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Daniel de la Cruz MX200003_M

MRS 622 Encountering Biblical


Writing Assignment: Personal Reflections

July 4th, 2023


On true spirituality.

It has always called my attention, the fact that in our day and time, we do not look towards churches

nor religion as a source for spiritual enhancement. Postmodernity has put us in a situation in which

there is a generalized distrust at organizations and institutions. And this as a direct result of a lack of

profound relationship with our Lord. There is a rampant immorality inside our churches today. Right in

the mist of us who claim that we are born again. We strive for material blessings but neglect a true

relation with God. Our main preoccupation lies with power struggles within the leadership. In short, we

simply don’t reflect a deep spirituality, or a real involvement with God as our Master and provider of

the spiritual richness we yearn for. As a result, we, as a society look to fill our spiritual void in other

areas, except in the only one who can really bless us, God.

Reflection 1-5 What should be man’s attitude in the presence of God?

In ancient times the presence of God was regarded as a rare and special privilege. It wasn’t anything

that could be repeated throughout a man’s lifespan. This occurrence was more frequent to the

patriarchs, but even in these cases it was only a couple of times in their lives. Then His presence was

more associated with the Tabernacle (Exod. 40.34-38) and later, with the Temple (2 Chron. 7:1-3).

Now, we have a spiritual privilege and honor to have his presence within us, through His Holy Spirit.

But our attitude is that of a “spoiled” child we do not even think of us as having His Spirit and

presence within us (Rom. 8:9-11). Tragic and sad, but so true. His presence is the most highest

privilege we have. But we don’t seem to acknowledge this. I’ve often said as I preach to my

congregation to think: what our reaction would be if we had our town mayor in our home? Or even the

state Governor; how would we treat them? One who is greater is in us and we tend to disregard His

presence. If we disregard His presence; It’s obvious that we won’t allow his intervention, nor his work

in our lives.

Now our attitude should be that of amazement and respect. David in the Psalms asks: “What

is man, that you are mindful of him? and the son of man, that you visit him?” (Psa. 8:4) when I think of

this it blows my mind and remain perplexed, we do not have nothing to impress God yet, He

continually blesses us with his presence. Respect; the One who created the universe seeks to
commune with me a particle in His universe, there is no way we can compare our being to the

Creator. Gratitude in all respects (Psa. 100:4). God provides so much for us in all aspects of our lives,

Being a Mexican, in our church services we always have a time of “thanksgiving & testimony” it’s a

very important part in our worship. People stand and thank God for His provision during the week. The

main reason is that too often we are faced with day-to-day necessities, with little or no prospect for

resolution. Despite this, we can see His divine provision, every time. This should lead us to and

attitude of repentance. As we contemplate God we come to His presence contemplating and yearning

His holiness. In contrast we are, but sinful creatures (Isa. 6:5). Last, but not least we should have an

attitude of a living sacrifice (Rom. 12:1; Psa. 40:7). The only thing we can offer is our live as a living

sacrifice, the same attitude He had for us (Phil. 3:6-11). This is in the end the only acceptable attitude

(Matt. 16:24-28)

Reflection; How would I stimulate compassion both in heart and action in my congregation?

Compassion is a very important component in our christian character. Jesus gave it so much

importance to this, that there are various passages that attest to this. The one that catches my

attention like probably no other is Luke 7:36-50. This passage gives us a two fold version of what

compassion is really about, also at the same time compassion is modeled in person by Jesus. It’s so

easy to talk about passion as in pity for “those less fortunate” than us, of course. But yet, it is much

harder to demonstrate it. Compassion goes beyond the idea of mere pity. Compassion carries the

idea of going along and feeling the same as the subject of our compassion. Pity observes and feels,

Compassion moves along to produce an action. Having established this, we must recognize that we

don’t have very much compassion, if we do it takes more the form of pity. Compassion is a key

ingredient in sharing the gospel to others. Most of the time we share the gospel, motivated by our

“membership greed” than our compassion for the lost. First, I think that this lack of compassion and

empathy is due to the fact that we’ve forgotten who we were and how Christ’s mercy and compassion

allowed us to accept his salvation. This is, we don’t think of ourselves as those whom were once lost

and now are saved; but rather, as spiritually all-sufficient, self-righteous, better persons. This is why

we have the Lord’s Supper as a remembrance of what Jesus did for us at the cross (Luke 24:14-19);

as well as it’s antecedent the Passover (Exod. 12:14-16). Remembering makes us humble and

motivates our compassion. Second we must model mercy and compassion as we are remembered

our past and origin. We are called to act and begin works of compassion. Jesus continually taught his
disciples quite a bit and then he took them to act and practice that which He previously taught them

Mat. 9:35; 10:5. This probably the main reason why we do not see our congregations in action. We

continually teach, but there is little or no practice of our teaching. Knowing too much about God but

not acting like God was the biggest problem of the Jews and specially pharisees. The same goes on

for the modern church. We can teach about compassion but without opportunities to practice

compassion, the task is only halfway done. Closing on this reflection, God from a higher point had

mercy and compassion through Christ. Most of us want to practice compassion from a “higher

vantage point”; but the only way we can practice compassion is from ground level. Our compassion

comes from remembering our past sinful lostness; only then we can become motivated and run along

those in need of our christian compassion.

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