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Grading Template

Types of Errors Symbol Missing or incorrect use of ─ No. of errors

Article Art A, an, the

Conjunction CONJ coordinating, correlative & subordinating


Gerund G As part of the subject, object, object of

Modals MOD Present and past modals

Infinitive INF To + infinitive

Pronoun PRON Subject, object, possessive & reflective pronouns

Preposition PREP Missing or wrong preposition used with objects,

noun phrase or pronouns

Punctuation P Punctuation marks

Run-on sentence Run-on A run-on sentence occurs when two independent

clauses run together without proper punctuation
or appropriate conjunctions.

Sentence fragment SF Subject or main verb in a sentence; broken


Sentence structure SC Order of words in a sentence, e.g. SVO

Spelling SP
Subject-verb SVA Subject and verb don’t agree

Word Form WF Prefixes, suffixes

Verb VF Base, simple past, past participle, present


e.g. I am go now.

Verb Tense (time) VT Tenses e.g.: simple present, simple past, etc.

e.g. I go yesterday.

Wrong word WW Choice of word

Total number of errors ___________

Advanced (>86- Proficient (70- Approaching (60- Novice (<60%)
CRITERION 100%) 85%) 69%)

Thorough Adequate Inadequate Poor/missing

brainstorming, brainstorming and brainstorming and brainstorming,
well-organized organization with poorly organized organization or
and logically somewhat outline with vague sequencing; poorly
sequenced logically sequencing; outline developed outline that
outline that sequenced outline has two or more: has:
includes: that has:
 weak/  irrelevant/
 topic  topic missing topic missing topic
sentence, sentence, sentence sentence
 supportin  incomplete/  irrelevant/
 supportin g ideas irrelevant missing
g ideas supporting supporting
 supportin
[15%] ideas, ideas,
 supportin g details
g details  vague  irrelevant/
 concludin
details missing details
 concludin g
g sentence  weak/  irrelevant/
sentence missing missing
concluding concluding
11-12 pts sentence sentence.
13-15 pts
9-10 pts 0-8 pts

CONTENT Strong topic Good topic Weak topic sentence Lack of topic sentence
sentence, with sentence with with minimal with no common signal
appropriate signal some common common signal phrases, no supporting
phrases, strong signal phrases, phrases, mostly ideas, unelaborated and
[30%] supporting ideas, supporting ideas general, repetitive or incomprehensible
well-elaborated mostly relevant to unrelated supporting details, and no
details highly the topic, ideas, minimally concluding sentence.
relevant to the elaborated details
topic sentence, vaguely relevant to
elaborated details
and strong the topic sentence, 0-17 pts
relevant to the
concluding and a weak or no
topic sentence,
sentence. concluding
and a good
26-30 pts
18-21 pts
22-25 pts

Wide range of Good range of Below average range Limited range of

vocabulary words vocabulary words of vocabulary words vocabulary words and
and expressions and expressions and expressions expressions that are
including words including words appropriate for the minimally adequate to
from the from the task and related to the task; noticeable
academic word academic word the topic; usage of errors greatly affect
list appropriate list appropriate less common words understanding.
for the task and for the task and attempted with
VOCABULARY related to the related to the some inaccuracy that
[15%] topic; infrequent topic; occasional affects 0-8 pts
minor errors errors in word understanding.
occur. choice but
understanding is
not really 9-10 pts
13-15 pts affected.

11-12 pts

Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates below Demonstrates incorrect

accurate use of good control of average use of use of capitalization and
capitalization and correct capitalization punctuation (periods,
capitalization and
punctuation rules and punctuation questions, exclamation
punctuation rules
(periods, rules (periods, marks, commas,
(periods, question
questions, questions, apostrophes, and
and exclamation
exclamation exclamation marks, quotation marks);
marks, commas,
marks, commas, commas, contains too many
SPELLING, apostrophe, and
apostrophes, and apostrophes, and spelling errors.
CAPITALIZATI quotation marks); quotation marks); quotation marks);
ON & contains few or
may contain more may have several
no spelling errors
PUNCTUATIO with common than a few spelling errors, even 0-5 pts
N [10%] spelling errors with some common
with less common words.
words, but few or
no errors
9-10 pts involving common 6 pts

7-8 pts

SENTENCE Excellent control Good control Poor control over Lack of control over
STRUCTURE over features of over features of features of academic features of academic
academic writing academic writing writing with more writing with a lot of
with few or no with some mistakes in mistakes in
mistakes in mistakes in
 sentence  sentence
 sentence  sentence structures structures
structures structures
 subject-verb  subject-verb
 subject-  subject- agreement agreement
verb verb
 preposition  preposition uses
agreemen agreemen
t t  word forms and
 word forms
 prepositio  prepositio  verb forms and
n uses n uses tenses
AND  verb forms
GRAMMAR  word  word May contain so many
and tenses
forms forms errors that the writing is
[30%] and and May contain many barely understandable.
errors that begin to
 verb  verb
notably affect
forms and forms and
understanding. 0-17 pts
tenses tenses

May contain
several errors, but 18-21 pts
26-30 pts
they only slightly

22-25 pts

TOTAL Did not include /85

POSSIBLE criterion on:



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