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Power Sharing

Power ka Batwara
For a democracy to function properly, it is crucial to have power sharing
among the three organs of the state, namely the legislature, executive, and
judiciary. This helps to prevent any one branch of government from

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becoming too powerful and ensures a system of checks and balances.


Tension between the French and Dutch communities

The French-speaking community in Belgium was historically
richer and more powerful.The French-speaking community
in Belgium was historically richer and more powerful.
This caused resentment among the Dutch-speaking
community. The Dutch-speaking community benefited from
economic development and education much later.
In the capital city of Brussels, the Dutch-speaking
community is a minority despite being majority in the
entire country.
Sri Lanka ne kya Kiya!!
Majoritarianism In Sri Lanka

After Sri Lanka gained independence in 1948, the Sinhala leaders aimed
to establish their dominance in the government due to their majority,
leading to majoritarian measures to establish Sinhala supremacy.
In 1956, Sinhala was made the only official language of
Sri Lanka.
The government established preferential policies for
Sinhala applicants for university and government
The new constitution protected and fostered

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These measures increased alienation among Tamils.
Tamils felt major political parties led by Buddhist
Sinhala leaders were insensitive to their language and
Tamils felt the constitution and government denied
them equal rights,discriminated against them in
getting jobs and opportunities, and ignored their
interests. Majoritarianism: A belief that the majority
community should be able to rule a country in
Struggles of Sri Lankan whichever way it wants, by disregarding the
wishes and needs of the minority.
Tamils and its Result
Tamils sought recognition of Tamil language, regional
autonomy, and equal opportunities. Demands for
regional autonomy were consistently denied.
Tamil organizations emerged in the 1980s,demanding
a separate state.
Civil war broke out between Tamil and Sinhalese
communities. Civil war resulted this, dispute, and loss
of Livelihood.
Civil war had devastating impact on country's social,
economic, and cultural life.
Accomodation In Belgium

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Reason/Need for Power Sharing
Prudential : Power sharing has benefits as it helps to decrease the
likelihood of conflicts arising between different social groups. Such
conflicts frequently result in violence and political unrest.
Moral : Sharing power is integral to democracy, as it embodies the
fundamental principles of a democratic system. In a democratic
government, power is shared with those who are affected by its exercise or
who will be impacted by its consequences. A government is considered
legitimate when citizens have a stake in the system through participation.
Forms/Types of Power Sharing
1.Horizontal Sharing of Power: Horizontal Sharing of Power refers to the
distribution of power among different branches of government, namely the
executive, legislature, and judiciary. This system ensures that no single organ of
the government becomes too powerful and that there are checks and balances
in place to prevent the abuse of power. By dividing power horizontally, it
safeguards the interests of citizens and promotes accountability within the
2.Vertical Division of Power: Vertical Division of Power occurs when power is
divided among multiple levels of government, with specific powers allocated to
each level. This division is typically outlined in the constitution and is often
seen in federal systems. For example, in a federal division of power, authority is
shared between a central government and regional or state governments. This
vertical division helps in decentralizing power and promoting local governance.
3. Community Government: Community Government involves sharing power

among various social groups, such as religious and linguistic minorities. This
approach aims to create a more inclusive government and administration
that accommodates diverse interests. By providing representation and
opportunities for weaker sections of society, community government helps
prevent feelings of alienation among minority groups. Examples of such
arrangements include community government in Belgium and the reservation
system in India.
4. Coalition Government: A Coalition Government is formed through the
collaboration of at least two political parties or groups to establish a
governing body. This type of government involves sharing power among

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different social and political groups, fostering inclusivity and
accommodating diverse interests. Coalition governments are often formed
when no single political party gains a majority in an election. This
arrangement encourages consensus-building and helps prevent the exclusion
of minority groups from the decision-making process.

1."Power sharing is good for democracy." Explain this
statement. (2014)
2."Federalism is a good example of power sharing." Justify the
statement. (2015)
3.What are the different forms of power sharing in modern
democracies? (2016)
4.Explain any three forms of power sharing in India. (2017)

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5.Describe the importance of decentralization in a democracy.
6.Discuss the concept of horizontal distribution of power.
7.What are the two forms of power sharing arrangements that
exist in Belgium? (2020)
8.Why is it important to ensure power sharing in societies that
are deeply divided on ethnic, religious or linguistic
lines? (2021)
9.Explain the difference between vertical and horizontal
distribution of power. (2014)
10.Describe any two arrangements for power sharing in
Belgium. (2015)

*NOTE : Worksheet [Important Questions Of All typology with

Answers) is provided as Seperate PDF on website*

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