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1. Manifestations of Cushings disease 1. bronze skin 2. thinning of the hair of the scalp 3. craving for salt 4.

decrease calcium answer: 4 2. Manifestations of Adissons disease 1. loss of hair and hyperpigmentation 2. truncal obesity 3. hand paresthesia 4. cant remember answer: 1 3. Physician ordered dobutamine 5mcg/kg/min Available 400 mg of 250ml in 5% dextrose answer: 15ml 4. Assess first (my last question) 1. platelet count 100,000 with nose bleed 2. cant remember other choices coz I was kind of sure bout my answer hehehe answer: 1 5. Purpose of Lupon depot in patient with endometriosis 6. Pravastil drug side effect 7. Patient taking anti psychotic drug priority is 1. tardive dyskenesia 2. high fever and muscle stiffness answer: 2 coz thats NMS 8. Active labor 1. lower back pain radiating to the back 2. can be relieved by walking 3. cant remember the other choices answer: 1 9. Boardeline personality 1. I will go out because I am shy 2. cant remember 3. cant remember 4. I have been married for 10 years but it is only now that I am depressed Answer: cant remember 10. Cardiac catheterization

1. Are you allergy to iodine? Answer: 1 11. 7 month old which manifestations should be reported to the physician 1. Positive brudzenski and kernigs sign Answer: 1 12. Select all that apply about thyroid storm 13. Select all that apply post CAGB 14. Select all that apply about asthma 15. Select all that apply about liver biopsy 16. Select all that apply about cardiac catheterization 17. Select all that apply about continuous insulin pump 18. Select all that apply about signs that the nursing staff has a drug problem 19. Select all that apply foods recommended to patient with colostomy ( avoid gas forming and odor) Basta I answered: buttermilk and yogurt am sure of this!!!! 20. Select all that apply about charting 21. PTB- droplet infection 22. Scarlet fever closed door? 23. Radioactive Reuptake contraindicated with pregnancy 24. Hypoparathyroidism- muscle weakness 25. Transphenoidal hypophesectomy avoid using straw 26. Dehydration treatment effective 1. Hematocrit 54% 2. Pulse 75 Answer: 2 27. Who to assess first? 1. laryngectomy 2 hours ago with productive cough and small erythema on the suture line 2. MI 3 days ago with 2 to 3 PVC in one minute Answer: 1 28. Tinea Pides- use talcum powder 29. True about pulse oximeter 1. ears lessen result 2. put water soluble gel 3. put on the feet as long as there is no blanket on it answer: 3 30. The nurse should question My answer : Patient given with aldactone who has end stage renal failure

31. C4 injury Answer: stuffy nose 32. Adrenal insufficiency 33. Decrease BP check dressing 34. TPN 1. change dressing every shift 2. monitor vital signs every 4 hours 3. assess electrolytes every 8-12 hours answer: dont know pls study 35. Coumadine should avoid Answer: Brocoli 36. Hepatitis A Disposable utensils 37. Hepatitis B Standard precaution 38. Niacin deficiency pellagra 39. RAPE 1. It sounds that you are passive 2. You are alive, you should have done right 40. Husband so anxious bout the hospitalized wife Answer: Tell me more about your concern 41. Nitro Bid Answer: apply again if there is still pain 42. Highest risk for cancer 1. Eat high selenium with history of ovarian cyst 2. hypertension on aerobic dancing 3. Drink coffee 3x a day with family history of fibrocystic breast Answer: 1 43. Infant with meningomyocele allergy to Answer: rubber 44. Indocin watchout for creatine 2.2 45. Myastenia gravis which drug to avoid? 46. Cystoscopy 47. Lumbar puncture 48. Prone to Iron deficiency anemia Answer: 12 y.o early menstration 49. Mother with gestational diabetes delivered to a 10 lb baby. What should you assess first? 1. Capillary glucose level 2. Fundal tone

Answer:1 50. Abdominal surgery with increase CO2 1. Deep Breathing & cough Answer: 1 51. Care with an impaired vision 1. touch the client 2. speak loudly & slowly 3. inform the client that youre leaving answer: 3 52. Which action should you intervene? 1. The nurse assist the patient with cervical implant to the bathroom Answer: 1 53. External radiation 54. Gastric resection 55. Fosamax 56. Cushings Disease Moons face 57. Characteristics of SIADH My answer: Large urine, high serum osmolality, 132 sodium 58. Hydronephrosis 59. Burns 60. lots of infection control

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