids me when she can.
“Grindelwald needs a big favour to ask, so just give him what he wants to know” she whispered. It
felt like a threat but then again I know Queenie doesn’t like my thoughts. I gave her a nod and
walked towards the grand hall where everyone eats the meals together. He was sitting the the fair
end of the long table talking with Creedence. He seemed like a good kid, but he seemed very lost.
His hair grew out and he is always preoccupied with his phoenix.
“Good afternoon Gellert” We all address him by his first name while at the Castle.
“Good afternoon Ophelia, have a seat would you like some tea?” He asked I shook my head no and
took my seat.
“I trust Queenie told you I have a favour to ask?” He crossed one leg over the other and took a sip
from his tea. I nodded again. I was always a bit nervous when in his presence. But to everyone here
I didn’t talk much.
“Ahh the Muggles make a fine tea don’t you think?” I asked setting his cup and saucer down.
“Yes they do indeed” I answered with a smile.
“Well let’s get down to the point. How far along are you?” He asked bluntly. My heart stopped.
And clearly my face showed shock.
“It’s okay Queenie told me. I think you and Theo would make a fine family indeed, both of you are
pure bloods” I couldn’t find the words to express what I was feelings
“Please don’t tell Theo, he doesn’t know” I asked, I practically begged.
“Oh okay don’t worry then I won’t. I’m sure he will be overjoyed Ophelia, he loves you a great
deal, and I can see you do as well. I understand you are school sweethearts.” I nodded still shocked
at the information he knew.
“But I’ll let that and that. Tell me.” My breathe increased. What was the favour?
“What do you know about Qillin’s?” What?
“Oh, well they bow to someone pure of heart” I answered. He nodded his head as he was taking
about sip of tea.
“Oh yes but is it true about when you spill Qillin blood? Sorry I wasn’t more clear on that” Oh, the
dark part of the beautiful magic of the beautiful creatures. What do I say?
“Well yes, you see the future when you spill the blood of a young Qillin” i answer slowly, the
realization setting in on what I was being asked.
“Creedence along with Vinda and Carrow will be going to retrieve a Qillin from your former
employer, Mr.Scamander” I had to remind myself to keep my feelings and thoughts together. I
nodded slightly at Gillert, I wonder how Newt is doing, I hope he’s okay.
“Would you be able to go on this mission?” There’s no way I can do that to Newt. I cannot, I can’t
hurt him even more.
“I’m sorry, I feel I might compromise the mission, I know Newt chose his side but I still feel that
he’s not a bad person. And I cannot bring myself to cause him anymore hurt, or hurt myself any
further.” Gellert nodded sipping his tea, I could feel the tight tension between us.
“Okay that is understandable. Thank you Ophelia for being honest with me. That’s one of the
many things I admire about you. Loyalty and honesty are most important in one’s character.” He
stood and put a hand in my shoulder.
“I mustn’t keep you any longer, we all have big plans to carry out. And yours is to grow a child.”
He let go of my shoulder and walked away. I sat there for a little longer, adrenaline slowly leaving
my body, my head processing the conversation that took place. Well Gellert knows about the baby,
and he also knows that I care for newt. I wonder what else he knows, I wonder what he’s gonna do
with the Qillin. I feel like I already know the answer. I started to walk back to my room, when I
noticed Queenie talking to Creedence, she seemed off. Like as if she was telling a secret. But
before I could hear anymore of their conversation Queenie must have been able to hear my
thoughts as they stopped talking as soon as I got within earshot, but I was too late to hear anything
of importance.
“Good evening Queenie, Creedence” They nodded and mumbled a good evening back. I kept
walking but then my heart suddenly felt like it fell out of my chest, within seconds a cry ripped out
my throat as pain shot through my belly and my body. It made me drop to my knees. I tried to catch
myself but then the world went black, and I felt nothing.

Chapter End Notes

I know Theo right?! Picture Timothee Chalamet. That’s who I based it off of haha
A heart hangs heavy
Chapter Notes

Ugh *swoon* Theo is basically Timothy’s Chalamet haha. Couldn’t help myself
there. But anyways back to the sad part of the story! Enjoy!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

I woke up sweating beads all over my body, I was in the bed of my room. I looked around
anxiously as realized Queenie and Creedence were by my bedside. I looked out the door and
noticed Theo was talking to Grindelwald in the hallway.
“What’s going on, what happened to me” I asked tears filling my eyes. Queenie looked like she was
just sobbing, she grabbed my hand gingerly and stifled a sob.
“Ophelia honey, I’m so sorry. You lost consciousness and we brought you to your room-“ Queenie
was cut off by Theo.
“Ophelia you’re awake! He came running and held my hand.
I looked down and realized there was something horribly wrong. I lifted up the covers of the
blanket and realized there was blood. A lot of blood. My face but have showed my shock and I
looked at Theo.
“Hey it’s okay, you will be okay” He got in bed with me and held me. He started to stroke my hair
and kiss my head softly.
“You had a miscarriage my love, you need to rest. We will all take care of you, don’t worry my
darling everything will be okay” I started to sob and sob, my chest felt like it was on fire and my
heart felt like it sank so far down that I couldn’t feel it. My head was dizzy and everything felt like
a really bad fever dream. I had bad cramps and Queenie made sure to keep filling my water, she
kept reminding me that sometimes things don’t work out the way we want it too. I have a feeling
she means Jacob and her. Theo never left my side. He wasn’t 5 min apart from me. He always
returned and told me that everything will be okay and would hold me. How do I tell Theseus. How
do I tell Theo.

After a few days I started to feel better. I felt like a zombie, but my body was recovering well. I had
a lot of people come visit me, I didn’t know people cared. But maybe it’s just because people
really admired Theo. We had a small funeral, we buried it by a Great Lake, it was a very beautiful
scene. Grindelwald didn’t bother me with anything at all since it happened, Theo said he just hopes
I get better and if anything he will just ask questions on where to find what he needs. That’s very
nice of him to do that. Creedence walked into the room to visit, he said condolences and put down
some very beautiful flowers for me to admire.
“If you ever need anything just let me know, if I can help I’d be really glad to help you out” I
nodded, Theo excused himself and said he needed to speak to Gillert about some upcoming plans.
After he left I pulled out a letter from under my pillow.
“Creedence, I know this is a lot to ask. But I know you guys are going to get a Qillin from Newt.
Could you give this to him for me please?” I handed the sealed letter to him. He took it and nodded
“I just need to apologize for leaving without even letting him know, I used to take care of all his
creatures with him and I can’t help but feel it’s probably been hard without my help.” He nodded
“You don’t have too if you don’t want too” I said hoping he would say something.
“No Ophelia it’s okay, I understand.” He stood to leave and smiled and walked out. I just hope
Newt gets the letter.

Newts POV

Water, soft water. I opened my eyes and recounted the events that took place. I sat up and realized
there was a letter on my chest. It was from Ophelia!!!!!! I went to open the letter but remembered
the mother Qillin, I stood up and grabbed my briefcase and walked back up to her. I practically ran
as fast as I could hoping I could save her, I hope I can save her. But by the time I made it she was
taking her last breathes. I sat beside her a soothed her in her final moments when I heard a noise
behind me. Could it be? The baby Qillin was making his way slowly with trembling legs. Merlin’s
Beard, another baby Qillin was born!!! I scooped him up into my arms and allowed the mother
Qillin to see him before the light in her eyes disappeared before us. I sighed and used the last of my
energy to read Ophelia’s letter.

Dear Newt.

I’m sorry for how I left, but I feel like I couldn’t just live without telling you the truth. I’m sorry
about what happened at the ministry, I’m not a spy but it’s true I have feelings for Theseus. That’s
why I stayed behind, how’s Tina by the way? I hope you guys all got out safe after the rally. I’m
sorry about Leta, please tell Theseus my condolences. I’ve written because I’m not well, and I
don’t know if I will make it, and I couldn’t leave without telling my truth. I do miss all the fantastic
creatures so incredibly much. I’m not alone, I have Theo. Anyways enclosed is a letter to
Dumbledore for his eyes only, it will burn after he reads it. I hope you have a happy life Newt. Say
goodbye to Theseus and Teddy for me please.

With all my love, Ophelia.

My heart fluttered. But so much information in such a short letter. I feel so confused, She sounds
like she’s dying. And Theseus? Really? And she’s with Theo? The one from her journal. A pang of
guilt tugged at my heart. I feel so bad for how everything went down. But I still couldn’t believe
she went with Grindelwald! But her letter to Dumbledore? I wonder why she’s writing him. Maybe
she’s also saying goodbye, he is the one after all the reason why she worked for me. I don’t believe
she is dying she can’t! She just can’t! I need to go to Dumbledore! He needs to save Ophelia!

Within the day I was walking towards Hogsmeade to meet with Dumbledore.
“What’s this meeting all about Newt?” Theseus followed behind my fast pace.
“Dumbledore will tell you” we arrived at the small inn and the man behind the counter who was
wiping the Mirror spoke
“I suppose you’re here to meet with my brother?” He asked
“No we are here to meet with Dumbledore” I spoke.
“That’s would be my brother” Dumbledore had a brother? He nodded towards a back room and me
and Theseus walked in.
“Hello Newt, Theseus. Have Newt told you what we were meeting for?” Theseus looked between
the two of us
“No was he suppose too?” Theseus asked.
“No” Dumbledore answered bluntly.
“Has Newt showed you the letter?” He asked again. Theseus looked more confused.
“I haven’t, I thought it would be better coming from you” I spoke quietly. Honestly I just didn’t
want to be the one to tell him. And it breaks my heart to keep re-reading that letter.
“What letter? From whom?” Theseus implored. Dumbledore sighed. And grabbed his shoulder.
“It’s from Ophelia” Theseus’ face was a mixture of shock and hurt and many other things I
couldn’t recognize. Dumbledore took the letter out of his vest and unfolded it, Theseus’ face
looked so curious like he was trying to burn through the paper to read what she wrote. How did I
not know he obviously shared the same feelings that she felt for him? Why is it Theseus gets
everything he wants? I shook my head as I was starting to hear Ophelia’s kind voice in my head
‘Newt he loves you too you know’
Her words echoed in my heart ever since she said that. Sometimes it feels like I can feel her
presence when I’m tending to all the creatures. She’s always so funny and witty, she knows just the
right thing to say all the time. Bloody hell she’s perfect, and incredibly beautiful. Like she’s right
out of a magazine. Theseus dropped to his knees and me and Dumbledore both jumped towards
him trying to catch him. He started to sob as he could barley keep himself together. Merlin’s beard,
his feelings are strong for her too. He sobbed and the in a moment he stood up and looked right at
“We need to save her!” He yelled through a sob.
“Theseus calm yourself! That’s why Newt brought you here” Theseus visibly tried to calm down.
He paced and ran his fingers through his hair anxiously.
“Is she dying Dumbledore?” He asked quietly.
“Creedence isn’t sure yet, it’s not clear but she doesn’t look well. She’s very fragile. You see. She
suffered a great miscarriage and hemorrhaged” Everything fell silent. Theseus stopped dead in his
“I almost killed her?” He asked. What does he mean by that? When did they?! What?!
Millions of questions popped into my head and I couldn’t stop myself
“When the bloody hell did you sleep with her?!” I practically yelled. I didn’t mean too but I care a
great deal for Ophelia. And I really believe she would have told me. Theseus sat in the chair in the
“Dumbledore do you have any beer?” He asked. Really? That’s it? Ophelia could very well be
dead by now and he wants to drink?
“Answer me!” I yelled at him. He had no right to deny me that information. No right at all!
“At the French Ministry” he simply answered. He seemed like he was empty. No emotion
“When?” I asked, but Dumbledore gave me a look, I’m not to familiar with what he was trying to
say but maybe it was stop. But I wasn’t going too.
“I’ll grab you a beer Theseus. Newt would you like?” He asked. I nodded yes. I feel like a beer
would help, maybe. Hopefully.
I sighed and went sat down next to Theseus.
“Theseus, please tell me. I cared for her too. A lot. I really liked her. So please just tell me.” I
practically begged him.
“When she came to visit me at the French Ministry. We were going to have tea like we have
before. But that’s when we seen you and Tina Goldstein. I accused her of being a spy but she said
she didn’t know where you had been, and I started to vent. Then things got out of hand. It’s like she
understood me, like I felt like I could tell her anything and she wouldn’t judge me. No matter what,
or how bad. I- I love her Newt” Theseus ran his finger through his hair once again.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked.
“Because Newt I didn’t want you too feel like I take everything away from you.”
A dead silence hung in the air between us.
Dumbledore came back with three glasses of beer floating it’s way to us. Theseus grabbed his
before it could land on the table. He took a fast swig and plopped it back on the table.
“Who is Theo?” He asked
“Theo Black was Ophelia’s first love. They were school sweethearts. But sadly Theo ended their
relationship and moved on. A lot of young men make this mistake” Dumbledore answered. I only
new of what heartbreak it cause her from reading her journal.
“She once told me she couldn’t move on from Theo…” I spoke quietly. If only I had let go of my
feelings for Tina, maybe things would be different.
“Why did she go with Grindelwald?” I asked. Dumbledore looked very serious and sighed.
“Ophelia didn’t have it easy in school. Her father killed her mother right in front of her all because
she revealed her mother infidelity. And then her father took his own life after the scandal was
revealed. Ophelia was bullied quite a bit in Hogwarts. That’s why she took such an interest in
magical creatures. She had no friends so naturally she turned to creatures that would accept her for
who she was.” Dumbledore sighed again recounting her time at Hogwarts.
“Grindelwald plans to spill the young Qillin’s blood. This will allow him to see glimpses of the
future. You two will be meeting in a few days. Theseus Newt will know where to meet. Also Newt
you know who to contact.” And with that Dumbledore stood up, said goodbye and left Theseus and
I to our quiet thoughts.

Chapter End Notes

Omg writing Theseus’s breakdown had my heart aching! Let me know how the story
is so far!! Already in the plot of the last movie now.
Chapter 7
Chapter Notes

Wild right? Hope you love this next chapter

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve been recovering. I do feel better but I’ve been fainting quite a bit,
sometimes it feels like something is wrong.. I’ve lost an incredible amount of weight and my skin
had gone pale. I look almost like a porcelain doll that could break. Theo has been taking the best
care of me, I’ve started to feel happy again. My love for him didn’t fade away, it was just tucked
behind my heart. But I can’t feel the full force of my feelings, because I still love Theseus. I feel
like I’m torn. Between two lives I’ve lived. But I try not to dwell on that so much, Theo has been
doing a lot of work for Grindelwald, it’s almost as if he is his top go to person for anything aside
from Creedence. I sat up in the bed, I’ve been trying to walk around the Castle at least twice a day
now, help build up my strength incase I’m needed or I need to go…
“Ophelia, Grindelwald wants a word with you.” Theo came into our room. I smiled and he came
over to the best side to help me up and greeted me with a kiss.
“How do you feel?” He asked.
“I feel… okay today” I answered and grabbed a robe to cover me, I put on my ballet flats and
turned to Theo, I stared into his dreamy eyes and I reached out to touch his dark curls. He was so
handsome, he smiled cause it was something I always used to do.
“What was it that Grindelwald wanted?” I asked. He sighed and his face turned a bit more serious.
“It’s a big favour, don’t feel pressured to do it, he just wants to know if you are able to handle it.”
His face seemed even more serious, his glare was very enchanting, he had a look that always made
you want to say yes to anything he could ever ask. I suppose I did.
“Okay I’ll go speak to him now” he nodded and kissed my hand.
“I’ll come with you just in case you need help or if you fall” he was so sweet, he really did care. I
still worry if he’s afraid of the commitment, what if he just decides to leave again? I don’t know
how much more my heart can take. He reached out his arm for me to hold onto while we walked in
the silence of the castle, every now and then we could hear someone laugh, or someone’s footsteps
on the cool stone. It was indeed a beautiful castle. And it felt like a family living here. I’ve always
wanted a happy family ever since my parents died. I wish I never said anything. Maybe things
would be different, maybe they would still be alive. Maybe I wouldn’t feel so… alone. After a few
minutes we found Grindelwald in the grand study. It was filled with books from the floor to the
ceiling and a grand desk no doubt made of some heavy wood.
“Good Morning Ophelia! Theo! You look like you’re feeling better Ophelia. Please sit.” He
gestured to the two chair facing his desk. I could feel I was slowly getting tired from walking in the
great castle.
“Good evening Gillert, Theo told me you wanted to ask a favour?” He nodded and looked out the
window at the beautiful and vast scenery surrounding the castle.
“I need you to go to Herr Vogel’s tea ceremony, What I need is to distract Dumbledores- let’s call
them associates to prevent them from reaching out to Vogel.” That’s it? So his team? That
shouldn’t be too much work for me.
“You are well known among them so naturally they will follow you and Theo. And Theo I will
need you to give Vogel a message for me.” Theo nodded, and they both looked to me.
“I’ll do it Gillert, my energy has been increasing I should be okay.” I smiled, excited to leave the
castle after being so ill. Grindelwald sat in his desk chair and lit a cigarette.
“So of course it will be you two, Vinda and Carrow, as well as some loyal followers from inside
the german ministry, they will be aiding you. All you need to do Ophelia is walk, I have no doubt
you will at least attract one of Dumbledores friends.” Sounds simple enough.
“When do we leave?” I asked nervous and excited butterflies fluttered about in my stomach.
“This evening” he spoke before taking a long drag of his cigarette. Blowing an enormous smoke
cloud into the air. There’s no way I can get a warning to Newt, I wonder if he will be there. Theo
went to stand and I followed suit.
“We will go get ready then” Theo answered for us. And we started to walk for the door.
“And I’ll swing by and get the message you want to pass to Herr Vogel before we go” Grindelwald
nodded and smirked. It seems everyone had big plans. How is it I can never see how any big plans
can be carried out? I don’t always believe things will go the way they are suppose to, but then
some how it was always according to someone’s big plan. And it feels like there’s something
Grindelwald isn’t telling me, he knows something. Why ask me if all people to go on this mission
when there is plenty able bodied people here. Aside from that I actually am excited to leave the
castle, I’ve been feeling cooped up these past months. Maybe everything will just go according to
plan and nothing bad will happen.

A few hours past and Theo had told me the dress code was cocktail attire. Since I’ve lost an
incredible amount of weight my dress size is now a size 4. The dress I picked out was a black satin
dress that came past my knees. It has a v neckline with lantern sleeves and buttons all the way
down. It compliments my body very well and makes me looks extremely elegant. I did my hair into
a sleek bun and wore emerald earrings finishing the look with black ballet flats. We had left and I
got a lot of compliments on our way to the tea ceremony. When we arrived boy was I glad I
dressed the way I did. You could tell it was more of a high society function of witches and wizards.
Theo dress in a sharp black suite and he looked incredibly handsome, of course still sporting his
dark curls, he got a lot of looks from other women. It never really bugged me because I knew how
incredibly good looking he was, it was only natural to look at him. We were standing in the crowd
arms locked waiting for Herr Vogel to show, and then Theo gently leaded me towards the double
door opposite from the small stage. Then the doors opened and a few people came to talk to him all
at once. He noticed Theo and I and walked over to us.
“Ah Theo Black, good to see you, and who’s this beautiful women?” He reached out his hand and I
complied and he kissed the top of my hand.
“This is Ophelia, my Fiancé” what? I quickly looked at him and he had a big smile across his face.
My heart doubled and I didn’t know what to think.
“Wonderful to meet you both.” Theo whispered something but I couldn’t hear and then he let go of
my arm and went closer to Herr Vogel and whispered something to him. That must be my cue. I
smiled and bowed slightly and walked into the crowd looking around. Then I noticed a familiar
haircut, it was Newt!!!! He was walking towards Herr Vogel and he was with… Theseus. It felt
like I was hit with a blunt force to the chest. They both haven’t noticed me yet, maybe there’s time
to escape. I can’t do this! I went to turn but stopped myself with both has as I almost ran right into
Theo. I looked up at him, my hands still on his chest.
“What’s wrong Darling?” He asked. I couldn’t let him know, not like this. I took a breathe and put
on a smile.
“Nothing! I was just coming to look for you” he smiled and put his hands on my waist. He leant
into me, was he going for a kiss?
“Dumbledore’s associates are here, let’s walk to the exit now.” He turned his body towards the
door not breaking eye contact with me, but I was the first to look back. All I could see was the
heartbreak on Theseus’s face. I forced myself to look back at Theo, it took everything in me to stay
put with him, and not run to Theo. But then Theo looked back at who I looked at, but he put a grin
on his face and held out his arm. I grabbed onto him with both hands. Herr Vogel was already
announcing that Grindelwald was clear on all crimes. People were starting to panic, Theo nodded
at Vinda and Carrow. Then I heard his voice.
“Ophelia! Wait! Please don’t leave!” I looked back and stopped and seen the disdain on his face.
“Ophelia, let’s go love” I nodded and forced myself to look away from Theseus. Oh how I’m so

Newts POV

I couldn’t believe my eyes, it was Ophelia! They were talking to Herr Vogal, she looked incredibly
beautiful, but you can tell she lost a lot of weight. I wonder if she will be okay. She was with a man
who was I will admit handsome indeed, that must be Theo. Slowly Ophelia walked away and she
started to look around. Then Herr Vogal walked away, there’s my chance! I rushed over to Vogel
and was greeted with ready wands,
“Mr.Scamnder how are you?” He asked
“I’m fine sir, I have a message for you from out friend. Do what is right, not what is easy” I really
hope he listens.
“Ah, is he here?” He asked. But I couldn’t answer that because I honestly don’t know myself.
“Why leave the safety of hogwarts when the world around you is burning?” He went to walk away
but I needed to know.
“Herr Vogal! That man and women you were talking too, who are they?” I asked. He looked
confused and looked at Ophelia and The man, and smiled.
“Lovely young couple, that’s Theo Black and his Fiancé Ophelia. Now Newt I must go I have a
speech to make.” He turned and walked up the stage. His fiancé? I thought Ophelia said there’s no
chance of them being together, I just thought in her letter meant he was there and not ‘together’
together. I looked around as I had a sudden realization, where did Theseus go? I quickly looked
back at Jacob and Lally, but he wasn’t with them. I scanned the audience and noticed him in the
crowd, Merlin’s beard he was going after Ophelia! I went after him trying not to attract too much
attention to myself.
“Theseus!” I called after him, but it’s like he didn’t even hear me. Ophelia looked back at him one
last time but Theo said something to her and she turned her head and they were gone. Theseus then
tried to arrest the wizards blocking him, but then someone in front of me cast a spell and knocked
him out. I started to move faster through the crowd. Grindelwald’s followers stared me down,
daring me to try get to my brother. The crowd started to panic and rush the doors.
“Newt!” Lally was calling me back. I guess Ophelia really did choose Grindelwald‘s side.

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