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Exhaustive Exercise (E2)

Class: IX Subject: History

Chapter / Concept : French Revolution:Concept:The ideas of liberty and democratic rights
Give on _______________ Submission Date _________________ Available Days _______________
Prepared by :_Ms Ankita Chaturvedi Sign. _________________
Sign. of Sub. Coord./HOD __Mritunjay Panday_____________ Sign. of
S. Questions
1. Story Board Speaks lot about the Monarch of France.
Below dialogues are given choose the appropriate option and complete your story board:

A. The meeting of three estates, the three estates were –clergy, nobility and poor middle –class.
B .Modes of people stormed the prison of Bastille.
C. Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.
D. We will all sweat until we make this constitution, I agree Sir.
E. There had been two bad harvests so what we will eat.
F. The declaration of the rights of man was modeled after the US declaration of Independence and
the US constitution.
Fill the correct option in the blanks:





2. French society During the Late Eighteenth Century

Q1.Name the three estates of France at that time:

Fill the gaps in the in the flow chart:

3. Multiple Choice Questions:

Q1. On ………………. the city of Paris was in a state of alarm. The king had commanded
troops to move into the city.
A. 15 July 1779
B. 14 July 1779
C. 15 July 1789
D. 14 July 1789

Q2. Some 7,000 men and women gathered in front of the town hall and decided to form a
A. Peoples party
B. Peoples’ militia
C. Peoples democracy
D. Peoples presence

Q3.What did the red cap worn by San Culottes in France in France Symbolizes?
A. Liberty
B. Brotherhood
C. Love
D. Equality

4. Fill in the Blanks:

1. An Englishman who travelled through France during the years 1787-1789 and wrote the
descriptions of his journeys was __________.
2. For a member of the Assembly, a man had to belong to the highest bracket of taxpayers to
qualify as an ____.
3. On 21st September 1792, the monarchy was abolished and France was declared a ________.
4. The National Anthem of France which was sung for the first time by volunteers as they
marched into Paris was ____________
5. Read the sentences carefully and identify whether it is correct or wrong:
1. Women played a significant role in the French Revolution and gained important rights and
privileges when the National Assembly came to power________________
2. Because he needed money and had abandoned plans for an American empire, Napoleon was forced
to sell the Louisiana purchase territory to President Adams_____________
3. The peninsular war was one of napoleons greatest victories__________________
4. The scorched earth policy employed by Alexander I in Russia was effective____________
6. Based on the statement select the correct option given below:
Assertion /Reasoning Based Questions:
A Assertion (A): During the eighteenth century France witnessed the emergence of a middle class.
Reason (R): The emergence of the middle class happened on account of royal patronage. Options:
A Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
B. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.

C. A is true but R is false.

D. A is false but R is true.

7. Long questions:
1. What were reasons behind an empty treasury upon the accession of Louis XVI in 1774?
2. What was the immediate cause that angered the French people so much so that they
stormed and destroyed the Bastille and started the Revolution?
3. Under what circumstances did Louis XVI finally accord recognition to the National
Assembly? Mention the changes brought by the Assembly on the night of 4 August 1789.
8. Case-Study Based Questions:
In his Two Treatises of Government, Locke sought to refute the doctrine of the divine and absolute
right of the monarch. Rousseau carried the idea forward, proposing a form of government based on a
social contract between people and their representatives. In The Spirit of the Laws, Montesquieu
proposed a division of power within the government between the legislative, the executive and the
judiciary. The ideas of these philosophers were discussed intensively in salons and coffee-houses and
spread among people through books and newspapers. These were frequently read aloud in groups for
the benefit of those who could not read and write. France was a monarchy before the French
revolution in 1789. Monarchy means France was ruled by a hereditary king. Louis XVI was the king
of France. The first estate was clergy (priestly class). The second estate was nobles (rich people). The
third estate was the commoners (poor and middle class people). The first and second estates lived the
luxurious life. These two estates were getting all the high- ranking jobs. People in third estate were
less developed and poor. The third estate revolted against the king, clergy and nobles. This marked
the beginning of French revolution.
1. Write down Rousseau’s ideas regarding government.
2. During 1789 France was ruled by which monarchy?
3. Write a comparative study between Locke’s views and Montesquieu’s views on state.

9 Map Question:
Map says to you_____________#
Mark the important places given below:

10. Time to Explore:

Identify the person in the picture and write description about the philosopher
Reading Political symbols:

Identify the symbols which stand for liberty , equality and fraternity

Match the following:

Column A Column B

i Broken chains/Red cap (a) Liberty

ii Winged Woman, Law tablet, (b) Fraternity

the eye
iii Bundle of rods or fasces, (c) Equality
National colors of France.
iv Snake biting (d) Eternity

12. French Revolution Political Cartoon Analysis:

Revolutionary Thought: Mockery Caricature

This cartoon from the time of the French Revolution represents the____weighed
Down by the_______and the ____________.
This cartoon from the time of the French Revolution represents the____weighed
Down by the_______and the ____________.

Note: This E2 is to be attempted individually by the student and not in groups.

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